
Saturday College Football

Life is good.  Me my boy and my beautiful wife are watching College football.   It's that time of the year.  Thanksgiving is coming and fall is almost here.  This is my favorite time of the year and I am truly blessed.   Good food in the house, a loving family.  What more could you ask for?  God has been good to me.  Today is a beautiful day; around 71 degrees in Southern Georgia. A little windy though at about 20 mile an hour.  Maybe I'll take my wife out to a nice restaurant today.   Money sure is not an issue.   It can't get much better than this.  I'm just so happy right now I'm smiling inside.  Thank you Lord for looking out for me and my family and for providing us such a great life.  I don't guess I deserve it but I'm not going to complain.  Life will throw you some ups and downs so take the good while you can and enjoy it as life is short and tomorrow ain't promised.  My little boy makes me so happy.  

If you don't have children, your missing out on a TRUE BLESSING FROM THE LORD.  The real deal.  My little boy makes me so happy it's unbelievable.  He is the greatest blessing and joy.  God is good.  Life outside the NTCC is absolutely gerrrrrate like Tony the Tiger.  This post will only stay on top today and then I'll knock it down a few notches.  I just felt like expressing how happy I am.   Hey, me and my little boy just ate a couple big green salads.  He likes Zesty Italian and I like Hidden Valley Ranch.  We eat the salads in big ceramic bowls.  Makes the salad taste better than plastic bowls.  You know what I'm talking about.  Just took a pound of Oscar Mayer oven roasted turkey breast out of the big upright freezer.  Me and my boy like deli sandwiches with the good meat.  Sliced turkey and sliced chicken breast; the deli fresh kind.  

Only the best for my little boy.  Life is too good.   If you are in the NTCC and you aren't living like me and my little boy you need to ask yourself why?  The Good Lord is blessing me, why ain't he blessing you?  I'm not talking about no bargain basement deli meat.  I'm talking about the good kind.   Low fat baby.  0% saturated fat.  I don't think you NTCC dudes know what I'm talking about.  The Lord doesn't have me worried about what I throw in the grocery basket.  I'm almost out of lettuce and I'm totally out of fresh carrots and tomato's.   I'll have to make a trip to the grocery store cause my little boy needs his green salad just about every day.  Life is good.  Oh, he is not drinking all that high sugar NTCC Kool-aid either.   Only real fruit juice.  The kind you NTCC folks don't get during fellowship. Kekel and Kinson get the good stuff.  Some of the other well-off pastors get the good stuff also.  Your dollar.   The crooks get the good stuff and the struggling church members and struggling ministers drink Kool-aid.  



  1. Chief,

    Thanks for your testimony. These type of good reports (though the rule and not the exception) are a key to people making the decision to break from this cult. Contrary to all you may have heard, there is no doom and gloom from leaving NTCC.

    Like you, Deborah and I have also been blessed. Since we left Korea in 2007...we each have an excellent/dependable 4wd truck that is paid for (her's is 2010 and bought new, mine is 1989 and restored to new), paid for brand-new furniture throughout a 2 bedroom home (some of it custom, plus a filled upright freezer also), getting ready to buy a second home (1st one is paid for, and we will be keeping it) in about 4 months (2nd home is about 4,000 square feet), almost done with my paid for accredited degree, Deborah has been to school and has a career now (and will now be eligible for Social Security and Medicare, after a few more years of working; something she wasn't eligible for before since she hadn't worked enough years), we have been on numerous regular paid for out-of-state vacations, et cetera.

    We are also able to do most of what we want, and buy what we want.

    Also, in spite of NTCC's best efforts to break up our marriage, we recently celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary...I have never been happier.

    The only thing missing is NTCC.


  2. Great testimony Bro. I'm happy for you guys. Of course that was the purpose of my testimony. To show people that they don't need to live in poverty and if they are, they probably won't if they would just leave the NTCC. Me and my little boy just watched the A&M and Arkansas game. Arkansas beat A&M. Go SEC. My boy and I had a good time watching the game. If Grant could play football, what's wrong with my little boy and I watching it? Notta.

