
A Minister Leaves The NTCC

Reasons for a Minister's resignation from New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc.

In the past weeks I have been struggling to move on with my life and with God’s grace He is helping me. For people I have been associated with for almost my entire adult life I can’t simply walk away from. I am writing this letter to be as much for myself as for others. Rev Olson asked me to explain my resignation, and in answer, I replied that I rather not talk about it. I was in a quandary as far as what to say, so I said nothing. He asked me if he did anything to harm me, and I said he had not, but on the contrary, Rev Olson has been a blessing to me and my family as much as he could.

The Bible tells us that if we have ought against a brother, go to them and attempt to reconcile. What if, you have ought against an institution? Against an organization? Well below I listed the reasons for resigning from New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc.:

Debt Teaching: The Bible teaches that we should owe no man anything. The teaching I have received in NTCC is to make exceptions to this teaching, for houses and cars. A teaching against the word of God?! I understand mortgages and “agreements” to drive a car, but to teach it from the pulpit? To understand it, does not condone or encourage it. How many slaves to the bank continue today?

Business of the church: When Jesus said that He was to be about His Father’s business, was a 12 year old telling his parents that he must pursue God’s will. Was he talking about bank deposits and balancing books? Hardly. The Bible does tell us that a bishop is a manager of sorts, but taking a verse out of context is clearly unhelpful. A church is a place of healing and a springboard to launch people into their own ministry.

Pursuit of Real Estate: Where in the New Testament did Christians seek to own property? Never, and the only reference is the man who couldn't come to the feast because of his land purchase. Empire building? Where is that in the plan of God? Many other churches rent buildings and prosper, without compromising their message. They can focus on other things, the more needful things.

Emphasis on church numbers: Never taught in the New Testament and David was condemned for counting the people in the Old Testament. True, numbers of converts were noted in the Book of Acts, but was it the measure of success? If numbers are the standard for success then Noah is failure as is our Lord, ending His earthly ministry with only a handful? Far from it. I am not doing away with goals and striving for the mastery, but I have been taught there is not an alternative for success. At least, from NTCC, but from the Bible tells me otherwise.

Lack of Fellowship: Where are the fellowship meetings? The reason given was because of the crazy things being preached at the monthly gatherings. So we cannot trust a seminary-trained, licensed minister to feed us spiritually? Really?

Stove-piped churches: The admonition to not be nosy into what other churches are doing is fine, but somehow a paranoia seems to have been built up. Few call each other and fellowship among brethren suffers. Yes, we should be careful, but encouraging ministers to fellowship even through phone at least at a limited amount would be that harmful? Among brothers? Ministers? What are we? Christians? Ministers?

Children – The organization is simply not friendly to children. Perhaps this came from the Serviceman's Home ministry. I cannot be an effective minister with kids? That is impression I get. 

Pharisaical Teaching: The Bible says modest apparel. What is the difference between Rabbis dictating what is “work” on the Sabbath and regulations on what exactly to wear? No, I am not, writing this point so my wife can wear pants. She is still wearing skirts and will continue to do so because of personal example.

Fasting: God gave us the fast, noted in Isaiah, Jesus fasted, AFTER being baptized in the Holy Spirit, Jesus said, “When” you fast and the church leaders did it in the Book of Acts. So, teaching that fasting is no longer needed is clearly not Biblical. If God gave fasting to us, your teaching takes it away?

Prosperity Gospel: If you are rich, be rich in good works. Right? Where in the New Testament will God make you rich? Persecution is certainly promised and is a mansion in heaven to the Christian. Are most of the members in the organization disobedient to God and the fruit of that is their middle-class or below status? I don't care how much someone has, as long as they have enough to feed themselves.

Forgetting the poor: Paul was mindful of the poor, as was the church in Jerusalem. I am only one person, but I can make a small difference. Yes, Jesus said you have the poor with you always and I agree, but He was teaching on priority, not exclusion. Priority is God, in all things, but what does James say about pure religion? Visit the widow? And to extend help? Tell them be warmed and fed? On a personal note, I have been the recipient of gifts from individuals in the past, of which I am grateful. The system on the other hand is not Biblical.

