
Anyway, I wanted to repost what M.C. Kekel wrote because I'm still amazed that he'd be so careless as to throw his own father-in-law RWD, under the bus in such a fashion. Either that, or it's part of yet another New Testament Christian Church master plan to allow in what they've called "compromise" for decades.
M.C. Kekel wrote and I quote...
"I do not make the rules, and have only recently had opportunity to affect them. In the past I have only been in the unfortunate position of having to enforce them. That doesn't mean I agreed with them. If so be they were mistakes, they weren't mine. As for the church organization? I have nothing to do with policies and doctrines of the organization concerning things like TV (which ministers aren't to have if they carry license in NTCC- unless it is solely as a gaming monitor or something, and not connected to TV input) and couldn't change them if I wanted to. If that gets changed, Rev. Olson will have to do it by mandate or through board approval. I have no such power. Even in the Bible School realm I am limited."
"My influence on the bible school rules has only been to lighten them, not increase them. Further, since I wasn't a bible school student during that time, I was not UNDER those rules. The sports rule was not bible based to begin with, and was for bible school students. Not me."
Chief said...
These statements absolutely amaze me!!!!!! They're jaw dropping. I don't know how anyone in the New Testament Christian Church could ignore these statements if they have a conscience or any intelligence or common sense. Do you really trust the NTCC leadership with the task of guiding you to heaven? Really? There are two people who are key leaders in the NTCC; namely R.W. Davis and M.C. Kekel. These statements (written by one NTCC executive board member, namely M.C. Kekel) made a complete mockery of the Founder of the NTCC, namely R.W. Davis. Who do you think came up with all the rules and or endorsed every last one? RWD!!! Basically Mike wrote, (and of course I'm paraphrasing here) that he was the unlucky scapegoat who had the dubious distinction of having to enforce a bunch of bogus rules that he didn't agree with and had nothing to do with in the first place. Boy if that ain't throwing RWD, and the rest of the general board under the bus, I don't know what in the world is?
Listen here, armed with this information, I'd have no reason to believe that God inspired one single rule that RWD ever spewed out of his big fat mouth. "Ask permission to go visit who"? "Ask permission to stop where"? "Ask permission to accept a job"? "Ask permission to date or talk to who"? "Stand against the wall just to talk to a woman"? "You said it's a sin for all women to work"? "Where is that rule found in the Bible, Proverbs 31"? "REALLY, ARE YOU SERIOUS, ARE YOU KIDDING ME"?
Obey them that have rule over you? When I know that they have a history of coming up with a bunch of bogus rules that Kekel doesn't even agree with, and he considers himself to be unfortunate for even having to enforce them? REALLY? Huh!! Never again. I'm a grown man with a family to look out for. You can follow a bunch of stupid rules and con artists if you want to but I'm not the one.
P.S. I wouldn't follow M.C. Kekel or RWD to find a toilet (say no less as spiritual leaders) if I had diarrhea.
1 – 200 of 210 Newer› Newest»This is an amazing article and it openly displays Kekel's willful disdain for ntcc rules. Kekel is the new Sheriff in town, and he is letting everyone know that RWD's rules were only policies, so he can institute his own Cult rules. Kekel says that he has lightened the rules in Cult School, but my guess is that he tailored the rules to fit his own agenda.
This never gets old and if people in the ntcc read this stuff and choose to stay you gotta wonder how long it's been since they've ever thought for themselves. I know that we were brainwashed for a long time, but we never had all of this info at our fingertips. The Board members are just a bunch of manipulative crooks that want their own piece of the pie in the sky, because they have watched all of this transpire and done nothing.
If what RWD taught was of God they would remove Kekel from office and restore things back to the way that "Gawd intended it to be", but they are a bunch of spineless wimps that are content to leach off of their cult members. If people could see that they were just being used for their money, and that they are contributing to corruption maybe they would take a leap of faith and escape from their cult.
All of those stupid, idiotic, asinine, rules!! They had to be changed so the "Golden Grandson" could have the lifestyle that RWD was/is keeping from those who followed him. Just remember, everybody, those stupid rules came from a man who claimed he has "NEVER MISSED GAWD"! Or, as he put it, "I DO EVERYTHING BY THE HOLY GHOST"! What a proud, arrogant, egotistical, conceited FOOL!!
How about, "I can't remember the last time I sinned." How many times have we all heard that in a sermon?
We can! You Lying devil!
That's why we keep reminding him, because he can't remember the last time he sinned.
I John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
Therefore, R W Davis, the one who never misses God, can't remember the last time he sinned, does everything by the Holy Ghost...is nothing more than a LYING DEVIL! and his son-in-law "little mikey" is a big mouth punk face!
I remember questioning why so much negative stuff is being said about Davis and Kekel, I remember being told, "don't talk like that about a man of God, you need to pray". Really???? What, you can't question anything about a man of God, like they are God. come on....
Kekel and Davis are not men of God either. They are men of Greed. Men who who are motivated by "the love of money", the root of all evil. Davis and Kekel are all about themselves.
Chief said:
"Kekel and Davis are not men of God either. They are men of Greed. Men who who are motivated by "the love of money", the root of all evil. Davis and Kekel are all about themselves."
DnA said:
No doubt! If they were men of God there would be scriptures in the New Testament that supported their actions. But there are more scriptures in the New Testament that warn you to steer clear of hypocrites like Kekel and Davis. Jesus and some of the Apostles warned folks to stay away from false teachers that were in it for the money. I was reading this morning, not looking for anything to apply to the ntcc leaders and I stumbled across this scripture:
1Pe 5:1 The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed:
1Pe 5:2 Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight [thereof], not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;
1Pe 5:3 Neither as being lords over [God's] heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.
I usually read a little bit of my bible from time to time, and scriptures like this are all over the New Testament. If you are in the ntcc, you are not following Men of God; You are following greedy, money grubbing, lying, users that need your money to increase their wealth and status. They are not examples of what God wants you to be like, but they are examples of what God warns us not to be like.
If you don't believe me, you don't believe the bible. Where are all the scriptures that support people like Kekel and Davis getting filthy rich off of people that can't even afford life insurance. Show me where Jesus, Peter, Paul, James, John or anyone else lived in freakin mansions while everyone else was struggling to get by. ***Warning!!!Warning!!!!*** Christian curse word alert. I just said Freakin, which according to sanctimonious ntcc preachers is an alternative word for another F word. Who made up that rule, anyway? If your mind translates the word freakin to the other F word, that's your problem, not mine. Anyway, back to the subject at hand, you can't find any scripture to justify Kekel and Davis, but you follow them and allow them to dictate every aspect of your life.
You give them large amounts of money and significant portions of your pay check so they can make up a bunch of really stupid rules for you to follow. Where is that in the bible. Chief is right. Stupid is as stupid does.
MDR said:
"Therefore, R W Davis, the one who never misses God, can't remember the last time he sinned, does everything by the Holy Ghost...is nothing more than a LYING DEVIL!"
DnA said:
Amen, Bro. That's exactly what Davis and Kekel are.
If you go over to Deb's blog, they have a link in their sidebar to another cult that is just like the ntcc, in fact, Gregory rightly calls it NTCC's twin sister church. In this link you will find information pertaining to a church that is just like the ntcc, called Faith Tabernacle Apostolic Church. Yesterday, I read the story and it was like taking a trip down memory lane. There are so many similarities between this church and the ntcc, it's spooky. One thing that kept coming up was how the preacher would get extremely evil and vicious when preaching against things that he was guilty of.
He would blast women publicly just like Davis, and it turns out that he was involved sexually with many of them. He would preach vehemently against homosexuality and it turns out his son who was also in the ministry was molesting boys. I don't have a degree in psychology, but you don't have to have one to figure this out. This is exactly what goes on in the ntcc. There is a reason they preach really hard against certain things.
This link is about a preacher that took over a church in Kansas, with no credentials to speak of. People knew hardly anything about his past or his background except for rumors and testimony from others far removed. Sound familiar? They also were heavily invested in real estate and had a bonco. The preacher mandated tithes and offerings and made folks dress funny. When the preacher got on his hobby horse and started barking at women for having a lesbian spirit, everyone would shout Amen! Mind you that this preacher equated a woman speaking to another woman during a church service as having a lesbian spirit.
Women were nothing but objects. Sound familiar? People that didn't agree were run off and lies were made up about them. The hireling that called himself a pastor was said to have stolen as much as 3 million dollars over a period of time from his congregation. He also had a thing for young women.
The ntcc leaders have been preaching really hard against adultery and fornication for years, but it doesn't seem to sink in if you look at all of the divorces and remarriages that take place. All the stupid rules that the ntcc has regarding dating and relationships, the match making and celibacy were very similar to those of the Faith Tabernacle, but the so called "man of God" was the chief offender. Don't be surprised or offended if you find out that Davis and Kekel are guilty of the same things.
"Lying Devils" like Davis and Kekel preach the doctrine of devils. They emphasize rules to control people and keep them in subjection. They know who is in subjection, because they keep people in check with rules that make them dress differently from normal people. If they can get your money and make you dress funny, they can get you to do just about anything else they want you to do. They can make a fool out of you and they do that all the time. It has nothing to do with salvation or Christianity. You are not a "fool for Christ", you are just a fool. You are a puppet that does what you are told and behaves the way you are taught by immoral people like Kekel and Davis.
Don't believe me? Read your bibles and you will find that Christianity is not being represented in the ntcc. If it quacks like a duck....quack quack quack, guess what? If it feels like a cult, sounds like a cult, acts like a cult, looks like a cult...... it's a cult. This is not rocket science and you don't have to have a degree in theology to understand this. If God wanted you to be like Davis or Kekel, then there would be doctrine and scriptures that would support their behavior. It wouldn't be called Christianity, it would be called Davisianity or Kekelianity, because they have their own doctrine that is far different from what Christ gave us.
The Ten Commandments of Rdub. Click link above.
Click on the blue link "Rdubs Rules" directly above. It's quite funny and most of all, true.
Don quoted "1Pe 5:3 Neither as being lords over [God's] heritage, but being ensamples to the flock"
Don, this is a portion of scripture that bothered me for years. Every time I read it I thought about Davis! If you really pay attention in the New Testament you'll see Ntcc's methods/actions condemned all over the place!
Enjoy the games today everybody! I know I will!!!
Matt Reed, You pastored my father years ago n I cannot believe the words coming from you. I knew you had left the church a couple years ago but never thought you would stoop this low.
If you don't mind I would like to ask you this question. Why is it that when one of you leave NTCC you guys cannot stop talking trash. When someone has been wronged at a job and get laid off you don't see them blogging for years a bunch of junk about their former boss or company. They got wronged? Who cares? They move on with life. Why can you all not leave well enough alone? I saw a picture of you on facebook preaching at someone's church....how can you dare get behind a pulpit and preach to people about the love of God when your on this blasphemous website gossiping and you can just feel the hatred coming out of your words? When you respond back you don't have to bring up NTCC or it's leaders. We're talking about you here.
Guess what? You do not get to dictate the subject matter on these blogs. MDR can say NTCC as much as he wants to. There are people that blog about their bosses and their workplaces, but usually their regular job does not screw up thier lives as bad as the NTCC does.
Do you have the nerve to talk about gossiping? NTCC preachers are some of the most obnoxious people I've ever known on this planet. Davis, Kekel, Olsen, Ashmore are some of the biggest gossipers on the planet. As for blaspheming, telling the truth about a bunch of lying hypocrites, is nothing more than Jesus did when he upbraided the Pharisees.
I knew Matt Reed and have had him as a Pastor. During his one year tenure in Augusta, he was actually 1 of the more laid back Pastors I've had. I have also seen him since he got out of the NTCC, and he is a much better person for it. He did not stop living for God, nor does he hate God, but now he is able to worship God freely without having some hypocrite manipulate him all the time. He no longer has to give large amounts of money to a bunch of hypocrites in Graham that are living high on the hog. He no longer has to have some abusive jerk named Kekel making rude remarks about his wife.
You want to talk about a church that does not know the first thing about love? Or how about a church that gossips about its ministers and church members? The NTCC is a very wicked church and its leaders are liars and devils. We are going to continue to blog about the phony hypocrites in the NTCC because people need to be warned about them, before they ruin their entire lives.
Anonymous said....
Why can you all not leave well enough alone?
Chief said...
What is "well enough"? Is it "well enough" to be part of a church that tries their best to break up marriages just because one of the married people doesn't want any part of the NTCC? Is is "well enough" when a family has to resort to raising money by having basketball/volleyball tournaments while attempting to sell food at a car dealership because the man of the family is dying and he has no "real" money or life insurance because the NTCC has sucked up all his money? Is it "well enough" when a known child molester is allowed to continuing serving in the NTCC when the members who have kids know nothing of his past but the NTCC leadership does? Is it "well enough" when scores of women are throwing away any chance of having a career because the NTCC is totally and willfully misinterpreting Tts 2:5 to mean that woman can't work when it absolutely means that a woman should keep a clean and tidy house? Then is ok when her husband dies like Pastor Briggs just did and she doesn't have the skills to "IMMEDIATELY" have a good job (which she should already have had) with a high enough salary to support her family?
Is all that just well enough anonymous? If you think it is, you are a sorry crook just like the NTCC leadership and if you feel all that is "well enough" society needs blogs like this one to protect folks against people like you!
It's because of blogs and forums just like this one that I and a whole lot of others are out of the NTCC no longer to be trapped by those crooks. Thank God for Factnet, Tracy's blog, NTCC exposed, Don and Ange's blog and Deborah's Witness with the support of Gregory. Thank God for Vic Johanson who's always been a sound voice and a person of reason. I called Vic around the time I was first preparing my departure from the NTCC and Vic helped me make sense of it all.
Thank God for the Blogs. If the Factnet forum hadn't totally changed, we may not have needed all these blogs, but it did change and the word had to continue to get out.
Oh is it "well enough" that Kekel would write the nonsense posted on the front of this blog and folks not even know about it?
There is nothing "well enough" about the NTCC so therefor there is nothing "well enough" to leave alone. Would it be well enough if I knew that someone was planning on violently RAPING your wife, (assuming you are a man) or you, or your daughter, or your mother, and I didn't take the time to warn you? Would that be well enough? Do you think someone being violently raped would mess up their life? Well don't you think the NTCC is messing up people lives? Well one rape wouldn't do as much damage to someones life as 15 - 30 years in the NTCC does.
