Thread #26 I want to start a thread about all the bad things that women had to endure in NTCC. NTCC has a very old fashioned view of women, which they say they get from the Bible. Their basic belief, and this is certainly evidenced by their practices, is that women are stupid and only good for cleaning the house, cooking the food, having sex and making babies. At least when they are not telling you that it is not a good idea to have a baby. Women are NOT allowed to have a leadership role in church, with the exception of Tanya and a few other UPPER CLASS NTCC woman. There may be some biblical validity to women not holding certain leadership roles in the church, but why is Tanya Kekel the biggest exception to that rule in the NTCC? Nepotism but that is a whole different subject. If you listen to Davis for any length of time, you really get the impression that he thinks pretty lowly of women.
It doesn't matter how smart you are, or how educated you are. If you are a woman and join NTCC, you will never get to use your talents period. Of course once again, not unless you are Tanya. I know a lot of educated and intelligent women in NTCC who hated fellowshipping with the typical sister, because all they talked about was coupons and babies and sewing and thrift stores, and if they were the UPPER CLASS, shopping at real stores and buying NEW items not USED.
If you want to talk about politics, or the economy, or issues of any real importance, you'd better find another church if you are a woman, because it is a rare occurrence that you will discuss those topics with any of the "Male" leaders. But, according to NTCC, if you are a woman, those intelligent topics are for men only and that is certainly the impression that RWD gives. Why do I say that?
How often during a fellowship, either out at a restaurant, or in the serviceman's home, do you see men and women fellowshipping together? Not often unless they are eating and often they are separated there also. What's a stupid woman doing wanting to talk politics? Of course, in the real world, women make great leaders, and hold positions in all kinds of intelligent fields. A lot of great inventions and ideas in this world have been created by women. If they had belonged to the NTCC none of it would have happened, because Davis would have reminded them how they were nobodies or second class so to speak, and were only suppose to cook, clean and have sex. NTCC is so out of touch with reality on this issue it's incredible. Read Proverbs Chapter 31 and that will put thing back into perspective. I also have seen women in NTCC who were better leaders and decision makers than their preacher husbands. And if you are a married women in NTCC, forget about working on a job-- it is not allowed and Jeff has covered that topic extensively.
I have personally witnessed Davis tearing women down for no good reason. I remember once sitting in a class while Davis proceeded to criticize a new sister because she wore a bow in her hair. It was a very strong criticism in front of the whole class. The poor girl was crying and Davis could care less. Those of us sitting there couldn't believe we were witnessing this senseless act of cruelty by Davis. And what was his point? Who cared if she had a bow in her hair? What if one of us had started to criticize his daughter because her dresses were too tight?
Feel free to share your stories-- I know there are ALOT of horror stories out there.