
The Floor Is Open

This is a time to get back to business.  The floor is open.  The New Testament Christian Church is as corrupt as ever.   Go Broncos.   



  1. Larry said "I'm heaven bound because of what Jesus Christ did for me on the cross."

    Amen and amen my brother!!

    We talked last evening with someone who left sometime ago. She told us that Kinson rebuked her and told her that she was on her way to hell because she left the church. He said, you're not welcome here because you've been gone too long and your hellbound for leaving the church.

    Wow! I guess someone can repent of whoremongering, but you are condemned to hell forever if you leave their precious org. Puhleeeeze!

    You would think someone who has been forgiven and placed in a position of leadership would show mercy to this woman. Instead, he he decides she's going to hell.

    When I worked on the bldg. crew, Gesang had a name for people like you. Go ask him what it is. After hearing this woman's story, this is exactly what I think you are. I'll give you a hint. The abbreviation is DH.


  2. MDR said...

    She told us that Kinson rebuked her and told her that she was on her way to hell because she left the church.

    Chief said...

    Kinson is on his way to hell, (according to the Bible) because he is a hypocrite. Kinson ain't no "man of God". He is a "man of Davis". He is a "yes man". He is a "company man". He is a "blow hard". One time I was in a church service where Kinson was "preaching" (if that is what you want to call it) and Kinson said, "The one thing I like about being behind the pulpit is that when I talk, people have to listen". Kinson said that in Columbus Georgia. Can you spell, (Control Monger)? All those guys are the same. Big FAT Hypocrites.

    Cha Chiefster

  3. Is DH related to Richard Cranium, by any chance?

  4. You got it my brother! Vic gets an a today in word decoding.


  5. Cha Chiefster said...
    MDR said...

    She told us that Kinson rebuked her and told her that she was on her way to hell because she left the church.

    Talks like a Pharisee, looks like a Pharisee, smells like a Pharisee; you can see where I'm going with this...

  6. Good Morning! It's another beautiful morning and has been a great weekend. We would like to say thank you to all of our friends in the X-er community. Though we may seem disgruntled to some, we all have our views of what we went through in the ntcc and what the ntcc has become. We have made a lot of friends in the X-er community there are some that disagree with our point of few, and that's all good too. Freedom is a wonderful thing.

    This blog has been a great outlet for many to express themselves and we have enjoyed participating and being able to throw our two cents in. We believe that when people post publicly, and are allowed to express themselves no matter how controversial their opinions are, it helps expose the ntcc and it's nepotistic leadership for what they are.

    We have no apologies to offer to the ntcc because we know that they are very wrong in almost every aspect of what makes them an organization. We feel that the ntcc has perverted the good intentions of many of it's members and has created a double standard among its leadership that has undermined any good that has been done throughout the years.

    Our message has been and always will be that you can be saved outside of the ntcc, and you can experience a greater walk with God than you ever did inside of the ntcc. We wouldn't say this if it were not true. While we understand and commiserate with folks that leave and want nothing to do with God, we hope and pray that they will remain open towards the possibility that God does love them and He can still be a loving Father and bring peace to their families. I can say that Grace and mercy are a much greater part of Christianity than what the ntcc teaches and lives. They will work themselves into a grave and follow their false teachings to the end. The blind lead the blind and our prayer is that they don't all end up in a ditch.

    Hopefully some will wise up and ask God to help them think for themselves and start believing the bible and follow the true intentions of God's plan by patterning their lives after the life of Jesus rather than Davis because there could not be a greater contrast than that which is found in the life of Jesus and the life of Davis. While this is so obvious to some; others are oblivious. All you have to do is compare the rules, policies and doctrines of the ntcc to those of God's Word and you will be astonished at the differences.

    We point these things out and still people struggle with the idea that the ntcc is an organization that preaches many false doctrines and lives contrary to the example of the life of Jesus. The example that the ntcc leadership lives is the very thing that Jesus preached against and HATED. Yes Jesus hated and we can too. Jesus singled out the hypocrites and called them out for their hypocrisy and we can too, and we should.

    Thanks Jeff for opening up the floor and allowing us this opportunity to say what is on our mind.


  7. Beware of that human holiness that is not based on the atonement of the Lord. It has no value for anything except a life of isolation~ it is useless to God a nuisance to man~ Oswald Chambers

  8. I shared this on the emerge blog and felt like sharing it here since the floor is open:

    "My mother got saved and her life really spoke to me a lot. I used to roll joints for her as a young kid and witnessed many things that seemed very much in contradiction to the bible. But all of the sudden, she was attending an Assembly of God church and she stopped drinking, smoking and doing wild stuff and she really became a loving Mom and it was very notable.

    I went to church with her a few times but never really was at a stage where I wanted to commit my life to God. She was probably the best example of a Christian that I ever seen. She died of Cancer at the young age of 49 and if there ever was a person that loved and lived as an example of Christ, I would say that she was the real deal. She was surrounded by bad influences but her faith made her shine as bright as any individual I've ever been around. I don't ever remember her preaching at me but I do remember the example of love that she lived by and the fruit of her Christianity spoke to me more than any sermon I've ever heard preached and her life glowed greater than that of any preacher I had been around."

    The night that she died, I was in
    Colorado Springs and got the phone call in the livingroom of the ntcc Servicemen's Home. I told the the Tieman's that my mom had went home to be with the Lord. I remember that night that Nichelle Tieman informed me that my mother was not saved because she didn't adhere to the ntcc's holiness standards.

    Do you know what was very ironic about this? Ange came to my mother's funeral as a representative of A company, 2/158th Aviation Regiment, to show her support me and the unit; and all this happened before she had ever attended the ntcc. The Tieman's never bothered to show up to my mother's funeral. They didn't care about my mom because she didn't pay tithe to them.

    This story alone shows you what the ntcc is all about and I'd love to hear from someone in the ntcc that has a different view of what happened. Perhaps you can come on here and talk about how bitter I am for even bringing this up.


  9. DnA said...
    This story alone shows you what the ntcc is all about and I'd love to hear from someone in the ntcc that has a different view of what happened. Perhaps you can come on here and talk about how bitter I am for even bringing this up.

    LTravis said...
    I truly feel for you, when you needed love the most they abandoned you, ever wonder why the ntcc has no love to offer? God has much to say about this matter.

  10. Don wrote...

    I remember that night that Nichelle Tieman informed me that my mother was not saved because she didn't adhere to the ntcc's holiness standards.

    Chief said...

    I guess when Mrs. Tieman tried to have sex with one of here husbands church members, that was adhering to the NTCC "holiness standards". Actually when I think about it, that was adhering to the NTCC "holiness standards". Sex outside of marriage is common among NTCC ministers. Stories of that kind of thing taking place in common in the NTCC.

    Also, that is a great way to make someone feel good. Put their mother in hell right after she dies. That is outstanding. Real smart. The Tiemans are sorry and so is the rest of the NTCC leadership.


  11. My husband and I just spent a day with a friend of mine from high school and her grandkids (13 & 16). Their mother is dead and their father is in prison. My friend and I reconnected after not seeing each other in 30 years. The first thing she wanted to hear about was "everything about God". She knew me when I first became a
    Christian and she took a different road and has seen the huge contrast from a life with and one without the Saviour. She is a widow and her grandkids orphans. We have been discipling them for about 6 months. To paraphrase a scripture in the Bible: True religion is looking after the widow and the orphan.
    That simple - not a numbers game, no money involved, not one motive other than seeing them live an abundant life on earth and enjoy a heavenly one for eternity.

  12. Good testimony. Before you give then spiritual guidance do you make sure to say, "All Christians pay tithe and give in the offering"? Don't forget that part now. If they want to be good Christians you got to make sure they pay tithe and give in the offering.


  13. Chiefster said:

    "If they want to be good Christians you got to make sure they pay tithe and give in the offering."

    DnA said:

    I don't think they would be welcome in the ntcc. Common, a widow with two orphans in the ntcc? They should be collecting tithe and giving it to them.

  14. Sebring 623 said:

    "That simple - not a numbers game, no money involved, not one motive other than seeing them live an abundant life on earth and enjoy a heavenly one for eternity.

    DnA said:

    Christianity 101

  15. Sebring 623 said....

    not a numbers game, no money involved

    Chiefster said...

    What?! Are you kidding me? You need to get saved. In conference I heard RWD say, "The only thing that matters is money and numbers". Now RWD is the anointed one, the 13th Apostle. You better read your Bible Sebring. NTCC Chapter 6:666, And the man of Gawd said, The only thing that matterest is't money and numbers. Thus saith old double standard RDUB.

    I think Sebring needs to pray through and get a hold of GAWD. Thus saith the DUBster.


  16. MDR said...

    She told us that Kinson rebuked her and told her that she was on her way to hell because she left the church.

    So NTCC is now taking the place of God! I'd like to know who died and left P. Kinson boss!

    I guess he thinks so highly of himself, that he can't hear how ignorant he sounds. It's better to be thought a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt lol!! Sounds like J.W. thinking to me (144,000).

    A person who leaves the church they're on their way to hell!? Really, really!?! Hundreds now have left the "Precious Ring", and they love God more than ever. There are many preaching the gospel. Some have churches and others are ministering helping in other organizations. They are doing more for God, then when they were in the Ring. So unless they go back they're not going heaven!?

    I heard Rev. Davis say from the pulpit that he's talked with various people who've left the Ring in past years. He said "if we don't agree, let them go their way and let's win souls for the Lord. So either he meant it or he's talking with a forked tongue! Could Phil be that stupid!? I think we already have an answer to that question.

    When did NTCC build their own heaven? It must be a pretty small place. The person who God restores, the Bible didn't say they had to go back to the place where they got saved in order to make it to heaven.

    Sister, count yourself blessed to have gotten away from them when you did.

    P. Kinson is speaking CULT talk people! When a preacher tells you that you're going to hell for leaving their church RUN as fast as you can!

    Deborah Shunk

  17. Preach Sister. And the church said, Amen and Amen.

  18. Deborah Shunk said "P. Kinson is speaking CULT talk people! When a preacher tells you that you're going to hell for leaving their church RUN as fast as you can!"

    Preach on my sister! And all the
    escapees said...


  19. Love it! lol.

    Seriously, when I was in NTCC I allowed RW's philosophy of life to affect my preaching (even though it didn't feel right). And I pray forgiveness for that. I know I hurt people with my ignorance. So glad that I have the REAL model - Jesus the Son of God and His Truth.
    Remember this from Practical Theology? "The grave claims the doctor's mistakes, but hell claims the preacher's mistake". How many in hell today or on their way thanks to the leadership at NTCC? Where is their "fear of God"? oh, wait a minute - that is the beginning of wisdom - I guess that answers it = they have none.

  20. mdr said... Preach on my sister! And all the
    escapees said...


  21. The ntcc is full of DH's (Gezang's phraseology), that are so quick to place people in hell, thinking that their own sin will be overlooked. The ntcc is a severely messed up organization, full of people whose minds have been tampered with. It you want to know the truth, there are many folks in the ntcc that would qualify for a lifetime membership in a nut farm. A straight jacket and a padded room would be too good for some of these eccentric psychopaths.

    This is how it works. You purchase a membership in the ntcc by paying your tithe and giving in the many mandatory offerings, (all offerings are mandatory and if you don't think so try not giving and see how that works for you), and committing yourself to a rigorous routine that demands all of your time and energy. Your membership is renewed each payday when 10% before taxes is due, (it's actually a little more than 10%, or you will be called out in public for being a tightwad), cash only, no checks and all Christians give in every offering also.

    So what does 10%+ offerings and 99% of your time, blood, sweat and tears get you? Wait I'm missing something here. There is another ingredient that must be added. Loyalty. Unwavering loyalty. Not only do you have to give you money and time and energy, you must conform to every rule and policy and doctrine without questioning to be a member in good standing.

    So what do you get for paying your dues and meeting all the requirements for a faithful Christian, oops, I meant to say faithful ntcc'r? What are the benefits of bringing all of your tithe and offerings into the storehouse of Kekel and Davis, oops, I mean God? What do you get in exchange for your unwavering loyalty and sticking your noses up their butts?

    You get to go to heaven with them. There you have it folks. You get to spend eternity with the modern day Pharisees. The same ones that strain at a gnat and swallow a camel are going to usher you into the presence of God. The ones that commit adultery and get promoted after they are forgiven and then tell others that they are going to spend eternity in that other place with the flames because they were gone from the church too long, these ones are going to lead you to heaven in exchange for everything you have given them on this earth.

    I hate to say this, but they saw you coming and they sold you a lemon with a big bag of suckers under the front seat. The snake oil salesmen and Carnival freaks have conned you into giving them all your money. Your money ain't going towards world missions or towards reaching souls for Christ. Your membership dues and fees have been going straight into a big slush fund that is tapped every time your board of director's needs more luxury items to improve their lifestyles. New recreational vehicles for the overseers which incidentally you will be privileged to wash, wax and clean. New extravagant and expensive furnishings for their mansions, which incidentally you will also be cleaning for them. Shopping sprees for the wives of the top echelon, to purchase all types of designer clothing and whatever else they desire. Paid vacations for the overseers so they can visit exotic locations and enjoy luxury accommodations on your dime.

    They saw us all coming but those of you who remain are the ones that continue to finance this exclusive club. How do you like being a sucker? How do you like being played like a fidel?


  22. I don't like being a sucker. That is one of the two parts about being with the NTCC that bothers me the most. That other part is the way the children are treated.

    It ain't no fun knowing you were taken to the cleaners. Hoodwinked, bamboozled, duped, conned, mislead.

    That's about the size of it people. We were all a bunch of big sour lemon suckers and many still are. I kind of hate to say this but in my opinion, the ones who are still with the NTCC are even bigger suckers. The word must be getting around now and there is plenty of information on the internet. An NTCC church doing TV adds? All you have to do is read Kekels statement on the previous thread. All you have to do is ask RWD if Kinson really visited a whore house or not. If old fat double standard DUB gets mad at you, what kind of church are you a part of anyway? Straight suckers.


  23. I wonder if any of our tithe money has gone towards one of those RV satellite dome antenna systems with a motor that points the antenna towards the satellite so the occupants can watch their HBO, Starz, Encore, Cinemax and Showtime movie channels while they are rolling down the Highway eating fried pork skins unaccountable to anyone.