    Have a good one Greg and I know you guys are enjoying those nice trucks and all that nice new furniture. You won't have to worry about selling it just because RWD the manipulative crook wants to move you guys all over creation. Hey the Kekels haven't moved so why should everyone else? Oh I forgot, the Kekels are special. God didn't call Kekel to pioneer a work now did he? That kind of stuff is only for the pawns. Kekel is a bishop, right? Bishop Kekel.

    Cardinal Chief

  3. Here I am on the verge of being a multi millionaire. just gave a big donations to a few legit struggling ministries.Mr. devil had me down .ntcc spit on us. Glory all to God!

  4. Thats what I'm talking about.

  5. Yeah, Chief, the blessings keep on piling up. Things got better for us the minute we jumped out of the sinking NTCC ship. Paid the house off, then bought 48 more acres. And no offense, but when I want some turkey, I go to one of our two stocked freezers and get some that we raised ourselves--in fact, we expect to lay up a few more tomorrow. Sorry, Oscar Meyer. Edna's outside right now digging a big bed of fresh carrots to stick in the root cellar, and we've already dug piles of spuds and harvested more than a year's supply of veggies. Jeff, do yourself a favor and find a local producer--you'll never go back to that rubber meat again! It's more expensive, but you can afford it and it's like night and day. We're eating like millionaires, and our health is better now than it was 20 years ago. A big part of that is the NTCC-generated constant stress we don't have anymore, but it's also partly because we're not eating government cheese and used bread anymore. Some of the stuff those desperate ladies passed around! Stressed out hectic lives, bad food, no exercise--recipe for health crisis. Heading out in a couple hours to my buddy's house for the weekly sauna. That would have definitely precipitated a field plowing in NTCC back in the day. We're heading down to the Caribbean this winter for another real vacation--you know, the kind NTCC's senior cronies enjoy. But it's not coming out of someone else's pocket.

    Life is good and getting better. I heartily recommend departing from NTCC immediately as the quickest method to improve one's life situation every respect. Everyone who's done it says so--and who ever goes back once they escape? Why not? Because there is no denying how much better life is "outside the fence." Don't let the bogus fear they work to sow into your minds hinder you from liberating yourself from their excessive and pathological control. The water's fine! Jump in (before the ship goes completely under)! Flee NTCC!

  6. Vic said...

    Sorry, Oscar Meyer.

    Chief said...

    Thats what I'm talking about Vic. You really got the good stuff. Fresh veggies too? I feel like I'm back in the NTCC Vic. There are a lot of wild turkey around this area. I might just have to kill one and then I can say, "Sorry, Oscar Meyer". Good testimony. It looks like the Good Lord is pouring out plenty of blessings on us exers. Enjoy them fresh veggies and home grown turkey.


  7. This thread ain't doing too bad for one I only planned to keep up for a day. Anyway, the Alabama Florida game will be on soon. That's big time around these parts.

  8. chief, i'm sure you and your family will enjoy the courageous movie.

    lots of action, humor, seriousness and truth in it.

    it's well worth the price of a ticket.

  9. Anonymous said:

    "chief, i'm sure you and your family will enjoy the courageous movie.

    lots of action, humor, seriousness and truth in it.

    it's well worth the price of a ticket."

    DnA said:

    Ange and I just got back from seeing Courageous. It was a very good movie. If anyone gets the chance to see it, it's well worth it. We went to see it at a "Draft House". They have a cinema that serves food and drink. I didn't see anyone ordering beer but I'm sure they were for other movies.
    This was the first movie I ever saw that got an ovation at the end of it. A lot of people were sniffling but it was also funny and had an awesome message of taking responsibility for your family.

    We spent about 60 bucks plus tip on our night out at the movies. I have to tell you that my soul was blessed a whole lot more than it would have been at a Saturday night ntcc church service. We used to give more money to them with very little return. In fact we got no return. We thought we were being a blessing only to find out that we were sending our money to a huge slush fund that was only benefiting a few fat hypocrites. Life is great. We are having the time of our lives and we are enjoying the creation that God intended for us to enjoy!