Shunning: The Bible clearly states cases for shunning: covetous, fornication, etc. So, which of these am I guilty of? The Bible says for those of you that are spiritual; restore a brother found in a fault. Where is the restoration, or at least the attempt? Is anyone spiritual?

I wrote Rev Olson a letter just before I resigned, on my frustration on the lack of growth at the church I was pastoring. Mind you, this is the context of: only big numbers mean success. I want people saved, and serving God. I am still working for God reaching the lost. What finally pushed me to decide to resign was a sad thing. In frustration, wanting to be loyal, I reach for the Bible school notes for solace and aid. I read, that the reason the church was not bigger was because of me, after all I am the preacher. What could I have done better? I could, as all of us, squeezed out an extra 10%, maybe. It wasn't because I didn't give, I gave all, and only God and my wife know the extent of it. People left the church because they moved away, or got jobs or hate the Bible, so which is one should I shoulder?

So here I was, I had gave all, and a failure, according to NTCC standards. There has to be something better. There is. God’s grace is sufficient.

I told Rev Olson I would not burn any bridges, in reference to my exit. I no longer know what that means. I am not bitter and I earnestly want my brethren to prosper, but can the institution? God has blessed my family financially also during the time of my resignation, so I know God provides.

Frank Rendla


Another True Statement, (With A Little Satire Included, Compliments of Jeffy Pooh)

This is something that I have asked one of the board members. Why would someone spend 20 years of their life with NTCC or any other church and then decide to leave? What would it take for such a drastic action? If it was only a few then you could understand that maybe they had a problem, but you must ask yourself the questions, why so many leave after 10 to 20 years? What have they seen and been through? Is it really a lie of the devil, are they really in a battle, do they all want sin, or is what is being said the truth?

 I had been with NTCC for 20 years and like so many others, I began to really look at what was being done and what was being said. You begin to see how certain ones are set up for success and others are left on their own to do everything themselves. You look and see that you have given your all to build a church, that Jesus said he would build by-the-way, and then you are still called lazy and not doing it right during conferences. You see all the time, money, and energy that you have given and find out that it is still not enough. Then God begins to deal with you about his grace, mercy, and love. And when that happens and you compare it to what you have been taught for years, your eyes are then opened. You may not know exactly what is going on, but you know that God loves you and salvation is by his grace and not of works. Understand I am not talking about going back to sin, but all the things you are told that you will do IF you are saved; all the rules... Too much of anything will hurt you physically as well as spiritually.

What does facial hair have to do with being saved and serving God?

Jeff said... Nothing but of course I almost forgot.  R.W. Davis is more spiritual than the Lord Jesus, who according to the Bible wore a beard.  We live in a different time and Jesus wouldn't wear one now either, right?  Phooey

What does video games have to do with being saved and serving God?

Jeff said... Nothing but I almost forgot. Double Standard Davis didn't have a problem with his grandson playing video games but in the NTCC, what is good for the goose is not necessarily good for the gander.  

What does being at conference have to do with being saved; most of us have supplemented the churches income to pay bills and really can't afford it?

Jeff said...   Nothing but I almost forgot.  God recently changed his mind about that one, didn't you know silly rabbit? Now you can be saved and miss conferences.  Mr. Kekel said conferences are not mandatory, (like they most certainly used to be)!  Pastors are missing them all the time now.  Kekel prayed about it and found out that it seemed good to the Lord to lighten up the standards a little bit.  He doesn't want everyone to go to hell you know.  

What does being in church 5 times a week have to do with being saved? Other than to keep you working to be saved and tired so you don't think.

Jeff said... Nothing but I almost forgot.  Didn't you read the part in the Bible where it said:  Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together at least 5 times a week but no more unless the New Testament Christian Church leadership decides for it to be so?  Silly rabbit, you must have missed that part.   Didn't you hear Davis say in conference that you are not to call Graham with money problems if you are not having 5 services each week?  I heard him, weren't you listening? That is the Biblical, excuse me, I mean (NTCC) formula used to effectively fleece the sheep. (5 SERVICES A WEEK dodo).  Do I have to tell everybody everything?  