  24. It wouldn't surprise me one bit. Nothing surprising me with the NTC anymore. They are nothing but crooks. Con Artists.


  25. You know Cha Chiefster the hardest thing to admit was that I believed a lie, my pride kept me from the truth. These crooks are professional grace robbers.

  26. LTravis said, These crooks are professional grace robbers.

    Now that's a message you could preach from here to eternity, and that's not all they rob.

  27. L T said,

    "Now that's a message you could preach from here to eternity, and that's not all they rob."

    my youth, cradle, common sense, truth

  28. We have been really enjoying our new church I had a fear of never finding one but we really like everything about this one. The music is very worshipful and they have baptisms nearly every service. Things are very balanced and the Holy Spirit is constantly being lifted up. What I love the most is the worship I have been moved to tears nearly every time. The other thing I really like about it is the messages are rich and full of life and very moving I have been moved to tears just by the messages alone which has rarely ever happened to me. In any of the I never feel any condemnation yet the message digs into my heart and causes me to look at myself and see the things I need to change or give to God.

  29. S.C. check your email!

  30. There you go. There is life after the NTCC and that is an understatement. What the NTCC is offering is not life but bondage.


  31. Recently I have been kind of feeling useless its like I need a role in the ministry to feel completed because its was the biggest part of my life for such a long time. But the message preached last week was such a blessing. The Tittle of it was Who am I. The preacher talked about how a lot of times people define us by what we do instead of who we are and how we need not to let the world or men tell us who we are or what we need to be. He said these very words (YOU ARE NOT A SLAVE TO THE CHURCH OR RELIGIOUS LAW ITS MORE THAN RELIGIOUS FAITH BUT FAITH IN THE LIVING GOD). Wow then he later in the message quoted Martin Luther who said: ("I HAD EVEN THEN THE FAITH OF A SERVANT NOT THE FAITH OF A SON") These very words unlocked the shackles off my very feet! All this time I have thinking about the servant hood, thinking what can I do? What can I do? But right now more than anything Gods wants me to know I am his child.

  32. Shonda said:

    "All this time I have thinking about the servant hood, thinking what can I do? What can I do? But right now more than anything Gods wants me to know I am his child."

    DnA said:

    Realizing you are a child of God is important. After going through the whole cult experience in the ntcc we used to take that for granite. In many cases we became the very thing that God abhors in the ntcc because we followed teachings that allowed us to watch as people around us were destroyed. We used our relationship as a child of God as a cloak to protect us. As long as I don't do what brother so and so did, I will survive and make it to heaven. We went along with so many things and witnessed others being abused and destroyed thinking that because we were God's children that it would never happen to us.

    Having escaped from this mess, I have found myself in a similar place, Shonda. The most important thing in the world is just realizing that you are a child of God. Knowing that God loves you in spite of everything you've been through. It was so hard for me to think this way because of what the ntcc taught. I always felt as if God was just waiting for you to mess up so he could rain judgement upon us. Trying to live up to impossible expectations and make your life fit into someone else's idea of what Christianity should be in your life was miserable to me.

    I'm in a place now where I don't understand everything but I do understand that more than anything that God loves us and wants to be a part of our lives. It's God's nature to love more than to hate. When we love him back, that's when His love is made real to us.

    I also understand that what people are going through in the ntcc is just completely wrong. The reason I can say this is because there was a time when I loved God in the ntcc for a number of years but the ntcc was a horrible place to try to nurture that love. They did more to dampen the spirit of love and grace than anyone I had ever been around. You can't surround yourself with negative people and listen to their negative hateful sermons year after year without it rubbing off on you.

    They ntcc uses your light to draw people in and then they deplete your energy over time by constantly dragging you down until the light gets dimmer and dimmer and finally it is extinguished. I've seen this happen in my own life and watched it happen to many, many others and it still goes on today. People that love God get warn down by the constant demand of trying to follow rules, policies and doctrine that has nothing to do with living for God. Then when you are properly disposed of by the ntcc, you have nothing. Zip. Zilch. Big Goose egg. 0. You have given all your money, time and energy to a group of people that are in it for themselves. You have no friends, no money, little energy and no God unless you were able to keep your relationship with him in tact.

    What a recipe for failure.


  33. Jesus said...
    "Then said he also to him that bade him, When thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbours; lest they also bid thee again, and a recompence be made thee.
    But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind:
    And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just."

    LTravis said...
    I never seen anything close to this in the ntcc. Wake up people!

  34. Shonda said...

    I need a role in the ministry to feel completed because its was the biggest part of my life for such a long time. But the message preached last week was such a blessing.

    Chief said...

    Shonda, I really believe that you are looking at your life in the wrong way. You can't depend on a preacher to provide you with the direction you need in life. THE PREACHER IS A HUMAN JUST LIKE YOU!!!! I can't emphasis that enough. Anyone can stand behind a pulpit. I don't need a to hear a message preached to feel my life is complete. Shonda, trust me when I say this. If you have to go to church to hear a message in order to feel complete, you are still trapped by the NTCCs brainwashing.

    My wife teaches small children in school. Kids need to attend school and schools need teachers. It gives her something to do that is meaningful and she makes money in the process. I don't need a preacher to tell me "who I am". I know who I am. I'm a dad and a husband and I have plenty on my platter. I also have a life. I enjoy life and there are plenty of things I like to do. Shonda, do you have any hobbies? Do you have a job? Your life will never be complete if you are depending on a preacher to point you in that direction.

    You can depend on the Lord and that is good but lets be real here for a moment. When is the last time you heard the Lord talk to you audibly? I'll bet never. You have faith in the Lord and that is also good but it's not good for man to dwell alone. The Bible says that. You need people in your life. You need things to do other than church!!!!!!!!!! I like to watch a college football game, I like guns, I like doing things with my Son. I like all kinds of things. Take up gardening or photography or something. Find something you like to do and do it.

    Get involved with community projects like helping the needy.

    If you depend on a preacher, you will be living from message to message and you'll be in bondage all over again. Messages are good but they should not make you feel complete. I don't remember, do you have children? If you don't think about adopting or foster care. That will make you feel complete real quick and you'll be taking care of the fatherless. That is true religion. Then you'll have a purpose. Children definitely give you purpose. Relying on a message will never make you complete. Seeing the love in the eyes of my little boy makes me very, very, very complete.


  35. LT said...

    I never seen anything close to this in the ntcc. Wake up people!

    Chief said...

    That says it all right there Larry. That is probably the best Bible verse ever posted on any blog about the NTCC. Good one LT. Larry is right. Wake up people. The NTCC is about as far from Christianity as you can get.


  36. I was just thinking about what shonda was talking about. I remember getting preached and rebuked by pastors and ministers wives saying that the women in the church needed to go, go, go. HOw many times we heard "an idle mind is the devil's worshop" or "having a coke with the devil"
    I remember the servicemen's home in junction city the ladies were always encouraged to go and soul win every day.
    There was a time that the ladies were banned by the manager there,from going to the new superwalmart. I guess the customers complained of our soliciting them to come to the church.
    Maybe that is why shonda felt that way, because we were always put in the position that we had to always do something, and if you didn't than you didn't love God or were saved!

  37. Wow, great stuff. I think that the ntcc paints a picture of what they want you to think ministering is all about, but they are way off as we see by LT's quote of Jesus.

    Religion today including the ntcc's so called ministry are in complete contrast to what Jesus was all about. Jesus never took up an offering, He had no house of his own and there was no emphasis on a church building being a requirement to reach people. He loved the poor and ministered to the lost, didn't go around condemning folks while living a double standard and he didn't tell people to adhere to a bunch of stupid rules that had nothing to do with the bible.

    A full gospel, bible believing, holiness church? I think the ntcc more closely resembles a group of high minded, Pharisaical, stuck up, religious, hypocritical, greedy, money hungry, nepotistic, narcissistic, power hungry, hateful idolaters that look down their noses on everyone that doesn't live up to their expectations. The opposite of Jesus in every way!


  38. "having a coke with the devil"

    Has Satan recently changed his taste in beverages? Joe Olson specifically accused us of drinking Pepsi with old slewfoot...

  39. Anyone see the "new" (but still under eternal construction) NTCC site? I find it interesting that in the "campground history" section they make a big production about how much money they spend on this boondoggle. It appears to be an effort at damage control to try and account for some of the money that has vanished over the years.

    Also, I see that they have a section (under construction) for youtube videos, twitter feeds, and other social media. What ever happened to the sinnernet?

  40. Your very right Chief I have been spiritually dependent on others for years. In NTCC we believed we were super soldiers when in fact we were spiritual babies (at least I am honest enough with myself to know I was). Instead of allowing direction to come from the inside out it came from the outside in if that makes any sense. It always came from what others wanted us to do. I remember in Pendleton I used to volunteer at the children's museum and I was told that was not a good idea and to learn how to play the piano instead. A had been rescuing parrots and had a large flock and was told by someone how they prayed to God I would get rid of them so I did. I wanted so hard to please God and do everything he wanted me to do I listened to everyone who God had put as a superior in my life. There were times I chose not to listen but the condemnation wore down on me. At times I feel like I have nothing. While I was in the church I had someone who was in NTCC treat me like I was an idiot because I did not know certain slangs or who the newest pop diva was but I really wasn't supposed to have an eye for the world. But maybe she was the one who saw the full picture and I truly was the idiot? Anyways I feel like I have nothing except the fact that my husband is a God send and the most wonderful thing that ever has happened to me. But when I sit home and am on my own I am a big pile of nothing. No education (Bible school is not an education!) I sing well but what am I going to do go an be on American idol and sacrifice what I do have for fame and money? Anyways I lived and breathed New Testament but it is that very thing that made me realize something was wrong with me when I looked into my heart and realized I cared more about what men thought then what God thought.

  41. To every [thing there is] a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

    A time to blog and a time to refrain from blogging.

  42. Dear Shonda,

    That is some really deep stuff you are writing. We have to agree. The ntcc gets us puffed up and thinking that we know more than people who have been in churches for twenty something years - I've literally heard davis teaching that junk, saying that going through his idea of a bible school equipped you better than someone who's been in a church for twenty years - but in reality there are kids, young teens, who know as much bible and more practical application of Christianity than the typical ntcc bible school graduate. Not only do these kids know bible verses and bible true stories, they live in Christian communities where the leaders are servants to the flock -- something the bible also teaches. This does not exist in the Graham training ground for ntcc. Instead, the upper echelon leaders act with a sense of entitlement requiring others to wait on them hand and foot, not demonstrating any Christian charity, but rather acting proudly and manipulatively. You all know what we are talking about. Can I get a witness?

    To remain in the ntcc a person must either physically and philosophically distance themselves from the Grahamites, or must degrade their heartfelt Christian desires to slowly conform to the narcissistic pattern set forth by davis and kekel and kompany.

    A very honest assessment, Shonda, which brings us to our next point.

    continued below

    Don and Ange

  43. It's also interesting that the NTCC's bylaws are now posted on the site also--the bylaws which state that any minister discovered in adultery will have his credentials revoked.

  44. Shonda also said, "I am a big pile of nothing."

    Welcome to the club. There is nothing we do that will earn God's love for us. He loves us because He is love. If you have children, you automatically love them unconditionally. Believe it or not, THAT is how God loves us.

    We can and should rest in that. Look at what the word says about us:

    Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform [it] until the day of Jesus Christ:
    (Philippians 1:6)

    It's God Who started the work in us, it is God Who will finish the work in us.

    Do we at times feel unworthy? Sure. Look at what the word says:

    So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do. (Luke 17:10)

    But we don't have stay in a constant state of condemnation, beating ourselves down because:

    [There is] therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. (Romans 8:1)

    Jesus said:

    I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly. (John 10:10b)

    He calls us friends, not servants:

    Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. (John 15v15)

    Imagine that, best buddies with the Lord!

    When the enemy tries to tear you down, put on that helmet of salvation, I'm saved and I know that I am.

    Sing a song and read a psalm:

    Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; (Eph 5:19)

    I like this song, by Tenth Avenue North, called You Are More address: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwtcwQwgdsA&ob=av2e

    Remember, you're not alone in these feelings, which are actually temptations from the enemy to get you to earn your salvation (an impossible task) designed to bind you in legalism that kills:

    There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear [it]. (I Cor 10:13)


    Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. (2 Cor 3:6)

    When the enemy attacks, we use the Word of Truth to fight back. That's the Sword of the Lord. You have it. You can use it.

    If there really is something about yourself that you don't like, you can work on that. We all grow in grace and in the knowledge of the truth. Even the Lord!

    And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man. (Luke 2:52)

    Be patient with yourself, you'll get there because God is taking you there **SMILE** (see first scripture reference [Philip 1:6])

    Don and Ange

  45. I also wanted to say to Shonda,

    That's great, that you worked with rescuing parrots and volunteered at a children's museum.

    Probably God gave you those desires of your heart. Nothing wrong with that. He commanded us to have dominion over the fish and fowls. He said the righteous man regards the life of his beast. Nothing wrong with that.

    And working with kids? That's great too. They get to see a happy Christian lady. They remember that. I do. I remember one little old lady in my Catholic church, who was so Godly and full of the fruit of the Spirit, the love, the joy, the peace. She would lay hands on me and pray for me. It was a blessing. I think she was saved and for a time attended a Pentecostal church across the street from our Catholic church. But for reasons I don't know, the Pentecostal church shut its doors. So this little old lady ended up worshipping with us and pronouncing a blessing into my life. That is priceless!

    Don't be afraid to break out of the ntcc mold for Christianity.

    God made pine cones to grow into pine trees, and acorns to become oaks. Find out who YOU are in God and what He has for you. It probably won't be the ntcc limited version of Christianity of white shirts and wingtip shoes. God is much larger and wiser than that.

    Look at the diversity of His creation. Certainly if God in His Sovereignty and Wisdom created both wildflowers and roses that all qualify as flowers, He expects diversity in His children.

    Don and Ange

  46. Vic said,

    "It's also interesting that the NTCC's bylaws are now posted on the site also--the bylaws which state that any minister discovered in adultery will have his credentials revoked."

    Don and Ange say,

    Just based on that last bylaw, davis should have his credentials revoked.