  10. DnA said...

    I have to tell you that my soul was blessed a whole lot more than it would have been at a Saturday night ntcc church service.

    Chief said...

    Amen to that one. Alabama just beat Florida. Role Tide. What's better, to spend your money taking your wife to see a good movie or to give your money away to the NTCC/Kekels so they can build a sub-division and put Grant through a Catholic college? I'll take the movie thank you. The Kekels bought DVDs for their son on the money that people gave the church so what is the difference? Would you rather your money get spent on your own family at the movies or spent so Grant Kekel could watch movies on his computer while attending a Catholic college?

    The answer is obvious for anyone with a "functional" brain. If you want to give your money to the Kekels that's your call but as for me and my house, we will spend our own. So if you want to judge someone for watching Courageous, judge the Kekels, (your leaders). Kinson is into DVDs also. He showed one DVD movie right in a serviceman's home some years back.

    DnA, I'm glad you guys had a good time. The NTCC just needs to get off this "can't watch movies can't have a television kick". Kekel and Kinson have been breaking that rule for the years and years. Don't deprive your family of the few pleasures in life. At least one NTCC pastor is doing TV advertising for his local NTCC church anyway. NTCC people, if you don't have a TV or you don't watch movies, you are a dying breed.


  11. A little off topic, but if the movie "Courageous" is being shown in your town - I give it "5 Stars!". Incredible movie for the whole family. Life affirming.
    One of the best I have seen!

  12. Hey Chief,
    I just enjoyed a wonderful day riding quads with Matt Reed, man we had a great time. I'm thankful that God has put Matt and Deb in my life, it has truly been a blessing, and my kids really love them.
    I have so much joy and Grace from Jesus; I’m glad God removed the ntcc out of my heart. The ntcc COVETS YOUR MONEY. I believe with all my heart that you would be better off giving all your money to a family that is in poverty than to the ntcc. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

    There is no spirit of love and sound mind in the ntcc, I recall there was lots of hate and confusion can I get a witness?

    Are you ready for some football?

  13. Chief...

    You better believe you can get a witness. Amen. Hate and confusion spells it out real good. When my wife and I left Mayers church to attend the NTCC church in Columbus, Mayers wanted us out of the organization. He wanted the leadership in Graham to either order us to go back to his church or to leave the NTCC altogether. I know because I was told this by another NTCC minister. Then Oberhauser showed up in Columbus and can you spell confusion? So hate and confusion rules the NTCC for sure and I could give 50 more examples but I don't have time. Amen to that statement LT.

    The only thing the NTCC leaders aren't confused about are the many different ways to get your money. Tithes, offerings, special offerings, special special offerings for traveling pimps (I mean revivalists), special offerings for (dudes who visit whore houses), (I mean missionaries), special offerings to buy special gifts for RWD the manipulator, bring you to Graham so you can rent their houses or rent from someone who pays them tithe, work on their building crew, pay bogus tuition at a non-accredited seminary so their non board certified teachers can get paid in cash, take up huge offerings at conference that go to Graham while the smaller churches struggle, pack 13 brothers in a serviceman's home and get the rent paid twice over, pay rent to Graham on church buildings that have already been paid for. Do you think the NTCC leadership's figured out a few ways to get your money? I'd say there is no confusion on that one. It's the folks who are giving their money who are really confused.

    I'm glad Matt and Deb Reed are getting to enjoy life. Hey the Kekels did, why shouldn't the Reeds? Mike Kekel went to a jazz festival, bought all kinds of toys to include motorized ones for himself and his son. If that is not a sin, is it a sin for Matt to go quad riding? If you think it is, you better leave the NTCC because you are following a sinner in Mike Kekel.