You guys are actually not warning anybody about anything. As you can tell the only people that comment on this blog or are in the slightest bit interested in what "chief" has to say are the same people that have been commenting for the last how many years? And in fact when someone stumbles onto this page like I did, you guys look stupid more than anything. No normal human being talks about someone else the way you guys do. But I can tell you guys don't seem the type to care. Hey but if this is all you have to do with your life then so be it :-) Oh and by the way if the way Matt Reed speaks ill of these people makes you think he has become a better person since leaving NTCC then I do understand why you all are on this blog. I see you are a nut job and as is everyone else on here that can't keep there mouth shut. You can say that he has not stopped living for God but if he were living for God then he would not speak as he does because the bible says that one of the sins that are an abomination unto God is Gossip. And yes I do have the nerve to talk about gossiping because I have not heard them gossip. Anyone that has not been brainwashed by your hogwash knows that everything you all say is a lie. But as I said before, if you guys can't find anything better to do with your life then keep it up!
Chief my comment was to Matt Reed and not to start a conversation with others. You can repeat yourself about women working and whatever jibberish you talk about in every comment but it doesn't work on everyone :-) I am not weak or stupid and don't choose to hear or believe your lies. I don't have time to waste on you all. Will respond back when my ex-pastor from a looong time ago responds.
Anonymous the no name weak too scared to post his name blogger wrote...
Chief my comment was to Matt Reed and not to start a conversation with others.
Chief wrote...
Unless you are too stupid to figure it out, (which is evident) I don't care who your comment was directed to. Unlike your cult organization that you are too scared of or you'd post your name, anyone can write on this blog to include me and you aren't directing anything around here. Especially when you are too scared and weak to post your identity. So MDR was your pastor? Oh, he was fine with you as long as he was in the NTCC right? He was a good pastor right or were you too weak to warn the leaders of your cult that he (in your opinion) wasn't the man of God that he should have been? Did you trust him while he was your pastor? If so why don't you trust what he is saying now or are you so blind and narrow minded that you only trust people while they are in the NTCC?
Actually I already know the answer to that question? You are weak and narrow minded because if you weren't you would have posted your name and you would have also considered what MDR had to write. From here on out, unless you post your name, I will refer to you as "Weak and narrow minded."
Weak and Narrow Minded wrote...
Anyone that has not been brainwashed by your hogwash knows that everything you all say is a lie.
Chief wrote...
It's people like you who make me glad that some NTCCers really are ignorant like you. There will always be suckers in this world (like you) to pay the bills of conn artists like Kekel. Do me a favor, go clean Kekel's house so you can bless the "man of god". ROFLOL!!!
RWD needs another gun so why don't you kick in some extra money. Oh, I almost forgot, when you were in MDR's church, you already did kick in some money so that everyone could add another gun to RWD's already large collection. MDR told me all about it but the difference is he is no longer a sucker and neither am I but you most certainly are. MDR said they bought a lot of guns for RWD so you should know that your tithe money was hard at work, "SUCKER". ROFLOL, LOL, ha, ha, ha!!!! You've been getting taken to the cleaners for quite some time I see. MDR said that they would buy nice watches and knives for RWD as well, SUCKER. Your tithe money hard at work baby?
Oh, you didn't know? Oh it's ok that your money went for those purposes? Watches, guns and knives for a millionaire? Well kick in some more SUCKER!!!! Kekel's son has needs because he is away at a Catholic college. Yeah, tuition might be covered but there are other bills like clothing, gas for a car, food, tooth paste and such? Grants Catholic college needs to be maintained, SUCKER so kick in some more money. ROFLOL.
I need to start a church and get a few folks like you. All I need is a few SUCKERS like you so I can buy my son a nice car when he is old enough to go to a nice CATHOLIC college like the Kekel's son is attending. I need another gun also, could you and all your SUCKER friends kick in some money to get me one?
Congratz on a great OT Pats' win! It was a real nail biter; but I was glad to see the Pats get the "V". However, if Tebow were starting, I would probably have pulled for the Jets. Sorry Chief; but at least the Giants won.
Chief said...
I had to take off the kid gloves for that SUCKER. This ain't no NTCC bully pulpit. You want to throw insults, I can throw them right back. I wonder how much of your money went for guns, watches and knives for RWD? You might even have pitched in extra money for a special offering if you were in MDR church when MDR found out that there was $279,000 tucked away in the escrow account.
Oh, you didn't read where MDR wrote about that or was that just another lie also? Back in the day, they all pitched in and bought RWD a Cadillac? Now I know that for a fact so am I also telling a lie? Maybe some of your SUCKER money went toward that one also? Man don't worry about it, you are just giving as "unto the Lord". The NTCC will take good care of your money. Kekel might need another HOUSE upgrade or some concrete laid down for a worldly basketball court. Cough it up. Good grief it's good to know there are SUCKERS like you in case I manage to throw my conscience in the trash like RWD, Kekel and Olson. That is what church is all about. I preach, you buy me a gun collection. I need a Henry lever action rifle like the one y'all bought RWD. MDR is the one who put that one together, you didn't read about that? That will be one of the ones that I just hang on my wall like a few of the ones RWD has. I need a cuckoo clock from Germany like the one they bought RWD. Everyone needs a multi thousand dollar watch to stand on their floor. That is what church is all about right? I preach, you get me everything I ever dreamed of?
Go ahead and justify it. I'm sure you'll figure a way. No problem, it's your money not mine. You've got to be one of the stupidest people I've ever encountered in my entire life. There, hows that for gossip? ROFLOF. Please don't come back, don't you have another tithe check to write? RWD needs another gun. Ha, ha, ha.
Hey Jeff, it's gettin' to 'em.
Anon, I have pretty good idea who you are and let me just say this to you...If you've never experienced the "treatment" dished out by Davis and that big mouth little punk-face M C Kekel, then you're not qualified to even comment on the issue. All I can say to you is this, If the kitchen's to hot...get out!! a little inside joke there! Seriously, though, If you are so "righteous" and the content on this blog is so ungodly, then why are you hear???? The people you defend wanted to break up my marriage. That "little punk-face" Mikey kekel got up in my wife's face and disrespected her when I was in a meeting with Davis. He's such a "Big Man of God"! NOT!!, HE'S A PUNK WITH A BIG MOUTH! I wish he would come and get in my face! That leadership in that church have hurt a lot of people through the years and now they are exposed! It's no wonder that Davis hates the internet. So, If you can't take the heat, get out da kitchen! That's all!!
On another note; We bring you live to Gillette stadium where the NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS just defeated the NEW YORK JETS in OT. Sorry, Jeff! No I'm not! That was a nail biter though! But, How-bout those NEW YORK GIANTS? what a game! There was a lot of good football today.
No doubt MDR. Lot's of good games today. The Pats barely pulled it off but they did it. A "W" is a "W". And by the way; I knew you long before your Anonymous church member ever met you. This person obviously doesn't know you at all. The fact is, this person doesn't seem to know anyone outside the NTCC nor does it appear they want to. Oh well, their loss not mine. You can't save them all.
If I had a pastor who left the NTCC, I would have wanted to know why? I trusted Taylor, Madrano, Hunt, and initially Ramirez, Mayers, Oberhauser till they all proved that I couldn't, but had any of them left the NTCC, I would have wanted to know why. If any one of my NTCC pastors told me the stuff that you have, I would have taken them serious and sorted out the rest. Not only that, I experienced enough garbage myself while I was in the NTCC to know that the things you've said are true. Later Bro.
Thanks cheif! I have no reason nor anything to gain by coming on here and telling lies. Although, I can relate, to the "blind loyalty" that anon has for those deceiving, lying, hypocrite, crooks! We all had it at one time. Thank God that he lifted the scales off of our eyes!!!!!!
No doubt Bro. You are getting a little humble in your old age. Nice touch. You didn't call you ex-church-member a "punk face". I called him or her a sucker enough times to make up for both of us. I was just trying to make a point Bro. I hope you understand. Congrats on your Pats. That one was close. I thought the Jets had them toward the end of the forth quarter.
No apology needed, Jeff! I have no problem with you or how you deal with things on this blog. This blog has helped a lot of people, period!
You be da man!
Don & Ange said "However, if Tebow were starting, I would probably have pulled for the Jets".
Don, the Jets are definitely keeping Tebow down! If they would let him go like the Broncos did they might have a better season than their having.
Fair enough MDR. You are a good dude. It was on the news today that some folks got shot dead in a shopping mall. Innocent people. The shooter was a nut. He would have barked up the wrong tree had I been there I suspect. I'm getting pretty quick on the draw with my new holster. Bianchi. Nicest holster I ever owned hands down.
Anon said ".how can you dare get behind a pulpit and preach to people about the love of God when your on this blasphemous website gossiping..."
Anon, I guess you think it was blasphemous for Jesus to expose the deeds of the Pharisee's, Huh? When Jesus warned others about them was he gossiping too? How-bout when the "last great hope for the World", R W Davis talks about people when they're not present. What do you call that?? You can't have it both ways, baby!
Chief said "It was on the news today that some folks got shot dead in a shopping mall. Innocent people. The shooter was a nut".
I hate hearing news like this.
Chief, If more people carried guns they would be able to intervene in terrible situations like this one.
If the current resident of the White House gets another term, you better believe he'll be coming to congress with radical gun legislation.
MDR You dont have an idea who is writing to you. If you do then take a guess. I dont think you do though...But anyways the reason I came on here is because I saw something on facebook and came to check if it was real. I came to prove people wrong but they were right. Some of your "friends" might I add that I dont know so I didnt want to comment without knowing the whole truth. Anyways, in love, I just could not believe that a man we trusted so much would come on here. Now dont get me wrong. I dont look down upon you for leaving NTCC because there are many christians outside of this organization and many great churches. I dont know the whole story as to why you left but whatever it is, is not my concern. I was just sad to see you talk so badly about someone. Not even the fact that its Pastor Davis or Rev Kekel but the fact that anyone could talk so horribly about anyone period is pretty low. Anyways, my apologies sir for saying a few rude things. I know it was wrong. I guess I overreacted after seeing all you said. It was wrong of me. I will remain Anonymous because if you all talk about and name certain people on here then I can only assume that my name will be the topic of more of Chiefs blogs. I am not going to comment on this blog anymore because I said enough and I saw enough. All I want you to know is this...your name is not mentioned or your character destroyed from our pulpits. I would have always thought that you left on good terms and were not out to hurt anyone if I didnt come on here. I have not heard anyone talking bad about you or ruining your reputation that you left with. Anyways, You guys can respond to my comment to eachother but I will not be returning to this page. Good evening
Anon said "your name is not mentioned or your character destroyed from our pulpits. I would have always thought that you left on good terms and were not out to hurt anyone if I didnt come on here".
Anon, this is precisely the reason I came on this blog in the first place. When we left Ntcc I told my wife that we would flip the page and begin the new chapter in our lives, which have done. It was not until I received news from a VERY reliable source, in Graham, that "little Mikey" and Davis were slamming us from the pulpit. In short, I will say this to you, they have their bully pulpit and we have ours. Good evening sweetheart! I know who you are.
Oh, and did I mention, "little mikey" is a "big mouth PUNK-FACE"!
Weak and Narrow Minded wrote...
Anyways, in love, I just could not believe that a man we trusted so much would come on here.
Chief wrote...
No need to patronize anyone here. "In love" my butt. Being that you are still a part of the NTCC, you don't know the first thing about love. Is it love to leave your sister in the church stranded on the side of the road because you have to call Kekel and ask permission to give her a ride first? Like I said you don't know the first thing about love.
Oh, you trusted MDR as long as he was pooling everyone's money together to buy another gun for RWD? You trusted him as long as he was buying an expensive watch for RWD with YOUR money? See, I'm not putting down MDR either. It was MDR who owned up to all that stuff and told everyone about how RWD takes advantage of people. I've ownwd up to the judgmental jerk attitude (just like yours) that I had as well.
And thanks for deciding not to post on this blog any longer because your messages are about make me throw-up. You conveniently decided not to answer any of my accusations (which have been proven by the way) but rather you decided to continue with your super-spiritual holier than thou attitude. So it's ok to come on here and post as long as you are quote, "spiritual enough" to rebuke everyone in "love" as you put it? You are nothing but a blind Pharisee who knows nothing about love and it's people like you who make me sick about the state of modern day Christianity.
Learn to think before you come on this blog next time. So once again, you were fine with MDR as long as he was taking your money to buy watches, knives and guns for RWD which incidentally RWD subtly suggested.
RWD: "Boy Brother MDR, I sure would love to own one of them Henry Rifles or one of them fine Japanese watches. Yeah I've been wanting one of those for quite some time, HINT, HINT, HINT. I'd really like one of those $17,500 Rolex watches, HINT, HINT, HINT!"
So the guy who took up offerings for such purposes (like so many other NTCC pastors also did) is the guy you previously trusted but the MDR who comes on here and tells the truth about the hypocrisy in the NTCC you don't trust? You are such a Sucker, Mr. or Mrs. Weak and Narrow Minder.
So called Christians like you make me sick and there you have it. And by the way, if I wanted to take a close look at my hidden hit counter, I could tell you exactly what city and town you are posting from which would certainly help us narrow down your identity but I got better things to do like exposing hypocrites like you.
I am relatively new to this blog, I post anonymously for good reason, and I can tell everyone this, I thank God that people like Chief Don and Ange and others had the GUTS to put the truth about this church out here on this blog, I just wish I had come out here years ago, if I had then I would not have spent years living like a weirdo living so far beneath any potential and happiness I might have had living a "Normal" life, because lets face it life in the NTCC is not normal. Don't fool yourself, these people, who I have never met have shown me more Christian like attitude than I ever got from any of the so called Christians in Graham, I attended there for some 12 years. So, this person needs to really take a reality check and see if he/she really is in a church that really is about Christianity and not something else. This person is obviously too blind to see the truth or refuses to see it. Whatever the case may be, it is a process to see the light, I am just glad I did.
Anonymous said...
I am relatively new to this blog, I post anonymously for good reason.
Chief said...
There is nothing wrong with posting anonymously. The only reason I gave the previous poster such a hard time is because he or she came here, got personal and jumped all over MDR all big and bad but didn't have the backbone to post his name. Almost 5 years ago, I posted anonymously for a few weeks using the screen name "Chief" but an NTCC flunky figured out who I was anyway because of some personal stuff I wrote. I had essentially given away my identity anyway but that was almost 5 years ago and since then I've openly posted even though I still use the screen name "Chief". Everyone knows who I am. I even post my phone number on here and get quite a few calls.
Whoever this person was decided to get pretty insulting and I figured I'd throw a few right back. Pastor Briggs was one of the few who would periodically stick up for the NTCC and post his name in the process. There has only been a few NTCCers "EVER" who have posted their name on here while defending the NTCC. And that's a clear sign of the type control that the NTCC exudes. Everyone is running around scared in the NTCC fearful of the leadership's judgment.
