
Wolves In Sheep's Clothing

In the previous thread Vic Johanson wrote...

I personally heard RW Davis, the self proclaimed apostle who maintains he has seen angels and heard the audible voice of God, and that he has never missed God and does everything by the Holy Ghost, emphatically state that if one's sons and daughters didn't go to "bible school," it represented abject parental failure. It is astonishing to observe the blatant hypocrisy prevalent among these wolves in sheep's clothing. And they'll have the nerve to brand anyone who raises the subject as "jealous" or "bitter," or try to spin it into an attack on some hapless kid. Well, this isn't about Grant at all; it's about the corrupt and decadent NTCC leadership who place heavy burdens on others which are grievous to be borne, but won't lift a finger to help. And it's not bitterness or jealousy; it's the same spirit Jesus had when he denounced the Pharisees.

Chief wrote...
I couldn't have possibly expressed my feelings as well as Vic did in the paragraph that I reposted above. What Vic wrote is absolutely the truth. I've heard everything that Vic spoke of while I was in the NTCC. The NTCC leadership absolutely considered NTCC parents a failure if their children didn't attend the NTCS when they became of age. So now it all changes as soon as RWDs grandson graduates high-school. I don't care if the NTCC somehow spins the events to reflect Grant obtaining some kind of NTCS transcript. If Grant does anything other than go directly to the NTCS in Graham full time, live in the dorm, follow all the rules, get a job and receive absolutely no financial assistance from anyone in his family, it is a hypocritical double standard. If he attends a secular college at all, it is a hypocritical double standard and according to RWDs very own teachings the Kekels have been a spiritual failure and they've failed God, period. Vic and I and all the rest of us didn't dream this stuff up, it's real because we (with our own ears) heard it preached by RWD himself and reiterated by his ministers.
Many people in the NTCC should (if they have any backbone at all) be seriously disgruntled with this whole situation. If I was still in the New Testament Christian Church I could absolutely see myself, without reservation questioning the NTCC leadership concerning this whole issue. It's not about Grant because I believe he is a fine young man who should go off to a real college. It's about all the years of dogmatic preaching which was absolutely directed against secular college attendance while insisting that one's sons and daughters attend the NTCS. There were no gray areas contained in the messages that I heard preached involving this very subject. Your children either attended the NTCS or you were an absolute spiritual failure as an NTCC Christian parent, PERIOD.
Wake up NTCC folks and take back control of your life and your children's life and stand up for what is right like Mordecai did in the book of Esther. Face it , you've been duped and scammed and tricked into believing a lie and it's your loving children who've paid the price. I take stuff like that real personal. I don't like being used by someone and especially someone who is supposed to be a so called Christian and a spiritual guide. Kekel and RWD are both fake and false prophets. Grant didn't just decide to attend a secular college against his parents wishes, he was prepped for such scholastic involvement from the beginning and both his Dad and RWD knew it. That is the sick, sadistic, demented part because secular college attendance was preached against for decades. Face it folks we were all tricked and you best believe it. Now they are trying to add insult to injury by suggesting that it never happened and we simply misunderstood what we heard come across the pulpit. They say we didn't listen.


Mark G. said...

I'm surprised that Kekel hasn't tried to explain this one on his "Uplifting,Refreshing" website.

Ah....Good old R'Dub. He has a vivid imagination, I'll give him that much He did a lot of damage in my life. I certainly can't imagine John Owen, Charles Spurgeon, Matthew Henry (Just to name a few)ever saying that they can't remember the last time they sinned, or saying that they have NEVER missed God on anything.

Anonymous said...

good thread!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing he can say to explain his decisions concerning his son. I doubt if there is ever going to be a response from Mike Kekel on this one.

All current NTCS attendees should drop out. All parents who've sent their kids to NTCS should apologize to their kids for perpetuating RWD's brainwashing. All preachers out there who've quit their jobs to be full time for NTCC should enroll in a college or trade program so you will gain skills to properly care for the physical needs of your family. Also stop sending that 10 - 30% to Kekel so that he can send his son to college. If you've quit your job, your own family needs that money. Start a college fund for your wife and/or your kids.

