
Against The Wall

Why does the New Testament Christian Church leadership make it so difficult for BS students to date?   Why do they have to get on the wall?   Why does someone have to walk up to RWD and ask permission to just to talk to a lady?   I know the answer and it's the same answer to all three questions.  Because RWD is a control freak!!!!!! That is right, and I've said it before but I really don't think many people truly understand.   It is part of RWD's nature to get immense pleasure from people having to do exactly and only what he wants them to do.   When you don't do what he wants you to do, RWD the jerk has a history of making your life complete misery.   He has a history of acting like a spoiled brat when he doesn't get his way.   When you don't allow RWD to make a decision for you,  he'll say, "Ok decide for yourself"  but you best believe that won't be the last of it.

He'll act like a jerk every time he gets around you.  He'll act like he doesn't want anything to do with you and he'll make other demands on you that he knows you won't want to follow so he can act like an even worse spoiled brat.  Mayers, Ramirez, Hunt, Oberhauser, Kinson, Jones and Ashmore were the same way.  If you didn't agree with them or do what they asked, you could best believe you were going to hear about it via the pulpit and they would have an attitude toward you for weeks. They put on that fake smile with all the "God bless you brother's" but they just couldn't hide that attitude no matter how hard they tried and it always came out across the pulpit.  RWD is like a big kid who has control of all the toys and when you don't play HIS game his way, he lets you know it's the highway.  He might just as well say, "I don't want to play with you anymore, I'm taking all my toys and I'm going home and you can't come". 

The guy gets off on adults having to come to him and ask permission to talk to a girl.  He likes to see people openly humiliated.  He doesn't want you to have any self esteem.   And that my friends is the reason for the wall.  It's a psychological tool he uses in his game to keep control of all the players.  RWD is such a complete jerk that it's actually unbelievable.   He is like Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, and Kim Jong il all put together.  To put it plainly he is a sadistic dude and I'm not exaggerating one little bit.   

Everything he does revolves around an unquenchable desire  to be in control of other people.  The wall, the escrows, the whole dating thing, telling people to pack up and move when he knows that is not where they want to go, the way he treats women, calling folks up at 3:00am, the draws where "HE" breaks off a little money, the lodge,  people living in his houses, the private bathroom at conference, having to stand in line to wait to talk to him, the Cadillacs. He is a control freak, freaky deak, freak freaky deak.  It's true people!!!!  I'm not just dreaming this stuff up.  That is RWD in a nutshell.  You NTCC people are under the control of one of the most demented, warped, overbearing narcissists that currently walks the face of the earth.   The man I was stupid enough to once adore, I now have nothing but disdain for.  I now understand exactly who his is, and he is anything and everything BUT a Christian.  He wouldn't know what to do with himself if he couldn't control people.  He thrives on it, he lives for it.  He loves the attention, the gifts, the million "Yes Sirs",  and the people "Against the Wall".  



Anonymous said...


He doesn't come on here and say anything about anyone or justify his actions or inaction.


Chief said...

Great point and I accept your guidance. To remove all traces, I edited your post (I hope you don't mind) and removed his name from the list.

Thank you.


DS or GS said...


When I reported to Bible College, and after the obligatory 6 week wait, I had no problem finding a chick…Deborah was there. Plus, by that time, I had found out in classes that I needed a wife for the ‘Ministry.’

Pastor Davis allowed Brothers 15 years her junior to talk to her. He even allowed Dad Keener a chance to try to talk to her. Pastor Davis even had us move our wedding date up about 6 months. Yes, I (all students) had to ask Pastor Davis first if I could ask Deborah to marry me. Lucky for me he said yes. Thanks Pastor Davis.

Deborah didn’t even get a proper wedding set before we got married. After we had been married a few months, I sold my car to get her a set (she had her own car). Now, Deborah has a Salsa red 5.7 liter 2010 Toyota Tundra double cab…fully loaded. Before that she had a Salsa red 2008 Toyota Corolla (not so loaded; BTW, we left Korea in 2007).

