
The Big 100K. Was All The Abuse That You Dished Out Worth It NTCC? I Guess You Thought No One Would Fight Back.


Hooray, a lot of folks are reading this blog. "We're Winning".



Don and Ange said...

Congratulations Jeff, on making the big 100k! Hope the word continues to spread like wild fire. Good job!

Don and Ange

Chief said...

Thanks guys. It won't work without folks like you. This blog is useless without people who participate.


Anonymous said...


CONGRATS!! You just beat a defunct 4 year old website in 1/4th the time to 100K.

I guess we would be remiss if we also did not thank REV Briggs, that was at least 160 something hits alone!!

Bro Johnson

Anonymous said...

We ought to have an EX'ER Conference just like NTCC does!

We could list all the new defectors and the "States" they would be assigned to Ha Ha!

We Are Winning!!

Bro Johnson

Anonymous said...

What I always remind myself that though the amount of us that are active on the blog is not that many. There are so many folks that feel stuck in ntcc. Those folks who are afraid to post. Because of threats like Mike K. gives out OVER the pulpit. That he can see your IP address. But they do come on and read. God is trying to get there attention. Like He did to so many of us!

Continue reading folks to our TRUE stories. When folks can let there brains put the two and two together! What you hear from the "leaders of ntcc" does NOT add up!


Mark G. said...

Congratulations Jeff.....



Chief said...

Thanks again guys for the kinds words and I mean that, but the congrats go to the people who have read this blog and later on left the NTCC to begin a real life. I really feel that way. I know how trapped one can become in that crooked organization. In addition the congrats also goes to all who posted here because it's certainly taken a group effort to influence no doubt hundreds of people to think outside the NTCC box and shrug off the brainwashing.

This blog and all the rest mean nothing if people aren't influenced to either leave the NTCC or never start attending attending in the first place. I thank God for Factnet and Tracy's blog because those two forums played a big role in me truly seeing the NTCC as an "entire organization" which is in fact crooked to the core.

Well Factnet is essentially done other than some truly great archives, and Tracy's blog is done completely with not a trace that it even existed. So the banner must continue to be carried. Collectively we can all provide a few sites for people to come and find out the truth about the New Testament Christian Church. People can get more than part of the story (which is the only thing they will get within NTCC church walls) but now they can know "the rest of the story". A story that the NTCC leadership doesn't want anyone to hear.


Anonymous said...

One thing this blog does. Is make folks realize all those nagging thoughts that pop up in there head. Is NOT the devil trying to persuade them to leave a Godly Organization. Where they hear that this is Gods word being preached,the TRUTH,we love you,ect.
If you sit back and allow God to really talk to you. You will not stay in ntcc one minute longer.
Can remember when we got to Washington. Was told we had to get permission to stay with friends until we got a place of our own. We laughed and thought he was joking. He got really serious and a scared look on his face. As if we were being spied on,while we laughed at such a abusurd thing to do. For grown adults to get permission from another adult. Should have took off running right then and there. BUT you think,God called me,this is where God wants me to be. Doing his will. That is what your Fed,so that is what you believe.

I know for me,it is hard not to write on this blog and any other public venue. So folks will not have happen to them what happened to me. I was innocent,gullable. Believed that these men were REAL men of God. That they were teaching the TRUTH and not being false teachers. I respected ministers and looked up to them. ntcc is really good at taking advantage of young folks. Twisting Gods word and repeating there jargon over and over again. Until you think what there saying is the truth. And Never do you dare to question them!

So for those of us that do take the time to blog. We are here to help others not join this cult. or make the step to leave.You know that all along that ntcc is crooked and a scam!Let go of that Fear and leave anyway you can.



Jeff said...

April wrote...

Can remember when we got to Washington. Was told we had to get permission to stay with friends until we got a place of our own.

Jeff said...

Knowing what I know now, I would tell them to take their "permission" and stick it where the sun don't shine. If that Ain't a CULT 101 control tactic I don't know what is.

Permission, Fooey.


Anonymous said...

What about the so called "One year in good standing" requirment just to go to conference?

I knew people who attended conference who had not attended 1 year of church.