    Oh wait. That's right. davis does not even have any credentials to revoke! After all, davis teaches you should not listen to a man who has no money since that proves the man does not know what he is talking about. In like fashion we say, you should not listen to davis, who has no diploma; he does not know what he is talking about.

    davis makes no bones about flashing his Cadillac habit around as proof that he knows how to get, multiply, and spend your money... but he has never produced a valid diploma for public inspection?

    Let's just state for the record we think davis is a big fat liar and that is why he is unable to produce the so-called diplomas.

    As for the adultery bylaw, PUHLEEZ davis would have to be the first one disqualified from the ministry on that bylaw alone.

    And feel-good phil kinson must be disqualified also. The bylaw makes no excuse for use of a condom as a shield of faith wherewith he must quench all the fiery darts of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. The bylaw says the credentials are to be revoked "period". So let's get busy with that rubber (pun intended) "rejected" stamp boyz.

    Don and Ange

  47. Vic asked,

    "Anyone see the "new" (but still under eternal construction) NTCC site? "

    DnA say,

    Yes, we've seen it. Did you notice the pictures of the seminary faculty? The website has disabled the right click feature so you can't copy them. But it's still worth a look-see. You get a pretty good picture of the ntcc family tree in that faculty page.

    As for their campground page, we agree that it is partly about damage control as to where the money has gone. But we also believe they will try to rent the campground out to other groups in attempt to stop the blood loss of the finances.


  48. Vic Johanson said...
    What ever happened to the sinnernet?
    LTravis said...
    Their greed made it acceptable.

  49. Shonda said...

    I remember in Pendleton I used to volunteer at the children's museum and I was told that was not a good idea and to learn how to play the piano instead.

    Chief said...

    Booya and that is the NTCCs trick. Well I totally say the opposite from the NTCC. Volunteering at the children's museum is a great service to the children. Forget learing piano unless that is something you really like and enjoy and you have money for professional lessons. Jesus cared about the children and that is clear in the Gospels. Kids need something to do and a museum is a GREAT place. Nothing sinful about that. What are you going to do, sit and play the piano day in and day out? Of course not Shonda and of course you know that. That was the NTCCs way of keeping you in bondage and keeping you as a SLAVE while taking away your individuality. You are an individual with individual like and dislikes.

    My wife got started teaching as a sub. She got calls regularly from the school to go in and sub. She liked it and did so good, the Principle recommended her for a full time position at another school. She went and interviewed and got hired. My wife does more for the children in our community than any NTCC church has ever done for any community it's ever been a part of. My wife gives back. The NTCC leadership takes, takes, takes and uses, uses, uses.

    I'm not being critical Shonda, I'm sincerely trying to help. Find things that "SHONDA" likes to do and do them and enjoy them and you'll enjoy life. Church can play a role but you can't exclusively rely on a Pastor to give you direction and happiness. I'm not asking some Pastor about whether or not I should take a job. I'm not asking a pastor whether or not I can take an interest in photography. In fact I'm not asking a pastor for permission to do anything. And before I take spiritual guidance from a pastor it better be real clear that his qualifications are REAL and what he says better line up with the Bible. I know the Bible so I'll make that determination because I'm no longer interested in getting mislead.

    Shonda, to sum it all up, do your best to learn to think for yourself and to make logical, sensible decisions. Find some things you like to do and do them.

    Sincerely and respectfully,

  50. LTravis said...
    The ntcc has never to my knowledge exhibited any love and mercy toward the lost, poor and needy...Right? Hey ntcc leader(s) please enlighten the audience about your good works...

  51. Kind of off topic here but, I wanted to let everyone know that Briggs has recently been diagnosed with cancer. Don't know details but, just wanted everyone on here to know. I know he gets bashed a lot but, he is still a man in need of prayer at this time.

  52. Anonymous said...
    Kind of off topic here but, I wanted to let everyone know that Briggs has recently been diagnosed with cancer. Don't know details but, just wanted everyone on here to know. I know he gets bashed a lot but, he is still a man in need of prayer at this time.

    LTravis said...
    I'm praying for Briggs...

  53. I'm prayin for Pastor Briggs. He's a good guy.

  54. Praying for Rev. Briggs!


    Would you like a penpal to write too? =) I love writing letters and I know people love getting mail. =) But then again I don't know, so many people are so dependant on Facebook, they may have forgotten what real mail is. =)

    I officially left the org. in mid 2005 but attended when I can while in Germany 2005-2008 only because Rev. Bellamy was there. =) He's a good man...I wouldn't have gone had anybody else been there, but my mind and heart officially checked out of NTCC in mid 2005.

    (Hello Rev. Bellamy!) =)

    Feel free to send me an e-mail and we can exchange snail mail addresses if you'd like. =)


  55. I wonder what the org will do for Rev. Briggs.
    Will they send in a replacement if he must have treatment?
    Will they send him to another church location?
    Will any of the higher ups even care that one of their own is battling this and needs all the support he can get?

  56. Anonymous said...

    Kind of off topic here but, I wanted to let everyone know that Briggs has recently been diagnosed with cancer.

    Chief said...

    Wow, that is not a happy story. Folks should probably call him to see how his is doing. Nothing wrong with that, folks. Forget about our differences. I don't care if he is in the NTCC or not. I don't wish that on anyone to include anyone in the NTCC. Not RWD or anyone else. In cases like this people should take the high road.

    Pastor Briggs, I hope it all works out and you get better.


  57. When I come out on this site, I always feel such a sense of betrayal, I feel I was betrayed by supposed men of God, I really thought these men, davis, kekel and kinson cared about my soul and my getting to Heaven, I am having a hard time coping with the idea that ntcc is just a money making business. That they really don't care about my eternal soul. I am praying to God to help me find a church that truly does care about me and where I will go when I die. Shame on them all, they really need pray. I know I need to.

    Signed, heavy hearted.

  58. There is a facebook page to show your support for Rev. Briggs:


  59. "The website has disabled the right click feature so you can't copy them."

    There are other methods. Copy away!


  60. Dear Don and Ange thank you for all the scriptures and encouragement, they really are a comfort sometimes I really forget those words. I need to rebuke those condemning voices they tend to come on stronger when my bipolar takes a turn for the worse. Anyways I do appreciate the encouragement and a perspective from a fellow Christian and someone who has been there.

    Thanks Jeff for your words I have freedom now I just have to let myself accept that freedom and grab hold. There are so many different avenues and possibilities I just have to look forward and stay optimistic.


  61. you can use firefox, right click and still save the image

    you can use a free program called ht-track to copy entire websites as well

  62. Thanks Shonda. I would just like to see life be enjoyable for you. It certainly is for me. Every now and then there is bad but lately there has been more than enough good to go around in my life. For what ever reason life is good for some and not as good for others but a lot is what you make of it. A lot is also what you do with the opportunities you are provided. Make the best of those opportunities and take advantage of them while you can because they won't always be there. I've been fortunate enough to do exactly that.

    Lets all consider Pastor Briggs. Right now I'm not too interested in thinking about the NTCC. My biggest concern is Pastor Briggs and his family.


  63. Dawn, right now none of that is important. I'm sure Pastor Briggs doesn't want this to become the means to target the NTCC leadership. What the NTCC leadership does or doesn't do is between Pastor Briggs, The Leadership and God. None of that is important now. The most important thing is Pastor Briggs and his family. I am very sorrowful and sad about this news. I'm emotionally shook up. I do care about this man. If need be, we all need to help.

    Pastor Briggs, I wish you the best and please, if there is anything I can do, by all means call. This ain't about the exers vs the NTCC. It's about a man with a family who is loved by his children very dearly.

    Please don't anyone post anything negative about the NTCC with this one. This is not the time or place for anything like that. In fact this is one time we all need to come together and if it turns out that the man needs any monetary help, everyone needs to be willing to pitch in. Twenty dollars here and 50 dollars there can add up real quick. If Pastor Briggs gets to that point (which we hope to God he doesn't) people should be willing to help. Keep Pastor Briggs in your prayers and be willing to give if it becomes necessary.


  64. I meant no offence Jeff. I was just wondering how the org handles situations like this when one of their own ministers gets ill. That was all.

    Yes, Rev. Briggs...let us know if you need anything.

    Prayers continuing upward for you and your family.

  65. Don't plan to post a lot but thank you all for your well wishes and support. They say I have peripheral interhepatic cholangiocarcinoma in an advanced stage. Never had a clue until 6 weeks ago when I woke with a pain. The VA missed diagnosing it a year and a half ago. They told me I had fatty liver disease (Middle age and puggy = fatty liver) nothing to worry about. But they should have done 1 more blood test. Oh well, too late to ponder why. Just have to muddle on through.


  66. RB I've talked to some friends and we all without exception wish you the best and we are all willing to help if need be. Words can't express how disturbed I am as a result of this news. Sir you be tough and strong and be encouraged. I'm not a spiritual man but I'm reminded of a scripture. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.

    I don't know what else to say Sir. Be strong.

    With the utmost respect,
    Jeff Collins

  67. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Briggs family in this season. We know that our God is able. I spoke with Brother Briggs earlier today by telephone and told him that I know we mixed it up here on this blog, and as much as we have disagreed, this is a time to come together in prayer.

    He has a beautiful family and we just lift them up right now in prayer that the mighty power of our Saviour will move on the scene.

    Brother Briggs, please know that my wife and I, along with a lot people on this blog will continue to prayer for all of you.



  68. 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
    3:2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
    3:3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
    3:4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
    3:5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
    3:6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
    3:7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
    3:8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

    Jeff said...

    This is a time for all of us to come together. We must put all differences aside. This is a time for peace. This is not a time to cast stones. No more of that for a season because there is a time for everything. I'm not being philosophical here, I'm being real. I have no ulterior motive or agenda here. Anyone who suggests that I do is dead wrong.

    We all need to have one thing in our heart under these circumstances and that is "compassion" for our neighbor. Who is our neighbor? Brother Briggs is our neighbor.

    Jeff Collins

  69. RB, I don't know you personally but if I can help let me know. I'm praying for you and your family.

  70. "RB I've talked to some friends and we all without exception wish you the best and we are all willing to help if need be."

    Prayers and blessings to you and your family Pastor Briggs.


  71. Rev. Briggs,

    I know that we have had our differences from time to time; we've disagreed on things, but we respect you for being real and sharing with us your views on all things ntcc. You have been a man of integrity and we all hold you in high regard. We wish you and your family the very best. Our prayers and thoughts will be with you and we are pulling for you to get better and have a speedy recovery. If there is anything we can do, outside of prayer, please let us know.


    Don and Ange

  72. I'm so glad to see people in one accord on this one. It is just good decency. I respectful request that all posting regarding the NTCC be discontinued temporarily. I am currently not interested in any of that. My concern is only for Pastor Briggs and his family. Thank you all for your consideration.


  73. Bro. Briggs you and your family are in my prayers... I don't think you know me, but I have seen you in passing during conferences. If you do not mind email me with your mailing address. You may not need anything now, but with doctor visits, and other things that come up, you may need something in the future, and I would rather send it now and you have it at hand. If you do not need it then when this is all over you can just be a blessing to someone else when they need it.

    My email address is ebb702@yahoo.com

    Bro. Bellamy

  74. Copyright © 2005 by Cynthia Kersey

    In 1984, Marion Luna Brem was 30 years old-and she was dying. Marion had cancer of the breast and cervix and had undergone two surgeries in 11 weeks-a mastectomy and hysterectomy. Now she was suffering the horrifying effects of chemotherapy. Adding to her pain, the disease had robbed her of her hair, her savings, and now her husband. He walked out saying he couldn't deal with the pressure any more. Marion was left with two small boys and no means to support them. Worse, her prognosis was a death sentence: Doctors told her she had 2 years to live, 5 if she was really lucky.

    So, on a hot Texas morning in May, Marion laid with her cheek on the cold bathroom floor trying not to throw up-again. And despite her gut-wrenching pain and paralyzing fear, she knew she could not afford to lie there feeling sorry for herself. Instead, Marion had to focus on taking care of her kids. And that meant finding a job. But she had almost no experience and little formal education-not exactly a powerful résumé to launch a budding career. Plus, she was a woman-an Hispanic woman-which in many people's eyes meant she had two strikes against her. Marion thought only of survival. The words rich and successful didn't even enter her mind.

    Deciding to Be Courageous
    Where to begin? Susan, Marion's best friend, suggested she look for a job in sales, but Marion worried about her lack of experience. Susan reminded her that there was a lot of value in the job market for the skills she possessed as a housewife: time management, budgeting, not to mention the people skills she developed while being a room mother and a member of the PTA. So with all the resolve she could muster, Marion thought, "Why not?"

    Of all the industries to pursue, Marion chose the male-dominated field of selling automobiles. One of Marion's past part-time jobs was a switchboard operator at a Dallas car dealership, so she knew there was good money in car sales. She had also seen firsthand how salesmen talked only to the male half of the couple, virtually ignoring the woman. Intuitively, she knew women were an important part of the decision-making process and believed this was an opportunity. Statistics now reveal that Marion was right. When couples purchase a car, the woman influences the decision 80 percent of the time. Marion recognized the need for car saleswomen, and she was determined to fill that need.

    Armed only with her gut instinct and a funky blonde wig, Marion approached the first dealership. "Have you ever thought about hiring a woman?" she asked. "No!" was the curt reply. She heard the same response from 16 other sales managers around town. Yet Marion Brem didn't give up. She couldn't! "I think courage is something you decide upon," she says. "You wake up in the morning and have a meeting with the mirror and say, 'Today I'm going to be courageous."

    But her approach clearly wasn't working. So on her 17th try, she modified her pitch and said, "Here's what I can do for you.." After telling the manager her angle on women car buyers, she was hired on the spot! Marion Luna Brem's career in car sales had begun.


  75. continued....

    From Rookie Saleswoman to Manager
    At first, her all-male colleagues embraced the rookie saleswoman. "It really wasn't until I began competing with them, beating them, that I noticed a change of heart," Marion recalls. "But when they see that you're not going away, and not going to personalize their derogatory remarks, then a kind of respect is born."

    Brem's first year out, she was named salesperson of the year. Of course, the plaque read "Salesman of the Year," and the award included a trip to the Super Bowl and a man's Rolex watch. Still, it was a great honor and a wonderful achievement. Meanwhile, her cancer went into remission and Marion was going strong.

