
The Grand Scheme. The Catholics, Mormons And The New Testament Christian Church.

The Picture to the left represents RWD or Kekel; whichever you prefer.  I wrote this article this evening on the Shunks Blog and I liked it so much, I thought I'd post it here.  

You see, for R.W. Davis' scheme to work, his congregates must believe that it's a sin to have any concern whatsoever for the way money is spent which is given to the NTCC. Hence, "Just give as unto the Lord, don't worry about where the money goes, and Gawd will surely bless you". That's one of the oldest tricks in the book, which the Catholics and Mormons have been using for centuries. And that my friend is why the Catholic and Mormon Churches have more wealth and assets than any church on earth.

Quote#1 that I dug up: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or better known as the Mormon Church is the richest. Hands down it has the most liquidity and cash on hand to spend at any time. The Catholic Church has a lot of assets but they don't have the residual income of the Mormon's tithing and they are losing the money war by the seconds.

Quote#2 that I dug up: The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe. The pope is the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth.

And The Chief said, "IMAGINE THAT". You NTCCers are getting played by the same tricks. And that's why not one other person in the NTCC has a house that's as grand as RWD's. He is like the Pope and he sees himself as such and he has control of all the money to spend how he wishes. The Mormons may have more liquid cash but the Catholics have more stuff. RWD ain't no dummy but with few exceptions, his congregates are, and that's why Denis and Barnes left.  They weren't dummies.  They both left for the same reason.  They weren't going to let Davis control "THEIR" money for the rest of their lives and whether or not they are crooks, (which I think they both are) they are no dummies. Now both Denis and Barnes are both rich based on the sources that I have. And that's why Davis started his OWN organization/corporation so that he could be rich also. If you don't think so, you are a blind, stupid, ignorant dummy.

If you stay in the NTCC continuing to give them your money, you are a dummy and it's just that simple. The Bible says and I quote: "he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want".

End of story.