Well the NTCC leadership can kiss my white butt because they are nothing but a bunch of crooks and conn artists and chippy cheat swindlers and hucksters. Not only that, when I post my identity, it's shows that I'm not scared of them because there is nothing to be scared of. They are not "men of God" they are "conn artists of Greed". They are not Prophets, they are "false prophets". The NTCC leadership is not Godly they are ungodly. The NTCC leadership is not considerate, they are totally and completely "INCONSIDERATE". The NTCC is not a church it's a cult, (even though these days, there doesn't seem to be much difference in many cases.
Anonymous, we are glad that the blogs are having a positive affect on you. There are many people that post anonymously on this blog and. especially on ours. Everyone has the right to post anonymously. Every once in awhile, you get some super spiritual know it all that wants to come on here and said everybody straight. These spiritial Giants are so blessed and gifted by God but they are too afraid to say who they are, because they know that they will get jacked up by the NTCC leadership that they love and adore so much. Some folks are not too far removed from the NTCC and it takes time to process all of this stuff. Being a member of a cold is a very tramatic experience and has severe emotional effects on people. These blogs help people to openly discuss issues that they were never allowed to discuss wall part of the cult. What the week and narrow minded fail to realize is that we now think for ourselves. We don't need him or her to tell us what we can and cannot say, or to share his non biblical reviews ideologies with us. That is why the week and narrow minded anonymous poster had to take his marbles and go home.
Sorry for the mistakes I'm using voice text and sometimes I don't catch it when words are improperly usedor misspelled. I meant to say cult instead of cold.
Anon said "I just wish I had come out here years ago, if I had then I would not have spent years living like a weirdo living so far beneath any potential and happiness I might have had living a "Normal" life, because lets face it life in the NTCC is not normal".
Anon, while I was getting ready for work this morning, after spending a normal night with the In-laws last evening, I was having those very thoughts. This has been a prevailing thought since my departure from the Ntcc. Make no mistake about either, New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. is a CULT!!!
Don and Ange wrote...
These spiritial Giants are so blessed and gifted by God but they are too afraid to say who they are, because they know that they will get jacked up by the NTCC leadership that they love and adore so much.
Chief said...
And I couldn't have said it better. They come here trying to jack up everyone on this blog but they won't even tell us who they are. Boy isn't that real big and bad. They remind me of the NTCC leadership. They talk all that crap from behind the pulpit but in real life they wouldn't dream of fronting people like that. That's why it's called a bully pulpit.
Well it irritates me. I put up with that garbage for long enough in the NTCC and my patience is short for that nonsense. If one of those crooks tried that junk on the street I'd give him a piece of my mind right on the spot and I wouldn't care if it was RWD, Olson, Kekel, Ashmore or any of the rest. The days of me being jacked up by a religious hypocrite are over.
Now I totally understand why some people got so mad at us when we were out inviting people to church. No one wants some abusive religious punk trying to cram their church down someone's throat. I don't have any tolerance for it.
Chief said...
No one wants some abusive religious punk trying to cram their church down someone's throat. I don't have any tolerance for it.
Chief responded to his own statement...
It might be different if the NTCC leaders were really the answer to a lost and dying world but they are the ones who are lost. (Actually they are only partially lost). They sure are not lost monetarily. So once again you have the words of Jesus:
Jesus said...
Mat 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Chief said...
Follow someone like Kekel? With knowledge of his statement that I have posted on the cover of this thread? You'd have to be real hard up for companionship and some sorry companionship at that. I got better things to do than spend 5 days a week in church just so I can "fit in" with a group because it surely ain't about spirituality. You can't believe anything these guys tell you because they change their tune too much. Good grief people!!! Kekel wrote that he was the unfortunate one who had to enforce the NTCC rules!!!! Kekel wrote that not me!!! Good grief people are blind. Why on God's green earth would you follow people like that? One makes stupid rules and the other says he's "UNFORTUNATE" for having to enforce them. WHATEVER.
Any NTCCer who reads this thread continues to follow and NTCC leader is a dummy. Only exception is a wife or husband who doesn't want to divorce their spouse. That makes it a lot harder. Or a child who can not leave their parents.
Jesus and Chief speak the truth!
Chief The Bumbling Idiot said....
Sorry but I'm not the one. I am so far from Jesus it's like the east from the west. I mean totally no comparison whatsoever. I'm the creation and he is the creator. I'm like the dust that a dog kicks up under his paws compared to Jesus. Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice and I've given nothing. Jesus speaks the truth and Chief is a bumbling idiot who likes to clown with his buddy Don while exposing the double standard NTCC leadership.
Chief, we know this, but I really appreciate this blog and what it has represented to me. I was a blind NTCC wife, now I am a X NTCC person, I am still trying to pick up the pieces and it is difficult but I make small steps all the time. I know this blog is work but you persevere, and without it, quite frankly, I might still be there. So know this when you spend several hours a week moderating this blog, it does not go unappreciated. Signed, X NTCC Graham member, and I am so glad..... did it ever occur to you Chief that it might be the reason for the blessings in your life? What goes around comes around.....
So true!
Some anonymous person came on here and asked why if we left NTCC, how we could dare post any negative words about NTCC. Friend, you see all that NTCC taught us has turned on them. We were taught to name names - Paul did, He warned people who opposed him. Paul talked in Romans 2 about those who judged others and did the same thing.
NTCC rules not by love at all, but by fear, and necessity and intimidation. They Do lord it over people. They DO hate the brethren, and are therefore, bad as murderers. Do they care for the fatherless and widows? NO. Therefore they have not true religion. They have NO natural compassion. They DO NOT let one fellowship with or hear any other preaching- because its BETTER than theirs by a long shot.
NTCC preachers are often young, inexperienced, people who have only a blind obedience to those who ARE NOT WORTHY of following. Jesus taught as did Paul that a minister was to be servant of all! and take the lowest seat. The heart condition is the primary focus. NTCC has hardened their hearts and needs a true revival. In Church History- we taught about Savanarola- who excoriated the rich, uncaring Catholic Church of his day. While we do not adhere to Catholic teachings, where is the Savanarola of NTCC? Man that would be nice!
Real Holy Ghost preaching confronts sin wherever it finds it! Spirituality has never been based on a pyramid type of leadership! God always raises up voices from the bottom to correct abuses at the very top! When the top hardens its heart- Humpty Dumpty take a huge FALL! Read the story of young Samuel and Eli. Who had the message of God? But who had the power structure? Remember JESUS? in His earthly walk- who opposed Him? The religious hierarchy!
We have seen by experience the grand hypocrisy of NTCC. Even Old Pop Gaylord would preach Mikey and Tanya under the carpet, if he was here today! I guarantee! I sat under His ministry.... oh yeah. The NTCC of today IS FAR from the NTCC of yesteryear.
RWD used to condemn those who did not like the poor kids bussed into Church - who left dirty finger marks on the wall! He called them hypocrites! Need to get saved! Do they bus poor kids to Graham today? Dirty fingerprints and all? NO!
Anonymous said...
did it ever occur to you Chief that it might be the reason for the blessings in your life? What goes around comes around.....
Chief said...
I did cross my mind because things do seem to work out for me in some really abnormal ways but I'm not superstitious like the NTCC leadership. I like to give God the glory out of respect and certainly because it's quite possible that he has opened doors which have resulted in things working out in my favor but then Kekel could make the same claim. Kekel is a conniver and he takes advantage of people. All you have to do is read his statement on the cover of this thread to understand the kind of guy Kekel is. He is a tap dancer and a spin doctor who cons people so he can "stay" ahead. Why else would he enforce rules if he feels unfortunate to do so? He could tell his father in law "forget it" but then what would happen? The money flow would stop!!!! The free rides would stop!!!! The nepotism would stop!!!! And just maybe for once in the last 30 years, he'd have to actually work for a living and answer to someone other than himself.
So what does he do instead? Remain the "unfortunate" guy (as he put it) who willfully elects to enforce the rules even though he don't agree with them!!! And why? Well I can tell you that it has nothing to do with obedience. As long as he enforces the rules he keeps the silver spoon and it's just that simple. Do you think all of Hitlers men were simply cruel murders? Not likely but they'd rather keep murdering Jews than consider the alternative which was answering to Hitler and Kekel would rather enforce the rules because he (by his own admission) didn't have to obey them anyway and he didn't want to answer to RWD. Kekel is the bottom of the bucket folks in case you are too blind to see it.
No listen; when I say he is the bottom of the bucket I must clarify. For someone who claims to be the example Christian? The bottom of the bucket because he has no real Christian character!!! He don't stand for anything. He enforces rules that he doesn't even agree with, he breaks the rules that he doesn't agree with and claims never applied to him in the first place and as a result he is a flat out, stone cold, real deal, DOUBLE STANDARD HYPOCRITE!!!! And that is why he is the bottom of the bucket. If he didn't claim to be a Christian it wouldn't be any big deal because this world is full of crooks. I don't necessary mind someone who doesn't have the greatest character. You just don't hang out with them after work. But in a so called holiness, sanctified Christian church? Bottom of the bucket and it's just that simple.
Thanks for weighing in double-D. That was aome good stuff. Very refreshing!
Kekel is a hypocrite by his own admission.
Hey double-D. I was good to hear from you. Dude, you are like old faithful. You leave the house to run around for a while and we wonder how you are doing and where you are, but you always show back up at the door, LOL. You are a good dude Bro. For what it's worth, you certainly seem to have remained a fine example of what we all used to expect a Christian to act like. These days I just don't know but you appear to have stayed real and I've always respected you Bro.
I'm a hot head and less temperate, (and that's an understatement) and you've always remained level headed in my opinion anyway. Just so you know Bro, I respect you and you are one of the few people I take serious when they say they are trying to act like Jesus. Of course I'm not around you but you've always maintained level headed since I first read the very few statements that you ever wrote on Factnet. Good to have you around. If you are ever down in the Georgia area I'd like to get together and go out and get something to eat. My phone number is easy enough to find because I've plastered it all over this blog. Later double-D.
Double-D, that was an excellent post! I wondered if you were still watching and kind-a expected you to be posting soon. Glad you're still on here.
They are all a bunch of hypocrites, they preached about how we should live and did not follow their own preaching, that is a hypocrite, all the while I for one tried and tried to live up to their standards. When I really needed to live up to Jesus's standards, not the NTCC standards. After all, isn't that what we all tried to do?
Chief said " He don't stand for anything. He enforces rules that he doesn't even agree with, he breaks the rules that he doesn't agree with and claims never applied to him in the first place and as a result he is a flat out, stone cold, real deal, DOUBLE STANDARD HYPOCRITE!!!!"
Not to mention, A PUNK-FACE!!!!
I read the blog much and post little. I chime in once in awhile when some folks out there think those who left NTCC have left GOD. No, we just found out that there is life out there- and life MORE abundantly! We found all the things that NTCC hid from us. That is: that God is moving quite well OUTSIDE NTCC doors.
We will not dare boast about what we are doing for God these days, nor of revelations, we will boast in our weaknesses rather. Let God be glorified. We cut the grass, pass out food to the hungry, pray for the weary and bound. We bind up wounds and pour in healing grace.
We have found the secret of success: stay humble, be corrected, adjust frequently, repent often, admit humanity, confess Divine nature and so much more. There is real joy in departing from a hard heart.
So much is happening in the Christian world that NTCC is not even an asterisk on God's map... they deride actual ministers of the gospel, judging and talking down preachers walking in power with God.
They did this in the 70's and continue... but that is their downfall... dismissing the rest of the body of Christ... they have become ALONE and become rigid, sterile, void of real power. No more compassion, no agape. I hear it in the spirit of their preachers. Anathema. repent now, NTCC before your destruction comes to you suddenly and that without remedy.
I look forward to reading more of your articles and posts in the future, so I've bookmarked your blog. When I see good quality content, I like to share it with others. So I've created a backlink to your site. Thank you!…
Double-D said "They did this in the 70's and continue... but that is their downfall... dismissing the rest of the body of Christ... they have become ALONE and become rigid, sterile, void of real power. No more compassion, no agape. I hear it in the spirit of their preachers. Anathema. repent now, NTCC before your destruction comes to you suddenly and that without remedy."
Preach on, my brother! And the congregation said...AMEN AND AMEN!!!!!!!!
I give that one an Amen also. There is no Godly love in the NTCC. It's all judgment and rules which bind men while relentlessly crushing their spirit with guilt. No grace, no tangible love.
If you don't like it there is the door. Clean my house. Wash my car. Shine my shoes. Buy me a gun or watch. I was here first. If you are short on money go to the people or have more church services which bring in more offerings. Don't invite broke people to church. If you have a problem with me you have a problem with God, (and that was the most boastful, haughty, high-minded statement that I've ever heard RWD make openly in conference) because I was there.
Knowing all that, why in the world would you follow Kekel and R.W. Davis? NTCC people, you are throwing your life away completely. You are not doing God's will. You are no good to anyone to include God. Wake up, consider and really think about what we are writing. RWD is a fake.
Congrats Matt! The Patriots were devastating today.
And the Giants pulled another one off.
Thanks, Don! I couldn't believe Brady wouldn't come out in the 4th quarter. That dude is a machine! I hope the Broncos win tonight.
Chief, I couldn't believe that the "Boyz" just fell apart the way they did. Either the boyz are stinkin up the joint or the Giants are the luckiest team in the world. Maybe a little bit of both. Huh!!! :0)
Hey, Don! How-bout dem Denver Broncos? I Love watching Peyton Manning march his team up and down the field. He's getting better every game. I would say that He's definitely back! I hope that every year he plays, until retirement, that he makes the Colts regret what they did to him. The owner of the Colts reminds me of R W Davis...He turned his back on his superstar like Davis turns his back on his preachers and discards them as if they were some expendable business proposition. There is a "payday" for people like Davis, so I hope he's enjoyed his life down here on the earth, cause I kind-a get the felling that it's not going to be pretty for him on the other side of eternity.
The Giants held together and did what they needed to do to win. The cowgirls found a way to lose that one. Romo shows flashes of Brilliance but seems to fall apart in crucial moments. Hope you were able to enjoy that game, Chief. I enjoyed it on Sirius Radio. I like watching the Dalas Cowgirls get beat almost as much as I like to see the Broncos win. I guess I'm just bitter.
Sanchez is a lot like Kyle Orton. Sanchez sucks, he always has sucked and he will continue to suck as long as they depend on him. He might have a good game every once in a while but his overall performance stinks and he never wins the big games that matter. This is the same conversation we were having about Orton last year. They need to do what they should have done at the beginning of the season and that is play Tebow. Tebow is not going to dazzle you with stats, but he has the uncanny ability to win games when your team really needs to win. It's a matter of time.
The Broncos are really starting to Gel. We watched the game on our new 42" one eyed monster. They took care of business last night. Peyton was awesome and Denver's defense looked really good. I will admit that the New Orleans Aints looked awful and that contributed to the ease in which Denver rolled over them. But, Peyton was on target and he is really starting to develop something good in Denver.