Soldiers, run! Use your GI Bill before it's too late! Young GI's, you are worth more than this mess NTCC has to offer. You can serve God and not live a mediocre life on the poverty line. You will never get ahead in NTCC: Not for God, not for your personal life. Don't live to regret your decision when years from now your young pretty wife is overweight, outdated, and burdened down with living one crisis from the poverty line.

I am near tears as I type this. RWD and Kekel created a school that is just fine for the old GI's and their children, but not good enough for little Grant. They are repulsive!!!!!!

Chief said...

To the last person who posted their comment Anonymously: I feel your pain and I can relate with the passion that can be detected by anyone reading your comment. That is why I have this blog and that is why the word must get out. There is a serious need for such a forum.

Folks lives are being thrown away with the NTCC and it's not for God. They may think it's for God but they are being deceived. The Bible warns that people will be deceived and that is exactly whats going on in the NTCC. According to the Bible, my hypothesis is hardly far fetched. The Bible speaks of false teachers and false doctrine where by many will be deceived. Just because you think you are serving God doesn't mean that's whats happening. Don't you think there are people from all denominations who "think" they are serving God? Of course so quite logically the same condition could and does exist within the NTCC where folks think they are serving God and they are not!!!

They are serving RWD and Kekel and neither one of those two are God nor are they even close. They are both fake and what they do is not of God and the proof is found right here within this thread and throughout this entire Blog. No one is perfect or even close and I wouldn't expect such from any Christian, however RWD and Kekel openly practice double standards and by RWDs own words he and his son in law have been proven to be outright, obvious hypocrites.

Keep posting,

Anonymous said...


Sounds like ANON here is a NTCC preachers wife.

It is just the way it sounds, coming from a hurt soul and I can relate to your pain, trust me, and I am still a "GI".

Please feel free to post, ANON, educate us all in the truth as you know it, and someone will read this, finally figure out what right looks like, and be set free from the prison of their mind that Kekel and Company have imposed.

What dirty, rotten scanks! I am so appauled by the "innocent behavior" of Kekel and the demonic gang that nothing really surpises me anymore with this gang of snakes

According to Davis, we are all going to hell, well that is HIS opinion!

Bro Johnson

Anonymous said...

Guess if we're all going to hell we will see Davis there.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if mk will announce to the whole congregation that his offspring will be going to college and will be departing washington and to please keep him in their prayers.
I wonder if maybe grant is running away from god or maybe even running from this whole thing he was born into. Who knows what he is going to do once he is on his own.
Can you imagine the preaching if that young man was the son of a regular minister attending the graham church? There would be messages titled: Walking away from the promised land or On the way down to joppa.

Jeff said...

Grant is not running from the Graham the way I see it. He has been prepped to attend secular college. No doubt. That is what Charles Wright was all about. I don't think the Kekels ever intended for him to attend the NTCS. His entire past hasn't pointed to that at all.

Face it, we all got duped.


Jeff's Wife said...

You're right BLOVD. I can probably look back through notes and pull out a plethora of sermon titles preached when church members didn't do what the leadership wanted them to do like quit a particular job, go soul winning, not go on vacation, give till it hurt in offering. The list goes on and on, and the preacher was never at a loss for a good bashing sermon.

Jeff's Wife

Mark G. said...

You know, It's sad that after all of these years of me being out of NTCC this is still upsetting to hear. I think it would be easier for me to stomach if they would at least PRACTICE what they PREACH.

As far as myself complaining about this though, I was a part of NTCC for a total of maybe 4-1/2 to maybe 5 years so, (In my opinion) I really don't have as much of a right to complain as the people who were in it for much longer than I was.

Spiritual betrayal, (again, my opinion, I'm not trying to be a Doctor here) works the same way a molestation works. They are both traumatic, life changing episodes. Your life will NEVER be the same after something like this happens. Some people want to just quietly move on, Embarrassed and Humiliated by what happened to them. Their whole purpose is to just move as quietly and as quickly away as they can possibly get, and never, ever talk about what they went through. Others want the whole world to know so they shout it from the rooftops and say it as loudly as they possibly can so that everyone within ears reach can hear them.

I feel that I would be doing a grave disservice to Christianity, and the the general good and betterment of Man in general if I didn't warn others of the dangers and inconsistencies of this group. In fact I believe that I will stand before God one day and would have to give account as to WHY I didn't warn my fellow man concerning NTCC. I don't expect others to live by my standard of Conscience, But it is something that I believe personally.