    For 2 more years, Marion was a top producer, but she wanted more. It was then that she approached her boss about a management position. Her proposal was flatly rejected. He said that he'd be "nuts" to take her out of sales with all the money she was making both of them. As difficult as it was for her to leave the security of the established clientele of repeat and referral business she had worked so hard to create, she moved on, believing she would find what she was looking for. That meant, once again, knocking on doors.

    After several frustrating weeks of pounding the pavement, Marion was finally hired as an entry-level manager at a new dealership. She quickly climbed the management ladder. Two and a half years later, she was ready to start her own dealership. She envisioned an operation run by women for women. All she needed was a "measly" $800,000 and she was off to the races. To Marion, it might as well have been $800 million.

    A Labor of Love
    Once again, Marion rolled up her sleeves. "I put together a portfolio on myself. I literally went to the drugstore and got 50 of those school folders," she recalls. Inside, she put her certificates, press clippings, and a biography. Marion called it her "brag folder." On the advice of a trusted friend, she sent the package to 50 CPAs all over Texas-money managers who represented doctors looking for investment opportunities.

    Two weeks later, Marion received a call from one of her contacts. It would change her life. The CPA had a client, a cardiologist, who had agreed to become her silent partner. The doctor helped arrange $800,000 in working capital as well as millions more in loans needed to lease, stock, and market her first dealership. Marion approached Chrysler Corporation-and quickly struck a deal.

    Now all she needed was a name for her brand-new dealership. Marion wanted something distinctive-and it had to be feminine. She tried several "feel-good" names, but nothing stuck. Finally, it hit her: "Love." "It's the most positive word in the dictionary," she thought. "And it's the way I feel about this project, the way I'm going to treat my customers and employees."

    So in 1989, just 5 years after selling her first car, "Love Chrysler" was born, complete with a heart logo on every car. Marion's motto: "It's not just the hearts on our cars, it's the hearts inside our people. We're spreading Love all over Texas!"

    Marion's labor of love paid off handsomely. Today, she is cancer-free, is the owner of two car dealerships, and recently celebrated the 11th anniversary of Love Chrysler. Her company is 89th on the Hispanic Business 500 with revenues of more than $45 million.

    At the age of 30, Marion Luna Brem had lost her breast, her womb, her marriage.and soon, the doctors said, she would lose her life. But Marion literally dragged herself off a cold tile floor, put on a cheap wig, and took on a world dominated by good ole boys. In the process, she raised two kids, beat a devastating illness, and turned steel into love.

    "Sometimes it's not enough to simply knock on doors.
    You've gotta knock them down!"
    -Marion Luna Brem

  76. Its important to be lifting this family up to the Lord and to be talking to God about the battle that they're facing...but we also need to be speaking to that battle(whatever it is) about God...Jesus gave us the authority to bind things here on earth and as believers, we are able to curse sin and sickness at its root and in the name of Jesus demand that the spirit of oppression and infirmity loose its hold and bow its knee because Jesus Christ is Lord over all and He paid the price for ALL of our sins, sicknesses and diseases...at the cross of calvary He said..."it is finished"...and by His stripes we were healed!

  77. I will keep the Briggs family in prayer.

    signed, Polaris

  78. All I can say is I appreciate this from the bottom of my heart. Thank you!

  79. What Cancer Cannot Do

    Cancer is so limited..
    It cannot cripple love.
    It cannot shatter hope.
    It cannot corrode faith.
    It cannot eat away peace.
    It cannot destroy confidence.
    It cannot kill friendship.
    It cannot shut out memories.
    It cannot silence courage.
    It cannot reduce eternal life.
    It cannot quench the Spirit.
    ~~~~Author unknown

  80. As a female vet(13 years; currently disabled), I am very upset at the way this nation takes care of their veterans. Granted, the VA has come a long way in taking care of their patients. They still have yet a long way to go. I thank God for His Divine ability to heal and take care of those who have faithfully given their lives for His service.


  81. Vic, I've moved your posts to the previous thread. Please understand that it's absolutely nothing personal. I wanted to dedicate this thread to Pastor Briggs and let that from this point forward be the focus of any posting on this thread. Please understand. I didn't delete the info you posted, I just moved it to the previous thread.


  82. Since I heard the news about Pastor Briggs I personally decided to temporarily discontinue any and all posting about the NTCC. That doesn't mean my feelings about the NTCC have changed because they haven't. For a while I just want the focus of this blog be dedicated to lifting up Pastor Briggs and his family under such trying times. I'm not quite sure why I feel this way but I have no desire to expose the NTCC knowing this man is struggling with what appears to be cancer.

    Basically, my thoughts are with him and his family and those thoughts have overpowered my desire to expose the NTCC. So please don't post anything on this thread about church abuse or anything directly related to the NTCC. Go to the older threads and post that sort of information. I'm leaving what was already on this thread prior to the news of Pastor Briggs illness but after that I determined that we'd uplift Pastor Briggs. For all those who've been faithful to this blog please understand.

    Thank you all for your understanding.


  83. For now all I'm thinking about is this man getting well or what we can do to help his family if need be. God forbid it comes to that but if his family needs help, this entire blog will be dedicated to that purpose and that purpose only. If need be, the purpose of this blog will change from exposing the NTCC to a means of raising money and hope for the Briggs family.

    James 2:15 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,
    2:16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?

    Faith without works is dead folks. If the man and his family needs help, by God I think good people should help them if it becomes necessary. Lets keep praying that day don't come.


  84. briggs, if you dont have a paypal account you should get one...

    or chief you could open one up for him.

    it'd be the easiest way for people to donate money to him

  85. Good idea Anonymous. We'll certainly look at that if it became necessary. Pastor Briggs is a tough dude and by the grace of God we are praying and hoping that he will be able to overcome this stuff.

  86. "or chief you could open one up for him."

    You also can give funds through website called indiegogo dot com.


  87. As of right now we will see how things progress with Pastor Briggs and provide assistance as the circumstances dictate.

  88. Chief,
    thanks for letting me know and for being sensitive to the situation concerning Pastor Briggs.
    Let me know if I can help in any way.

  89. Not a problem Vic. We'll provide updates right here as we get them. It's great that everyone wants to help. It makes you feel good inside when you have the privilege of helping someone in need. Everyone is pulling together to do that for Pastor Briggs and his family if the need becomes necessary.

  90. Hello All,

    I do not get the chance to view this Blogg as ofter as I would like, but I was recently informed of Rev Briggs condition.

    Sir, regardless of our religious differences, we serve the same Master, we do it (or do not do it) in different ways.

    I dont care if your a member of the NTCC or the XYZ, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

    Sir, here is hoping for a speedy recovery granted to you by the Great Physician, you and your family are in my prayers.

    Your condition has caused me not to take health - even life - for granted, it is time for retrospection and confirmation in my own life.

    God Bless You Sir! If I ever respected any preacher, your in my Top 3 even though I have never met you.

    You were never afraid to go against the grain. You led the way using the resources available to you to promote the Gospel. For that Sir, you are to be commended. Not every preacher had the courage to do what you did.

    In fact, you have made us all better Christians because of it.

    Bro Johnson

  91. wow, I am the one who initially posted about Rev Briggs on this blog. I read this blog quite often and have even posted anonymously before. I am overwhelmed with emotion of the way that everyone is supporting Bro Briggs and his family. It was just the encouragement I needed tonight.

    God Bless you all,
    Sis Courage;)

  92. Thank you folks words can't describe how I feel right now. And thank you is not sufficent but it is the only thing I have to try to convey my appreciation.

  93. It's quite sufficient RB. Hang in there and be strong.


  94. When I was very ill and things looked their worst, nothing was more inspiring to me than reading about how other patients survived against the odds and coped with their situations. There are as many different ways to survive as there are patients, and so we can learn something different from each one. At the same time certain similarities, certain patterns emerge. Enough philosophy - here are the stories of some other patients - I hope you find inspiration and hope in them!

    Actually just one more thing first! Perhaps you have a story to contribute. You need not be a "miracle cure" to contribute here - all you need is the desire to use your experiences to help someone else.


  95. not certain about where to ask this. most people are excited about giving to a need. however there is a concern about being ethical.

  96. Good morning everybody. Just thinking about folks in the ntcc that played a role in making me who I am today. Was it all bad? Probably not. Was it all good? Nope. But through it all, things have turned out pretty good for us. We have recently been in contact with a friend and his wife who left the ntcc quite a few years ago.

    They are really good people and they said something to me that is amazing: "Still being restored, but I finally found out what grace is".

    Grace is defined as the unmerited love and favor of God. Grace is a very powerful attribute of God. I know some think that you must fear God and equally apply the attribute of God's judgement to your life. I don't know a lot, and have some of my own ideas but I will say that when you don't have grace, you don't have love and you don't have much of anything.

    I know this isn't the type of comment that we usually leave but I wanted to share with all friends X-er and Ntcc'r alike. Grace crosses all boundaries and while we may not agree on much, can we agree that His grace is sufficient?

    Here's what I believe. I believe grace stands on it's own and doesn't need the help of fear or judgement to preserve us in the faith. I believe that grace is God's love that none of us deserve. God is Love and when we know God we know love. Grace is not a license to sin but the motivating force to live for God.

    I prayed for something to share on here within the parameters of decency and this is what I came up with. If anyone out there would like to chime in, please do. We have this time of peace so why not adapt and overcome by sharing something uplifting? That felt good!


  97. Anonymous asked...

    Not certain about where to ask this. Most people are excited about giving to a need however there is a concern about being ethical.

    Chief said...

    Lets break it down. I'm not sure if you are referring specifically to Pastor Briggs? Apparently Pastor Briggs has been diagnosed with terminal liver cancer. We will find out more as time goes on, but if that is in fact his condition, it is life threatening. If it becomes plainly apparent that Pastor Briggs is in eminent danger of loosing his life, many of us want to give so as to help his family as he has a wife and two children. That would be the purpose.

    That is why I haven't yet gone forward with a deliberate fund raising effort. As far as it being ethical, there is nothing unethical about it. Anyone who says otherwise needs to get a heart, some good decency and some common sence. Now if someone simply doesn't want to give there is nothing wrong with that. That is everyone's choice.

    Until which time I have more information about Pastor Briggs condition, we are simply in a holding pattern.

    Where I'm concerned, any fund raising efforts would be specifically to help Pastor Briggs "Wife, and Children". Hopefully that cleared a few things up. If Pastor Briggs gets better and overcomes this cancer, there will be no need to raise funds as he will remain able to take care of his own family. That is where I stand.

    If Pastor Briggs doesn't get better, I will send out a plan via this blog to raise money for his family and anyone (NTCC or otherwise) will be welcome to contribute. All money raised, (every red cent) will go to his family.

    There it is.


  98. Chief, I was wondering if the ntcc will forbid rb from getting money from all of you.
    Just have this feeling that ntcc will advise rb from getting any money from the enemy, because that is what ntcc think you are.
    I hope I'm wrong.

  99. God help our dear brother get better

  100. Anonymous asked...

    I was wondering if the ntcc

    Chief said...

    People will cross that bridge if and when they get to it. Like I said before, this ain't about us vs them. This is about Pastor Briggs family. That is why I haven't been blogging. As long as the man's condition is uncertain, I'm giving the blogging a break. Just a personal thing.


  101. Additionally, any funds raised will be specifically for Pastor Briggs' "wife and kids". I only plan to raise funds if Pastor Briggs condition takes a "serious" turn for the worse.

  102. "God help our dear brother get better." Amen!!! In the name of Jesus!!!

  103. It just came to my mind that while in the ntcc, there had been other situations and never really were asked as a unit or body of believers to contribute, mostly it was done by you knowing the people affected and gave them money but nothing like raising funds like you are talking.
    Hopefully this will change too, now with all the changes going on.

    Praying for the Briggs family!

  104. How bout them Broncos? Down 15 to nothing with less than 3 minutes to go and Tebow imposes his will on the Miami Dolphins with an 18 to 15 overtime victory in the same stadium that he won a high school championship and a college championship in.

    Tebow takes home a lot of footballs from the games he plays in and he gives them to kids in wheel chairs or with major illnesses and debilitating diseases. He spends days hanging out with kids doing what they want to do and encourages them as he is encouraged by them. He sometimes brings them to Denver Broncos games allowing them to watch from the sidelines. A lot of people hate this guy because he openly professes to be a Christian. I'd have to say that he backs up his profession by spending lots of time and money helping those who can not help themselves.

  105. Thats what I'm talking about. Go Broncos.

  106. Tebow only passed for about 25 yards prior to his comeback against the worst team in the NFL. I like him better than Orton but I don't think he is the answer. Time will tell.

  107. Anon said..."but I don't think he is the answer. Time will tell."

    What are you talken-bout. IT'S TEBOW TIME BABY! Your obviously a novas at football. A quarterback that can have a bad game, mainly because of his O-line not giving him protection, and rally his team in a spectacular end of game comeback is not only good, He's real good.
    I've listened to all the pundits in the media talk about how this dude is not ready for the big time, and I say to them and you, take another look at those last minute drives he put together. what more needs to be said!

  108. You guys better watch out for the Cowboys!!! They may be down...but not out!! Go team Romo!!

  109. Anonymous said:

    Tebow only passed for about 25 yards prior to his comeback against the worst team in the NFL. I like him better than Orton but I don't think he is the answer. Time will tell.

    DnA said:

    Yeah, but you have to consider that under Orton, Denver was about the second or third worse team in the NFL. If you look at Tebow's career in College and High School alike, that's how he won many of his games. Denver as a team has shown much vulnerability on its defense and offense this year. A "W" is a "W" and Tebow has a knack for getting them.

    I will say this: Tebow is special. You might not see this yet, but you will. His passion to win exceeds the talent of many that play his position and his drive to win will produce more "W"s. Last week he was put in the game in the second half, down by 2 touchdowns and came within an incomplete pass from coming back and beating a very good team. He's started 4 games to date and is his record is 2 and 2. He has thrown for 8 touchdown passes, and has rushed for 7 touchdowns in his career and this year in one and a half games has a QB rating of 94%. Orton only one one game this year and 3 out of 12 last year.

    I'm sure he will make many mistakes that a young QB makes and he will have his ups and downs but I will step out on a limb and say that Tim Tebow will be one of the game's greatest. Of course that is just my opinion. I do agree with you however that "time will tell".


  110. All I know is a W is a W. It may not have been pretty but Tebow got the job done. I'm not a Denver fan but Tebow makes for good entertainment. People will actually watch Denver now. If he starts stinking up the joint, it will be a whole different story. The jury is still out.