Have you seen the rest of Denvers schedule? They play KC twice, SD and Oak once more, and they play Cincinnati, Cleaveland, Tampa, Carolina and Baltimore. They could very easily win their last nine games and be looking pretty good for the playoffs. However this is the NFL and any given Sunday anything can happen. The team to watch in the AFC is the Patriots, because if they play at their best, they are very hard to beat. The Falcons, the Bears and the Texans are also looking very good this year. There you have it.
I was writing my comment at the same time you were Matt. Thanks and I agree. You are right about the Colts owner and you also are right about Davis. Loyalty and honor are a one way street in the ntcc. Davis demands respect but has little for anyone else. If Davis makes it to heaven, then heaven will be full of crooks, liars, adulterers, thieves and con-artists.
Stupid is as stupid does, is a very good motto for the hypocritical bunch that likes to play church in Graham . most of you ministers that think yourself wise you are following a very corrupt bunch of religious hucksters and swindlers. There are so many scandals at the very highest levels. Davis is a very evil and conniving abuser. There are a lot of cases of abuse that have not been reported. Davis is getting old and decrepid, and he will live out his last miserable days on this earth with the knowledge that he is responsible for many broken lives. KekeI will continue the plunge into religious hypocrisy by continuing the abuse and enabling the abusers. Stupid is as stupid does.
Roll Tide is back in the mix. Oregon and Kansas State are down in the rankings. Rollllllll Tide!!! Go Dawgs!!! Long live the SEC.
If they face Notre Dame in the championship I hope that crush them like tiny clown car. I hate Notre Dame. Can you tell? Hunch backs on any good football anyway. don't care about no ducks either. Might as well pull for Alabama even though they are not my favorite team.
The BCS system is like a lot like the NTCC. It's all about money and numbers. The BCS will not have normal playoffs like every other sport, so they have devised a system that doesn't interfere with the money flow from the bowl games. The NTCC will not operate like normal respectable churches either. The more profitable churches have become recruiting centers with the primary objective of creating wealth for the fat aristocrats in Graham. The powers that be are not interested in changing anything because they have a big fat cash cow that keeps producing. As long as they can keep finding people they're stupid enough to empty the wallet into the offering plates without questioning, they will continue to deceive people and get rich doing so.
So keep bringing your tithes and offerings into the store houses of Davis Kekel so they can live off the fat of the land well you struggle to make ends meet. Keep letting them hold you back from a bright future and financial independence so they can buy another Cadillac, recreational vehicle, Catholic law school education for Grant, Mega shopping sprees for Tanya cackle, antique furniture, Rolex watches, Henry rifles and whatever else the discontent, disgruntled, insatiable bellowing blow hards that call themselves
apostles want or desire.
PS: please excuse any typographical errors that have occurred in this comment, as it was done on voice text.
The NTCC must like Notre Dame; it's a Catholic College. You know, like the one Grant attends in St. Louis. RWD is fond of the Catholics anyway because he claims that they are one of the only churches who's government is set up correctly. Old double standard Davis sees himself like the Pope with exclusive authority over his host of minions. Yep, if you don't like the NTCC, you probably won't like Notre Dame either Don. I understand.
It's kind of like me and the Chickenhawks. I do however like Notre Dame. It would be nice to attend College at Notre Dame. I could get back into the good graces of the NTCC if I went to Notre Dame. Me and Grant could link up for a football game or two. I might even get to see Mike and Tanya Kekel. We could all forget about the NTCC for a while and yell, "Rah, Rah, Shish Boom Bah, Gooooooooo Irish!!!!! Ha, ha.
Chief said:
" Old double standard Davis sees himself like the Pope with exclusive authority over his host of minions."
DnA say:
The only difference between the Pope and Davis is which part of their anatomy they want you to kiss.
Chief said:
" RWD is fond of the Catholics anyway because he claims that they are one of the only churches who's government is set up correctly."
DnA said:
It makes sense that R-dub would say that because the Catholics and ntcc church governments do have much in common. Both church governments enable pedophiles and child abusers. They are set up on a system of works and mandatory giving that benefits the royal hierarchy. Davis and the Pope are both pious and worshiped by their followers as if they were members of the Godhead.
What a mess the ntcc has become. Ntcc'rs are idol worshipers just like people in the Catholic church pray to statues, except ntcc'rs worship and obey their leadership without question or reason. The leaders in the ntcc make up rules that contradict the wisdom of the bible and people just blindly follow.
They have gone a whoring after Kekel and Davis. They don't even take the time to consult God before subjecting themselves to behavior that defies Christianity. The women follow the examples dictated by the purple witch (Verna), without using their brains and they strive to be like Tanya without realizing that they can't emulate VD and TK without piles of money. It's like the Jerry Springer show in the ntcc. People are all caught up and enamored with the ntcc leadership, trying to live like kings with the meager salaries and limited means of trailer trash slum dogs. They live in hope that the promises of God's blessings that never seem to materialize will take them from rags to riches, but they don't realize that their blessings are directly proportionate to how much they kiss Davis's butt, and even if they do that 24 hours a day, it wont benefit them unless they can generate enough money and brainwashed souls to work their way into his favor.
Great Football weekend. Peyton seems to be dialed in but Brady is on a whole different level. The Patriots are definitely the team to beat in the AFC. Perhaps a team with a great defense will be able to stop them. Denvers D is looking pretty good but they are playing against substandard opponents. Hopefully if they keep winning they will improve enough to give NE a good challenge in the playoffs. Hope you enjoyed that game against the Colts MDR. That was incredible. Andrew Luck is amazing even when he looses by double digits.
Congrats on your Jets, Chief. Sanchez showed up today and had what is considered by many to be a good performance, but give him another week or two and he'll revert back to his true nature. I don't understand the logic behind the Jets QB decisions but who am I to question them? Hope everyone that watches football enjoyed Sundays games. Three OT games and that Texan Jags game was a real humdinger.
It was a good football weekend. Sanchez is not a good quarterback. I'm glad the see Denver rolling on. I'm not a Patriots fan so I'll be looking for their elimination during the playoffs. Wishful thinking. They are pretty strong. I suspect that the Jets will be restructuring their offense (QB) before too long. We'll see what happens. Sanchez has been the lowest ranked QB for a while now and he's just not even remotely reliable. Oh, and the NTCC still sucks with RWD the Pope at the helm.
Hey, Don! How-bout dem Denver Broncos? Peyton is officially doing better than Andrew Luck. Luck needed some of his last name going up against the Pats! I already suspected the outcome of that game but, one never knows. I do know that it's very difficult to go into Brady's house and beat him down. This past Sunday Andrew Luck, though he's good, got a lesson in the school of Belichick on how to play football.
Jeff, did you know that the Group Steely Dan wrote a song about the tide? It's called Deacon Blues! Here's a Youtube Link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ck1N1I-LzWc
Steely Dan! A great band, named after a strap-on dildo in William Burrough's novel Naked Lunch (although I don't remember that from my teenage reading years. All I really remember is that the book made almost no sense to me then). I got to see them open for Chicago at Tampa Stadium back in the '70s, right after they hit it big with Reelin' in the Years. They came out in baseball uniforms and started pitching balls out into the audience. I liked them better than Chicago. They only toured for a couple years before becoming strictly studio-based.
Here's some trivia: Mike Kekel is a Walter Becker fan.
Hey, Vic! What's up my friend? My three favorite bands in the whole world have been mentioned here in the last week. Rush, Steely Dan, and Chicago. I could listen to these three bands all day, everyday! If you get a chance listen to Rush's latest work, Clockwork Angels. It's totally awesome!
So I've found a few minutes to read some more on the blogs. I read and commented on the homosexual leaders one Bruce/Don put up.
I was thinking earlier today how I used to always hear when people left that it was just "God shaking the branches" or "God was cleaning house" or "God was weeding His church out and removing those who weren't serious" type of stuff. I used to be amazed and a few years before I FINALLY left I started to think wow there sure are more and more falling to the way side. I have 2 things I then concluded to my recollection today:
#1 - I am so very sorry that I ever thought there went another sinner leaving the church because they weren't right with God.
#2 - what if it was God shaking the branches or weeding out - what if it were actually God shaking us and stirring us and trying to get us to realize HELLO I'm trying to talk to you - leave RUN - SAVE YOURSELF - GO!?! I'm leaning toward it was. I'm glad they got part of it right. . . . . I'm just saying!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone! I am so happy to have a Love relationship with God now and now longer a confused relationship with control from a cult. Maybe for this Thanksgiving I'll be thankful for the (S)internet, the (devil)Tele-vision, and for those who love God enough to listen and break free, then share their stories in hopes to help encourage others!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYBODY! How-bout dem New England Patriots? They are Superbowl bound baby!!!! Sorry about your Jets, Chief, but their season officially ended tonight. They are grounded with no hopes of a playoff berth. And did I mention they are in last place in the division. Can somebody please tell me why they didn't even make an attempt to use Tim Tebow???? I think that Rex Ryan needs to be fired along with the rest of the coaching staff! The Jets are lost right now!
And how about the coach for the Lions, Jim Schwartz. He cost his team the game today.
What a great day of fun, food, and festivities with friends and family. Some pretty good football too!
Desperate times require desperate measures. Now ntcc pastors are reduced to standing on street corners with puppets to draw people into church. Click blue link above.
Crain said "There are people who go out of their way to drive by this church because they need courage and inspiration," Wrong answer, bud! They drive by to see the "cook" standing out there so they can get a good laugh on their way to work! If they were driving by for the reason stated by Crain, don't you think that his church would be full every Sunday? I get the feeling it's not!!!
And I, if I be advertised by you lifting up a cow puppet, shall draw all men unto me.
This, of course, not what the Word said.
...it pleased God by the foolishness of ¿puppeteering? to save them that believe????
Matt, you have great musical tastes. I never heard of Rush until I was stationed up here in the Army; my roommate was fanatical about them and would crank it up all the time. I'm jealous you got to see them live; it's great up here, but we very seldom get any major acts.
Yeah, the Jets are done. So be it. I still have the Giants to pull for. The Jets have been kind of weak for decades and then they got a ray of hope from Parcells and more recently Ryan and a pretty good defense. With Sanchez, they don't stand a chance. Last I heard, he was the lowest ranked QB in the NFL to the best of my recollection. You can't win like that. The QB makes all the difference in the world in football. Peyton Manning proved that not only when he was out for a year from the Colts but also with his performances in Denver. The Colts sucked without him to put it lightly. Until the Jets get rid of Sanchez, it will likely always be the same song and dance.
Who knows what the fate of Tebow will be but at this point, things don't look too promising for him either however time will tell. It always does. Yeah, that Patriots are looking real strong to put it lightly. Not a bad time to collect Brady stuff if you haven't already. Later.
Oh and as far as Crain goes; more than likely, God didn't send him anywhere. Davis did and Davis is anything but Godly. Davis a conn artist. The NTCC is a crooked organization and it's pastors are misguided and mislead. They are the blind not only following but leading the blind and they both will and have blindly fallen into the ditch. We are talking about some seriously mislead folks to put it lightly. Crain can stand out there during a tornado if he wants but he is accomplishing nothing as long as he's part of the NTCC because the drives more people away from Christ than they'll ever attract. The NTCC teaches false doctrine and rules of men binding them with heavy burdens and that ain't Christianity Brother.
So have at it Crain because you are serving crooked, deceitful men, not God. God is not part of that mess. The NTCC leaders are just like the seven sons of one Sceva. I've been jumping on them for years and all Kekel the conn man does is damage control because he knows he's being overcome. So here I go yet again. R.W. Davis is a double standard, manipulative, inhumane, conn artist, control freak monger. Kekel is tap dancing, damage control perpetuating, hypocritical, rule breaking, false prophet phony. Olson is a suck up, kiss butt, Chippy cheating swindler and huckster with his nose so far up Davis' butt that it's amazing he can even breath. Ashmore a charismatic, phony baloney, fake who is all seven of one Sceva's son's combined into one person and he couldn't heal a butterfly's torn wing with a role of duck tape and a 50 gallon drum of super glue.
There you have it. I just jumped on them again because they are not like Paul and they are not Christians i.e. like Christ but they are like the seven son's of ONE Sceva. Ha, ha, he, he. LOL! And I just made a mockery of them like Elijah did to the prophets of Baal and I've been doing it for years. So I wonder when they are going to start cutting themselves and jumping up and down on the alter? You NTCC people are being played and so are the folks with the house of prayer.
Crain must have learned that puppet trick at kekel's "skits and workshops".
Vic said "I'm jealous you got to see them live" Thanks, Vic! If you ever get the chance to see them live, go! It was totally awesome!!! The radio station, KZOK 102.5FM in Seattle, was the station that I won the tickets from. They are so cool!
Well, I hope you and the family had a wonderful Thanksgiving day and dinner. Take care my friend!
I hear that you got a modem! ;0)
I looked at the Crain photo and I have to admit the first thought that came to mind was...He looks like a cook! If I was driving by and saw him out there with that puppet that's exactly what I would think. And I'll guarantee you that's what R W Davis thinks of him, though, he would never tell the poor fella!
Hey all,
I believe that this is the same church that the ntcc bought in Memphis for 600k, after Hurricane Katrina "relocated" Crain to Memphis. They some how acquired this property miraculously at the same time that God moved Crain to Memphis, I believe. The details are somewhat sketchy, maybe Steakboy or someone with a little bit of research savy could dig up the details of that transaction. My guess is the same as Chiefs. God didn't call Crain to Memphis, Davis did, and if Davis calls you, you better move or you'll become a conference admonishment. I believe it the move had more to do with a real estate transaction than a hurricane and it definitely had nothing to do with God, unless God needed a puppet master in Memphis.
I've always liked the Crain Family. Their flaws are the ones that were common among us for having been a part of the NTCC . The viral marketing is better than knocking on peoples doors on a Saturday morning. Besides, cows have served chik-fil-a well.
I'd probably like the Crain family also but I can't stand the NTCC. I'm sure there were some decent Nazis but we didn't selectively choose which ones to fight during WWII. The NTCC is an absolute menace to society and anyone who is a part of that crooked organization, (ignorantly or not) is not part of the solution but part of the problem. Especially with so much evidence and information illustrating the NTCC's horrendous acts which is readably available and verifiable.
Scores of ministers and ex-members have popped up on these forums over the last decade and the facts surrounding the NTCC's atrocities have certainly been chronicled on THOUSANDS of occasions. This blog alone is full of horror stories and eye witness accounts of severe abuses committed by the NTCC leadership, namely Davis, Olson and Kekel and including horrendous acts committed by COUNTLESS NTCC pastors. There is no denying that both the NTCC and the HOP are destructive horrible organizations that this world would be better off without and Crain is part of that epidemic. So Crain doesn't get a break no more than anyone in the Nazi party got a break during WWII. This is war because lives are being ruined and totally messed up by the NTCC and HOP.