Since I was 33 when I got there, I doubt if I would have gotten married if it hadn’t been for Deborah. The only other options were too young. Plus, even though I wanted to get married, I didn’t have any problem being single. I wasn’t in any hurry, until I knew Deborah was ‘available,’ that was all the motivation I needed. Oh, and that I needed a wife for the Ministry.

Deborah didn’t want anything to do with me at first (just ask her and she’ll tell ya), but the pressure from Pastor Davis, Verna, and others won the day for me (just ask her and she’ll tell ya…so many others had struck out with her; both from the Student Body, and among Ministers out in the field).

Vic, I don’t think Deborah and I talked for more than 20 hours, since we were wed about 4 months from when we first started talking (on the wall only, and Pastor Davis was frequently out of town). We also never broke NTCC’s ‘dating’ rules. We will have been married 17 years in a few months, and couldn’t be happier…with each other, or with our lives now (just ask us and we’ll tell ya).


Jeff said...

Greg said...

Yes, I (all students) had to ask Pastor Davis first if I could ask Deborah to marry me.


(on the wall only)

Jeff said...

Like I said. CONTROL FREAK Narcissist. That is RWD all the way. That is unbelievable. You had to ask RDUB to ask a woman to marry marry you? WOW!!! That is an interesting little tidbit of information. I'll tell ya what I'd like to ask him. To kiss my white butt. Knowing what I know now, I'd say, "Hey RDUB!! Kiss my white butt and oh by the way; you know that Catholic priest who hangs around your grandson's CATHOLIC college? Well he is going to marry me and one of the ladies from your church. Yeah that's right, I'm getting married and depending on the mood I'm in, I might just tell you who she is AFTER we're married. How do you like that RDUB, you control freak?!!!!!!."

After that, you could stick old grumpy RDUB in the engine of a locomotive because the steam coming from his ears would power that thing all the way to China. He could get off there and run for office and he'd probably get elected being the kind of control freak that he is. He'd fit in real good with the communists but then again they might not even like him. Even they might think he is too much of a control freak. They'd tell him, "Yo dude, you can't come in here and try to have more control over our people than we do".

He'd fit in real good as long as he brought Tanya. They'd take one look at Tanya and say, "yeah this dude is one of us." What, I can't tell a joke? As many racist jokes as I heard while I was with the NTCC, my last statement shouldn't bother them at all. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Oh it's real funny when your pastors are slinging those tasteless jokes around like they're candy, but now I'll bet you don't like it. Well here is one for ya straight from your own play book. "Whoso loveth the law of the Lord, nothing shall offend them." Now for you NTCC folks who think I just went a little over board, take a look in the mirror and every time RDUB gets up and tells fat woman jokes and racist jokes, don't forget how you felt when you read what I just wrote. A little insensitive hey?

Now you know how people feel every time some NTCC pastor tell a racist or fat joke that they learned from RWD.


DS or GS said...

Yea Jeff,

We also had to ask if we could give a gift to the chick we were talking to. Flowers, card, letter...didn't matter. Permission from Pastor Davis must be granted first. And of course, you already know I couldn't take her out to eat, or to go walk around the mall, et cetera.


Don and Ange said...

Jeff said:

"What, I can't tell a joke? As many racist jokes as I heard while I was with the NTCC, my last statement shouldn't bother them at all."

Don and Ange said:

R-dub has always thrown around tasteless racist jokes and quips. He is very demeaning to woman also and leads his followers with examples of hatred. Rwd doesn't have any parameters when it comes to immoral statements. He could say anything to anyone. One time during the "change of Guard" at the Colorado Springs church we were sitting in a restaurant and he looked at me and said, "Watch out for women", and then he proceeded to imitate plucking a hair out of his pubic region and waved the imaginary vaginal hair in front of my nose and said, "They are only after one thing". Before he even used this illustration, I had heard of him using it before. Enfousto used to talk about many inappropriate things that rwd would say. When he was on the building crew rwd would tell him to hand him a one inch nail, the size of his penis on a cold day. I'm not making this stuff up. We were never allowed to talk like that or joke like that in the Servicemen's home. If we were to say something like that around or Medrano or Ramirez, we would have some serious repenting to do.