What does soul winning at every free waking moment have to do with being saved? Also keeping you working to be saved and tired so you don't think.

Jeff said...  Nothing but I almost forgot again. It's a numbers game.  When you have a system of verbal abuse, stupid man-made rules, and bully pulpiteering techniques in place like the ones RWD taught by his very example, you have to constantly bring in new people to take the place of the ones you run off.   No wonder so many people leave the NTCC.  There is obviously no one like me available to enlighten everyone on all this stuff.  If they knew all this, they would certainly have stuck around for another 20 years. 

These have been rules even though it has been recently said that they were or are not; all of us that have been with NTCC more than a few years know the truth.

I know that we will do some of those things sometimes, but God NEVER mandated them for salvation or being right with God. Works are freewill and not mandated for salvation and being right with God. Even sanctification, which NTCC calls holiness, is on an individual bases; it is not mandated or legislated. It is between God and that individual.

I left NTCC (not God) about 3 weeks ago and I do not regret it. I really don't regret most of the time I spent with NTCC other than giving so much money to the church that I neglected my own future, but it was as unto the Lord, and neglecting my family which I am making up for now.

I have been called by many who have thought about leaving NTCC or that have already left in the last few weeks. God has dealt with them about his grace, mercy, and love and when that happens it will not be long until they also will say that they and NTCC no longer agree.

I was a big defender of NTCC like so many others here, but after the years begin to pass, you see what is going on.

There is a reason why they tell them not to read blogs like this. They realize that if others share what is going on in their life then they can no longer say that it is a lie of the devil or the person is just in a battle. There are TOO many witnesses.

Bro. Bellamy


The Company Man

While in Columbus Georgia, Pastor J. Hunt stood up in the beginning of service proudly proclaiming his allegiance to the New Testament Christian Church and more accurately to R.W. Davis.  He boldly stated and I quote, "I'm A Company Man".  He then reaffirmed, "That's right, I"m A Company Man and Proud of it." 

At the time, his statement didn't quite register with me even though it did seem rather strange that he would make such a bold proclamation and it did stick with me.   Certain statements that NTCC pastors made over the years did stick with me and that was one of them.   It was right after the split and at that time, Hunt wanted everyone under the sound of his voice to clearly understand where his allegiance lay.   Well now, I clearly understand where their allegiance doesn't lay...    With God!!!

You see it's impossible for someone who not only to swears allegiance to a corporation/church but to a man, to remain loyal to God and able to listen and heed to Godly convictions.   You just can't do it.  At some time a church will fail, (which the New Testament Christian Church has done quite miserably) and man will fail (as did RWD so miserably).   So what you have a person (like J Hunt) and other pastors in the NTCC who I won't mention, who turn a blind eye to all the double standards, hypocrisy and treachery perpetuated by the NTCC and why?  Because they are no longer loyal to God, (if they ever were) but they are loyal to a corporation and a corporate owner who in this case is the New Testament Christian Church / R.W. Davis and they proudly proclaim their loyalty by saying, "I'm A Company Man."     I thought they were supposed to be God's man but they are not because you best believe that the NTCC isn't God's church.   

This is why guys like Hunt and Kinson get so upset when you say a single word against RWD.  Guys like this no longer possess the ability to think logically.  They really don't.  RWD could murder someone right in front of them and they would somehow figure out a way in their mind to justify his actions.   This is how they justify all the double standards which so obviously and clearly exist within the NTCC. 

I told Hunt and his wife exactly what I thought about the NTCC not too long ago right in the main lobby of the Main PX at Ft. Benning.   I told them how RWD and the NTCC has wrecked the lives of so many young children and adults by insisting that they attend the NTCS while simultaneously condemning secular college attendance.  I said that RWD and Kekel were hypocrites in that Grant Kekel was attending a secular Catholic college when previously that kind of stuff was openly condemned.   Do you know what Hunt's wife said? She said,  "Pastor Davis has admitted that he made mistakes and he openly apologized to everyone during the last conference".   Really?  Are you serious?  So that makes it all better?  Are you kidding me?  