I still believe that most people would be content to just leave good enough alone if they could get answers from NTCC.

Jeff said...

I understand totally Mark. It's upsetting to me also. I haven't been out as long as you but long enough. It amazes me just how corrupt these NTCC guys are. They put us through a lot with heavy burdens just to find out that they were extremely slack at fulfilling their very own standards. It's amazing just to think of all the garbage that they've put people through. They've really placed heavy, heavy burdens upon people over the years.

What Vic wrote is so true. These NTCC crooks are like the pharisees, scribes, sadducees and lawyers all put together. If you look at the way those religious folks acted during Christ's day the NTCC leadership is exactly the same. I can't stand them.


Anonymous said...

As someone who was in ntcc as a minister for 20 years, the hypocrisy of the leaders is jaw-dropping. If me or anyone I knew had sent their kid to a "secular" college (or ANY college other than ntcc) they would have been rebuked openly from the pulpit, had their minister's license taken away, and been ridiculed as a complete failure in the eyes of God. Plus, we would have been told point blank by Davis, Olson, and Kekel that if we didn't repent God would reign judgement upon us.

The fact that Kekel is sending his son to a worldly college, just lets you know that it was ALL lies!! Every "hellfire and brimstone" sermon, every rebuke, every humiliating sermon-- it was all bogus. The leaders of ntcc don't even believe what they preach, because time and time again their lives are totally opposite what they made us all suffer through for years and years.

They're all just a bunch of con artists getting rich by fleecing and beating the sheep. Those of you still dumb enough to stay in ntcc-- you'd better get out while the gettin's good!

AXP (Another ex-preacher)

Angela said...

"I feel that I would be doing a grave disservice to Christianity, and the the general good and betterment of Man in general if I didn't warn others of the dangers and inconsistencies of this group. In fact I believe that I will stand before God one day and would have to give account as to WHY I didn't warn my fellow man concerning NTCC. I don't expect others to live by my standard of Conscience, But it is something that I believe personally."--Mark G

Hear! Hear! You said it Mark! That says so much. I's just like to sign my name to the very same comment.


Angela said...

blovd, I too agree with what you wrote about the type of messages that would be 'preached' if anyone's kid other than grant were to be going to a secular college.

ntcc would fire-up the bully pulpit and bash and bash that family until the family pulled the plug on their child's secular education and dreams and future.

It has already happened countless times in the ntcc.

Anyone who tries to deny this fact is a bald-faced liar (as I believe kekel will do or probably has already tried to do from the ntcc pulpit and maybe on his smog blog too).

Well, folks, don't believe a lie and be damned (as the Bible says of some).

Just realize the hypocrisy of the ntcc lying 'leaders' and set yourself free from the deception.

God still loves you and wants to free you from the bondage to men that you live in while in the ntcc.

Will you trust Him?


Anonymous said...

To AXP: I agree with everything except I don't know if they would have taken your license. I agree with everything else. License maybe but probably not? Open rebuke, definitely. Ridiculed, definitely. Belittled, definitely. Deliberately embarrassed, definitely. Considered a failure, most definitely. Talked about, definitely. Blasted, for sure.


Mark G. said...

The fact that Kekel is sending his son to a worldly college, just lets you know that it was ALL lies!! Every "hellfire and brimstone" sermon, every rebuke, every humiliating sermon-- it was all bogus. The leaders of ntcc don't even believe what they preach, because time and time again their lives are totally opposite what they made us all suffer through for years and years.

I might also add, Every prophecy uttered by the lips of R'Dub for that matter.

Jeff said...

You are right Mark. I see it the same way as you do. All their preaching was bogus because for the Kekel family, exceptions to all the rules have consistently been made. If RWD believed all that hell fire and brimstone preaching that he spewed out he would have held his own daughter and son in law to the same standards.

That's why I've been saying all along, if it wasn't really about all this separation from the world holiness stuff, (which it obviously wasn't) then it had to be about the all mighty dollar and control. There is no other logical explanation. If Rdub had been so worried about what God thought he'd have rebuked the Kekels for the DVD watching, the sports participation with tight uniform wear, the jazz festival participation, and especially this secular college business. If it was about God the Kekels wouldn't have gotten a free ride on any of that stuff.