Anonymous said...

I think If I was never affilitated with NTCC it would be easy to infiltrate and be a "mole"

Just wear clothes the way the other brothers or sisters wear and you will just "fit in"

"Oh, that is that NEW Brother"

Ha Ha

Bro Johnson

DS or GS said...


Maybe we should all visit Rev. Kekel's blog more often; so he can catch up; after all, we are in this together.

He has shown he needs validation from somewhere, might as well be us…I’m game.

Pastor Kekel started his blog well over 4 years ago, you almost 2.

He has 145 followers to your...oh wait, you don't have any followers.

Rev. Kekel regularly shares how packed conference is; where's all his blog traffic?

And attendance at Graham is increasing...oh wait, he never shares about 'growth' in Graham (the church he is Senior Pastor of). But, those of us in the know, know Graham has many people who attend both services, and they are counted both times. And, attendance is down by 1/3 (over what it was a few years ago), and barely over the attendance for its 1999 opening service (if you don’t count people twice.)

This is the church location which has had ideal facilities since 1999, a large unpaid staff of trained workers, people contracted/required to pay tithe, and the man who knows ‘how to do it (Pastor Davis)’ local and available during this entire time.

The Graham influence has actually decreased the number of NTCC churches in Washington State (its immediate area) over the past 11 years. Actually, the Graham influence has decreased the number of NTCC churches worldwide; NTCC locations are down by almost 50 churches (almost 1/3), to their 1999 level from 11 years ago.

Seminary graduating class size is down by 2/3, from what it was 11 years ago.

Your blog content keeps growing; with a healthy amount of response from readers of both camps; while his is shrinking by any standard of comparison. This, in spite of Rev. Kekel’s “God has been good to me; and in the months ahead I'd like to share with you some of the wonderful things He has done for me personally and within NTCC…” declaration (over 4 years and we are still waiting).

Pastor Kekel’s blog contains 9 articles. 3 of them are sermons, 2 are short excerpts from the Practical Theology pre-prepared teaching text (which he didn’t author), 1 was written by his wife, 1 is a hit piece against those who don’t get excited about what he is excited about (or worship the Lord ‘properly’), and 1 assures us this next conference will be different (unique). The 9th one is Pastor Kekel’s explanation for why dog shows make him uncomfortable, why he is still involved in the secular music scene, and some other stuff.

41 people have commented on the 9 ‘articles’.

You can even access Pastor Kekel's blog through NTCC's official website, an advantage none of us has.

Maybe the reason for this unprecedented lack of interest is he (Rev. Kekel) posts articles on his blog that end up having to be deleted because of substantial proven inaccuracies, or they’re deleted because Pastor Kekel had a too-long-after-the-fact pang of conscience (his “shunk” piece is just one example) for lying/libel, or they have nothing to do with the stated purpose of his blog.

It is interesting to note this documented, observable downward trend started when NTCC began to be featured on FACTNet.

NTCC is winning (both online and off),


Anonymous said...

Gregory: As always, well said. It looks like ntcc has multiple blogs that contribute to the hit count on mck's "Count Dracula" site. my ntcc, ntcc goodnews, and mck's blog? Not very impressive compared to one blog run by one man (Jeff) outdoing all the ntcc resources puddled together. Guess ntcc really is winning.

Anonymous said...

Folks, I would like to point out that not only is this Blog WINNING, Bro Jeff (to the best of my knowledge) dow NOT get paid a single dime to facillitate and keep this main Blog up.

Enter Mr. Kekel: The guy has had a NTCC website up for over 4 years, and still some sites are still "under construction". Can you say STALLING FOR TIME???

This is the same site authored by the CEO who claims that "God has been Good To Him". If he needs assistance in paying for somebody, anybody to fix his defunct website once and for all, them I suggest that Grant his son NOT attend a secular college for one year. THAT should free up at LEAST $20,000 to fix his website once and for all.

Maybe Kekel could even hire Rev Briggs to do it and copywrite it, he seems to be internet / web hosting smart and savvy, and I mean that as a compliment.

Just a thought...

Bro Johnson