Watching college football tonight. Hoping for an upset but Notre Dame looks pretty good. Would love to see USC administer a butt whooping on the Fighting Irish. Notre Dame is equivalent to the Dallas Cowboys in my book, would love to see them lose their bid for a national championship.
Well the Irish are going to the National Championship against one of my two SEC teams. You know my two favorite teams are Georgia and Alabama so I can't hardly lose with the SEC Championship. I am pulling for Alabama but it won't break my heart to see the Bulldogs go to the National Championship as I've been pulling for them all season. For what it's worth and Don can attest, I've also been pulling for the Irish so where college football is concerned, the best possible outcome has taken place for me. I went to the Georgia - Auburn game a few weeks ago and watched the Bulldogs demolish the Auburn Tigers. Then on television, I watched Alabama slaughter them today. I was also up in Athens last year to watch Georgia play. We have Georgia and Alabama stuff all over my house and all over my pickup truck. We even fly the Georgia flags on my car windows when we go to the football games. Yep, I'm into it.
My dad used to like the Fighting Irish so I've really enjoyed watching them go undefeated this season. I do believe the SEC team is going to pound them in the BCS Championship game. Both Georgia and Alabama have a great running game and the Irish safeties are weak and can't cover wide receivers well at all. The Irish resort to committing deliberate pass interference to stop the long pass game and that is when either Georgia or Alabama will run all over them. I could be wrong but I doubt it. I just hope Georgia and Alabama don't beat each other up too bad and cause too many injuries during the SEC Championship.
Roll Tide, Go Dawgs. Down with the Billikens.
I am so glad to see that them Chickenhawks got beat by the Dolphins. That is outstanding. Down with the Chickenhawks. The Broncos won also. Hoorah.
It was a lot of fun watching todays games so far. Denver continues to win, but today they struggled a bit with a 1-9 KC team. A win is a win and we'll take it anyway we can. The Colts will most likely get the 1st wild card spot in the AFC. Denver has a pretty soft schedule in front of them, but they will have to face the Suckaneers and the Ravens. Those games will be interesting. With a little luck and perhaps a loss by the NE Patriots, Denver could get a 1st round bye. The Patriots are definitely the team to beat in the AFC and I'm not sure Denver will be able to accomplish that but you never know. The sprinkler system came on in Miami today. I guess that was enough of a diversion to cause the Seahawks to lose. I was hoping that they would win. I like Pete Carroll and wouldn't mind seeing the Seahawks make it into the playoffs. Down with the Billikens!
Down with Billikens and up with the sprinkler systems. That was so cool. Hopefully that happens every time the Chickenhawks play. I was glad to see the Suckineers lose today also to the Falcons. My boy likes the Falcons. In the NFL, that's his favorite team and then the Saints. He's my little road dog, so in the NFL I have to pull for his teams. He pulls for mine. He's my best friend. Me and that little dude are tight.
Wow, the Giants are beating up on the Packers pretty good at the half. I'll be going to bed and checking out the score in the morning. Good night and the NTCC is lead by a bunch of Chippy Cheat Swindlers and Hucksters. RWD is a Con Artist.
Yep, those Giants get good this time of the year. They may falter a little here and there but they always get it together at the end of the season when it counts. I'm not saying that they are going to the Superbowl again, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did. They'll definitely be in the mix and will be hard to beat in the playoffs. And by the way I share your feelings about the ntcc leadership. They definitely are a bunch of sorry scoundrels and RWD's prophesies come true. He once said that when he was dead that the everyone would compromise, but it looks like they already got one foot in the world and the other on a banana peel. As long as R-dub can fog a mirror the ntcc will keep the appearance of outward holiness while conning people out of their money, but when he kicks the bucket, all bets are off. They'll still be a controlling and abusive cult and will continue to be a bunch of Chippy Cheat Swindlers and Hucksters, but a lot of things will change. Many of the phony people will assimilate with the rest of the collective and pretend like God changed His mind on doctrine, while continuing to donate their money to feed the insatiable appetites of the money grubbing hypocrites in Graham. And we wont be able to tell them anything because the world will not make sense to them unless they are living the life of a cult member who has no use of their brain.
Merry Christmas to all! Lots going on here; ladies' cookie exchange a week ago, Youth Group skits last night, services and potluck Sat/ Sun!
Sounds like any other worldly church.
1 Cor 11:22 What? have ye not houses to eat and to drink in? or despise ye the church of God, and shame them that have not?
Have ye not houses to eat your own cookies in?
Good comments Anon but they probably won't matter. The brainwashed NTCCers like being brainwashed and they will say that you are only finding fault. So they can have all the potlucks and cookie exchanges they want. Not my problem. They can't keep cleaning the Kekel's house and being Tanya's personal slave also. They can keep watching Tanya buy the nicest clothing and furniture while they have their kids sleeping on used mattresses. Once again not my problem. Just like a hog wallowing around in his own slop. Go clean the skid marks out of Mike Kekel's drawers too while you are at it. Nothing like being a good ole cheese eater and suck up. Wash Olson's car too while you are at it.
Bunch of cheese eaters.
Cookie exchanges sound innocent, but I can already see how this will work. The board members will only eat the cookies that are baked by women of "high esteem" who keep house well and are clean. Some cookies won't be touched because maybe the sister cooking them has dirty fingernails or poor cooking skills, or her house isn't immaculate. The ones that don't get eaten will be will be made fun of. I've heard it before. Those cookies look like hockey pucks. You can use them for skeet shooting. The ones that make the hockey pucks are usually the ones that clean Kekel's house, and are looked down upon and treated poorly.
Potluck will work the same way. Another chance to ridicule a sister who has cooked all day hoping that her dish will be enjoyed and complimented by the ntcc celebrity board members and their wives.
Meanwhile while souls are dying and going to hell their children and adults are performing in skits to entertain them into a lull of complacency. What is the house of Gawd becoming in the ntcc? Can you imagine all of this taking place back in R-dub's hayday?
Ahhh, Yes! The NFL said it's looking like we could have a Tom Brady/Eli Manning Superbowl rematch/showdown. Yah, buddy! I say bring it on baby! This past week was a great week of football. Of course, It's always a good week when your team beats down the arch rival at a score of 49-19. Down goes the Jets!! Now it's time bring down the "Giants" in the land! I could see it now...Tom Brady beats down Peyton Manning and the Broncos in the conference championship game, and then Eli Manning in the Superbowl. It would be a total Manning Beat down. I'm lovin' it!!!
Hey Matt. In actuality what's really gonna happen is that younger brother Eli , is going to coach up older brother Peyton on how to whip up on Tom Brady. Then after that, Peyton and Eli are going to meet in the Superbowl , and Peyton is going to return the favor. At least that's what I hope happens.
If Denver does beat New England, Peyton is going to have to have a good night and Brady is going to have to have a bad night or whichever team has a total meltdown on defense will lose. Right now I'm going to have to pull against your New England Patriots even though I like them a lot, because of home field advantage and hey first round bye is at stake. Houston is another team I like and it wouldn't hurt my feelings if they administered a severe beating on the New England Patriots next Monday night.
If Denver wins out and New England loses 1 more game Denver will get a first round bye. Did you know that Gary Kubiak was Elways backup? Watch out because he might still have Elway's back.
This week 5 teams have a chance clinching a playoff spot. Denver, New England, Houston, Baltimore and Atlanta. Should be a good football week. The game of the week is yours Matt. Best of luck to your team even though I have to pull the other direction.
Hey Jeff. Little J man's falcons are looking pretty good this year. Maybe y'all will get a chance to drive over there and catch a game.
Don said...
Hey Matt. In actuality what's really gonna happen is that younger brother Eli , is going to coach up older brother Peyton on how to whip up on Tom Brady. Then after that, Peyton and Eli are going to meet in the Superbowl , and Peyton is going to return the favor.
Chief said...
LOL. That's what I'm talking about. That sounds Ok to me outside of the Payton winning the Superbowl part. Now let me say this. I have a tremendous amount of respect (being a football fan) for Brady and P. Manning. Of course I'd like to see my Giants win again but I'm a realist and I'm not holding my breath. They barely made it into the playoffs last year but that's when they got hot. I'm hoping for the same this year other then the "barely making it in part". Obviously I'm not pulling for the Patriots though and that should come as no surprise. I wouldn't be surprised to see them win so time will tell. It always does.
I like the humble approach as it's worked well for me. The Giants keep chugging on and so does the Crimson Tide.
Don said "Then after that, Peyton and Eli are going to meet in the Superbowl..."
Don, I think would be awesome too. Big brother beats up little brother on national TV. If this was the case I would definitely be pulling for Peyton and the Broncos.
Jeff, you are so funny when you get all worked up.
On another note, do you guys hear that Tanya Kekel, wife of "little mikey" got an facebook? HYPOCRITES!!!! Schmekel railed on this for yrs. He's such a PUNK!!
We recognize the scriptural duty of all people as well as ministers, to pay tithes unto the Lord. (Heb. 7:8) Tithes should be used for the support of the active ministry and for the propagation of the Gospel and the work of the Lord. It is not to be given to charity or used for other purposes. (Mal. 3:7-11; Heb. 7:2; I Cor. 9:7-11; 16:2)
that's NTCC brainwashing gobbledygook jargon. that verse doesnt even say that. true religion and undefiled before God is to take care of the Fatherless and the widow. even your hypocritical leaders say to rightly the divide the word of truth. Paul said that no giving should be by commandment worth necessity for God loves a cheerful giver and New Testament Christian fake Bologna church says that you must pay tithe. the Old Testement that was the case but not now. but I'll stop wasting my breath because you're going to believe that Davis and other money hungry fake leaders of New Testament Christian Church. when will you people learn to stop giving your money to them so they can use it for their real estate transactions. they haven't use the tithe money to improve foreign missionaries to help them along to help people along in the local churches. they haven't done that with that money anything . they only took it so they could buy more real estate you can look up this information on pierce County real estate yourself.
Does anyone know if paul wilson still attends? Paul if youre there email an old friend at dexterkimmy@gmail.com
Anonymous said...
We recognize......
Chief said...
I'm not sure if you are being serious or not but one of the scriptures that the NTCC uses to justify that tithe not be given to charity is 1 Cor 16:2. Guess what 1 Cor 16:2 is talking about? Giving to charity and it has nothing to do with paying tithe!!! It was a collection taken up for the relief of the poor specifically the POOR Saints in Jerusalem. Cross reference Rom 15:26 if you are not quite sharp enough to understand 1 Cor 16:1-2. It's the same event. Nowhere is anything about tithing mentioned or implied in 1 Cor 16:2.
That's just the NTCC leadership playing people like dummies and quite successfully I might add. Actually take the time to read 1 Cor 16:2 and then Romans 15:26, keep your brain open, (which is tough for many NTCCers) and tell me I'm wrong. 1 Cor 16:2 and Romans 15:26 is talking about no more than taking up a collection for the poor, PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Certainly not tithe being paid to rich greedy folks like Davis and Kekel and not for buying church buildings. The NTCC leadership is quite obviously and factually full of crap. Will someone please read those two scriptures and explain to me how I'm wrong?
MDR wrote...
Jeff, you are so funny when you get all worked up.
Jeff wrote...
It's fun to get all worked up. Especially about the Suckineers and Chickenhawks. LOL. How you been MDR? I bought some more artillery. Dude, I'm ready for WWIII or a bunch of unruly riotous civilians because our economy collapsed and people resorted to crime as a means to survive; whichever comes first. Or maybe an unwitting couple of home invaders who wish to bring grievous harm/death to me or my family. Possibly a stray religious zealot who refuses to get off my property or peaceably leave confines of my house. I got about as much respect for the Taliban (and actually more) than I do for the NTCC. At least with the Taliban, you know where you stand and they say what they mean and they mean what they say. You know the main difference between the NTCC and the Taliban is? The Taliban thinks everyone who doesn't believe like they do are infidels and they openly state that. The NTCC thinks that everyone who doesn't think like they do (to include other Christians) are infidels but they don't want to admit it.
Anon said "We recognize the scriptural..."
Well, we recognize that you folks are nothing more than a bunch of fake, phony, HYPOCRITES!!
Hey, folks! Notice how they come on here to defend their position on money. septic scum is what they are!
Hey, Chief! I've Been doin' great! I also picked up some more artillery, as you put it. I broke down and bought a Sig. Can you believe it? I also got an Beretta. I better keep that quite cause the next thing you know, Davis will be calling me dropping hints that he wants one. He's such a pathetic, manipulating, lying, con-artist! I am so glad to be free from that pathetic looser!
What model Sig? 226? 229? 220?
now they want your 401k's ! better get your money out!
No one knows if there will be a bank run as fdic insurance ends on dec.31st.
I've started prepping. not like some crazies, but just being sure to have the basics. I still need to learn what wild plants / weeds to eat and not eat as food wont last forever.
i watch doomsday preppers as entertainment. I just watched the new season, some of these people are crazy.
here it is if you haven't seen it
Anonymous quoted the ntcc bylaws on tithe word for word:
" Anonymous said...
We recognize the scriptural duty of all people as well as ministers, to pay tithes unto the Lord. (Heb. 7:8) Tithes should be used for the support of the active ministry and for the propagation of the Gospel and the work of the Lord. It is not to be given to charity or used for other purposes. (Mal. 3:7-11; Heb. 7:2; I Cor. 9:7-11; 16:2)"
Heb. 7:8 "And here men that die receive tithes; but there he [receiveth them], of whom it is witnessed that he liveth."
Both of the Hebrews references were referring to tithe in the old testament and were used to point out the weakness and unprofitableness of the law. It was used to show that perfection did not come out of the Levitical priesthood. Melchisedec might have received tithes but nowhere do you find that He demanded them.
When you look at the Old Testament Malachi scripture that they use to justify tithe, it has nothing with the concept of Tithing in the New Testament. So that leaves good old 1 Cor 9:7-11 and 16:2.
In chapter 9:7-11 Paul speaks about ministers needs being provided for but does not mention tithe or even money. and 1 Cor 16:2 is a serious stretch as Chief has pointed out on many occasions. It was a collection for the Saints in Jerusalem, not the New Orleans Saints or the ministers. Paul didn't want church to be all about offerings and ministers getting rich so he to have that offering ready so that there were no collections when he came.
Nowhere in the scriptures that the ntcc uses in their bylaws will you find anything about paying 10% of their pay checks as a mandate with consequences of going to hell, but yet the ntcc is set up entirely on this principal and would not exist as it does today if they did not twist these scriptures.
There is no biblical evidence that clearly states that people are required to give 10% of their paychecks to the pastor of a church. If any of you ntcc ministers can successfully argue that point and prove it using New Testament references, I will give you $1,000.00 in cash, no questions asked.