RWD and Kekel want to control everyone else and they want everybody's time and money but they don't want to control themselves. Like this thread is titled, they are wolves in sheep's clothing. It's so obvious it's insulting.


Mark G. said...

Well, I have to figure that Kekel is not going to do anything that is going to put his son at a disadvantage in life, And sending him to their idiotic,crummy so called "Bible College" would do just that. If Mike was consistent in his logic he would send his son to Bible School. Of course he is not going to be (especially when it comes to his son) and he would catch HADES from his wife. So he is going to do the right thing when it comes to his flesh and blood, Even though he knows that what he is doing is steeped in hypocrisy, and even if it means that there are going to be dissenters,scoffers, and naysayers who are going to call him on it. But, He's willing to put up with people who will call him on it just to get his son in to a "REAL"

Mike, I don't think that there is ANYBODY OUT HERE that is mesmerized by your BS. (Of course I meant baloney sandwiches)Many of us had the blinders taken off years ago and whether you like it or not we are not going anywhere!!! You can try to ignore us, and pretend that we don't exist, But we are the by-product of NTCC abuse.

After his Son gets a "Real" education, He probably will get sent to "Bible School" just so it will quiet people down, But not until he takes care of business first by getting a "Real" education.

Anonymous said...

I just remembered when in a conference there were was this couple named love, I don't know if that is the way they spelled their last name but many know who they are. In this conference rw made a big fuzz about the two boys of this couple because they made a choice of going to graham after graduating high school and rw told the audience that these two boys were accepted right then and there.They didn't have to send an application or nothing, rw said that the fact that they said that they wanted to go after graduation was enough for him to accept them, kind of insinuating that it was the correct thing to do after high school to go to bible school.
So all the preachers kids were doing the same thing like the woodleys and the sementos and others that I don't remember but you get the point of how it wasn't just made up that college was always frowned upon.
On another note what about those that were supposed to get retirement from the armed forces but were counselled to get into bible school before the calling of God went away?
Now it seems that it is the right thing to get retirement from the gov. to the advantage of the org. to have all these people that count on that retirement money to rent the houses that the people in the org. own. Why rent the houses to people that can't scrap a living, living pay check to pay check?

Anonymous said...

But, He's willing to put up with people who will call him on it just to get his son in to a "REAL"

Grant just needs to make sure that the school he does attend is not accredited, so he can emsure that he is subject to all the perks and benifits of the degree!!

Anonymous said...

Who lives in those houses that surround the "Bible seminar" in Washington? Is it military retiree's? Or is it ministers that are "lay pastors". Which really is folks that don't want to go out into a work. Because they know they will be DIRT poor if they do. Paying for the church expenses and for there own families expense's. By staying in nice cushy Washington. they can work and like the WINTER's have had BLOOD family move right by them. Why would they EVER leave Washington. Ntcc has there income to count on and many others that have done NOTHING FOR THE LORD. But stay in Washington!!

Ange said...

ntcc slum lords -- sin the ntcc way

Girl's Dorm #2 / "The Little White House"
The Little White House sits next to one of the entrances to the ntcc compound from the O-K Hwy. R.W. Davis asked my husband, Eric Barden to move in there. It had been occupied by the NTCC Bible School single girls; but with five of them in a small two-bedroom house there was no room for desks. And tanya kekel told me she had been praying for more women to come to the school but realized they did not have room for them in the current dorm; so the girls were moved to a different bigger house / dorm.

Originally "The Little White House" was, I think, the home of Mom and Pop Gaylord. After their death various bible school staff, then the single girls, lived there.

When davis asked us to move in, I thought it would be a blessing. Boy was I wrong! We had been renting an apartment in Tacoma; but Eric drove every day to the Graham compound to work on the building crew. Then, every night, I would drive back to Graham for either class or church. Gas was expensive! But we had a nice place in Tacoma.

When we moved onto the ntcc Graham compound, that house was beyond filthy!

The kitchen (and whole house) had one of those cheap indoor/outdoor carpets in it hiding who knows what under it. But what was worse was that it was so soaked in grease it was beyond filthy; it was a fire hazard!

The blind on the kitchen door was equally greasy in addition to being broken with many bent and broken slats. We found a replacement blind at a "kook" - (rwd's term for a second-hand) - store.