  14. God wants our love from the inside out not the outside in which was the doctrine of the Pharisee’s (ntcc). The holiness doctrine of ntcc is a doctrine full of holes period. Jesus spoke much about this. I'm being as sincere as possible when I say the ntcc has deceived many and I'm praying for the scales to be removed from your eyes. God wants you to be free from the bondage your under. The one thing that helped me to see the truth was the lack of love and the abundance of hate that comes across the pulpits of the ntcc, now go watch some football, sorry what I meant to say is go make some more bricks.

  15. Ltravis, do you know doug hardy ?

    machine gun preacher is being shown in seattle and bellevue for those of you that live in the area.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Ltravis, do you know doug hardy ?

    The name sound familiar but not for sure. I would need more info.
    I've been free for sometime now, I wasn't good at making bricks so they fired me. :)

  17. Took my wife out to dinner today and it wasn't a buffet. I went to enough buffet restaurants with the NTCC to last me a life time. You know a buffet really isn't that bad but it reminds me of the NTCC. To me the NTCC is like a plague or a dumpster or a garbage can. It's gross. Any church organization that takes advantage of their fellow man like the NTCC is an abomination.

    Here are some words that describe the NTCC. Disgusting, repulsive, revolting, loathsome, sickening, revolting, repugnant, abhorrent, detestable.

    People, the NTCC really is a sick organization.


  18. What Jazz festival did Kekel go to, somewhere in Washington state? That is definately "sinner" music, so this surprises me that he went and that it is public knowledge.

  19. Anonymous asked...

    What Jazz festival did Kekel go to, somewhere in Washington state? That is definitely "sinner" music, so this surprises me that he went and that it is public knowledge.

    Chief said...

    Oh he admitted to it and wrote an explanation. He said it was a "winter grass" festival. We called it a blue grass festival. Winter grass/blue grass/jazz, it's all the same as the NTCC leadership has ALWAYS refered to it as "worldly music". Kekel said it was a pleasure watching professional musicians as he'd been into music for years. He said that he stayed for a while but he finally left when he started to feel uncomfortable, you know with the "worldly music" and all. Well needless to say Kekel went and he admitted to it suggesting there was nothing wrong with it. We all would have got blasted if we'd gone to a place like that.

    And you wonder why I have a problem with the NTCC? It's called "Double Standards". It's called RWD has Kekel in charge and they are both full of it. Olson is also a crook and so is any other NTCC leader who follows guys like RWD, Olson and Kekel. I don't follow church hypocrites who lead a double life while practicing double standards. You better believe Kekel went to a blue grass/winter grass/jass festival. He wrote a statement explaining it and I read the statement.


  20. So you going to keep giving your money to the NTCC knowing that it gets spent on a winter grass festival and Catholic college? If you really believe all that NTCC stuff, you are a partaker of another mens sins and you are going to die and go to hell. That is not Chief talking, that is what the NTCC has taught for years. Kekel ain't nothing but a sinner, (according to NTCC standards) and you are willfully, knowingly giving your money to a sinner and you'll die and go to hell. I'd rather take my chances, keeping my money than die and go to hell giving it away to a hypocrite.

    Christ called it the blind leading the blind. Christ said they both will fall in the ditch. Christ called guys like RWD and Kekel false prophets who will deceive many? You better think about it. It would be a real shame to waste your entire life with the NTCC, give your money away, live a dull miserable life and die and go to hell anyway.

    I'm living a great life, not giving my money to the NTCC and I'm not being mislead by a hypocrite. Wow NTCC people are real suckers who have all this knowledge and still follow guys like Kekel. How can you NTCC people follow guys like Kekel when you know all this stuff? Are you too scared to make it on your own? Not me. I'm doing just fine. Life is a gas.


  21. Sermons you will never hear in the ntcc. #1 He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor.

  22. Today was another day where I came into yet even more cash. About $6400 this time. Cursed again hey? I'm telling you folks, leave the NTCC and let the prosperity begin.


  23. This is off the topic but, why is it that the pastor of the church is never, or should I say very rarely, standing at the church doors to say goodbye to any of his congregation, Kekel I am speaking of. I have noticed this for years, and I always thought it odd. Where is the love for your congregation, oh, I forgot, I don't think its a love for his congregation, its his JOB.... because when its just a job, it doesn't matter. Just a observation by a former NTCC'r.

