
Time for something new.  Been away from this for a while.  I'm sure not many people read this any longer but that's ok.   This blog has served it's purpose over the years.  

1. Is there anyone out there who believes the New Testament Christian Church is a good church and if so why? 

2. Is there anyone out there who believes that if you attend services with the NTCC it will help you have a better chance at making it to heaven?  

3. Is there someone who believes that the more services a week you attend, the better chance you have at making it to heaven?   

4. Lastly, are their people who believe that "no" is the accurate answer to each question and why?

Lets see if people actually still read this thing.



  1. 1) No. NTCC sucks.
    2) No. NTCC sucks.
    3) No. NTCC sucks.
    4) Yes. NTCC sucks.

    There is no respect for people in NTCC. They makes themselves lords ovwr Gods heritage. They exploit Christians for personal profit. They are petty people.

    Eric G.

  2. I’ve forgiven NTCC and all who associate with it. But there are some ugly people there. And forgiving them does not make it right what they’ve done and are doing. They haven’t changed. They are still taking your money and doing as they please, mansioning it up, while you suffer, in a beat up, or maybe something nice, either way, are you happy? Are you yourself? I realized I was a blue print, of what they wanted and the things they put in our heads. If you don’t obey the pastor, even if it’s not Bible, you were rebellious. Yes, looked down upon. You.
    Jesus can heal them, but they need to get sick and tired of it and let go of pride.
    I was a sucker. I was vulnerable. They pry on single servicemen away from home. I was in the Air Force.
    Yes, we still read Chief. I’m still waiting for the day more people leave and realize they can serve God, outside of NTCC. I visit different churches. Not a sin. But they condemn you for doing so. If you miss a service, you are talked about.
    But, Grace wins — (Matthew West)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. NTCC isnt the only cult out there. Look at all these other self righteous churches who literally dont care about you.It seems that they should elect all these cult pastors into political office.

    3. Ntcc should be busted by the FBI
      We need to alert the authorities. I recognize three veterans from 2018 graduating class. Haven't they raped service members enough?
      Oh yes if y'all want an update on James Ashmore apparently he's more interested in loving in a 2 million dollar house than serving God. He hasn't texted me in months. I think he knows I know he's full of excrement.
      Prayed for me once it worked but that doesn't make it right.
      He know wears sandals jeans to preach in. Wow something you should of always done if you can't afford or have time to wear the Wal-Mart special suits they wear.
      I think the church in the United States in general is demonic. 90 per. Thousands of homeless vets
      In San Diego. Some seen their buddies blown up.
      Yet the very same people who yell at them have no idea the inner torment and pain they bring. People in San Diego milking it like John Polk that piece of sh..
      If he ever reads this he will be happy to know I'm moving back to San Diego in Jan 2019. And getting my real estate license. I'll make it a personal goal of buying the I properties. I don't know maybe I'll convert them to porn theatres
      Or gay bathouses since you might as well make money since they already spiritually prostitute themselves

  3. The Vikings drafted a CB? What the heck (uh oh... social swear word) is going on here???

  4. I'm not holding any grudges, but I'm also not holding back warning the world of the pernicious ways of NTCC. Forgiving doesn't mean trusting, and there's no reason to think they've forsaken their corrupt and abusive ways. This site is a public service to people who might otherwise be taken in by their facade of love and righteousness. Underneath it's still putrid and disgusting, as proven by the hundreds of testimonies to the perfidy of NTCC's "leadership." There's no way of determining the number of those dissuaded by this site from committing to those crooked exploiters, but it's probably substantial.

    Chief, maybe it would be appropriate to make a post based on this comment from the previous thread (just so people don't miss it):

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    For anyone that thinks that NTCC isn't about the money, check out Kekel's latest real estate investment -

    Your $660,000 of tithe money

    Kekel Apartments

    Kekel Apartments Value

    Also check out how this is being divided up and is going to be sold off

    Forest Forty

  5. 1. Is there anyone out there who believes the New Testament Christian Church is a good church and if so why?