Then there were the iron burn-marks in the carpet. I guess the girls were so poor they didn't have an ironing board so they had burned at least five iron imprints in the carpet trying to be wrinkle-free for classes and church (which was VERY IMPORTANT in the ntcc!).

Then there was the well water. It was so sludgy! There was a slow leak under the kitchen sink. As a result a pile of black goopy sediment had accumulated. It let us know what we were actually drinking. Yuck!

Then there was the peeling paint in the bathroom. Just lovely.

The rotted out flooring under the washer / dryer. Another bonus.

The hole in the wall (uncovered / unfinished) for cleaning out the stove pipe. Yay.

Worst of all was the mold. In the bathroom and bedrooms the window sills were completely rotted out from mold.

When Kitty Luna and I pulled out the dressers to clean behind them and emptied the drawers, there were fibers of green and red mold that looked like the fabric stuff people use at halloween to imitate heavy cobwebs. It was strung from the back of the dressers to the wall, on the wall, and inside the dressers.

It was disgusting. Never did use those dressers. Our stuff wasn't going in there.

Well, I was wrong. That was my first day there. The worst was yet to come.

continued below


Angela said...


Remember the hole in the wall (for the stove-pipe clean-out)?
Mice had been coming and going through that portal, attracted by the heat and food. They had infested the place.

I took everything out of the kitchen cabinets to clean everything and wash everything by hand.

We threw away some old burnt pots and tupperware that the mice had gnawed through.

But even though I did all that cleaning and we kept everything packed away, no food out anywhere, the mice were so prevelant that if you took out dishes you had to wash them before using them; and by the time you had used them and washed them and returned them to the cabinet, there would be fresh mouse droppings on the plates in the cabinet. Disgusting.

Eric went and bought mouse traps.

We loaded eight of them with peanut butter and left them in front of the hole that Eric covered over. In the morning all eight traps were full. Mice were literally crawling over other dead or dying mice in the traps to get to the peanut butter in the next trap.

I could just imagine: "Excuse me, George. Passing thru. Oh! Tough break there, Buddy. Say, since you aren't gonna finish that peanut butter, mind if I do? Think I'll head over to the next blob..." WHACK. "George? Pete? What happened fellas? Oh well, guess I'll have dinner..." WHACK.

Yeah. The mice. I Remember one of the girls from the dorm asked me just after we moved into "The Little White House" if I was enjoying my new "friends". I quickly informed her that the mice were no friends of mine!

I don't know why we stayed and got played as long as we did.

continued below


Ange said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ange said...


This is what ntcc thought of all the work we'd done for them:

"Let's move the Bardens (SUCKERS) into the Little White House.
He's qualified as a general contractor. He can fix it up for free. Then we can order them to work in another place, and jack-up the rent on the place for the next tenants... Ha Ha, suckers."

Normally I don't think that way.

But davis used to teach folks to watch out for landlords who moved you into dumps, hoping you'd fix things up for them; so they could raise the rent on you or the next tenants.

Now I know HE was the one who does that very thing!

It's the classic ntcc - talk - out - of - both - sides - of - your- mouth - strategy:

It's just like davis saying he does not match-make (arrange marriages) but all the while he has rules in place that the man has to ask for permission before talking to a woman "on the wall" so davis has full control, regardless of what he SAYS.

I think it is davis's twisted way of having "plausible deniability"-(Independence Day movie term). In legal circles it might be called disclosure:

He's warned you about it, so you can't sue him for it. (in theory)

There are other slum-lord stories in the blogs, some shared second-hand by AXP re. victims Mark (?) Noel and Mark Travato (I think). And one told first-hand by Jennifer Maesner.

And there was the chilling account told by Gary Garcia. olson ordered the Garcias to rent his property in the St. Louis ghetto of Gasconade. A six-year-old girl was raped on the school bus. Gary did not want his little girl to go through that! (Happily, the Garcias are no longer with the ntcc.)

I'll bet you'd never see olson's daughter living in that ghetto and riding that school bus!

ntcc has many properties in St. Louis that they abuse their preachers with in the exact same fashion as I have described here.

Tax-free rent, Paid in cash, with no receipts... and a fresh crop of suckers to order to move in and out once the tenant does the work and pays to get the place fixed up for the ntcc to make more money off of it.

What a scam.

ntcc slum lords: Sin the ntcc way.