We were expected to live sanctimonious lives and to be examples to the world of how much more holy we were than everyone else. The average person will read this and say I'm lying but those who have been around rwd know it's true. They've heard a lot worse and I'm not even saying that it's all wrong but when you live in a glass house, you shouldn't throw rocks. I've seen brothers get plowed for saying "Christian" or social curse words. Jeff couldn't be saved because he says butt and crap. But rwd talks about his penis and uses illustrations of women plucking out vaginal hairs and everything is okay in ntcc land.

I realize that we are taking this blog to a new low, but it's not us, it's your leader. The man you worship says and does many immoral things and it's alright, but you will read this blog and say we are a bunch of wicked sinners for saying this stuff and we are lying about your leader. It's rwd who has this stuff in his heart. You ought to be worried about about him and not us. This is real and many will choose to overlook it because they think they have real salvation in their lives and attribute it to rwd. A.A. Allen used to preach revivals and they would have to sober him up and carry him to the pulpit so he could preach and hundreds would get saved. Rev. Gaylord told me this.

Don and Ange

Anonymous said...

i like aa allens stuff on youtube. they're simple messages but beneficial.

i can say his healings are staged and fake though. but i don't watch them for those.

Don and Ange said...

"He even allowed Dad Keener a chance to try to talk to her."

geerrrroooooossss!!!! ew ew ew!

Anonymous said...

Why I don't like Briggs' character:

I have noticed that a lot of people think Briggs is just swell because he said some things on Kekel's blog a while back that apparently according to his own personal testimony were things that pushed for a positive change in NTCC or a reform of some sort.

I asked what exactly did he say that makes him such a knight in shining armor for NTCCers, but I have yet to get a reply. I assume it was nothing worth repeating of any merit otherwise I figure someone would have remembered if he had really "stuck his neck out for anyone." Listen, there are some stellar Christians in church history who have laid down their lives for the cause of Christ and have truly "stuck their necks" out for the cause of preserving the true Gospel and to stand for what is right in the face of opposition, oppression, torture, you name it. Briggs, sorry you don't fit in the category as one who has stuck out his neck for anything as far as I can see.

I was on that blog a few times myself and the only thing I remember reading from Briggs was disdainful comments towards the people who WERE boldly standing up against the powers that be in NTCC. I remember Briggs putting down someone (it might have been April... I can't remember, but it was a lady) for expressing that she had suffered a lot of loss due to the NTCC preaching against things that she wished she could have enjoyed that are commonplace activities now apparently in NTCC. I am pretty sure it was Briggs that was putting her down as being somewhat foolish for basically going along with what we felt we were being preached into doing. He made some snide remarks if I recal correctly to the effect that she was a fool and should have followed her own instincts like Briggs the "smart" do-my-own-thing pastor did, and that we all were stupid for listening to the preaching that was against good common sense, and we should have just done what we wanted to do.

I didn't appreciate his comments on Kekel's blogs. So where is the cape on SuperBriggs? I just don't get it? How are you a Christian Hero, Briggs? Too me you just seem like a renegade clone of Mike Kekel. I know how much you like Mike. You probably sing the song, "If I could be like Mike- be like Mike," coz I remember you getting up to preach in Graham and one of the first things you said was something like, I always said if I had a chance to preach in Graham that I would say something nice about Rev. Kekel. Isn't that about what you said? This doesn't PROVE any wrong-doing, but it does reveal your character and who you look up to, and probably even emulate.

You and Mike are very similar. Sure you may have thrown out a couple things here and there, but you made it clear that you were fully against anyone else who had their own personal grievances.