    No. It is a toxic church and a cult.

    ---Characteristics of a Cult----
    The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader, and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.

    Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.

    Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, or debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).

    The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel (e.g., members must get permission to date, change jobs, or marry—or leaders prescribe what to wear, where to live, whether to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth).

    The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and its members (e.g., the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar—or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity).

    The group has a polarized, us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.

    The leader is not accountable to any authorities (unlike, for example, teachers, military commanders, or ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream religious denominations).

    The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (e.g., lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).

    The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and control members. Often this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.

    Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.

    The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.

    The group is preoccupied with making money.

    Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.

    Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.

    The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave—or even consider leaving—the group

    And the rest of my answers are No. Why? Because NTCC is a destructive, toxic, controlling cult that will bleed every last dime out of you. They will break you and destroy any other outside relationship you may have, especially family. And the children suffer, deeply.

  6. NTCC a good church? Maybe in the sense that "The only good cat is a dead cat" (RWD).

  7. FreeBird said a lot.

  8. I'm not sure where FreeBird got the characteristics of a cult from but NTCC practices every single one of them.


    Eric G.

  9. Characteristics of a cult are in wide circulation in many forms. There are enough variations of the list to hit Mr. K. & ilk clearly, squarely between the eyes. Pow.

  10. NTCC is awesome

  11. What is awesome about it? Fair question.

  12. I love the music

  13. Fair enough. The music in itself wouldn't keep me there but that certainly is your option; assuming you are for real. It almost sounds like a gag.

  14. I like playing football to "What a friend we have in Jesus"

  15. Fortnite rocks to that song

  16. LOL Troll


  17. FYI Arlen Bradeen's out of HOP; the story over there keeps getting weirder and weirder. Apparently Denis has people believing they all participated in orgies together for years (except for him, of course), and that Bradeen and his wife were getting it on with the Davises, Olsons, and Ashmores before they even left NTCC. Check it out at hopcc.com .

    We know NTCC was screwy but Denis is bonafide Jim Jones caliber. How will this thing end? Bradeen also has a Facebook page; of course he's starting (yet another) ministry. I guess when a guy's 50-60 years old with no real marketable skills or work experience, all he can do is what he knows--pass the plate. IMO he should be taking some time to sort himself out, but nevertheless my heart goes out to him; sounds like he's been through hell.

    1. Glad he is getting free. I've listened to some of the audio. Thats definitely next level craziness. Terrible that his wife is in the clutches of Denis. That guy is a wack job. I joined NTCC through him when he was at Woodbrook. If I ever feel proud I can just remind myself that I was once naive enough to listen to him.

      Eric G.

  18. HOP is a slo-mo trainwreck. When will impact occur?

  19. I think they may be more suited for organized crime. Racketeering, bribery, money laundering and such. I guess that's similar to being in political office for a good many. Very crooked indeed. The NTCC has mastered that kind of lifestyle. It's quite amazing. The world is full of crooks not the least of which are these religious hacks.

  20. Victor JohansonJuly 07, 2018 9:27 PM

    Haha, here's a topic for you, Chief:

    Retweeted Mike Kekel (@KekelMc):

    New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. celebrating 50 years of UNCHANGED doctrine!

    Man, where do you even start?

  21. Shouldn't that be UNHINGED doctrine?

  22. Has the Olsons moved in Davis' mansion sense he's dead??

  23. I like it Vic. Just got back home from out of town. I will probably do something on this one.

  24. Right? The lies just keep coming.

  25. At their core their doctrine is unchanged. The NTCC doctrine is to build wealth for the leadership through control and manipulation. Oh, and evade taxes.


  26. Victor JohansonJuly 27, 2018 3:43 AM

    Eric, that's definitely a valid point. But their doctrinal facade sure ain't what it used to be. Old Rear Wheel Drive would have ran at least half of the current crop off for "compromise" (while sparing his daughter and Mike).