Ange said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LTravis said...

Angela said...

Originally "The Little White House" was, I think, the home of Mom and Pop Gaylord. After their death various bible school staff, then the single girls, lived there.

I hope your wrong about Mom and Pop Gaylord's house. I've been there and it was a very nice home. I think it would be an insult to the Gaylord's to let someone trash it, with that being said nothing surprises me anymore.

Ange said...

Actually, L Travis, I think the Gaylords owned the Little White House but lived in the house just behind it. When Eric Barden and I lived in the Little White House, the gandys lived in the house just behind it and I believe that was the house the Gaylords lived in until they 'went home'...

Like I said, wasn't sure, but thought the Little White House had been owned by the Gaylords. Regardless, it was filthy when davis asked Eric and I to move in.

davis knew exactly what he was doing, asking us Bardens to move in there. he wanted his slum converted, and figured he had just the right suckers to do it.

LTravis said...

"Nothing surprises me anymore"
I've seen it all. I hope one day slavery will be abolished.

Anonymous said...

The Gaylords lived in their own house, which was next door to the Little White House. This is the house that Jerry Duran lived in when he decided to take off with Hampton's wife. Last I knew Franklin Moss was there, but I've heard thru the grape vine that he split ntcc. I hope it's true.

Anonymous said...

Last I knew Franklin Moss was there...Anon

What about his wife?

Hope they both escaped ntcc!

Ange said...

"Nothing surprises me anymore"
I've seen it all. I hope one day slavery will be abolished.--LTravis

That makes me smile a wry smile and chuckle each time I read it!

Kinda like, yeah, good luck with that...


Anonymous said...


Vic Johanson said...

Hey Bitsy P., I remember you; Rick was my roommate for awhile in the BS. Glad to know you're doing OK. I wish I'd have escaped as quickly as you did, but it's been 15+ years now and life continues to get better every day. I'm glad you have added your voice as a witness that NTCC has been up to its shenanigans for many years now. Rick ended up leaving too; last I heard he was a cop in Texas.

VIC MORTON said...

Greetings to all,

Greetings to you Jeff, although I did not know you it is yet a pleasure. I was awake during the night and wondered about NTCC. I googled the name along with RW Davis and wow I was very surprised at the number of people that had spoke out about their experiences. I was also surprised to see Victor Johanson. He and I went to Bible College during the same time. I will have more to say very soon after I have prayed and asked the Lord what I should say concering all that I read. I hope that He gives me a word of Healing and comfort. I read so much that when I looked up it was daylight. I felt the pain and heart ache that many have shared and felt terribly bad for what is now and has been the direction that NTCC has taken. It is tragic that so many have been hurt and or destroyed by the things that took place at the hands of NTCC Leadership. But, there is a word from the Lord. I will share later.

Much love,

Vic Morton

Anonymous said...

Hi Vic...
Most people are posting on the main newest thread. If you click on the top of the page where it says, New Testament Christian Church, the Real Story, it will take you to Jeff's most recent Post. God bless you and welcome.

Chief said...

Vic Morton wrote...

Greetings to you Jeff, although I did not know you it is yet a pleasure. I was awake during the night and wondered about NTCC. I googled the name along with RW Davis and wow I was very surprised at the number of people that had spoke out about their experiences.

Jeff wrote...

Well thank you. There are many testimonies written on this blog. Many quite startling. There are too many for an intelligent person to claim they are all lies. I've heard an NTCC pastor say of these forums that they are all lies of the devil. He is quite brainwashed. Many of us received awful treatment at the hand of many NTCC pastors. This blog of course is an open blog so this goes without saying but feel free to post whenever you want. Have a great day.


Chief said...

Vic Morton wrote...

Greetings to you Jeff, although I did not know you it is yet a pleasure. I was awake during the night and wondered about NTCC. I googled the name along with RW Davis and wow I was very surprised at the number of people that had spoke out about their experiences.

Jeff wrote...

Well thank you. There are many testimonies written on this blog. Many quite startling. There are too many for an intelligent person to claim they are all lies. I've heard an NTCC pastor say of these forums that they are all lies of the devil. He is quite brainwashed. Many of us received awful treatment at the hands of many NTCC pastors. This blog of course is an open blog so this goes without saying but feel free to post whenever you want. Have a great day.