Conclusion: This is you as far as I can tell, Briggs. You think you are right when you find something wrong with NTCC. But if anyone else does, you think they just have some kind of heart problem. So, I guess only Briggs can find fault with NTCC. Not anyone else. Give me a break!

Vic Johanson said...

"Vic, I don’t think Deborah and I talked for more than 20 hours, since we were wed about 4 months from when we first started talking (on the wall only, and Pastor Davis was frequently out of town)."

Yeah, same with us. We started "courting" in June and married in September--at 10PM after finals at the new Holly Hills church. Being detached from that scene really opens your eyes to how weird it all is. There is nothing remotely normal about this "church." A creepy spirit of control pervades and prevails.

RB said...

You think, you recall, you are sure, but you .. you are wrong. You want to fight with me personally ..

April would remember better then anyone if I said these things to her so what say you April? Did I ever "pounce on you" and say disparaging remarks to you?

Jeff said...

Against the wall. What about grown people having to stand against the wall? What justification is there for that kind of practice? To humiliate people? To break their pride? Or was it set up to stroke RWD's ego so that he can get pleasure from being the control freak that he is? Maybe so that people will know who is really in charge?

Here is the sad part. When RWD is dead or maybe even sooner, Kekel will figure out a way to get rid of that rule and that will be yet another slap in the face to all who've had to stand, "against the wall".


Angela said...

When Eric Barden got sick of the ntcc and decided to walk away, rodger davis never did anything to help the man. Instead rodger left a message (several days later) with Russ Mears saying I could go to either St. Louis or Graham.

This was the hireling response: I don't need to fly in and see what happened to a man who gave over 13 loyal years of blood, sweat, tears, sacrifice, and highly skilled labor and unfailing loyalty to ntcc.

Nope. Just tell his soon to be ex-wife that she can go to one of ntcc's two recycled-brides centers: St. Louis, or Graham. That way she can get another arranged marriage, compliments of evil verna, get to sit on the wall again. Oh yeah, that was such a privilege. No thanks. Saw what that was all about. Learned the hard way. But at least I learned. ntcc's wall is a low-grade meat market with lots of witnesses to the weird spectacle. Single women are expected to pair up during their tenure in these two places. Because in ntcc single women are seen as nothing more than a potential bride. There is no other 'work' for a woman in ntcc than to be a bride, barefoot and barren in the barrio.

And it all starts against the Wall.


LTravis said...

I was deceived for so many years by a lie that was spoken from the pulpit of ntcc, that lie crippled me and brought me back under bondage of the law. The lie that I'll call grace under law is manufactured from the depths of hell and proclaimed by the ntcc. Sin was never intended to be dealt with by human hands and the enemy of our soul knows that, he is a liar and the father of all lies. We are sinners saved by GRACE and GRACE alone and it's because of that we bear fruit. Pride is at the center of the lordship salvation called grace under law and controlled by the wickedness of man. Devil you lose because GOD'S GRACE ALWAYS HAS THE LAST WORD PERIOD!!! God gives grace to the humble not proud…

Anonymous said...

So do you deny having told a woman on Kekel's blog that people like her were stupid for following the council they received from across the pulpit (from Davis) concerning their families? Whether it was April or some other woman?

Anonymous said...

And what did you say that was so brave yourself? Whatever it was, even if it was bold, I still remember reading your posts on that blog and not liking your attitude towards people who WERE taking a legitimate stand against the NTCC. I think you are LYING. I don't think you ever said anything with a spirit of reform about Kekel's actions or Davis or the NTCC. I remember your remarks being very rude and disrespectful towards the sentiments of those who felt they had been abused by them.

So what gives, Briggs? And Jeff, What is going on here? How many times do I need to ask this same question on here and get NO ANSWER from anyone?

WHAT HAS BRIGGS SAY TO KEKEL THAT WAS SO GREAT? WHAT DID HE SAY THAT WAS "STICKING HIS NECK OUT" FOR THE CAUSE OF THOSE WHO FEEL THEY HAVE BEEN ABUSED IN NTCC? Who can quote ANYTHING whatsoever that Briggs has ever said anywhere that honestly pointed out to them the error of their ways and called for them to make a change and especially to repent for what they have done?

