
The Legacy Of R.W. Davis (Der Fuhrer Ist Tot)

There is one thing about my New Testament Christian Church (NTCC) experience which I will never forget.  It disgusts me more than all the corruption and abuse I witnessed in the NTCC.   It was a statement R.W. Davis made while blowviating in front of everyone during conference.  On this particular occasion, RWD was praising certain parents who he felt had influenced their children to attend the NTCS, (which for those of you who don't know) is the NTCC Seminary.   He proceeded to plainly and very directly state that an NTCC parent was a FAILURE as a Christian parent if their children didn't attend the NTCS.   He gave one exception; the military (as long as their child elected to move into the installations nearest serviceman's home of course).   

The notion of attending a secular college was regularly and very deliberately frowned upon by the NTCC leadership.  Consequently, most "faithful" NTCC parents didn't even consider attending a secular college a viable option for their children.  So here is my point and the main cause for my total and utter disgust.  

It is plainly apparent that G. Kekel was raised and brought up, (which is evidenced by the quite expensive academy he attended) to do anything other than attend the NTCS when he was old enough to do so.   One time while looking on Charles Wright Academy's website,  (which was the private school G. Kekel attended) we found a statistic which stated that LITERALLY,  (read carefully) %100 of all Charles Wright graduates went ahead to attend college.  Not %99 but %100 people. EVERYONE without exception.  So you expect me to believe that G. Kekel was being prepped and influenced as a child, to attend the NTCS when he was old enough to do so?   Not even.

So why did RWD place Mike Kekel in a position to be the head of the NTCC if, (as RWD put it himself for all to hear in conference) the Kekel's were FAILURES as Christian parents?  I'll tell you why; its because the NTCC is a family run business, (no more, no less) and all RWD really tried to accomplish with that statement, was to motivate a bunch of NTCC sucker parents to compel their children to attend the NTCS.  This would keep more money and people rolling into Graham to work on building crews, pay rent on RWD's houses, pay tithes and give till it hurt so the Kekels could do things like send their kid though a private high school at the cost of nearly $20,000 dollars a year and off to a SECULAR CATHOLIC COLLEGE when all was said and done.  Y'all got played and your kids childhood and young adulthood was stolen, ruined, and destroyed, leaving them with little more than memories of abuse, poverty, starvation and or food deprivation and little or no childhood fun whatsoever.  And this all took place right in front of your blind faces while RWD's grandson lived a wonderful childhood with all the pleasures of life.  Then you blindly watched all dumbfounded, while old RDUB and the Kekel's slapped you right across your silly faces when they sent G. Kekel off to a secular Catholic college.  

Your kids childhoods were robbed and so were you, so that G. Kekel could live a childhood rivaling the likes of someone born into royalty for crying out loud.  

RWD was a conniving con artist, and today the world is a better place, and lightning ain't struck me yet.   You are nothing more than a bunch of brainwashed complete suckers and dummies if you send your children to the NTCS. Ushered into the presence of the Lord?  Are you serious?  Actually I hope so, because that means a whole lot of us are going to make it with no problem if that's the case.   The bible doesn't make much mention of abusive con artists being ushered into the presence of the Lord but who am I to say.  Hopefully for a lot of our sakes, he made it, so we can chew him out when some of us show up.   That dude was no more than a con artist who stole the childhood from thousands of kids and who enabled child and wife abusers and child molesters. RWD said:  "If you don't have enough money, don't call Graham, get it from the people or are you afraid to ask them".  "Don't call Graham asking for money if you don't have a full schedule of services".  "Get it from the people".   Suckers, suckers, suckers.  Why do you think they have so many services each week?  Why do you think they have revivals?   When they need extra money, call a revival, take up an offering every day, and preach it themselves.   That way, all the money goes to them and not some traveling preacher looking for a paycheck to cover their travel expenses. 

Now get some of that!!!