But for the purposes of this argument and because it is written in the ntcc bylaws, lets just suppose that 10% tithe in cash was required and that God mandated this requirement in the New Testament to apply to all church members. What scriptures would you use to justify Davis and Kekel getting filthy rich off of tithe money? If 10% is required, what references are you going to use to explain how all that money gets spent? Where is it supposed to go? Is it supposed to get funneled up to the Founder and his son in law so that they can buy mansions, New cars and recreational vehicles, museum furniture and Rolex watches, Gun collections, knives and Henry rifles? How about a Catholic College education educations for their spoiled unsaved children?
If you are in the ntcc and you are reading this, we are here to tell you that you are a sucker and you are being played for a fool. If you think that God is requiring you to do this, than you will probably buy off on anything they tell you. If they preach against facebook and then all of the sudden they all have facebook pages, they are phony hypocrites. Why would you listen to anything they say? Why would you subject yourself to any of their rules? Why would you ask them permission to do anything? Why would you let them tell you how to dress?
These people are a bunch of phony, hypocritical, cheating, stealing, conniving, lying, abusive and crooked kooked out narcissists that are laughing at you and your stupidity as they continue to pile up more and more wealth everyday, right under your noses. You are stupid just as we were, but we at least have realized that it's all a big lie. Open your eyes and stop being so gullible and naive.
Good idea DnA.
Following your lead...$10,000 to anyone who can prove (over on Deb's blog, and only using the Bible, and posting your comments on my tithe articles only) that I should be paying tithe. Yes, we have the money (and then some). I can write the check today (only because we are not in the Cult anymore).
After you win, you can donate the money to the late Rev. Briggs' family, if you like. Of course you need money yourself, so we will understand if you keep it.
Well, Mike has a Facebook page too, and so does the "seminary." I left this comment on the seminary one (which will probably get deleted pretty quick):
"Tiffany Jenkins This website is great. Makes me proud to see how far our organization has come, "we've come this far by faith, He never failed us, singing O oooo can't turn around"...Anyway the website looks grrrreeeaat!
November 22 at 3:49pm via mobile ·
Victor Johanson Well, where's the apology for that rebuke from the pulpit RW dished out to me for having a modem, and for removing me from the teaching staff "because of the internet" (which is what he told Matt Reed)? Yeah, you've come far, all right; still the same old hypocrites, though."
There's a new website too; check out www.myntcc.org (don't forget the www or you get the old site). Guess what? Reports are now accepted via email! But nothing's changed, so move right along, nothing to see here.
JHO has a blog too. Predictably, it's quite boring.
Yeah, that didn't take long. Comment deleted, and now it's locked up. Fun while it lasted, though.
It looks like they've all turned into a bunch of internet Junkies and social butterflies. They all got Facebook pages and twitter accounts and it makes you wonder if souls are still dying and going to hell, where do they get all this time to waste on the internet?
I left a comment on Mike's facebook page; wonder how long that will last?
Tiffany wrote...
Makes me proud to see how far our organization has come, "we've come this far by faith
Chief wrote...
LOL. No, they've come this far by blind ignorant close-mindedness and a whole lot of brainwashing. Anyone with a functional brain between their two ears should plainly see the hypocrisy and double standards. I personally listened to the internet refereed to as the sinnernet and devilnet. I debated Mayers over the phone when I first told him I had and used the internet. He tried to suggest that it was so wicked and sinful and I told him that I used it to shop and pay bills. Then he started talking about "pop-ups" and how bad they were and that's when I told him about "pop-up blocker". Anyway I kept my internet but he sure slung it across the pulpit and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that he bashed the internet because he heard R.W. Davis do the same. Oh but now the org has come so far with a website? Really Tiffany?
Yeah, they've come so far alright. They've showed just how far they can take their double standards and hypocrisy. So much that used to be preached against has now become common practice and I'm supposed to believe that RWD, Olson and Kekel get their messages and direction from God? Tiffany might be ignorant and blind enough to think so, but brother not me. Singing Christmas carols at the mall? Really? Man that stuff was guaranteed to be preached against back in the day. Man, RWD, Olson and Kekel and all their loyal followers are all full of SHIT and I'm not double minded about that. Man, I'd rather follow a stone cold loud obnoxious drunk into a bar brawl than follow RWD, Kekel or Olson. RWD, Kekel and Olson are a bunch of con artist creeps.
Now, which Sig did you get MDR. Come on, you got me wondering.
It's a Sig-a-mo-si...Pass-em-on-bye!
Well, looks like old Mike locked his facebook page up tight now, and substituted a photo of Mike Tyson on his profile (quite an improvement, btw). These guys can't deal with confrontation, because they know they're on shaky ground. It's all about information control.
Mike Tyson is a great Christian example to display on one's face book page. I guess if you cross Kekel he will bite your ear off. Kekel is one of the biggest sinners and lying hypocrites you will find in the ntcc. It's amazing to me how that he can be so blatantly dishonest and go public with his hypocrisy, in the face of the people he controls. They just sit back with the knowledge of the masquerade and watch and are grateful to part of an organization that hurt many people over the years with rules that no longer exist. People in the ntcc have seen these changes take place and they know that people have been abusively jacked up and run off for the very things that they are doing publicly.
RWD got all the wealth he desired off of people and treated them like garbage, so I guess he doesn't care how stupid Kekel makes him look now days. Everything Davis stood for and preached has been flushed down the toilet by his son in law, not that Davis was ever a moral person. I guess when the prodigal grandson comes back to take over the family business, he'll probably do the same thing to his Dad. The ntcc is full of spineless, backstabbing, phony hypocrites.
Mike Tyson was a Muslim last I knew. That is a great picture for a christian to post as their profile photo on their facebook page. You would never in a million years see a Muslim post a picture of Jesus as their profile photo on a social networking site. Never. Mike Kekel isn't a christian, he is an impostor. As a christian, I would never post a picture of a Muslim as my profile photo and certainly not Mike Tyson of all people. Mike Kekel doesn't even attempt to genuinely act like a christian. His actions are not motivated by any real genuine christian convictions. And that is why Mike Kekel doesn't even think twice about going to a blue grass festival or letting his son do everything that our kids were denied. Examples, wearing shorts and playing sports with tight football pants with a big bulge in the crotch because your stuff has the cup all filled up and poking out.
Mike Kekel couldn't tell me anything if I was a christian in the NTCC.
Vic said"...a photo of Mike Tyson on his profile.
Vic, the reason Kekel used that photo is because he wants everybody, especially the women, to think he's a"bad-a#@". Let's psycho analyze him today... He dreams of having the courage of Mike Tyson to get up and fight another MAN! In all actuality though, He's nothing more than a BIG MOUTH, WUSSY! The only courage he has is on display when he's running his big, fat, punk-face, mouth, in the pulpit...and getting up in a woman's face of course. I would love to get in ring with him, no gloves either! He's the school yard wussy, always running his big fat mouth and then running home to daddy!
Hey, Mike Kekel! Better known as "little mikey"! You're a PUNK!
What a game. There is no football, like SEC football. With a trip to the National Championship on the line the Bull Dogs and the Crimson Tide went back and forth. By all rights the Tide should have demolished the Dawgs by running for more than 300 yards, but somehow the Dawgs wouldn't go away. The Dawgs had a chance to win the game by driving all the way down to Alabama's 5 yard line with 15 seconds left. A very poor decision was made to rush into another play instead of clocking the ball, followed by a worse decision to throw the ball short of the goal line, and the worst decision of all, to catch the ball at the 3 yard line in the field of play with no time outs.
Alabama deserved that game even though Georgia almost stole it away from them. What a great game and congrats to Chief and his Rolling Tide. I hope the Tide rolls all over the Fighting Irish. This is going to be a great weekend. Can hardly wait for Denver to face off against the Suckeneers, who actually look pretty good this year. Should be a great game.
Thank you. Me and my little boy were pulling for the Crimson Tide the whole time while my wife pulled for the Bulldogs. Boy that was a close one. One of the best (significant) games I've seen in a long time. Right down to the last play. The Bulldogs played a good game.
Anyway, Roll Tide and bring on the Fighting Irish. The Fighting Irish against the Crimson Tide. A match up for the ages. I could be wrong but I don't think it will be as close as the SEC Championship. Alabama's backs are quite impressive and I don't think the Irish can stop them. They have over a month to get healthy. Roll Tide.
By the way, that was a very good coaching decision that Nick Saban made to go for two, otherwise this game would have most likely gone into overtime.
Yeah but Nick blew the timeouts he had going into the half. He let 1:15 go down to 42 and sat on three timeouts. That was stupid. Then he used one and sat on two others which he lost going into the half and as a result he should have had a touchdown vs a field goal. Nick was pretty shaky on that whole situation.
So both coaches blew a few clock control opportunities. Nick at the half and Mark at the end of the game. If Georgia would have spiked the ball with 12 seconds left they could have taken two shots at the end zone and not passed to someone who wasn't even in the end zone. Well, obviously none of us are perfect and that includes some seriously high paid coaches. Anyway, cool dialogue Don and Ange.
Facebook is a funny thing with NTCC. Kekel preached against it many times.
One pastor's wife that I know of has an alias on fb...she can snoop at other people's business, but no one will know she is who she is unless she personal messages them like she did me.
Kinson's wife had signed up for facebook about a year or so ago, and we all knew she did because facebook "suggested" us to "friend" her. When we did, she sent messages out saying that she is not going to friend anyone right now...she just trying it out. Maybe she was just snooping...although you can't get very far if someone has their settings to where only "friends" can see their stuff.
Kekel preached over and over about people needing to "clean" their friend's list. He would guilt us into being in touch with people that have left NTCC. Even I was guilty of deleting my fb account and coming back only to delete it again because Kekel would confuse us with what we were "allowed" to do.
They are so confusing!!!
I remember a conference where Olson said over the pulpit about movies, "I would not go to them and I would not bring them to my house."
Then Kekel got up the next night and said, "Olson was not talking about dvd's."
CONFUSION! What in the world was he talking about then? Stupid!!!
Tanya is a funny one too...
She is supposed to be our example of modesty and shamefacedness...
But if we dare talk about her clothes, they will say that we are just jealous and that if you got it, you got it.
After our BS graduation, everyone was taking pictures and we took a pic with the Kekel's. He was beside me, but respectfully did not touch me.
Tanya though, she pushed her boob right in to my hubby and he said he felt very uncomfortable when she did that. She had no respect.
She did the same to me when taking another pic...she didn't put her arm around us, just stood real close and pushed her boob into my arm. It was so hard too and my hubby noticed that too...must be those girdles she has to wear.
The funny thing is, when looking at the pictures after the fact, we could actually see her white bra/girdle right through her black Misook top. Her top was so tight that it was stretching at her boobs and the camera picked it up.
Let the other ladies try that and they will be preached at or looked at like they are crazy...but they wouldn't do that because they are ladies, and think about what they are wearing before they leave the house....but not Tanya.
just from a "looks" perspective, tanya is just average looking. nothing to oogle or drool over.
but, everyone is beautiful to someone
She is a beady-eyed toed!
That's y she goes so well with mike and his buck teeth!
I could really care how Tanya looks, good or bad. I don't judge someone by their looks. My problem with Tanya is the whole business of having women from the church to come over and clean her house. That I can't stand and I see Tanya as no more than a pimpstress pimping her fellow church members. Kekel ain't nothing but a pimp also. They both use people and I have not one ounce of respect for either one of them. None for RWD and none for Olson. What makes Tanya ugly is her is not her looks but her actions.
The entire NTCC is ugly.
Once again, I could care less how Mike and Tanya look physically. There are a lot of really good folks in this world who ain't very good looking at all and visa versa. I don't judge someone by their physical appearance. That's just me.
Congrats Don, your boys clinched their division. Same with you MDR. The whole NFL picture is shaping up.
Man I was so glad to see Denver beat Tampa Bay. I hated to see Chicago lose to the Chickenhawks.
Denver should have their division locked up for years to come I would think because boy that division is ugly. As a division, they have the worst combined record in the NFL. The next worst is the NFC east, my Giants division.
Thanks Chief. I don't know, The AFC east is pretty bad too, with the exception of the Patriots. This year there are a lot of good teams and bad ones also. I was glad that the Pittsburgh Squealers beat the Ravens. Now I just need the Patriots to lose one game and Denver to win out and they'll get a first round bye. Congrats Matt on another great win, but I have to pull against your team from here on out. I like and respect them and Brady also but I have to go against any team that decreases or threatens Denver's chances at a Superbowl run. As it stands now, the Patriots have the tie breaker over Denver because they beat us earlier in the season.
I was very impressed with Denver's win today. They seem to be improving and by beating the Suckeneers today they showed that they could rise to the occasion and beat a pretty good team. I think they will beat the Ravens in a couple of weeks and if the Patriots lose Denver will have the upper hand in the Playoffs.
Today there were some pretty awesome games. I liked the outcome of the Seahawks game because I don't have any affection for the Chicago Bears. That Indy game was unbelievable. Luck is Lucky. He also is good. He and possibly RG3 are going to be the future great QB's in the NFL. Had a great day today and enjoyed the football. I think the football was more edifying than any skits or workshops that the ntcc could ever put on.
Chief said "Congrats Don, your boys clinched their division. Same with you MDR. The whole NFL picture is shaping up."
Thanks, my man! I'm lovin' it! My boyz look good right now, and that's without "Gronk". He'll be back for the playoffs and then they'll cruise right into the Superbowl. I really want to see a Brady/Manning Conference Championship game. Tom Brady won his tenth Division title today, in thirteen years. If He wins the Superbowl this year He will separate himself from every quarterback to ever have played the game. Thereby, solidifying himself as being the greatest of all time!!
Chief, congrats on the Tide victory. The match-up between them and the fighting Irish is going to be spectacular. My gut feeling is that the Irish will win it, but that's why they play the game. Anything can happen with two great teams going up against each other. Roll Tide!!!!!
Don, I expected nothing less than what I'm seeing from Peyton Manning right now. Outside of Brady, I think he's one of the greatest quarterbacks to have ever played the game! I definitely think he is worthy of the come back player of the year award and possibly an MVP consideration for this years performance on the field. So with that, I say, How-bout dem Denver Broncos!!
Regarding the FB of Tanya - did anyone else notice her first post? Or her more recent post thanking her slaves - I mean "Elves". In the 2nd one I refer to, she said she didn't want to imagine her life without them. Hey - if I had slaves doing everything for me I'd be devastated too if I lost them. As they do more social-networking, I wonder if they'll eventually thank everyone who wipes their tush too?? I'm just saying. You know, this reminds me of Mormonism. Didn't they only allow whites for many years and then when they were presented with a racial law suite, they all of a sudden had a revelation from God, or Joseph, or someone, that everyone was welcome? Whatever.