Am I the only one that doesn't see the invisible cape on Super Briggs? There is nothing different about him than what I see in Kekel as far as my own estimation goes. The only thing different is Kekel appears to be the smart one truly benefiting from his selfishness, while Briggs just seems like Kekel's "boy" backing him up just for the sake of man adoration, unless he is benefiting from some loyalty perks he hasn't told us about.

Jeff said...

Angela said...

Single women are expected to pair up during their tenure in these two places. Because in ntcc single women are seen as nothing more than a potential bride.

Jeff said...

And there you have it people. It's a sick circle isn't it? You better believe it. My goodness that is some trash. Two option? Graham or St. Louis? Think about it people. Just think about it for a second. That is so sick. Women in the NTCC are like slaves. You have two options girl. This plantation or that one and your master will decide what to do with you from there. The NTCC is one seriously sick, twisted, abusive cult. No more, no less.


MDR said...

Vic said, "Being detached from that scene really opens your eyes to how weird it all is. There is nothing remotely normal about this "church." A creepy spirit of control pervades and prevails."

My wife and I were expressing those very thoughts today.


Jeff said...

Vic wrote...

Being detached from that scene really opens your eyes to how weird it all is. There is nothing remotely normal about this "church." A creepy spirit of control pervades and prevails.

Jeff said...

That is exactly right. When you leave the NTCC and clear your head, you gradually realize how absurd the NTCC really is. Sure Christians won't be like the rest of the world but the NTCC takes it to another level. The crazy wacky rules they concoct, you only find being dreamed up by lunatics.

Like I've said before. Show me one other church where the members go and clean the pastor's house regularly? Show me one other church where people have to stand against a wall? Show me one other church where grown folks have to stand in line and ask permission for virtually everything? Show me another church where poeple have to ask permission to socialize with other adults from the same church? Show me another church where women get divorced because their husband doesn't want to be part of the church anymore and the women get recalled to one of only two locations in the U.S. just to get married off to another minister from the same organization? Other than a Cult, show me another church where everything is kept so secretive? Show me another church where one man can control anyone in the whole church? Show me another church that has a non accredited school where students must get there mail sent to a school mail box after it's been sorted by someone else in the church? Can you spell censorship? Show me one other church were a single guy in the church can't even talk to a single lady on the phone from the same church?

The NTCC is wacky. Look up the definition of a cult and I'll guarantee the NTCC fits the description perfectly. Control, censorship, control, suppression of information and that is what the NTCC is all about and that is what cults and communism are all about.


Don and Ange said...

We've said it before; and we will say it again. davis is not even a good American; because he takes away everyone's freedom.

Anonymous said...

Jeff said, "Show me one other church where grown folks have to stand in line and ask permission for virtually everything?"

Show me another church where you have to call and get permission if you're going to make a purchase costing more than $50.00. The reason given for this rule is because scrawny little Kekel gets up and says there are a lot of wasteful pastors out there. All the while scrawny Kekel's wife is spending thousands of dollars on her continual redecorating projects... Please tell us again, who are the wasteful ones? Humm!

Anonymous said...

Show me another church where you have to ask to visit your relatives and I'll show you a

Anonymous said...

Aww, you guys are just finding fault. I've always been told that they don't use organizational funds to finance their expenditures. Come on, we know that they have money trees in their backyards!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous keenly pointed out...
"Kekel gets up and says there are a lot of wasteful pastors out there. All the while scrawny Kekel's wife is spending thousands of dollars on her continual redecorating projects... Please tell us again, who are the wasteful ones? Humm!"

Kris said...
This is precisely the point I like to bring out about these wasteful leaders. They live lavish luxurious lifestyles while other brothers and sisters struggle to survive and meet the basic needs of themselves and/or their families, (especially those laboring intensely even on pains of death at times in 3rd world countries that they "reach out to" and convince to give it all they have to their leaders).