  24. I think I remember Mike doing that back in the day (when the church first opened to the public in Graham), and also recall RW teaching us that it was de rigueur. So he doesn't do it anymore? Or is Phil the pastor there now? Does Phil do it?

  25. Yes, PK is the preacher that now stands at the door, Kekel may be there but very rarely. Of course Tanya is always there. I don't care if PK is the so called Pastor, Kekel runs this show and should be there as well, that speaks louder than words could ever to me. This is all a show, and I fell for it hook, line and sinker. What a betrayal this really is, all in the name of God. So sad. The truth will find you out, it always does.

  26. Today we had soup for lunch and towards the end of this delicious meal, I grew weary of using my spoon, so I picked up the bowl with both hands and slurped down the rest of the broth. It was really good, and I didn't feel the least bit of conviction. It actually felt good to be able to break the rules of etiquette and although I wouldn't do this in public, I would definitely eat french fries with my fingers in public. Life is Good.


  27. Yup, there you go. Just another stupid NTCC/RWD rule that has absolutely nothing to do with salvation or getting someone saved. People could care less who picks up a french fry with their fingers. What people do have a problem with is some misinformed, misguided preacher standing up behind a pulpit and blasting people for owning a cat, or their wife is fat, or they have life insurance or something stupid like that which has nothing to do with salvation. That is what turns people away from Christianity and the NTCC, not eating a french fry with your fingers.

    RWD is a jerk.


  28. Believe it or not, just today I came into an extra $1090. It's simply amazing how money just keeps rolling in. The more I talk and write about NOT giving money to the NTCC the more money I get. Here, let me try it some more. "The NTCC is run by a bunch of crooked rich dudes. If you give the NTCC your money, you might as well be throwing it in the trash".

    It's like the story of Robin Hood. Stealing from the poor and giving to the rich. I'm telling you people it's true. They convince you that you're giving as unto the Lord so that you'll shut down your brain, throw away all common sense and just shell out your cash. It's true people, I'm telling you.

    THERE. Now I'll probably come across more money that I never expected. Expose the crooks, try to deliver the poverty stricken and watch the money role in. Forsake the NTCC, make good financial decisions and don't give away your money to some crook, and you'll wind up a whole lot better off financially.

    I give you a challenge. Take any two NTCC people who have about the same income and bills. One keeps giving away their money to the NTCC and the other completely stops and instead, once in a while, they help out the poor and needy. They don't give four, five times a week in an offering and they don't pay the NTCC tithe money. I'll guarantee they have more money than the guy who keeps giving the NTCC his money.

    I've been out of the NTCC almost 4 years now. The NTCC false prophets said, "If you stop paying us tithe and stop giving in the offering, you will be cursed".

    Well I say that is baloney. I've accumulated more money and stuff since I left the NTCC than I ever did while I was in and I'm no longer working like a slave.

    "YOU WORK FOR WHAT YOU NEED AND YOU PRAY FOR WHAT YOU WANT". The reason you are broke is because you pray that God will take care of your needs when you should be working like the Bible says. "Dear Lord, I can't pay my rent". Then the Lord says, "You can't pay your rent because you are a dummy and you gave too much money away to the crooked NTCC leadership. If I bless you with more money all you'll do is give more away to the NTCC crooks so I'm not going to answer your prayer".

    Stop giving your money away and you'll have more money than you ever had while you were in the NTCC. I'm not giving away my money to a bunch of crooks while hoping the Lord will bless me. That is not Bible. Help the needy, fatherless, widow nad poor if you want to give away your money.

    I look for good jobs and I work, and I don't just give away my money to a bunch of rich crooks, and now I have more money rolling in then I ever dreamed of. I also have way more stability. These NTCC leaders are using you. Show me one time in the New Testament where the Apostles duplicated the NTCCs money making practices????

    YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!!!