    They got Detroit at home next week. If Tebow throws a bunch of picks and fumbles the ball he'll be a zero. If he leads the Broncos to a victory he'll be a hero. If it's a close game but the Broncos loose, it won't be any different than what the Broncos did against Oakland, Tennessee, and San Diego. They were all games where the Broncos lost by 5 points or less. We'll see? I'm pulling for the dude until they play one of the teams I like better. Ha, ha.


  111. Chief said:

    "I'm not a Denver fan but Tebow makes for good entertainment."

    DnA said:

    That is why we enjoy the game. I liked Elway for the same reason. He holds very few records but he was fun to watch and he had an uncanny knack for winning at the last moment. Fran Tarkenton from the Purple People Eaters was fun to watch also. He'd run 50 yards behind the line of scrimmage on 4th and 30+ and then throw for a first down. Farve was a lot of fun to watch also. Peyton Manning can score 21 points in a couple minutes.


  112. Chief said:

    "If he starts stinking up the joint, it will be a whole different story. The jury is still out."

    DnA said:

    So far he hasn't given the jury any reason to sentence him. There is a learning curve that takes time. Peyton Manning was 3 and 13 his first year and broke the record for interceptions thrown in a single season. But he also smashed many rookie passing records and went on to be great. Tebow will make mistakes and lose a few games but what he won't do is stink up the place. Over all his passion and hard work will surpass the talent of many of his counterparts and he will be considered one of the better QB's at the end of the season. Of course this is all just conjecture and opinion right now but we'll have to revisit this conversation at the end of the season.


  113. That's what I like about your blog Jeff. We can turn it into a sports blog at any given moment.

  114. Hey thats cool with me.

  115. I'm a Patriots Fanatic. I think Brady is one of the best, if not the best, to ever play the game. What more needs to be said.
    My predicted for the Superbowl is New England and Green bay. What a game that would be!


    PS I think Tebow is the best thing to happen to Denver since Elway.

  116. Is there any hope for some basketball this season?

  117. MDR said:

    "I'm a Patriots Fanatic. I think Brady is one of the best, if not the best, to ever play the game."

    DnA said:

    Brady is awesome. The only QB that I think deserves to be mentioned in the same breath is Peyton Manning. Brady is one of a kind and he is fun to watch and he is a leader that brings out the best in those around him. If the Patriots face the Packers in the next SB, I'll be pulling for Brady and the Patriots.

    Like him or hate him, Belichick is one the all time best head coaches, also. He can take a team with major weaknesses to the Super Bowl and win it.

  118. About Tebow:

    "They are going to have to run the spread offense with this guy and run the running game out of the spread," ESPN football analyst Herm Edwards told the New York Times.

    "If you want to win some games, let him play that way. If you put him in a conventional offense, he's going to struggle."

    The debate may not be about whether Tebow can make it in the NFL. It may be a case of whether the NFL can make it for Tebow.

    Does the professional league have enough room, enough coaching freedom and strategic flexibility to find a way to let Tebow be Tebow?

    Copied and pasted from Reuters.

  119. Anonymous said...

    Is there any hope for some basketball this season?

    Chief said...

    Whatever hope remains is dwindling. I don't really care. All I ever watch is the playoffs.


  120. Playoffs? You kidding me? Playoffs? You want to talk about playoffs?

  121. Well I went in Tuesday morning as scheduled but they had no results to offer me. They are having a difficult time identifying the type of cancer cells hey are dealing with. Whatever it is they said it is very rare. It's possible that there are two types of cancers growing in the same spot. I start Chemo on Friday (at my request) and hopefully they will have the identification done by then. Please pray they do. They also said that because of the rareness of the cancer type they will probably allow me to go to MD Anderson for a second opinion which will be paid for by the VA. For this to happen I have to go through a couple of courses of Chemo first but he assured me he could get it done in time. Time... ha... that's all we really have isn't it. God bless you all for your continued prayer and support.


    Robert Briggs

  122. Hey, Brother Briggs! Thanks so much for the update. We've continued to lift you up in prayer. The Doc's might be having a hard time figuring out what they are dealing with, but thank God Doctor Jesus knows exactly what it is. This news only makes the miracle of His healing in your body much more special now!

    God Bless you my brother! We will continue to pray for you and your family. Please greet you wife for us.



    I have pondered this subject for a long time and was trying to figure out how to speak on this. God gave me the help I needed this morning... Listen carefully!

    God's love is unconditional... but yet the vast majority of christian have be taught that His love is conditional, that his answer to prayer is conditional, and that everything that God does preportional to our performance. This type of teaching will do two things. 1. it will kill you. 2. It will motivate you, to read and pray more. BUT... I can guarantee you that you cannot live a performance based relationship with God! You will fail. If you think that God loves you based on your performance, that is the wrong picture of who God is.

  124. cont. It's by His GRACE
    If you are under a conditional mentality you will then come under all of the condemnation and the guilt that goes with it. Let me put simply like this. I thought of my daughter Brianna. She has wanted to go certain places and do certain things but I would always say, well if you get your school work done, then you can. But, I thought about how that seemed like a performance based grace and love.

  125. cont. This is where some of us live spiritually! Many think that if they do more God will hear them when they pray or God will bless them and so on. You doubt the God will use His power on your behalf because you haven't been everything you are supposed to be.
    God doesn't use us, bless us, heal us, love us, preportional to our goodness. GOD LOVES US UNCONDITIONALLY, IT'S BY HIS GRACE! GOD USES US INSPITE OF AND NOT BECAUSE OF WHO WE ARE. It is because of His Grace. How many of you are under a performance based ministry or a performance based relationship with God? How believe that God will bless or heal based on your performance?
    In other words... We can't do anything to earn God's favor, and love! God doesn't grade us on a curve! If you are going to serve God based on performance, He demands perfection! Are you perfect? None of us are that's why we need His Grace.
    Romans 11:6, " If by Grace, then it is no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace."
    God doesn't extend His Grace to us base on whether or not we are good enough. Don't torment yourself. Grace is UNMERITED FAVOR, HEALING IS UNMERITED FAVOR, SALVATION IS UNMERITED FAVOR, GOD'S BLESSING IS UNMERITED FAVOR OF GOD! Everything God does is because of His love towards us. Believe and receive or doubt and do without! Amen.

    John 9:2 "And his disciples asked him saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?"
    JOHN 9:1-4

    The disciples asked a question that still puzzles many people today. Why is a child born with a physical defect? Is it a judgment of God upon the parents for some sin, or is it possibly God's judgment upon the child for sins that God knows he will commit?

    Jesus Himself had previously linked sickness with sin. In this instance, however, Jesus said this blindness was not caused by this man's or his parents' sins.

    This has led many people to interpret the rest of this verse as saying that God made this man blind just so that He could heal him and be glorified thereby. From this thinking, many doctrinal teachings have risen about how sickness and other problems in our lives are actually blessings from God, intended to bring glory to God and correction to us. This reasoning, however, does not line up with the other truths of God's Word.

    It was not God who made this beggar blind. This man was not born blind because of any one person's sins but because sin in general had corrupted the perfect balance that God had created in nature. Therefore, some maladies happen, not as a direct result of an individual's sins but as an indirect result of sin in general.

    Deuteronomy 28 settles forever the question of whether sickness, poverty, and oppression are really blessings in disguise. God says that sickness and poverty are curses - not blessings from God. Christ redeemed us from these curses of the law so that now the blessings may come upon us through Him (Galatians 3:13). God's curses have been placed on Jesus and removed from those who accept Jesus' sacrifice. You are blessed!

    Matthew 8:2, "And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean."
    MATTHEW 8:1-4

    Leprosy was a hated disease and its symptoms are described in detail in Leviticus 13:1-46. This leper believed Jesus could heal him, but doubted His willingness to heal him. Jesus showed him His willingness to heal, and since He is no respecter of persons, He established a precedent for us (Rom. 2:11). This leper did not know God's will concerning healing, but this is not the case with us. The Word of God is the will of God, and it reveals that it is always God's will to heal.

    Isaiah 53:5, makes it clear that when Isaiah said "with his stripes we are healed", he was speaking of the physical healing of our bodies. Jesus provided for physical healing as well as forgiveness of sins. The very word "save" (Gk.-"sozo") is translated "made whole" in reference to physical healing in Matthew 9:22, Mark 5:34, and Luke 8:48. James 5:15 says, "the prayer of faith shall save (Gk.-"sozo") the sick." Many scriptures mention the healing of our bodies in conjunction with the forgiveness of our sins. Healing is a part of our salvation, just as much as the forgiveness of our sins.

    Nowhere do we find Jesus refusing to heal anyone. In light of Jesus' statement that He could do nothing of Himself, but only what He saw the Father do (Jn. 5:19 and 8:28-29), His actions are proof enough that it is always God's will to heal. There are certain things Jesus suffered for us that we should not suffer. Jesus died for our sins so that we would not have to pay for them (Rom. 6:23). Jesus took our sicknesses and diseases so that we could walk in health (Mt. 8:17; 1 Pet. 2:24). Jesus became poor so that we, through His poverty, might be rich (2 Cor. 8:9). If God be for us, then no one can successfully be against us.

    The Lord has made every provision for you to walk in all He has provided for you today. Don't put it off a minute longer.

  128. That is the hardest part to come to grips with, the unmerited favour of God.
    I was raised a catholic and we were always taught that we needed to do for God to hear our prayer, but along the way there are many that still believe that premise, even those that are born again!
    When you are taught that God will only hear the prayer of a saint and that is it, I think that we are making ourselves as God, because God will hear anybody if He so desires, beccause He is God and He will do as He wishes.
    Many times we put God in a box and we despise those that will act radical outside of what we claim it is right.
    Like Namaan and his leprosy.

  129. The Broncos looked bad today.

  130. The Patriots looked REAL BAD today! It seems like every time they come off a bye week they're stinky.


  131. maybe coz they're using the left guard instead of the right guard.

  132. Kris, Waz-up! Where have you been?

  133. Broncos looked horrible today, Tebow wasn't Tebowing because he had no reason to. However, this loss was definitely a team effort. There was very little protection for the QB, no matter who they play at that position. My opinion is that Tebow will overcome this performance as many other new QB's overcome their bad performances. The problems that Tebow faces are similar to those of other great QB's and a great QB will overcome through a learning curve.

    The Patriots and Tom Brady look good even when they lose. The Steelers were long overdue a victory against the Patriots and they must have wanted it more. If they meet in the playoffs that will be an entirely different situation, advantage going to the Home team, but in any case, Brady is hard to beat in the playoffs.

    Is anyone going to be able to stop the Packers this year?

  134. Kristofer said:

    "maybe coz they're using the left guard instead of the right guard."

    Rightguard does work under both armpits....

    Hey Kristofer, Hows it been going? Hope you are doing well.

  135. Hi all, I'm checking back in to say thank you for your continued support. I went in on Friday for what was supposed to be my first Chemotherapy treatment but was not able to get the treatment because of my biopsy results. Before they started the treatment my Oncologist came in and asked me to come into his office. Once there he told me that the biopsy results were back and they were indicating ...a new type of cancer. According to the Biopsy I have a primary Lung Cancer that has spread to the liver, but they also think I have the primary liver cancer chologangiocarcinoma (this is becasue I have extremly elevated CA-19 9 tumor markers which are indicators of pancreatic or liver cancer). Becasue Non-smoking realated lung cancer is rare, and Cholangiocarcinoma is rare, and having two primary cancers in the same place is rare they are now referring me to MD Anderson Cancer Hospital here in Houston. My doctor also told me that I am definitely Stage 4.

    Hopefully I will be contacted by MD Anderson this week but we will have to see.

    As for me personally I am doing good. The pain is at times unbearable, and it is somewhat unbelievable that 8 weeks ago I had none of it. I would be lying to say that I have not had times of fear - I have. But I do see God working through this all. MD Anderson is a very expensive hospital and I have no insurance but now the VA will be paying for most of my expenses there making better treatement available to me then I would be able to afford on my own.

    My wife and kids are holding up, and keeping the faith.

    Thanks for your prayers and support.


  136. Thanks for the update RB.


  137. There ain't but one team in the NFL who doesn't look bad. The Saints got blown out this weekend also. Actually there are too teams looking good. The 49ers and the Packers. We'll see what happens.


  138. Pastor Briggs,
    My husband and I are deeply saddened about the recent events that you and your family are enduring.We are very blessed to serve an all knowing God. Thanks for keeping us updated on your condition.

  139. Cowboys..anyone? *hangshead*


  140. Hello MDR and Don and Ange, and hello Jeff and Vic, and everyone on here.

    Not much! Just reading a good book. It's called "The History of the Christian Church," by Philip Schaff. It's really good, and it seems unbiased towards any particular denomination. He wrote it in the 19th century, and it is a very well-respected piece of work. I am almost done with vol. 1 which is the history of the apostolic church. Next is the ante-nicene fathers (100 A.D. - 325 A.D.).

    Don and Ange,
    Thanks! I'm doing well, along with my family. We are busy with the little munchkin for one thing, but I am also very busy, because I am just treating this time like as if I was in college. I don't want to go to a college or be taught by a particular denomination, but I just want to read the Bible with the aid of scholarly books written by men with a real education. Then I hope to be able to instruct others, but not before that.

    Hello Jeff. I like what you are doing on your blog for Rev. Briggs. You're right. To every thing there is a season.

  141. Rev. Briggs,
    My prayer is for your speedy and full recovery, but if it is not the Lord's will, then I pray that you would be brought into everlasting life. It is not when we go, but how we go. God is merciful with you in that He is treating you as a just steward who the Lord will not visit suddenly. Thank God that you have time to prepare, and to be ever more on watch for your soul. It is the wicked man to whom the Lord will come suddenly and he will not have a chance to put his house in order.

    Having said that, therefore, I wish to remind you of what the Lord said in Luke chapters 12 and also 18, that we ought to purchase for ourselves bags without holes in them by giving alms to the poor. I know you have probably given a lot of money to NTCC, but I hope you will allow me to humbly advise you of this as I was not even aware of the teaching of the Lord on giving to the poor while in NTCC, though it is clearly taught in scripture. I know it seems wasteful to give to a man in America who may just want to buy cigarettes, but I know there are so many Christians in other countries (howbeit not a part of NTCC) who are very needy, and to these I think it is our Christian duty to contribute. I don't mean to put down NTCC, but I don't think World Missions pledges go towards the poor in the Philippines, and this I point out not to put them down but because I don't see how this giving can constitute alms-giving, which we are instructed to do by James, Peter, John, Paul, and the Lord Jesus Himself.