Not only do they WASTE money on themselves to pamper themselves, but they wear out the saints as well to get FREE services so they can live on the level of even richer aristocrats without having to pay out of pocket.

One poor brother who had managed to put together a simple window-washing business in Washington did the Kekels a favor by using his ladder and work vehicle and tools and time off from making real money doing a job for someone who could have paid him for his time, etc. After he got done they called him back I think 2 more times because they weren't satisfied with the results of the sky light that he cleaned. They said it had SPOTS!!!

If someone does something for FREE for you, and you don't like the way it turned out, I think you should call someone that you will pay real money for if you are that picky, because it seems to me that you are WASTING that brother's time when I am pretty sure he needs that time to either make money or relax after working hard to make money on someone else's windows.

It seems to me that the Christian thing to do would be to laugh and say, "oh well, that's what we get for wanting 'free.' Guess if we wanted the job done right we would have just paid someone,' and then just chuckle with each other and forget about it.

This is the problem of accepting gifts and free services from people. You open up all kinds of doors for problems, but some people just don't seem to care. They just want FREE whether it stresses someone else out or not. This is very sad to be occurring in Christian churches, but I don't know of any other besides NTCC where it seems to be such an abusive practice among the elite.

Anonymous said...

There is a brother in Graham who is very close to Rev. Kekel. One brother who was good friends with that brother described him as Kekel's "son." He has taken Grant snowboarding and was kind of like a friend to Grant who was probably about 15 years younger than him, so maybe like a baby-sitter or something. I remember the movie "Toy," and how a rich white man had a black man basically act as a friend to his white son. That was what this situation seemed like.

Anyways, he was very close to Kekel because he would regularly take care of his estate, making calls, running and fetching things, leading work crews to pull weeds, etc. Well, what's the point, right?

Here it is: I remember this fellow telling me how that when he was in the military, he and his friends wanted to be leaders. They hung out with the leaders above them so they could learn how to be leaders, and it was not just all about fellowship. He was trying to work up the ambitious ladder of authority. He wanted to move up the chain of command. Nothing wrong with that, right? Well, this just tells me the kind of spirit that I can kind of guess is behind the free labor that occurs in this type of situation. It seems to me that the "brothers" want to be in that position that their leader is in. They are ambitious for power and prestige and also the free services that come with it. They probably hope in some twisted way that after doing these things for 3 or 4 years God Himself will honor their labors by one day giving them young men to work for them for free as well.

I think these kinds of pastors are being used by the devil to sort of make fools of these young ambitious men. Sure, there are probably a few weed pullers who just want "to be a blessing," but I am sure at least a few of them think that they will reap the blessings of their own personal estates complete with servants and all.

Anonymous said...

The real proof is in this: Are these ladder climbers doing any of these jobs for others? Other Bible School students? maybe widows? or people who are shut in?

If the answer is NO, then we have proof that they are ladder climbers who are doing everything against what the Bible says and doing there works to be seen by men and be praised by men. In fact, if Davis or Kekel were real christians they would be directing these misguided souls to be doing good works for others and not for the leadership. I think the case is closed, Davis, Kekel are self-serving glory hounds. What we don't hear enough about is how Ahab was the exact same way, controlled by his wife Jezebel to acquire wealth and false glory- there is definately a Jezebel spirit in the NTCC!!!


Jeff said...

Kris said...

It seems to me that the Christian thing to do would be to laugh and say, "oh well, that's what we get for wanting 'free.' Guess if we wanted the job done right we would have just paid someone,' and then just chuckle with each other and forget about it.

Jeff said...

I understand your point Kris but I'll take it a step further. Not allowing people to constantly provide you with free services would be the "Christian" thing to do. In the military, I'd never allow a private to come and clean my house for any reason and especially when I knew he or she was only doing it for cheese points. That is using people and that is what RWD and the Kekel's have mastered.