Her 2 posts I referred to: Crow goes down nicely with a little Grey Poupon, here I am social networking. Pinch me, I really can't believe it myself. Never say Never!
Thanks to a visit from my very own darling elves (Ankenbauer, Archi, Beteaudier, Ryan, Winters) it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at my house. THANK YOU DARLINGS, I don't want to imagine my life without you.
Ok - I'll digress. Happy social networking everyone.
K quoted Tanya Kekel as saying:
" Crow goes down nicely with a little Grey Poupon, here I am social networking. Pinch me, I really can't believe it myself. Never say Never!
DnA said:
Here I am, wearing tight, provocative clothes, Pinch me.
Here I am, allowing my son to break all of the rules, Pinch me.
Here I am, going on shopping sprees thanks to the hundreds of tithe payers out there, Pinch me.
Here I am, Having people lined up to clean my house, Pinch me.
The Kekels are unscrupulous and they don't care how two faced they are, as long as people continue to kiss up to them and support their excessive habits.
K, btw, we found your recent posts on our blog and responded to them. Our recent comments widget wasn't working and it took us a while to realize that we had comments on our previous posted material.
DnA said: "Here I am, wearing tight, provocative clothes, Pinch me."
Here I am, lusting after all of these brethren, Pinch me.
Here I am, In a meat house, Pinch me.
Here I am, sucking up to daddy for some more spending money, Pinch me.
Here I am, down sizing from another Mansion, Pinch me...
Please, somebody just Pinch me!!!!
This season is shaping up to be pretty exciting. The Patriots are the team to beat in the AFC and it looks like the Falcons are the team to beat in the NFC. The Giants looked pretty good up until the 4th Quarter last night and the Redskins are looking really good now with RG3. They might be one of those wildcard teams that spoil everyone in the playoffs. I was pulling for the Giants last night but I also was glad to see Mike Shanahan succeed. I don't think this will be the year for the Redskins though.
Matt, you are right about Gronk. With him and Welker the Patriots are a wrecking crew. Denver's D is looking better and better all the time. Von Miller will probably end up being named Defensive MVP. The key to Denver beating the Patriots is going to be to disrupt Brady's rythm. Brady will need to be well acquainted with the turf if Denver wants to win that matchup. If they meet in the Playoffs it will be a classic game and I think both teams will be bringing it.
The Jet's beat Arizona Chief, 7-6. RR finally decided to replace Sanchez but he waited until Tebow was injured and put the third string guy in there. How stupid is that? I share in your suffering with the Giants, but I would never count them out. They still have the ability to beat any team on any given Sunday.
Anonymous said:
"Here I am, down sizing from another Mansion, Pinch me..."
DnA said:
I think that they actually upgraded into a bigger more expensive mansion but they were complaining about the Kitchen not being quite as big and the walk in closet that is probably bigger than some of the ntcc minister's bedrooms not being big enough to house all of her shoes. I'm sure that in a couple years, this mansion will not be big enough for their taste and they will end up with a bigger and more expensive mansion and believe it or not, they will find something to complain about with that one too.
DnA said:
"K, btw, we found your recent posts on our blog and responded to them. Our recent comments widget wasn't working and it took us a while to realize that we had comments on our previous posted material."
DnA - I just sent you a personal email.
Don said " The key to Denver beating the Patriots is going to be to disrupt Brady's rythm."
Don, this has always been the key to beating Brady. The Giants discovered this in their first Superbowl match-up. That's why they threw twenty nine(29), blitz packages at Brady in that game. That's a blitz almost every play! How the Giant's defense was able to keep that pace, I don't know! Because Brady runs an hurry-up Offense.
Speaking of the Giants, this is the time of year that they are one play away from either going home or going to the Superbowl! I've got to give Eli some love, though, because he is one of the most accurate passers in the league...and this is the time of year that he becomes very scary. That's why I hate-em! :o)
This is also that time of year to where it's great to be a football fan!!!
Apparently Kekel the con artist was somehow referring to Greg Shunk as the devil on facebook and I guess he was getting some amens from his peanut gallery. I'll tell you what the NTCC suck-ups should do and this would be good for them. Go clean Tanya Kekels house so you can get a few more cheese points. And you know what's pathetic? The cheese eating suck-ups will do exactly that and amen the whole time like the suckers they are. It's good for them. Some folks like being used.
Boy are there ever some real suckers in the NTCC. I mean you got to be a real dummy if you believe that the Kekel's are Godly people. They may be the two most Ungodly people I've even met. There's a sucker born every day. Boy what a sad day it will be when you spend your whole life in the NTCC just to die only to find out that you were doing everything but serving God in the NTCC. Thank God I got out of that mess.
I don't blame you for hating the Giants, Matt. I hate every team in Denver's division, plus the Dallas Cowpukes and the Pittsburgh Squealers. I used to hate the skins, but I'm a big fan of Shanahan and wouldn't mind seeing them succeed. I also have a differing opinion from that of Chief in that I like the Seahawks, (Suckhawks) because I like Pete Carroll. Pete was successful in the NFL, and fired even though he did a good job with the Patriots and Jets. Then he went to USC and did a phenomenal job with them, and now he is back in the NFL showing that he can coach on all levels. This is very rare. Most college coaches fail in the NFL.
Football is a lot of fun, something that I've always enjoyed. In the ntcc it was considered a waste of time to have any sort of hobby or past time but those unwritten rules only applied to people that were in their sphere of control. They definitely did not apply to Kekel. Kekel is nothing but a slime ball.
Does anyone in the ntcc know what a hypocrite is? Someone who condemns others and justifies themselves for the same things. If you look up the word hypocrite in the dictionary, you should find a picture of Kekel. Preaching against facebook but now he and his wife are "eating crow" and showing themselves to be the biggest hypocrites in the cult that they run.
The spineless ministers that listened to him bash people for having facebook pages are now on his facebook page saying, "God bless you Sir"!! They are blind leaders of the blind. He has the nerve to mock Gregory by saying, "Shhhhhhuuunkkkk! That's the sound of "boot to a comment". I guess Gregory must have got down to where he was living at.
When you are a hypocrite and a phony swindling slime ball, that's about all you can do. There is no substance to anything that Kekel says.
Oh, I'm sorry, this comment was supposed to be about the game of football. I guess we got a little sidetracked here.
The whole Facebook hypocrisy is what is FINALLY opening my eyes. Sorry to say, yes some of us are very slow.
Don't feel bad Anonymous, we all were deceived for a very long time.
Btw, Chief, I was trying to remember that college coach the other day that came to the NFL and stunk it up really bad. He left toward the end of the season without even saying goodbye or thank you to his players and staff. It was Patrino who coached for the Atlanta Falcons. I think it coincided with the Vick's dog torture incident if my memory serves me correctly.
How you guys doing. I've been really busy with work around my place. I've had to get a plumber in to straighten a few things out but were getting it right. I saw where you called Don and I listened to your voice mail but man I've been crazy busy and I'll call to explain when I get a chance. Tomorrow looks like much of the same. I'll be in touch.
No problem at all, I know what busy is like. Whenever you get a chance, give me a ring. It's the same old same old with the ntcc. Same old song and dance, same old hypocrites. A bunch of worn out angry old preachers beating the same old dead horse. Changing the rules to fit their ever changing lifestyles. The only rule that will never change is tithe. Bunch of slimeballs!
Anonymous said...
The whole Facebook hypocrisy is what is FINALLY opening my eyes. Sorry to say, yes some of us are very slow.
Anon - I'm just so happy for you that you are seeing. We were all brain washed. We're not hear to bash as they said. Many have shared that we have just prayed and God really made an immediate transformation in our lives. It is a wonderful feeling to truly fall in love with God and have a real relationship with Him and not a dictatorship under Hitler!
K said...
It is a wonderful feeling to truly fall in love with God and have a real relationship with Him and not a dictatorship under Hitler!
Chief said...
And the church said, "Amen and Amen". Boy ain't that the truth. The NTCC leadership is full of a bunch of control monger, control freak authoritarians. They have a history of doing their very best to control every single facet of their congregates lives. They've always done their best to dictate who you socialize with, visit, marry, where you go, how you spend your money i.e. what cars you drive or real estate you purchase. If they didn't really approve of you buying a house, they had you move to some other church so that you had to either sell your house or in some cases even foreclose on it. Not an uncommon practice for NTCC scoundrels, specifically Davis and Olson. So yes, Davis and Olson are just as bad as Hitler and maybe even worse.
Oh and lets not forget; Kekel is running a close second or third depending on who your rank first and second to be the most lowdown scoundrels in the NTCC. They get no respect from me thank you. They are "The Dirty Lowdown".
You ain't got to be so bad got to be so cold
This dog eat dog existence sure is getting old
Got to have a Jones for this Jones for that
This running with the Joneses boy
Just ain't where it's at
You gonna come back around
To the sad sad truth the dirty lowdown
Hey Don, your boys are way on top with this win tonight. A couple more and they could secure some home field games. Boy they are looking good. Getting Payton Manning was the right move brother and you can believe it. John Elway ain't no dummy. Payton has a couple good years left I think. I certainly hope so. He brings a lot to the game.
You are right Chief, they are looking good. But they are not looking good enough to beat the Patriots yet. I think the Patriots would have beat the Raiders by about 50 points. Denver has been playing some really easy teams. They should have lit Oakland up last night. I think if they have a really complete game they might be able to beat the Patriots, but if they play like they did last night the Patriots will bury them. Denver is improving and looking better. The game against Baltimore coming up should be a good test for them. For Denver to get home field advantage or even a first round bye they need Houston to beat New England. If I was a betting man I pick New England. In fact does anyone wanna bet?
Chief said,
"They've always done their best to dictate who you socialize with, visit, marry, where you go, how you spend your money..."
You know...many couples have had to fight through a whole lot, just because NTCC decided to get too involved and tell people who they can talk with and who they can and can't date and who they should and shouldn't marry. Whether they were blunt about it or subtle, it is so wrong!
As much as my spouse and I have been through, we are best friends and we love eachother, but our minds always go back to the time when our pastor and his wife decided to "match make" and push us to be together and even had the nerve to rush us to get married by saying, "You do not want to go to Bible School single".
He explained the "wall" and having to ask permission to even talk to the opposite sex.
We understand that couples have problems, even when they didn't have someone tell them to be together, but it does make it hard.
NTCC got too involved in people's lives and they are suffering the consequences and losing a lot of good people. They hurt a lot of people. And then, instead of apologizing, they speak out against them and put them to shame without understanding the full story. But really, if you tell them the full story, they will still say you are just fault finding and complaining and not being in subjection...
my soul cries out
Is RWD a free Mason? What are y'alls thoughts if there are any.
DU said...
NTCC got too involved in people's lives and they are suffering the consequences and losing a lot of good people.
Chief said...
They do get too involved, by far, for certain, but I don't think they are suffering nor will they ever. Worst case is they lose everyone and remain millionaires fat and real happy living quite comfortably off the money that all of us gave. They actually like losing people. They don't care if people stay and in fact they actually prefer that many people leave. You either kiss up to them, do exactly what they say, be a yes man, unconditionally take their shit joyfully and keep your mouth shut or they absolutely prefer that you leave their stinkin, sorry cult organization / corporation.
That's the way they operate. They don't care who stays and who leaves. They are numb to all that because they've seen so many people leave they don't care anymore other than the loss in revenue and I don't think they are too worried about that either because they are already stinkin rich to the hilt.
Anon asked...
Is RWD a free Mason?
I wouldn't have a clue nor do I guess it matters one way or the other. He certainly "free" (pun intended) to do whatever he wants, spend his church members money however he wants, and other than Kekel and a few select others, he's one of the very few people in the NTCC who's "free" to do anything.
Being a Free Mason is more freedom than you'll ever see being a member in the NTCC unless you are a hypocrite. Then you can see plenty of freedom like the Kekel family. They've always been free to do whatever they've wanted. Secular schools, sports, shorts, tight football pants, bluegrass festivals, basketball courts, DVDs, etc.
"Is RWD a free Mason? What are y'alls thoughts if there are any."
He specifically denies it; he used to tell us he had a friend who was always trying to recruit him, but he didn't respond. We know they're exempt from their own rules, but the bylaws also forbit it:
" Whereas, the Bible teaches that we should not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, and, whereas a Christian’s effectiveness in witnessing would be drastically impaired, if not entirely destroyed, by maintaining membership in a lodge, secret order or secret society; no minister, on any level of the New Testament Christian Churches of America shall be permitted to carry credentials with this organization and belong at the same time to a lodge, secret order or society.
This shall not refer to trade unions, where membership is necessary for employment.
Each district’s constitution and by-laws shall carry this provision.
Should any of our ministers currently hold membership in a lodge, secret order or secret society, he shall cancel said membership or forfeit his membership and credentials in this association."
Hello all,
Jeff wrote..."Apparently Kekel the con artist was somehow referring to Greg Shunk as the devil on facebook and I guess he was getting some amens from his peanut gallery."
This can't be true. If this is true (it’s hurtful), it's a mystery why he would do this. I always call him Senior Pastor, Pastor, or Reverend. I never call him names, or make fun of him.
DnA wrote…”He has the nerve to mock Gregory by saying, "Shhhhhhuuunkkkk! That's the sound of "boot to a comment".”
I mainly comment on things he comments on first. I never editorialize, and only share what many people have firsthand knowledge of.
This may just be another case of Senior Pastor Kekel continuing to sow discord among the Shunk family and friends. He first started this in September of 2007 in Panama, and I am shocked he still does this…Especially since I even apologized to him on 12 October 2007, by email, for anything I may have done wrong (after Senior Pastor Davis’ pattern), and after his Panama visit.
I want to note here that I was an Ordained Minister in good standing with NTCC until 31 December 2012; 15 months after his one-time-only Panama visit.
Although, he does still call me names, and has been known to post very hurtful things about me; I always turn the other cheek. So, maybe I shouldn’t be surprised. I just don’t like to think ill of anyone without proof.
Oh well...C'est la vie in NTCC. Just pray for him NTCC faithful; he stands a good chance of being your next leader.
I ain't taking the high road with Kekel the con man. Senior pastor shmaster disaster. That crook couldn't pastor his way out of a wet paper bag with a chain saw. Kekel Shmekel is a phony baloney and a tap dancing con man and I got proof. It's called my brain with still functions well enough know. Kekel can't even be classified as a Christian by anyone who knows at least one verse in the Bible say no less all 66 books.
Kekel is in the position he's in for one reason and one reason only and we all know what that is. It's not because he's been chosen by God (which he wasn't). It's not because he heard a "calling" (which he didn't). It's not because he's qualified to pastor anyone say no less be a real "senior pastor" (which he ain't). It's not because he's a legitimate theologian with a "real" theology degree (which he ain't got), (unless he got it on line or was granted special privilages by his daddy in law to obtain one) which would have been a waste of time anyway with him still teaching cult doctrine like it's a sin for a woman to work which it ain't. It's not because he's a man of God because he certainly isn't. It's for one reason and one reason only....