    This is what I wanted to share with you, and I pray that it is okay with you that I did.

    May God give you peace in your soul and help your family during this time.



  142. Kris said...

    Hello Jeff. I like what you are doing on your blog for Rev. Briggs. You're right. To every thing there is a season.

    Jeff said...

    Hey Kris. It's good to see people support Pastor Briggs. All we need to do is try and lift him up and encourage him. I'm not even thinking about the NTCC during this time. I can only imagine what the man is going through right now. My goal is to just say encouraging things to Pastor Briggs. We wish you the best Pastor Briggs.


  143. Thanks for saying that Jeff...
    Men and Brethren let's be reminded this is not about NTCC! Let us speak healing, and strengthen Bro.Brigg's Faith.
    I am calling on those that would pray for this Brother's healing around the clock. Just so that we are all praying the same thing I will be posting scriptures that we can pray and we must pray without ceasing until viotory comes.
    I will take the midnite hour. We need for those that would pray to pick the time that you will pray so that we cover the entire day in prayer for Bro Briggs. I will also be posting some teachings on healing to encourage him and anyone else that might need it.

    Stay Strong,
    Vic Morton

  144. Forty Scripture Memory Verses On Healing

    Romans 10 tells us that faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word of Christ. To help us believe God for healing oursleves, our friends and our families it helps to have a good grasp of the Scriptures concerning healing. These Scriptures are small enough to be written on a business card sized bit of paper, carried around and memorised.

    1. (Exodus 15:26 NKJV) and said, "If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals Bro Briggs."

    2. (Deuteronomy 32:39 NKJV) 'Now see that I, even I, am He, And there is no God besides Me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; Nor is there any who can deliver from My hand.

    3. (2 Chronicles 7:14 NKJV) "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

    4. (Psalms 30:2 NKJV) O LORD my God, I cried out to You, And You healed BRO BRIGGS.

    5. (Psalms 6:2 NKJV) Have mercy on me, O LORD, for I am weak; O LORD, heal me, for my bones are troubled.

    6. (Psalms 103:1-4 NKJV) Bless the LORD, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! {2} Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: {3} Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, {4} Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,

    7. (Psalms 107:20 NKJV) He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions.

    8. (Psalms 147:3 NKJV) He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds.

    9. (Proverbs 3:7-8 NKJV) Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil. {8} It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones.

    10. (Proverbs 4:20-22 NKJV) My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. {21} Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; {22} For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh.

    11. (Isaiah 53:5 NKJV) But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.

    12. (Isaiah 58:8 NKJV) Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.

    13. (Isaiah 61:1 NKJV) "The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, Because the LORD has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;

    14. (Jeremiah 3:22 NKJV) "Return, you backsliding children, And I will heal your backslidings." "Indeed we do come to You, For You are the LORD our God.

    15. (Jeremiah 17:14 NKJV) Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; Save me, and I shall be saved, For You are my praise.

    16. (Jeremiah 30:17 NKJV) For I will restore health to you And heal you of your wounds,' says the LORD, 'Because they called you an outcast saying: "This is Zion; No one seeks her."'

    17. (Jeremiah 33:6 NKJV) 'Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.

    18. (Hosea 6:1 NKJV) Come, and let us return to the LORD; For He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up.

    19. (Hosea 14:4 NKJV) "I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely, For My anger has turned away from him.

    20. (Malachi 4:2 NKJV) But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves.

  145. 21. (Matthew 4:23 NKJV) And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among Bro Briggs.

  146. 23. (Matthew 8:16 NKJV) When evening had come, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick,

    24. (Matthew 9:35 NKJV) Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.

    25. (Matthew 10:1 NKJV) And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.

    26. (Matthew 10:8 NKJV) "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.

    27. (Matthew 12:22 NKJV) Then one was brought to Him who was demon-possessed, blind and mute; and He healed him, so that the blind and mute man both spoke and saw.

    28. (Matthew 14:14 NKJV) And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick.

    29. (Luke 6:19 NKJV) And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all.

    30. (Luke 9:6 NKJV) So they departed and went through the towns, preaching the gospel and healing everywhere.(The twelve are sent out)

    31. (Luke 10:8-9 NKJV) "Whatever city you enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set before you. {9} "And heal the sick there, and say to them, 'The kingdom of God has come near to you.'(The seventy are sent out)

    32. (Luke 17:15 NKJV) And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God,(The story of the ten lepers)

    33. (Acts 3:12 NKJV) So when Peter saw it, he responded to the people: "Men of Israel, why do you marvel at this? Or why look so intently at us, as though by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?

    34. (Healing of the lame man at the Gate Beautiful) (Acts 4:29-31 NKJV) "Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, {30} "by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus." {31} And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.

    35. (1 Corinthians 12:9 NKJV) to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit,

    36. (James 5:14-16 NKJV) Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. {15} And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. {16} Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

    37. (Revelation 22:2 NKJV) In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

    38. (Luke 8:47 NKJV) Now when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling; and falling down before Him, she declared to Him in the presence of all the people the reason she had touched Him and how she was healed immediately.

    39. (Luke 8:48 NKJV) And He said to her, "Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace."

    40. (Luke 5:17 NKJV) Now it happened on a certain day, as He was teaching, that there were Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by, who had come out of every town of Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was present to heal them.

  147. As we pray for him let's do it round the clock using scriptures.


  148. I'll put a few in when I get a break from work.


  149. 1 Kings 17:20 And he cried unto the LORD, and said, O LORD my God, hast thou also brought evil upon the widow with whom I sojourn, by slaying her son?
    17:21 And he stretched himself upon the child three times, and cried unto the LORD, and said, O LORD my God, I pray thee, let this child's soul come into him again.
    17:22 And the LORD heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived.
    17:23 And Elijah took the child, and brought him down out of the chamber into the house, and delivered him unto his mother: and Elijah said, See, thy son liveth.
    17:24 And the woman said to Elijah, Now by this I know that thou art a man of God, and that the word of the LORD in thy mouth is truth.


  150. The Christian First-Aid Kit
    By Andrew Wommack

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    When you’re facing a crisis, remember what Jesus said to His disciples the night before His crucifixion: “Let not your heart be troubled” (John 14:1).

    Imagine what it would have been like to be one of Jesus’ disciples at the end. They watched as He was arrested, beaten, and crucified. All of their hopes and dreams were rooted in Him, and then He was dead and seemingly defeated.

    The confusion, hurt, and pain from that alone were probably unbearable, but then came the thoughts: We have made such sacrifices, leaving family and businesses, risking it all on the belief that Jesus was the Messiah. Might it all have been in vain? How long before they come to get us? That is real stress and pressure.

    I believe the disciples were facing a crisis that none of us will ever endure, yet what did Jesus say? “Let not your heart be troubled.” That statement is the first step in Christian first aid. When a crisis comes—and it will—reach for the first-aid kit, and let not your heart be troubled.

    I personally believe that people’s first reactions to a crisis will dictate whether or not they overcome. Most people let their emotions and hurts run their course, giving them time to build huge strongholds of unbelief in their hearts. Then, after the strongholds have been well established, they turn to God and ask for help. They don’t realize that it’s much easier to keep the storm of a crisis from getting inside their hearts than it is to remove it later.

    I think about the testimony of Alan and Debbie Moore, which many of you may have read. Debbie found Alan lying unresponsive on the ground. She called the ambulance, yet refused to panic. She was able to harness her emotions in the face of negative doctors’ reports and stand in faith for Alan’s healing from a massive stroke. She was so calm that the neurologist accused her of not taking him seriously.

    “One-third of his brain is permanently damaged,” said the doctors. “His left side is paralyzed. He’ll never swallow or speak again, and he’ll need a stomach tube for the rest of his life.” Yet just nine days later, Alan walked unaided out of the hospital and returned to his job. A second MRI still showed “permanent” damage to Alan’s brain, but he remains unaffected by the stroke. He is a walking miracle, and I believe he is alive today because Debbie understood that step one of Christian first aid is to not panic, and “let not your heart be troubled.”

  151. The Christian First-Aid Kit
    By Andrew Wommack

    We live in a fallen world and tribulations will come. You cannot avoid them, but if you’re prepared, you can keep them from getting on the inside of you. I don’t care if you’ve been divorced, suffered financial disaster, or are facing cancer, God can turn your problem around if you will believe and not panic.

    You can control your emotions, and you can control your feelings. You can control whether or not you have depression and whether you are encouraged or discouraged. Jesus would not have said to “let not your heart be troubled” if it were not possible. He would be unjust to tell you to do something that you couldn’t do. The fact that He told you to do it means you have both the capacity and the power.

    In 1 Samuel 30:6, we read that David made the decision to encourage himself in the Lord while in the middle of a huge crisis, facing severe consequences.

    “And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.”

    David called for the ephod, which is the Old Testament equivalent of the Bible. He called for the Word, he enquired of God, he built himself up, and he encouraged himself. If he hadn’t, I believe his men would have killed him. But because he did encourage himself, his vision came to pass within forty-eight hours: He became king. What the devil had meant for evil, God turned to good.

    People come to me for prayer all the time at my meetings. Many believe their problems are unique and often begin by describing just how bad their situations have become. What many are looking for is empathy and my sympathy, but I won’t go there with them. It’s not because I don’t have compassion. In fact, I have enough compassion to say to them, “Get over it and believe God.”

    I’m telling you, brothers and sisters, you are selling yourselves short. Many of you believe that because you’re human, a fearful and paralyzing response in a crisis is normal. The truth is that you are not only human; you’ve got the Holy Spirit of God living on the inside of you, and therefore you can prevent your heart from being troubled.

    When you stand up and do what you can do, then God supernaturally energizes you. Peter couldn’t walk on the water by his own human power, but he did get out of the boat under his own power. The moment he took the first step, the supernatural power of God enabled him to overcome and walk on water.

    It’s also important to keep your problems in perspective. I just returned from a trip to China where I met people in the underground church who have been beaten and tortured for their faith. One man in particular was imprisoned for ten years where he endured unspeakable things, yet he never denied the faith.

    Since his release twenty years ago, he has started over 200,000 small home churches. Over ten million people have been reached with the Gospel because of his commitment. For security reasons, most of the people in his churches don’t know who he is. He has very little money, and the world will never know of his sacrifice. I can’t even tell you his name, because the government is looking for him.

    When you speak to people like him, it makes the problems we face here in the West pale in comparison.

    There is a devil going around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Pet. 5:8). If you never bump into him in this life, it might be because you’re going in the same direction. But when you turn around and begin swimming upstream, following God’s plan for your life, you’re going to get some resistance, and you will need to know how to keep your heart from being troubled.

    By Andrew Wommack

    • Healing Journeys I
    • Healing Journeys II DVD
    • Healing Scriptures CD
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    A head-on collision, the jaws of life, a helicopter flight to the hospital, and thirty-one days in the ICU. The injuries were so extensive that Ken should have died. But his wife, Virginia, believed God, and a healing journey began.

    Had Carol sunk into an earthly pit so deep and dark that even Jesus’ arms could not rescue her? At 290 pounds with a history of drugs, multiple abortions, and abuse, if Jesus couldn’t—or wouldn’t—save her, she knew she would die.

    After years of severe headaches, twelve-year-old Scott was healed and then diagnosed with a rare disease. He had Barrett’s esophagus, a life-threatening condition unheard of in children. The story of a little girl’s miracle opened the door to his healing.

    Merci’s multiple sclerosis progressively worsened. Unable to work, drive, or even walk, she had come to the end. “What am I doing wrong, Lord? Why am I not healed?” The answer would change her life.

    The ultrasound showed fluid on the brain, flattened facial features, calcium deposits in the heart, and more—all symptoms of Down’s syndrome. The doctor recommended abortion, but the parents believed God!

    These five stories have been documented and recorded on a new DVD called Healing Journeys, Volume 2. They are all stories of the power of God’s Word working in the lives of people who gained a revelation of what God had already done for them through Jesus. Every one of them is a Healing Journey that will touch your life.

    Jesus used miracles like these as a dinner bell. He used them to prove He could forgive sin (Mark 2:10-12). God used them to authenticate Jesus and His message (Heb. 2:3-4). Jesus told His followers that they would do the same works He had done (John 14:12). He said that the preaching of His Word would be confirmed by signs and wonders (Mark 16:20).

    So why aren’t we seeing greater manifestations of His healing? Aren’t people still suffering from sickness? Doesn’t Jesus love people today just as much as He did when He walked the earth? Don’t believers still need to see demonstrations of His power?

    YES! Not only do we need the healing power of God today, but God wants to release that power. Hallelujah! However, healing isn’t up to God alone. It isn’t God who decides who gets healed and who doesn’t. That’s a radical statement, but it’s true. And herein lies some of the greatest obstacles to receiving God’s healing power.

    By Andrew Wommack

    One of the worst doctrines in the body of Christ is the belief that God controls everything that happens. Fundamentalists/Evangelical Christians believe that God either controls or allows everything, and that Satan has to get His permission before he can do anything.

    That’s a convenient theology because it absolves the individual of any personal responsibility. That’s also the reason for its popularity. I know this may shock some people, but it’s true: That belief will kill you. God’s will doesn’t automatically come to pass. We have to believe and cooperate with God to receive what He has provided for us, including our own salvation.

    Second Peter 3:9 says it isn’t God’s will for anyone to perish:

    “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

    That’s as plain as the Scripture can make it. It is not God’s WILL for anyone to perish, but they do. In fact, Jesus said more people would enter through the broad gate unto destruction than enter through the narrow gate unto life (Matt. 7:13-14). God doesn’t force salvation on people.

    People don’t have to ask Jesus to save them; they just need to believe the nearly-too-good-to-be-true news that their sins are already forgiven and receive their salvation (Acts 16:31). The same thing is true of healing: God has already healed everyone, just as He has already paid for the forgiveness of everyone’s sins.

    Healing is already an accomplished work. First Peter 2:24 says,

    “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.”