If you are friends and you happen to be at someone's house, there is nothing wrong with helping somebody occasionally if you just feel like pitching in. All the time though? That is ridiculous and that is using people and that is promoting the establishment of a bunch of suck-ups, cheese-eaters and yes-men.

The Kekels have promoted the notion that Tanya is just sooooo important that she doesn't have time to clean her own big fat house. So to be a blessing to the so called "man or woman or God", which Tanya and Mike are not, they promote this nonsense notion that they are toooooo busy to clean their own house hence rendering Tanya (according to NTCC standards) an ineffective "keeper at home".

Look up the definition of "keeper at home". I doesn't mean that a woman can't work but to be a good house keeper which Tanya is not because she has too big of a house and she is too busy outside the home to be an effective "keeper at home". Why? Because she requires constant help from other women or the house doesn't stay clean according to Mike's or the NTCC's standards.

My wife who is a school teacher, with my help, keeps our house clean without any outside help but Tanya who is a school teacher, can't keep her house clean without significant amounts of outside help. Here is what it boils down to and here is the problem. Tanya spends too much time not being a keeper at home and she lives in a house that is too big.

Now stop teaching your phony interpretation of "keeper at home" and stop being so cheep that you want to buy everything on the planet but you won't hire a full time maid. That is so sorry and it's using people. I don't know if the Kekel's still do that but they used to and that practice is absolutely one of the worst abuses of authority that I've ever seen.


Anonymous said...

Check this out, very insightful. shows the root of a controlling bitter spirit



Anonymous said...

TB rightly said ...
"In fact, if Davis or Kekel were real christians they would be directing these misguided souls to be doing good works for others and not for the leadership."

Kris said...
I do enthusiastically concur with you, TB. Well said.

Anonymous said...

Jeff said...
I understand your point Kris but I'll take it a step further. Not allowing people to constantly provide you with free services would be the "Christian" thing to do. In the military, I'd never allow a private to come and clean my house for any reason and especially when I knew he or she was only doing it for cheese points.

Kris said...
I see your point too, Jeff, and have to humbly admit that it IS a far better point than mine.

Anonymous said...

You know when something is not right. as soon as we got to ntcc found out we had to get permission to carpool. Smelled fishy. Then seeing all the ladies falling over each other to get a chance to go and CLEAN another person's home. I as a brand new Bible college student. I think this is what I should be doing to. I got the davis's a fruit basket. I scrimped out of our measly grocery money to get verna peaches.
I even went and cleaned tanya's house a few times. After getting corrected by a little girl,KISS UP to Tanya. Knew I was not doing that again.

Many of those folks just sitting on there behinds,warming a pew. Were the KISS UPS when we were still in WA! I watched them and made me sick. The folks always making sure there around the "men of gawd" 99% chance there just there to KISS UP. Get in good with Mike. Even then,I made sure I was far away from rw davis.


Anonymous said...

I just took a peek at the NTCC website and notice there have been some changes. They actually posted a schedule and classes they take at the Seminary now. I never went to seminary, but did some of you other guys who went through in the earlier years have the same schedule? It looks pretty laid back now. Class only twice a week and church only 3 days.

DS or GS said...


The new 'schedule' still has church 4 times per week. But, since the attendance has dropped so much in Graham, they are back to 1 Sunday morning service.

But, the 2 nights per week (4 classes total) is different. When I was in, classes were 3 nights per week (6 classes total), unless it was your first semester (then it was 2 nights per week). Another recent change noted on the 'schedule' is Saturday soul-winning is now at 3 pm. Sleeping in on Saturday would have been great 'back in the day.'

We were all taught, we have soul-winning in the morning, so we can 'catch' people at home. The 3 pm start will actually help NTCC, in that more people won't be home, so they won't be turned off/alarmed by the soul-winners appearance (white shirt, tie, and jacket for men, formal church clothes for the women...year round), and folks can just look at any promotional literature left on their doorstep.

