
Wow!!!! Read What Appears When You Click On The Link Below

Just click on the link below. There is not much else that I can say. It's clean, don't worry. I don't post inappropriate trash, never have.




Anonymous said...


Jeff said...

I like that Yikes comment. It's cool. YIKES!!!!!


Don and Ange said...

Yikes is right!

Anonymous said...

I just checked out "rev" Ashmore's site; you have got to see this! Ashmore is a wack job!!!!

“I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.” Psalm 82:6

"In this Old Testament passage, God called them “gods” because they were “children of the Most High”! The offspring of the Most High God could be no less than DIVINE themselves! Does not God bring forth AFTER HIS OWN KIND??? This is what John refers to in his first epistle when he wrote “That which is BORN OF God overcometh...” In other words, ‘like father like son’- the offspring of God will have that same overcoming nature!"

Ok, so Ashmore is verging on mormonism.....oh, no, he says its not mormonism because they dont believe in a supreme divinity, but many such divinities....He is losing his mind...i think he desperately wants to start his own cult

What say you? anybody know anything else about this guy?

I have never been in NTCC, but i have listened to about 30-40 or his messages on tape and basically they were all hype


Anonymous said...

Jeff, Your getting close to 100,000hits which is pretty phenomenal!!

Jeff's Blog outdoes NTCC!!!!

Bro Johnson

nicole b. said...


My husband knew Ashmore for about 15 years and I had him for a seminary teacher.

When my husband finally thought to ask about the hair doctrine and discuss it biblically, Ashmore could not dispute his reasoning and instead told him, "can you just take one for the sake of the team?"

He also said, "To quit ntcc because you disagree with the hair doctrine would be like going out to a restaurant and refusing the whole meal because you did not like the roll."

His answers led both of us to the conclusion Ashmore can not biblically back up the ntcc doctrine that woman must never cut a hair on their head and men must never let their hair touch their ear. But he just goes along with it and teaches it and demands full obedience to this rule.

Ashmore is an interesting character.

My husband decided to leave ntcc after this talk with Ashmore and I couldn't have been more happier. I had been waiting for that day a long time.

Chief said...

Bro J. wrote...

Jeff, Your getting close to 100,000hits which is pretty phenomenal!!

Jeff said...

I knew that you would notice that J. You've noticed certain milestones which have been reached on this hit counter all along. I have paid particular attention to the 100.000 hit milestone as well. The NTCC leadership might as well forget about trying to get people to stay off this blog because it should be getting obvious that it's probably not going to happen.

Bro Johnson, this blog wouldn't have gone anywhere if it weren't for folks like you, and many others who are interested in stating and finding out the truth. It will reach that mark soon. Take it easy Bro J.


Chief said...

T asked...

What say you? anybody know anything else about this guy?

Jeff said...

Yes. I've listened to him preach in person and I've talked to him in person. He is seriously charismatic. He reminds me of a far right pentecostal. Practically to a degree and now having an open mind, (unlike what I had while I was with the NTCC) it's pretty hard to take the guy serious.

Bottom line is that he is real charismatic. Quite a showman to say the least.


Don and Ange said...

T - Ashmore is a longtime ntccer.

His wife, Helen Duran, came to bible school when ntcc was in St. Louis and their school was called Midwestern Bible Institute.

I think she and some of the other ladies were recruited from the Spanish Church of God during a Denver area conference. Read Deb's "Beginings" post to get the full story on the lies told to those girls that separated them from their families. Deb's St. Louis - 1978 also makes a good read to see how ntcc treats Christians and families very badly.

Anyway, Helen's sister, Kathy married George Jordan who, like (James Ross) Ashmore has held various ntcc board titles.

Helen's daughter married John DiFrancesco who, like Ashmore and Jordan, has held various ntcc board titles.

Helen's son Jerry abandoned his wife Chirstine who married Rev. Czja. (Sp?)

Jerry ran off with and married Penny Hampton who abandoned her husband Rich and their four kids (who are now adults).

Penny's former husband Rich married Diana Marshall whose husband Mike deserted her and her two sons in the Philippines, thanks to r w davis's loving encouragement that, "If you walk out that door [Mike], I'm not coming after you ."

Ashmore's family provides a quick insight into the ntcc's cultish practices of

nepotism (favoring family members with cushy board assignments and office jobs like Timothy Paul Jordan, brother of George Jordan, brother-in-law of Ashmore) who has worked for years in the ntcc bible school office and as a teacher... uhm....

Anyway as I was saying, Ashmore's family shows ntcc's cultish:



remarriage within ntcc

destruction and separating of families...


cruelty and unforgiving nature...

Now you have some insight to Ashmore and the ntcc. Good question, T.

No wonder Ashmoree allows no comments on his "spiritual" blog. Might have to answer some "awkward questions" or just might have something to answer for after being such a key player in such a corrupt group...

Don and Ange