    Jesus isn’t healing people today—healing was given 2,000 years ago in Jerusalem when He took those stripes on His back. He hasn’t, and won’t, receive any more stripes. People today only receive through faith what has already been accomplished by Jesus thousands of years ago.

    The Scriptures don’t tell us to pray for the sick, in the sense that we are powerless to minister healing to them. It’s just the opposite: Jesus told US to HEAL the sick (Matt. 10:1, 8; Luke 9:1, and 10:9). There’s a big difference between asking the Lord to heal people and healing them.

    Most Christians today are appalled at what I’ve just said. They think, Who do you think you are? Well, without Jesus, I am nothing (John 15:5), but the good news is that I’m not without Jesus! He will never leave me nor forsake me (Heb. 13:5). Hallelujah! Therefore, I can say with the Apostle Peter, “Such as I have give I thee” (Acts 3:6).

    This is what Peter said when he ministered to the lame man in Acts 3. Peter didn’t pray for this man. He didn’t say, “O God, we can do nothing without You. Please heal this man if it is Your will.” It’s always God’s will to heal (3 John 2). We don’t ask and then wait and see. That’s not believing His Word. Instead of beggars, we need to become believers who, knowing God’s will, use our authority to heal.

    Talking and acting like that today will get us kicked out of most churches. After all, who do we think we are? That’s not the way many Christians believe it’s done. And that’s one of the main reasons we don’t see more of the healing power manifest that Jesus provided.

    I have prayed for thousands of people in my meetings across the country, and I have yet to see every person healed. It might be a problem in the heart of the one receiving prayer, or it might be something I don’t understand in regards to that particular person. But one thing I know for sure—it’s not God.

    Healing is such an important issue that I’m beginning a six-week series on it on television in April. You won’t want to miss it. I have also put together a special package to help you. I call it A Better Health-Care Package.

  154. It really takes courage for a man like bro briggs to come here and letting us know about his condition.
    I appreciate his honesty and for being such an example, he has never being one to hide from anything, and now he is not hiding from this enemy.

    Just an idea for you chief, maybe you can name a new thread and call it standing with briggs or something lke that and we we'll use it to bring good words for him.

    Bro. Briggs I know you have read the following scripture but I want to share it with all here, because it brought alot of encouragement for me sometime ago when I was going through a crisis,

    Again I say unto you, that if TWO
    of you shall AGREE on earth as
    touching ANYTHING that they shall ask, it shall be DONE for them of my FATHER.

    We are agreeing with you bro. briggs.

  155. Denver Broncos have 2 wins and 1 loss under QB Tim Tebow, who has thrown for 6 touchdowns and 1 interception this season. While his completion percentage is less than 50% and he has turned the ball over twice on fumbles and been sacked a lot, He has also rushed for 277 yards this year. I predict that this year will be a rocky road but Denver is actually competing in their division now. Tebow will bring more excitement than disappointment to Denver and in the long run he will be the future in Denver. The biggest intangible that we are seeing with the Denver Broncos right now is that they are beginning to play as a team now with many others contributing. After more than a decade of bitter disappointment, Broncos fans are hopeful. We see a lot of potential in Tebow, and hope that he is the answer in Denver. Life without football would be worse than life without coffee!

  156. Great news. Olson was mistaken about the forty acres and the motive behind it being gifted to kekel. It is now being gifted back to ntcs. Since this was a major reason I left im glad it was all just a misunderstanding.

    Eric g.

  157. He,He,Hello Brethren! N,N,Now brethren, this is a dan,dan, dangerous topic. The Lord is blessing us!

    Who does that sound like?

  158. Don't you think Kekel's blog post about the 40 acres being transferred from his name and put back into the orgs name should have been titled, RW Davis donates 40 acres...and a mule? Now THAT's a dangerous question, isn't it, brother?

  159. Pretty transparent damage control--this property would never have been repatriated if they hadn't been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. I'm calling it win, but it's pretty hollow, since putting the property in the org's name is just like taking it out of one pocket and putting it in the other.

  160. Notice how the controversial 40 acres blog post by Kekel is drowned out by a bunch of lame pictures of old men pouring concrete.
    Kind of like the liberal news media does... When a dozen troops are gunned down in Iraq, they cover the story briefly, then follow up with some non sense story, like puppies being born, or a christmas tree lighting.
    Good try Mikey but some of us see through the sham!

  161. They got caught and now they are trying to fix it. Pretty simple. Olson's explanation was a lie. Anyone who buys off on that whole 40 deal deserves the NTCC. There is a sucker born every day.

  162. Tebow gets another "W". Is it the spread offense or is there really something to Tebow's Tebowing? While Tebow's stats don't seem to justify 4 straight wins he has brought a new style of football to the NFL, the likes of which most critics have said will never work in the NFL. Denver's offense which has been built to cater to Tebow's abilities has been successful and very hard for other teams to deal with. By possessing the ball for an average of four more minutes than Orton was able too, the opposing defenses have been worn down. By spreading out the defense, and running the option, Denver's run game has improved and kept other teams guessing. If they go after Tebow, the football is given to McGahee or Ball and Denver runs it down their opponent's throat, or Tebow keeps it and runs all over them. Tebow does just about everything that coaches preach about. They say run the ball, don't make mistakes and that's what he does. When needed, Tebow also knows how to throw touchdown passes. In the fourth quarter and OT, Tebow knows how to get things done and seems to find a different gear and has the unique and Elwayesque ability to pull out a victory when it seems impossible. One more thought to consider is leadership. It seems like every Denver fan including myself, and the entire team, coaches included, believe in Tebow. Those around Tebow seem to elevate their play. And I almost forgot, Denver's defense has been showing up to games and playing very solid football. But I have to say that above all of Tebow's athletic ability and the intangibles that make him great there is something that we are forgetting in this equation. Tebowing. When your name becomes a verb, watch out. Has anyone considered that maybe, just maybe there is someone on the other end that might be listening to Tebow's prayers? Is it possible or even fathomable to think that divine intervention may play a role in Denver's new found ability to win games? Forget America's team, what about God's team?

  163. Scripture of the Day:

    2 Th 3:7-10

    "For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you;

    Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you:

    Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us.

    For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat."

  164. So therefor Davis and Kekel shouldn't eat.

  165. Davis wouldn't know how to act if he wasn't allowed to shove a hotdog down his throat.

  166. Or a Chili Dog.....

  167. Scripture of the Day:

    1 Timothy 6:6-10

    "But godliness with contentment is great gain.

    For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.

    And having food and rainment let us be therewith content.

    But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.

    For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

    And 1 Timothy 6:17-19

    "Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;

    That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate;

    Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life."

  168. Highminded? Sounds like Tanya, Davis and Kekel. That crew has completely neglected those scriptures.

  169. Everyone is saying that Tebow's numbers are not that great and that the defense is winning these games but I have to say, where was the defense when Orton played QB? Tebow and the God he serves have turned this team around. There is no way that Denver should have beaten Chicago. Nobody wants to state the obvious so I'm going to come out and say it. If it makes you mad, pray. God is blessing the Broncos because of a selfless Quarterback named Tim Tebow that loves God and has given his life and many of his resources to help others. In his spare time he hangs out with kids in wheel chairs, making a difference in their lives. You can say God doesn't care about football and Tebow is just lucky and whatever you want, but what we are witnessing is something that we have never seen in Football or any other professional team sport at this level. Enjoy it. Embrace it. You can't stop it, so climb aboard the Tebow train or just be a spectator and watch in astonishment. It's all good.

  170. OK, I'll take the bait: you're just being silly and superstitious. What of the teams that have won Superbowls with "wicked" QBs? Was God asleep at the wheel while the Devil had his way? Tebow shmebow. This is just shallow pop Christianity on display, like when someone finds the virgin Mary on a slice of toast or in a mildew stain. How is it that folks will make a big deal out of what some millionaire national idol quarterback is doing, while far more important people and events are ignored?

    The whole mega sports and entertainment infrastructure is a barometer for the lack of spirituality in America. Grown men are paid obscene sums to play a kids game so we can all divert our minds from what's happening around us. Might as well entertain ourselves on the way down the toilet, I suppose. Bah, humbug! I'd get more out of watching a junior high game played for fun than I would paying homage to these monuments to excess. Sure, great sports are awesome, but there is a serious lack of normal perspective when adults riot and rampage over some vain entertainment while The Man sucks our liberty away day by day in plain view of the zombified masses.

    Besides--everyone knows that the Saints are God's team ;-) .

  171. Merry Christmas Vic! Hope you and your family have a great holiday season.

  172. Guess what y'all? I decided to weigh in on this one. Imagine that. For the most part I think (no I know) that Christians are overly superstitious. Having said that if we believe in the Gospels and the accounts found in the Old and New Testaments, we know for a fact that God uses all kinds of ways and methods to get the attention of all kinds of different people. He used a dumb ass, a harlot, opening the sea and then collapsing it again over top of the enemy.

    Would it be a totally strange thing if God were to use the most widely viewed sport in America to try and get his message out? Who could say yea or nay? No one, because the fact is we don't know one way or another!!!!! Tell me I'm wrong? Who on this blog or anywhere else on earth for that matter controls the hand of God? Not one single person. Does Tebow give generously? Yes, from what we read. Is he a God fearing man? Yes, from what we read and hear. According to the Bible, God for quite a good period of time allowed and assisted Samson in conquering his enemies did he not? Samson was a dirty dog and God helped him, so why would it be so strange for God to help Tebow? A whole lot more strange things than that happened in the Bible.

    The truth is none of us know one way or the other and it's likely we never will, but based on the accounts we read in the Bible it's certainly possible and plausible and not as far fetched as some might think. If a man got swallowed by a whale and spit out on shore and another killed one-thousand men with the jaw bone of an ass, then you best believe that a dude who generously gives to the poor could be assisted in beating his opponent on a football field!!

    It is what it is.

    Cha Chief, Cha Chief, Cha Chief, Chief, Chief. Go Broncos. Role Tide.

    P.S. And guess what? The New Testament Christian Church is still a corrupt organization lead by a bunch of crooks and I don't need to be superstisious to figure that one out. The explanation that Kekel the Con Artist gave for the land deal was as bogus as the one that Olson gave years ago.

  173. Kekel, Olson, Davis and all the rest of his cronies are nothing but a bunch of modern day con artists and a couple thousand people have taken the bait hook line and sinker. Go trow a Frisbee around the camp ground and have your BBQs. It wasn't long ago that RDUB the dupester said such conduct was nonspiritual and quote, a waist of the time that God allocated man to reach souls on this earth.

    So was RWD wrong or did God have a change in heart? Running around a shopping mall with a bunch of robes on singing Christmas carols. Davis the dupester would have said that was a waste of time back in the day. So your so called prophet is a false prophet the way I see it but you are still going to shell out your hard earned money to that crook and his crooked organization.

    All the NTCC is trying to do with singing at the mall is to give the perception that they are more mainstream because everybody around Graham rightly so thinks and knows they are a cult. Kekel the Con artist wants to change that perception by going to the mall to sing Christmas carols dressed in robes that according to their own doctrine, men shouldn't be wearing in the first place.

    In my book a robe is like a dress. So if it's ok for a man to wear a robe then why can't a women wear skorts. A robe is kind of like a dress and skorts are kind of like skirts. I know, God changed is mind about all that stuff. The NTCC is a kinder more gentler church now. Bring your Frisbees, bring your BBQ grills and don't forget your 10%.

    Bunch of crooks.


  174. Hey Chief,

    He said bring your frisbee's and musical instruments, and by the way, we still are going to have church. I think their priorities are all mixed up. Frisbees and footballs used to be a sin according to the false prophet, Davis. The only thing that seems not to have changed in the ntcc is their need and drive for money. Tithe is the one constant in ntcc doctrine that will never change.


  175. Ain't that the truth. That will not change. One is saved by giving 10% and the blood of Jesus. Didn't you know? There is one "sin" the blood of Jesus can't wash away. Not giving your 10%. Hogwash. We've been down this road many times. The NTCC leadership changes everything in the book that the false prophet said but none of them are interested in changing the old tithe notion.

    Anyway it is what it is. The more money I don't give the NTCC, the more money I get. It just keeps rolling in. kind of like the way old Tebow keeps finding ways to win games. Tomorrow is a big one. If they don't get past the Pats that won't erase what they've already done but if they do, all doubt will be erased. This game will be their biggest hurdle. I'm back. The NTCC is still full of a bunch of crooks. Kekel is a con artist, Davis still a dupester, Tayna is still spoiled rotten and Grant is still getting over at his Catholic college. NTCCers are still getting took, I'm still getting richer, I'm still talking bad about the NTCC and I'm still getting "blessed". Go figure.

    I don't have anymore topics and it don't matter. I'm still not tired yet. I hope Pastor Briggs gets better but I'm back on the trail. Life is so good since I left the NTCC, words can't even express. The last time I checked, Bro Bellamy is still listed as a minister with the NTCC on the NTCC's website. Either Bellamy lied about leaving the NTCC, (which I doubt) or the NTCC is LYING about who is pastoring on their "official" website.

    I wonder is Barnes really left? I'll find out for sure soon enough. They still have him listed as well. Their website is a big propaganda lie and it's about worthless.



  176. Well, I've always said that I think God is a Pats fan. Here is a little stat for y-all, Tom Brady only has a loosing record against ONE team in the NFL and guess which team that is? You guessed it...the Denver Broncos! He's 1-5 against this team. I do think that the Pats roll out of town with a victory tomorrow, but I do like what I see in Tim Tebow. It should be a great game, and don't forget the Pats defense is one of the worst in the league right now.

  177. MDR said:

    "I do think that the Pats roll out of town with a victory tomorrow, but I do like what I see in Tim Tebow. It should be a great game, and don't forget the Pats defense is one of the worst in the league right now."

    DnA said:

    This will be the toughest fought game of the regular season for Denver. The fact that Brady has his team at 10-3 with a very bad defense shows you how good he is. Tebow is not one to hang 40 points on an opposing team which is probably what needs to happen to win this game.

    This is my prediction. Denver stays in the game through a bunch of unlikely coincidences or whatever you want to call them and somehow manages to keep the game close until the 4th quarter. Things will happen that we've never seen before, people making mistakes, people performing in a way they never have before, bad decisions, good decisions, a mixed bag of tricks. I predict that if the game comes down to the wire, that Denver will find a way to win. Tebow will have a 120 QB rating in the 4th Qtr and OT if it goes there and everyone in Football land will be shaking their heads in wonder at what they just witnessed. The skeptics will be saying there's no way Tebow can win in the playoffs with this style of football. Whatever happens, I will be enjoying the game. This is what football is all about for me. Two teams that are great in their own way, fighting for a victory late in the season when every game means something.

