
I Have A Legitimate And Sincere Question? Please Feel Free To Answer Anonymously.

In fact, I ask that everyone who responds does so anonymously.  I also ask that no one attempt to discredit anyones's answer.  I have  my reasons for this.  Additionally, I also started a thread below, so feel free to respond to that at anytime.  So here is my question?

What do you suppose will happen to you, if you are a Christian who is a tithe payer, or one who believes in paying tithe, and you completely stop paying tithe???   Or, what if you are a Christian tithe payer and suddenly, (for whatever reason) you no longer believe in paying tithe, and you completely stop paying tithe???  In either case what I'm asking is, will there be consequences?? Tangible consequences?? What will happen to you.  Legitimate question.  I'm curious to see as many responses as people are willing to leave and what people think and believe.  PLEASE POST ANONYMOUSLY.  Again, I have my reasons for making that request.  It will make this thread far more interesting.  

Also, feel free to give the reason for your answer to include scriptures if you think that's necessary.  Either way on that one. 