  27. Now that's the absolute truth. He'd ran roughshod over the minions for the same infractions he allowed and promoted for Tanya, Mike and Grant. Anyone who can't see that is just silly, blind and willfully naive to the obvious.

  28. This was just shared with me, Cult similarities, and I thought I’d share. Sound familiar?

    Cult similarities
    1. Leader like a god ~only loyalty to leader not family or each other
    2. Leaders infallible can’t be questioned
    3. Leaders make rules or have revelations that people follow instead of the Bible
    4. Church led conferences
    5. Members have photos the leaders or the leaders family in their homes
    6. Critical thinking is diminished
    7. Asking questions gets you shunned or “in trouble”
    8. If you leave you are considered Dead or dangerous or not trustworthy
    9. If you leave you have rebelled against God
    10. Little or no need for medical care
    11. Little or no need for Education
    12. Communications bans are administered between members when leader says so
    13. Constantly moving, no down time, no time to think, constantly in meetings or services
    14. Leaders live large while others suffer
    15. Church publications (magazines etc.)
    16. Leaving gets you shunned or disassociated; you lose family that is still in
    17. People will ignore their instinct that something isn’t right
    18. You have to conform and comply
    19. Exclusivity, Eliteness and Us VS. Them mentality
    20. Told you can come and go as you please no one holding you here (mind games)
    21. Child abuse either physically or sexually. Kids forced to work at a young age with no pay
    22. People sent to different places without being asked being told it’s the will of God
    23. Arranged marriages or marriages by assignment
    24. Love leaders more than own parents or blood family
    25. Don’t have a bad day or show that you have problems, always happy
    26. Control over clothing and hairstyles
    27. Berating or embarrassing people from the pulpit
    28. Conversations monitored
    29. People live in compounds or communes
    30. No internet, TV or outside music
    No one joins a cult because no one believes it is a cult when they join. Everything in a cult is orchestrated nothing is happening by chance.

  29. NTCC is batting .1000 on that list...

  30. I reached out to A&E’s Cults and Extreme Beliefs to let them know about NTCC. Anyone seen that? I haven’t yet but a few people have told me about it.

  31. NTCC playbook for sure. When I see NTCC characterized so succinctly, I feel like one of the biggest suckers for having been part of them for so long.


  32. Haha, #29--anyone remember that apartment complex off Meridian near Graham which was occupied almost solely with NTCC clones? They themselves nicknamed it "The Compound." My wife used to watch kids there for the poor "students" while they were being brainwashed at the "college" (which they had to start calling a "seminary" when the state decided it didn't meet the definition of college--which is kind of weird, because legitimate seminaries are usually engaged in postgraduate education). It was considered some kind of plum to score one of the cash cow properties inside the fence on the campus, where you could really be put under the microscope.

  33. Someone close to me is still very involved with the NTCC, over 30 years.. Hoping she will one day realize the truth. Hopefully..

  34. I hate to say it but that's no surprise. She's probably never leave.

  35. I had a conversation with someone still in. I asked them how the Kekel's and davis got all their money, and they said they got all their money by investing. And Davis learned investing by a banker he knew.