    Good luck, MDR, if you believe in luck. I'd be pulling for the Pats if it were any other team playing against them, and I believe the best team will win, (maybe not the most talented).

    If Denver loses, they will still be leading their division. They will still have a good chance to make it to the playoffs and who knows what'll happen from there. Happy football Sunday, everyone!


  178. Which ever the case and even if Denver gets blown out it should be interesting. We got MDR for the Pats and Don for Denver. I'm going to sit back and enjoy the game if I can get it. I just have an antenna so I get some games and others I don't. Good luck both of you.


  179. "The truth is none of us know one way or the other..."

    That's my point; hence it's superstitious to go around saying one way or another. I recall a number of fornicators who were particularly successful onfield. When it comes to spiritual things, things most often are not as they appear to the senses. Accepting only what we observe as ultimate reality is imprudent, grasshoppa.

    Whether it's God or the Devil, it's some good football.

  180. Who's on the Lord's side? Behold, the football of the Lord and of Brady!! Just kidding!
    Wow! What a great game!! Tebow is a rising star and one day, no doubt, will be spoken of as one of the great ones to have played the game. There was great football all around the league today. Man, I love this game!
    Have a good week peoples and Merry Christmas to all!


  181. Congrats to the Pats, MDR, and anyone else who enjoyed that game. The Patriots are playing some good football and they were a little too much for the Broncos this weekend. So the Broncos lose the battle but they are still looking pretty good for the playoffs. For a team that had the worst record over the previous 30 games and started out with 1 win and 4 losses, they are doing pretty good this year.

    I know that I've said some things about Tebow and his faith and implied that God is on his side. My sentiments are shared with many that choose to believe that maybe if a person loves God and and his neighbor and unselfishly gives to those in need, just maybe God will bless the endeavors of such a person.

    Right now Tebow is getting more media exposure than just about anyone on planet earth. This effects people differently. Some in the media get beside themselves and hate it whenever someone mentions the possibility of God being involved in it. These are the ones that predict that there is no way Denver can keep playing like this and continue to win and somehow they do. Others are just enjoying the ride. They are witnessing something in football that they have never seen and can not explain.

    The ntcc teaches the opposite. They claim to have a monopoly on the move of God. If any one outside of the ntcc experiences the blessings of God it is fake, phony and the devil is painting a false picture. This is precisely why I chose to disregard much of what the ntcc teaches, because I have found that faith outside of the ntcc produces more fruit than what we see inside the ntcc.

    Many others choose not to look at the Tebow experience as the virgin Mary on a piece of toast. I don't see any superstition involved in what is happening in Denver. Is it superstitious to beleive that a man who is a Christian and plays football can be blessed by God? Is is superstitious to believe that the team he plays on can win games in a never before seen fashion? Somebody has to win. The fornicators have been winning for quite some time. However, this is my opinion that I share with others that chose to believe that there is something great happening. I'll have to say that time will tell on this matter. There are a lot of things that can happen to derail the Tebow train and I'll admit that it can happen.

    But for now, football is fun for me. It's a pastime and I have the tendency to poke fun at others that like other teams. I know that I've said some controversial things about Tebow and the Broncos, but we have to remember that it's a game. It's supposed to be fun and for me it is and will continue to be.


  182. You know Jeff, with all the changes going around in ntcc and trying to become like the "worldly" churches, I wonder if this really gonna bring more people to their ranks.

    I remember talking to somebody that had been in the ntcc way back when they were in forest avenue.
    They had some fantastic stories about what ntcc was like in their formative years.
    I remember kekel preaching about it and he said that he knew pastor davis before he had any money! To think that rw didn't have any money and he had been in the ministry for years and now when he is in his late 50's he suddently gets blessed by God!
    Not likely! He found a better way to invest his money.

  183. RW might not have had any money then compared to now, but he had plenty compared to us. I was at Forest Avenue with Mike, and we both know RW drove a Caddy even then. He made a big show of how he'd sacrificed over the years, but we never saw any evidence that he took care of anything other than his own interests.

  184. "we never saw any evidence that he took care of anything other than his own interests."

    That sums up davis! Selfish.

  185. This comment has been removed by the author.

  186. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjQjcNrY1_A

    Girls get naked before God... shocking cult!

    go to video at-- 7:02 on this video
    Girls trained in cult to get "Naked before God" (cult-leader)

    This is the grace of God turned into lasciviousness- Brother Gaylord would be appalled by this...

  187. Tebow time in Buffalo, hopefully. Denver goes into it's final two games of the season with a one game lead in their division. They hold the tiebreaker over Oakland and San Diego. Denver has a history of melting down in the final part of the season having gone 8-5 in 06, 08 and 09 and then loosing the final 3 games of each of those seasons. Denver has not made the playoffs in 6 years. If they win in Buffalo and Oakland loses today, Denver clinches the AFC west. If Denver loses in Buffalo to a team that has lost 8 games straight, it will come down to the last game of the season in a faceoff between a Kyle Orton led Kansas City team. Oakland still has a possibility of getting into the playoffs depending on if they win their final two games and Denver has a melt down. If Denver looses it's final two games they can still get in as a Wild Card if the Jets, Titans and the Bengals lose.

    To sum it all up, Denver has a pretty good chance of clinching their division today. Tebow is going into a hostile environment to play in the coldest temperatures he's ever had to play in. In spite of last weeks loss to a very good Patriots team, they have been playing great football and will most likely walk away with a victory. Any thing can happen in the NFL. If Denver does clinch their Division they will most likely be rewarded with the toughest playoff match up having to face the Steelers or the Ravens unless the banged up Texans have a melt down.

    Since Christmas is on Sunday this year, today is Football Saturday with most NFL games being played today and only one being played tomorrow. Patriots have a very good chance of getting home field advantage throughout the playoffs.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Football day!!!!!!

  188. ITS TEBOW TIME. MAN I HOPE THEY WIN. It makes for good entertainment. I'm not a Denver fan but they are not a team I don't like either. I don't like the Saints and the Cowboys. I don't care for the Pats either, (no offense MDR). I like the Jets and they are big rivals of the Pats. Yeah I want to see of Denver win. I could always appreciate Elway and as a result I have an affection to Denver. Not a fan though. Denver needs to take down the Bills.


  189. If I haven't confused you enough already here is a little more info to add to the playoff picture:

    In the AFC West, the Broncos hold a one game lead over Oakland. If Denver wins out, they win the division. They play the Bills in Buffalo and the Chiefs at home in the next two weeks.

    If Denver loses to the Bills and beats Kansas City, and the Raiders win both games to tie the Broncos, Denver wins the AFC West. If Denver beats the Bills and loses to Kansas City, and Oakland wins both games, then a ton of number crunching has to be done between common opponents to see which team gains the advantage.

    If the Broncos lose both games, the Raiders win both and the Chargers win both, they hold the tiebreaker over the Chargers and Oakland would win the division. If the Broncos and Raiders lose both, the Chargers only win one and the Chiefs win both, they win the AFC west because of the tiebreaker.

    Don't you love AFC west Football in December?

  190. The good news is the Chiefs still have something to play for. We need a Denver win and a Chiefs win. If Denver looses and the Chiefs win, Denver better not fall apart against the Chiefs next week. Good luck Don.


  191. I totally agree with you on Dallas and the Saints. I hate the Cowboys more than any other team. I also can't stand the Saints for no reason in particular. I would also throw in the Redskins and Steelers as two other teams to hate. But Christmas is about love so I choose to focus on my beloved Broncos. Dittos Chief on Elway. He was my all time favorite QB and I always enjoyed the entertainment of the 4th quarter comebacks and the excitement that it brought to my home team.


  192. Thanks, Chief.

    Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

  193. Oh yeah, this is good football. G. Kekel style. The Kekels know about football don't they. When football was being preached against, the Kekels were dead in the middle of it. When other NTCC kids were having their childhood stolen from them, G. Kekel was living it up. When RWD the dupester was preaching at NTCC parents because their kids didn't go to Bible school, the Kekels were making plans for Grant to go anywhere but the NTCS Bible school. What a bunch of double standard hypocrites and everyone knows it and if you don't you are blind as a bat.

    People, I heard the preaching in conference. "If your child doesn't attend the NTCS, you are a failure of a Christian parent. Then look what happens with Grant, RDUBs own grandson? Straight to a Catholic college. I won't let them live that one down. Don't think I've forgotten folks. I'm not fickle. I just realize that sometimes there is a time for other things. The Kekels don't have a conscience and RWD is a straight up SINNER HYPOCRITE. Neither one of clasify as what the Bible calls sinners and Pharisees. They've made the outside clean but inside they are dirty hypocrites.

    Cha Chief

  194. Don and Ange wrote...

    Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

    Chief said...

    I hope you and yours do also and you know I mean it. I ain't fake like those NTCC money hungry hypocrites. All they care about is your money. This is all they care about, "We missed you in church Thursday". Other than that they hadn't called you for a year.

    NTCC pastor... "You missed paying your tithe this month Brother".

    Brother... "I don't have enough money for my rent pastor".

    NTCC pastor... "You are better off not paying your rent then failing to pay 10% of your gross income to the NTCC".

    Chief... I haven't payed tithe to the NTCC for about 4 years now and I have more money than I know what to do with. I got money rolling out my ears. I was going backwards financially in the NTCC now I'm going far forward. It's ok, don't believe me. Just keep giving your money to the NTCC and I won't, and I'll just keep watching my bank account get larger and you'll keep watching yours get smaller or more non existent than it already is. You just keep giving your money to the Kekels and I'll keep mine and we'll see who make more progress. Yeah there are a few exceptions but in the big NTCC picture not many. In the NTCC you have the rich and the poor.


  195. And by the way I'm not mocking God here. I want anyone to show me one example in the New Testament Bible where a pastor got filthy rotten rich off their congregates like Kekel and Davis, and I'll take every word back and start paying tithe to the NTCC tomorrow. I didn't think so cause it don't exist. Examples of giving found in the New Testament Bible have not one single thing to do with making some greedy preacher a millionaire like Kekel and Davis. Paul didn't take a dime from the Corinthian church and he said to give willfully not of necessity.

    Show me one place in the New Testament Bible where a brother couldn't even pay his rent but the pastor was a millionaire? In the book of Acts, they distributed their goods and the goods didn't just go in one direction; (straight up to the pastor). Whatever.

    You all can get played if you want to. Show me one example in the New Testament that even remotely parallels that of the money distribution process in the NTCC? You won't find it.


  196. So you say with me it's all about money? Isn't it all about money with the NTCC? You can sleep with a whore like Kinson and pay tithe and still be considered a Christian in the NTCC. You can break all the rules like the Kekels and still pay tithe and make money for the NTCC and still be considered a Christian. But stop paying your tithe and see what happens? "All Christians pay tithe and give in the offering".

    Isn't it all about money with the NTCC? Davis said it's all about "Money and Numbers". I'm quoting straight from Davis' own month and I personally heard him say it in conference so you better believe it's all about money and my family and I need the money I make more than the Kekel's do.

    So the moral of the story is stop being an idiot while giving your hard earned money away to the likes of Kekel and Davis who don't care about you but only about your money. Try stoping your tithe and you'll be dirt in their eyes. In the NTCC, salvation ain't about grace but about whether or not you pay tithe. You can commit every sin in the book but stop paying tithe and see where that gets you in the NTCC. The cold shoulder and a good blasted during every service. Tell me I'm lying. I'm back in the saddle baby. I'm back in the saddle again.

    Cha Chief, Cha Chief, Cha Chief, Chief, Chief.

  197. It's nice to see you back in the saddle Cha Chiefster.

    What a dismal performance by Tebow and the Broncos. But this is the way things go in the NFL on any given Sunday. In spite of everything that happened Sunday, Denver still controls their own destiny, and while Tebow had a bad week and Denver's Defense collapsed, Denver still controls their own playoff destiny. Win and they are in. They win their Division. Lose and they can still get in if Oakland loses to San Diego. KC and San Diego have been eliminated. Every QB has a bad day. Rothlessburger threw 5 interceptions a short time ago. This might work out good for Tebow. I'm sure he'll be focused and prepared for next Sunday to face the Kyle Orton led Chiefs, not to be confused with Cha Chiefs.

    You are on a role Chief. The money hungry ntcc is going to continue to spin their lies and go after everyone's money. Everyone in the ntcc is going to continue to blindly throw away their lives, futures and finances because they have all been told that they are a part of the chosen few who can treat people like slaves and strip them of their finances and still make heaven their homes. They will blindly live in poverty as they play follow the leader, destroying others and watching the demise of the poor and meek. They will continue to lay up treasures on this earth in Graham, as men struggle to provide the basic needs of food, shelter and clothing for their own families. They will sit on their seats of do nothing in Graham and watch the presents poor in like the grinch who stole Christmas and they will laugh at those with week minds and strong backs that are out preaching a gospel of condemnation to the poor and hungry, forgetting all about the widow and the fatherless, the homeless and the poor. New excited Christians will continue to have their joy stripped from them as ntcc preachers blast them from the pulpit for not giving enough money, not knocking on enough doors, not bringing enough people to church, not giving enough of their time to God, and not being a good enough example. Over time these young excited GI's will be beaten down or they will succumb to the narcissism and go to Bible school where they can learn to be a real tight wad and control freak. They will also learn how to be the opposite of a Christian. They will learn how to be a two faced, money grubbing hypocrite and how to be a slave driver without love and kindness to their fellow man.


  198. I was just going on in my mind about the way that people were treated because they had given their all for the sake of bringing the Gospel to the lost souls.
    Mind you, they had put to practice what they had been taught, of giving their every penny, because they thought they God was going to recompense every single dime they gave for the sake of the lost, but then when they were pennyless they were put down for not using common sense and were blasted in the conference!
    I recall this lady recounting a tale of how they sold practically everything they had in their house because they didn't have no rent money, they had to pay for the store front they were holding services in! Well they rather pay the rent on the store front than their own rent! Well, thank God for a sinner friend that had pity on them because he bought the furniture and gave it to them!