You wreck the lives of countless people depriving them of any chance of a real education and in some cases even promoting that they quit high school and write it all off as "Pastor Davis has admitted that he made mistakes"?    Are you serious?   People like this are Company Men and a Company Women and they aren't even close to being saved according to the King James Bible that we all read.   If you are a company man or a company woman, there is one thing for sure that you are not!!!!  God's man or woman.  



The Big Smoke Screen

My wife and I were recently discussing the group of New Testament Christian Churches we were part of in Western Georgia and Alabama.  Before fellowship meetings ceased, there would be monthly get togethers between churches in those two states.  If  you went on the NTCC's official website, and you pulled up Georgia and Alabama, you might think, "Wow, the NTCC has a whole bunch of churches in those two states".  Well let me give you a breakdown, based upon what existed around the time of our departure in 2008.   

Columbus GA, Phenix City, AL had a small group of church members totaling not even 10.   Yeah they may have gotten a visitor here and there but there was no more than 10 people who came regularly.   I'm sure Hunt has boosted the numbers since Oberhauser, (who failed miserably) left, and that would no doubt make Phenix City the largest church I'm sure out of the churches I will mention.  Of course the fact that it's near a military installation doesn't hurt.  The NTCC isn't too bad at conning young impressionable, gullible servicemen. 

Montgomery AL was originally run by pastor Hunt who left Columbus GA to go to Montgomery because he said that God never called him to Columbus in the first place but then he left Montgomery to go back to Columbus because Oberhauser was failing miserably and I would guess that God changed his mind.   Who knows what is going on now in Montgomery but if all the rest of the churches in this area are any indication, I wouldn't guess much.  

Atlanta GA (Tucker) was failing so miserably that no one was even coming to fellowship meetings any more. Since then the pastor had to move out of the store front that he'd occupied for around 9 years and move back into a hotel room.  Mayers took a church that was pushing nearly 100 in 2003 and he ran it down to basically nothing.  He also ran off all his helpers.   Now he has only two services, one of which doesn't even start till 1230 on Sunday.  

Macon GA was a debacle ran by a guy who initially partnered up with another minister but then they split away from each other almost immediately for reasons unknown (to us anyway).  I witnessed RWD talking to the pastor like he was a child one evening in Columbus GA and the pastor frequently talked about how he was struggling.  Who knows if that has changed but I doubt it.  

Dothan AL was ran by a nice guy who back in the day was also having significant struggles.  He got openly reproved by LD Jones during a fellowship service in Columbus because the guy was testifying about how he didn't even know where the money would come from to keep the lights on.  LD Jones said that God was bigger than that.  Sounds like a thriving church hey?   The fact that they didn't have money probably resulted in them being a whole lot more spiritual than those crooks in Graham. 

Birmingham AL had experienced a period where they were going through pastors like some people change socks.  Every time you turned around the helper was becoming the pastor.   Rev Bentley also wound up in Birmingham as a helper because he got sick of being in Atlanta. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out why?  Then he left Birmingham to pioneer a church , guess where?  Back in Atlanta not terribly far from the pastor he'd left who was still in Atlanta doing basically nothing.   Sounds like a spiritually thriving area, hey? 

Atlanta GA (Smyrna) is being run by a real nice guy (who I already mentioned) who circumstantially (the last time I knew) was still single and who left Atlanta GA (Tucker) not too many years ago.  Now he is being helped by a guy who also left from guess where?  Atlanta GA (Tucker).  The fact is, those two guys may wind up doing more for God than anyone else in that whole area.   They both had enough back bone to leave the same church and move on to bigger and better things.  They really might be able to do something for God if they'd leave the NTCC all together.   Unfortunately I don't see that happening but I have seen stranger things.  

Well there you have it people.  Can you spell, dysfunctional"?  To make a long story short, the New Testament Christian Church is doing a whole lot of nothing.  It's a big smoke screen.  