    1. Investing the people’s tithe and offering money. Special offerings. Pastors offerings. ???

  36. I happened across your blog while doing an online search for 'the Davis' family. I met them briefly in Arkansas a couple of times when 'Verna Mae' would occasionally visit her elderly parents and family who lived there. She came from poverty, with her parents living in a tiny wooden framed home until their deaths.
    Although her parents were poor, it became clear after she married Davis, that she and her husband were doing quite well financially by the 1970's. Verna Mae always dressed in expensive clothing, as did RW. Of course little Tanya, (although always chubby), was dressed in the best of the best. They all had an 'air' about them that they felt themselves to be 'better than others'. And yes, Tanya was always a brat.
    Verna Mae's sisters and their children were still dressing in homemade dresses which were sewn by the sisters. Her sisters are kind, compassionate Godly women. Some of whom are married to ministers, but have NEVER been a part of RW's NTCC. It became quite obvious to these ministers that RW and Verna Mae had 'gone off the deep end' many years ago.
    I always felt creepy when RW was around and kept my distance. Verna Mae eventually came around her family less and less as she fell deeper into the cult like environment.
    I have said all of this to make the point that Verna Mae, (she hates to be called that), was raised by poor, uneducated parents. But they raised her in a Christian home where she was certainly taught right from wrong. Deep in her heart, she knows what she, RW, Tanya and Michael are doing and have done, is very wrong. Unless of course, she has seared her conscience to justify stealing from the church's poor people to afford her lavish lifestyle to which she has grown accustomed.
    Surely there is a special place in Hell for ministers who take advantage of their flock and treat them like dirt. I am not at all surprised to learn that RW's evil ways escalated out of control over the years. Sooner or later, their world of greed will begin to crumble all around them. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes when they stand before God on judgement day. May God help the people whose lives have been ruined by the Davis-Kekel Klan.

  37. Why doesn't someone who is familiar with all the years of abuse and cult like practices, try to get the mainstream media involved in investigating this madness?

  38. NTCC is big enough to make the Davis and Kekel family very wealthy but small enough that no one gives a rats backside about them.

    The reality is, if someone doesn't care enough about themselves to wise up, and stop wasting their potential, no outside force can make them.


  39. Just sent an email,

    “Revs and Sisters Holt and Kekel,

    I wanted to let you guys know that I am working on forgiveness, with God’s help.
    There is an instant forgiveness, and then the forgiveness that takes time, as the memories flood back.
    I remember it said, if you’ve made it right with God, then you’ve made it right with me.
    I have made it right with God.
    That doesn’t mean I will stop telling my experience.
    Then I say, if you’ve made it right with God, you’ve made it right with me.”

    All the Best,

  40. Sister Kekel had told me that her husband never said a married woman couldn’t work.

    I told her I wanted to get a job and would not come back to Graham to get preached at. She said many married women at Graham work. I told her she knows the truth of what they teach.

    Did Rev Kekel never say married women couldn’t work? Did he ever make it seem that way? That it’s okay? I think not.

  41. I attended the "Advanced School of Theology" (which was mostly about money), and we were taught that the secret to wealth was "OPM"--which stands for Other People's Money. So yeah, RW no doubt did invest money he wrested from other people through guilt and lies to bloat his estate and become a fat cat. Those who furnished the money were often barely eating, but he twisted the scriptures to justify his rapacious abuse of the poor. The banker in question was Lou Ricketts; he used to come to services in St. Louis every once in awhile until he died. Verna was his partner in crime all along and did her part to keep the scam going. They were just a gang of grifters, using people's sincerity against them to fleece the flock. Some of her family visited from Arkansas from time to time, but not very often. One was a oneness preacher named Ring. RW would leave town for weeks doing "the work of the Lord," but he wasn't accountable to anyone so there is no telling what he was really up to. Probably "investing" down in Vegas ;-) .

  42. So do they still do the Holiness thing or has that faded? If they have done away with it what's the membership looking like. I know the graduating classes seem to be very small so it looks like maybe it's shrinking... Heck I don't know.

  43. Who knows what they teach. What I do know is no matter what they teach, the New Testament Christian Church is a scam. People are getting conned, and the Kekels are getting richer by the minute. Davis is dead, Olson is a lying crook, and all the pastors who've been there for 30 years or more are so ridiculously brainwashed that there is basically no hope of them ever attaining any sound logic or common sense and if they somehow have both, they are common criminals. The NTCC is nothing but a money making machine and a brigade of brainwashing bandits.