Cunning, since we all know NTCC has to hide what/who they really are, or no one would attend.


Anonymous said...

No mid-week Bible study anymore either.

Jeff said...

Wasn't Pastor Bellamy in Baltimore? If he was and I think so, he's been replaced by a dude named Charles. Now don't anyone read into this one wrong. Pastor Bellamy wanted to leave the NTCC or at least certainly step down as the Pastor. They didn't kick him out. He wanted to be replaced. Either way this is good. We're winning. More people are either leaving or stepping down. They lost the pastor in Springfield also. I think his name was Bro Granger? Spelling could be wrong and maybe even the whole name. This happened a while back. Maybe even a year or two. He left the NTCC completely and he and his family are doing great.

This new clown Connell showed up there in Springfield and immediately ran everyone off. I know for this for sure because I was told personally. Lets keep blogging folks because the word is getting out.

Hats off to Bro Bellamy. To date, he is the only NTCC Pastor that I recall, that while currently serving as an NTCC pastor, stood up boldly against the NTCC dictatorship. I'd go to war with Bro Bellamy. He is like a modern day Mordecai. He boldly stood up to Haman, I mean Kekel. He didn't bow down to RDUB and Kekel.

Est 3:2 And all the king's servants, that were in the king's gate, bowed, and reverenced Haman: for the king had so commanded concerning him. But Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence.

You go Bro Bellamy. People need to stand up to RWD the crook and conniving Kekel. When Kekel shoots off at the mouth with all this garbage during conference, someone needs to stand up and give him a piece of their mind.


Anonymous said...

Graham is a prime example of why "door-to-door soul-winning" doesn't work. They have been at it since 1999- probably earlier than that. So about 12 years or more of door-to-door and what do they have to show for it? Last time I was in Graham, I don't recall seeing one local church member attending the Saturday soul-winning meetings. There must have been literally hundreds of b.s. students and ministers though. But you guys with one or two helpers running 50 or 60 people need to learn from Graham how to build a church. What a joke!

Vic Johanson said...

"If he was and I think so, he's been replaced by a dude named Charles."

If it's the same bro Charles that used to play bass in the church, he's been in Baltimore for years and years, although I don't think he was the pastor.

Edward said...

Jeff, I was not the pastor of the Baltimore church. I was the pastor of the church in Cleveland, Ohio. I have requested and been replaced as the pastor here in Cleveland. My wife and I have left NTCC and are looking for a new church. It was a hard decision, but I believe it was the right one. But as you know, I don't considered all of my time with NTCC as bad or wasted. I learned a lot, and there are some pastors that love God and have a love for people and like in other church organizations, there are those that do not.

I do not plan to post on this blog, but I will respond to any false accusations by NTCC or questions; if there are any. I doubt that will happen, I don't consider myself important to anyone except the Lord, myself, my wife, and my foster children.

The main reason, but not the only reason that I left was because of all the pressure to prove our salvation by works instead of being saved and kept by the grace and power of God.

They say too often that if you are saved...

You will attend all the services
You will go soul winning
You will pay tithe
You will give in the offering
You will build a church
You will conform to an outward standard of dress
You will put the church first
You will attend conference
You will obey those that have the rule over you
You will go to NTCC

Grace, love, mercy, and personal growth has been replaced by a bunch of do's and don'ts.

God is bigger than any one church organization.

In the short time that we have departed, we have seen how much we had depended on NTCC instead of God to tell us what was right and wrong. We see that many of the policies and rules were just man-made rather than God inspired.

I have forgiven them for any wrong that has taken place. And if I have wronged anyone I ask for your forgiveness. I know some may disagree with that statement, but I must be right with God. I know I have made mistakes as a Christian and Pastor.

As I said, I do not plan to post to this blog, but I am definitely NOT finding fault with you who do. I understand your reasons, but they are not my own. We all have to do what we believe God wants us to do. And in the end he will be the judge.

Bro. Bellamy

Don and Ange said...
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Don and Ange said...
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