  44. You can bet the "holiness thing" (which was never real anyway, but just a control mechanism for the Narcissist in Chief) faded once Grant was exempted from its ridiculous requirements. They may pay lip service to "50 years of unchanged doctrine," but it's all bullshit and anyone who's part of the "brigade of brainwashing bandits" (nice alliteration, Chief!) knows it. It's a scam, and it always has been. RW didn't "start out right" and then slowly get corrupted and drift away; he was a crooked salesman who rightly discerned that the easiest and most lucrative con was to peddle religion and live off the sweat of any sincere suckers he could swindle. The current regime is no different; I lived with these guys and know that the "Man of God" thing is just an act. Both Phil Kinson and Mike Kekel boasted to me about making out with and groping their early-to-mid-teen future wives, adamantly refusing to repent; when they denied this years later online it cemented my conviction that they weren't misguided, but complicit. Now they have all the spoils and will surely not do anything to endanger their lavish lifestyles. Crooks!

  45. I know Vic. I witnessed the same thing. These guys are flat out corrupt. Kinson, Kekel, Olson and the rest are very corrupt. Their conscience is cooked. They are absolutely complicit. They've been lying for so long, it's just a common practice for them as it's clearly been all along. When I begin to give examples that substantiate my claims, I now stop because the number of examples are so extensive, I don't even know where to begin. There is SO MUCH on this blog that testifies to the literal first hand examples of their corruption by real live witnesses. Legit stuff.

    The testimonies over the years have come from countless, ministers who either previously or at the time of the testimony currently served in the NTCC. There is too much of it for a logical sound minded individual to deny the validity thereof. It's simply irrefutable. I witnessed much of it myself, first hand because I spent so many years in that crooked organization. Olson, Kekel and Kinson are corrupt con men, no more no less. Well, they are actually criminals also so I guess that's a bit more.

  46. There were times where I felt like I'd found something special. Something solid and a part from the world. What's weird is the first year seems to be the most important. Do you buy in and ignore what you see or do you start to fade away because of what you see... So then where do you go when you like what initially drew you to NTCC is now debunked?

    I'm wondering what the stats are for people who completely leave all together and those that find something else... What do they end up finding? I wonder...

    1. There is something out there. I went through pastoral abuse for years and now I found a Godly church that is legit. Yea it's not perfect but it's satisfying. Sir just like me you have to pray for God to heal you and pray about a new church that God can place you in like I did. There is still Godly people out there and Godly churches as well.

  47. NTCC is a hard act to follow; we were so sold out that nothing really can compete in its aftermath, unless it's even crazier. But after people figure out it's a scam, they aren't likely to be so gullible next time around. These outfits prey on people who are sincere. People unwilling to just be mediocre followers are ripe for exploitation by those who sell themselves as God's elite, far above and beyond the typical "compromisers." We wanted something more than just sitting on a pew playing church, so we set aside our better judgment and got played instead.

    After NTCC and a couple other kooky (but less pernicious) churches, I don't have much appetite to look for something else and am happy to have regained all the time I wasted listening to putative spiritual authorities pontificating ad nauseum.

    1. Well they'll get what's coming to them. Regardless of them getting tight with God if there is one. Seems they lie cheat steal molest gay sex, all things I heard ntcc preachers d. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if they do porn in their church to fund their perverted lifestyles.
      John Polk ( always begging his masters), johnson,kekel
      Name a few.
      They're disgusting. I hope the military launches a investigation on their whole organization.

    2. Hey sir, despite what happened to you by these crooked pastors. There are still good legit godly people out there and yes there is a God. And they are NOT tite with God because they are not of God. Don't let these people show you and lie to what "experience" with God is really is about and discourage you and destroy your walk with God. I too went through pastoral abuse and I go to another church but I'm still I fire and ready to serve God. God is real, heaven is real and so is judgement. Again don't use a bad experience as an excuse to throw in the towel. Jesus is still the answer.

  48. Lots of good churches and people after NTCC. They do prey on military. Wonder if they still get their church members to sneak them on base to do their grocery shopping.
    I posted a poem I wrote about my experience on my new blog. It’s just poetry but has been an outlet for me. A way to cope.

  49. New reader. I don't want to contribute by name. I am just now learning a lot of these things that I had never heard before. I knew some things first hand, but I was born into the church and was there for 24 years, and didn't even know half of these things happened.

  50. Contratulations on your escape, and welcome to reality!