It's because he robbed the cradle, belonging to the church founders daughter and if you think any different, you're a blind dummy. Kekel had a silver spoon handed to him on a silver platter and he was given a church for free having not earned it which came along with a whole bunch of money to boot. From a church building experience standpoint, Kekel is highly under qualified in comparison to just about every other pastor who's pioneered one single church or moved from one church to another one time in the NTCC. It's called nepotism folks and it's just that simple, bottom line, end of story, period. Kekel and his wife use people to be their personal slaves because there are just enough dummies running around to do it. So go clean Kekel's house one more time you dummy but as for me and my wife, we'll clean our own thank you because I'm not too busy and high and mighty to clean up after my own stinking butt.
Cha Chiefster
Correction...31 December 2008.
You know, Chief and Gregory, I was thinking about this whole thing and the way Kekel behaves himself publicly. I remember Kekel admonishing people on facebook that we (X-ers) were swinging from trees by our tails and that we needed to be snatched out of our trees and cast out of the garden. Basically he was saying that we are devils, because why? I guess because we get on line and we tell the truth about the ntcc and expose them for what they have done.
Gregory is a devil because he publishes true quotes from the mouth of RWD. Chief, you are a devil because you break all of this down to it's simplest form so a fifth grader could understand it and say what's on your mind. Ange and myself are the farthest removed from this bunch and we don't care too much about what the ntcc members think about us and we blog what we believe to be true supported by a great company of witnesses. We've been called the nastiest of all the bloggers.
I think that Gregory's approach is pretty effective and appropriate. The Shunks were very highly esteemed by many of the members that all of us are trying to reach out to.
With that being said, we have a different approach that I know is offensive to a lot of people. We do say things that are offensive towards many that are in the ntcc. But even as offensive as we might be, Kekel has us all beat and so does Davis. Davis and Kekel who are supposed to be the examples of Christ do more name calling and putting down of their own members than we could ever do. When they do it, it cuts more and leaves lasting scars. We don't get on line and call people niggers like Davis does in real life. We don't make fun of people just for the purpose of making ourselves feel better. We don't mock people for doing things aren't even a sin. There is no way we could be as offensive as Davis was when he called 4 or 5 preachers to the front of the church during a conference and mocked them for being fat and said they were all members of the beach ball club. Or when he makes people stand up in bible school and humiliates them in front of the rest of the class. Even if we did, we are not in a position of authority over anyone in the ntcc and what we say probably goes in one ear and out the other.
What we all do is draw attention to the obvious, which the ntcc has managed to hide from it's blinded, brainwashed members. We speak the truth. I'm not saying that any of us are perfect, I know that we have made mistakes, but we usually own up to those mistakes unlike the ntcc leaders. I have seen ntcc pastors fail miserably and pretend like nothing ever happened. They were taught to do this by the master of their trade, RWD.
All of our lives were severely altered by the cult. Years and decades have been taken away and we will never get them back. 2 decades have been taken from Ange and I and those are years that we both wish we could have back. We don't feel any moral obligation to the ntcc and it's leaders or it's members other than to point out the truth about the cult. For us, we have very harsh words for the leaders of the ntcc. Lately we also have been referring to everyone that reads the blogs and has this knowledge but does nothing with it, as stupid and brainless. I know that we once were in the same boat but we hope that people will wake up and think with the brain God gave them. It's amazing how naive and gullible we all were. I was probably just as stupid or even more stupid than the rest for staying in as long as I did. Perhaps sometimes a shock and awe campaign is necessary.
Hey The Big Big Cheese, Cha Chippy Chiefster,
I was talking to my wife the other day about a new ministry and she came up with a really good idea. I thought we'd run this by you and see if you wanted some of this action. We were thinking about starting a new outreach to the NFL players and fans across the United States. We Could use the principles that we learned in the ntcc and we could make a fortune. We will Call ourselves the National Football League Christian Churches of America, Inc.
We can open up a bunch of Homes and feed them Jalapeno Chicken with Cake and Koolaid for desert. Now in order for them to stay in the New Testament Christian Football Player's homes they will need to pay their tithes and give in offerings. We'll be rich Chief, beyond Davis and Kekel's wildest dreams. We can make fun of people like Sanchez and mock him in front of the entire Football community. If football players are as gullible as ntcc members, we can humiliate them in front of their peers, kind of like the press sometimes does. Let's just hope we don't get them too mad at us, because they are some pretty big dudes.
We'll have to introduce some standards so that we can control them. The first thing that we'll have to do is redesign the Football uniforms so that people will not lust after them, like Grant. We'll have to invent some kind of extremely durable ridiculous looking polyester Swedish knit football pants. We also will have to do something about the long hair and beards, dreadlocks and corn rows.
Wait, I got a better idea, and even though it is an Old Testament law, it'll be just like tithe and we'll preach it as New Testament doctrine. They'll never know the difference because we will present ourselves as Super Apostles to the NFL. We'll just put an aul through the ears of all the NFL players and their wives and make them our slaves. We can make their wives come over to our mansions and clean the bathroom tiles with tooth brushes. They can scrub our toilets and clean out the cat's litter boxes and pick up all the dog turds outside.
We'll be rich Chief, beyond our wildest dreams. Davis and Kekel will envy us because they never thought of this first. If we really want to piss them off, we can make Matt Reed the commissioner. We'll all be multi-billionaires and if it works we can branch out to the Basketball, Hockey and Baseball communities. We'll renegotiate all of their contracts so that we get our tithe money before uncle Sam or anyone gets theirs. We'll be swimming in money, just like the ntcc only much, much more.
To further drain these rich football players of their money, we can start a world missions outreach to other countries, but it will just be a front to get them to give to what they believe is a good cause. We will have conferences like the Super bowl and take up world mission pledges. We can also incorporate a TV ministry and soak all the fans for as much cash as they will come up off of.
Of course, to make this profitable, We'll have to get some retired Football Christians to go overseas as figure heads. We can promise them God's blessings and support and tell them if they love God enough they will make it happen over there. We will give them a bunch of empty promises about how we will be there to support them, but when they ask for assistance we will mock them and tell them if they had any God at all, they would put it together. We will treat them just like the children of Israel in Goshen. We will make them produce more bricks without any straw.
We will send them to places that we know are third world countries and impoverished and unable to support them. They will have to get hundreds of members just to support a Junior High scrimmage, but we'll still demand church tithe and pastor's tithe and offerings. Of course their will be no transparency and they will be too scared to ask where all the money is going. They will operate under the delusion that if they were as spiritual as we are that they would have what we have.
Once they have built something successful we can send them somewhere else to do it all over again. We'll bring in some abusive jerk to run all of the peasants off and sell the real estate for a profit.
I'm telling you Chief, we will be rich, filthy rich. Our mansions will make Davis and Kekel's mansions look like upscale outhouses. We will be driving around in Maseratis and Ferraris instead of Cadillacs and Lincolns. We'll have private jets instead of Recreational Vehicles. I'm telling you Chief, with our knowledge of Football and cult leadership, we will be kings.
When they come to us for help because they can't understand why God hasn't blessed them like we promised, we can comfort them with the scripture, "All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose."
All I have to say is all NFL players pay tithes and give in the offering. It's better for NFL players to give than to receive. The Chiefster is worthy of his hire so give till it hurts and you'll be blessed. I want every wife of every NFL Quarterback to clean my house, wash my car and shine my shoes. And no NFL players can date unless they ask the Chiefster permission and then they got to stand against the Chiefster's wall.
No visiting other NFL players unless permission is granted by the chilli cheese dog. No birthday parties with more than two NFL football player kids in attendance. No giving other NFL players rides to home games without first asking permission of The Big Big Cheese. No wearing tight football pants with big wads bulging out your tight football pants cup because thats lascivious.
Oh I forgot, that's no longer lascivious. The Kekel's changed that rule for Grant's sake. No wearing shorts to football practice. Oh I forgot about that one also. That's no longer lascivious because the Kekel's changed that rule also so Grant could play basketball. This is messed up. I can't think of any more rules to enforce because the Kekel's removed most of them that were previously considered sin.
Oh here's one. No dating other football players daughters unless they are at least 18 years old. Oh silly me again. Davis and Kekel say that's ok because Kekel starting looking real hard at Tanya when he was about 24 and she was 15 (or less). In fact the word is, (according to Vic who was Kekel's room mate) that Kekel told Vic that he had did some good groping on Tanya when she was yet a young teenager before they ever got married. So that's ok too. According to the NTCC standards, the Chiefster has to draw the line at girls 12 and below. Well, Fontenot and J. Jordan got away with that for a while so I guess that's ok also.
Will this work Don? Not too many rules to impose on those NFL players because Kekel and the NTCC leadership removed most of them.
Realistically NTCC people, why did we give in the offering? What did our money go towards? Helping the needy, 1 Cor 16:2? Fatherless and widows, Jam 1:27? Taking up an offering for the poor saints, Rom 15:26?
No, none of that. Our offerings were used to put the Kekel's son through high school at approx $20,000 dollars a year. It was often used to purchase collectible guns and watches for RWD. It was used to buy really expensive RV's. It was used to buy collectible furniture for the Kekel's very nice houses. It was used to build a mansion for RWD and rental properties for RWD. It was used so Mike Kekel could purchase a collectible classic car. It was used so the Kekel's could put in a blacktop basketball court and a foosball table. In summary, our money which was given in the NTCC offerings was used so the NTCC leadership could live extremely excessive and luxurious lifestyles at our expense and if you think differently, you are a big dummy. You NTCC people are being played like fiddles and you are being used like the suckers you are; used like the sucker I "USED" to be. Read the scriptures and show me one single example in the NEW TESTAMENT of a Christian leader living like the Davis's and Kekel's.
James? Nope! Peter? Nope! Paul? Not even close! How about John? No way! Timothy? Nope! Titus? Nope! You can't find one example because it's not there.
You are being played if you are in the NTCC. Pimped. Suckered. Used.
Well said, Chief. Everything they do revolves around money. We hammer this subject a lot, not because we resented giving, but because we found out after the fact where all of our money has been going. Giving in the ntcc is a lot like buying indulgences in the Catholic Church. I know you've made this comparison before, Chief. Along with every offering was a promise or assurance like "God loveth a cheerful giver". As you just pointed out, giving according to the bible does not even closely resemble tithing to the ntcc.
We've covered this so many times, yet people choose to chase their stupid pills down with ntcc Koolaid and ignore the Apostles, Elders, Bishops and even Jesus in the New Testament. Nowhere in the New Testament or even in the old will you find a commandment to pay 10% of your monetary earnings so that preachers or priests or Super Apostles can get filthy rich.
The ntcc faithful are trying to buy and work their way into heaven. I can't believe we fell for this gag, Chief. I hope people continue to disobey the anti blog rules and read about this stuff. If you are an ntcc'r and you happened upon this thread, I challenge you to study tithing in the bible.
In the KJV bible which is recognized by the ntcc to be the inspired word of God, can anyone show us where Jesus collected tithe from his disciples? Paul refused to allow the Corinthians to support him and he worked a job so that he would not be burdensome to them. Ntcc doctrine would place the Corinthians in hell and label them as God robbers for not paying their tithe.
The ntcc leaders are getting richer and richer right under your noses. You are not giving to God. You are trying to buy your way into heaven, and your money is being spent by a few unscrupulous hypocrites that laugh at you as you never get anywhere financially and they live in excess.
We might as well be talking to a stone wall. Ntcc members have not used their own brains for so long and they believe the words of RWD and Kekel over what is written in the bible. Nobody from the ntcc can defend their doctrine and they won't even try.
Chief, your Giants looked pretty good last night. I listened to the game on Sirius Radio and could not believe how critical the New York announcers were of Eli, the Giant's Running game and the Giant's defense. I mean, you would have thought that these anouncers were hired by the Saints to verbally abuse the Giants. Eli threw 4 TD's, The G-men rushed for over 100 yards and the Defense caused 4 or 5 turnovers. I guess the Giants probably left a few touchdowns on the field but if the object is to win, they did their jobs well, beating the Saints 52-27. Right now, looking at the big picture in the NFC, I'd say that the Giants are the team to beat. SF is up and down. Atlanta got rolled by the Panthers and has a pretty tough schedule. The Giants are doing what they do every year and that is improving at the end of the season and sharpening their game for the playoffs.
In the AFC, we will find out tonight, who the best team is. Denver is the hottest team with the longest winning streak but they don't look as good as the Patriots or Texans who have both beaten Denver earlier in the season. I am a Denver fan and I'm picking Denver to go all the way. To do this they will have to improve and have a great game to beat either one of these teams.
I think the Patriots would have to be the favorite for tonight's game. The Texans are finishing up a three week road trip in New England and the Patriots are very hard to beat in December, especially in New England. I'm hoping for a great game. Good luck MDR. I wish the best for your Patriots, but with Denver now salivating over a first round bye, I have to pull for the Texans. Who knows? Maybe they can pull it off.
Hawks have always been a more dominant species than Cardinals and the Seahawks absolutely rolled all over the Arizona Cardinals. What an embarrassing shut out. That is what you call being skunked. The Jets still suck even though they beat Jacksonville. The Squealers lost in a shocker as did the Ravens as RG3 suffered an injury that looked hideous and the rookie Cousins threw a TD Pass on the final drive and followed it with a game tying two point conversion to send it into overtime, which they won. The Dallas Cowpukes barely squeaked by over the Bungles.
Football is a lot of fun to watch. I love the game and this season has been very entertaining. It'll be interesting to see how everything unfolds.
DnA said...
We might as well be talking to a stone wall.
Chief said...
Unfortunately I concluded the same quite a while back. The good news is, it's no longer my money that being used to help Grant get educated at a Catholic college. Of course the Kekel's would deny that but that's a lie because I'll guarantee they send him some money and I'll guarantee they buy him things with money people give in the offering.
You know the Kekel's are pretty smart when you think about it. They weren't stupid enough like the rest of us to allow our children to attend the NTCS. They weren't stupid enough to go broke while giving all their money away to be used so someone else's kids could attend nice schools. If NTCC people want to ignore all this information and keep giving large percentages of their income to a bunch of con artists and spiritual pimps, that's the suckers problem, not mine. I applaud the Kekel's. If I could throw my conscience in the trash, I'd be doing the same thing. All the power to them. That's really how I'm starting to feel.
I got to go. Stupid is as stupid does. RWD is a genius.
DnA wrote...
Football is a lot of fun to watch. I love the game and this season has been very entertaining. It'll be interesting to see how everything unfolds.
Chief wrote...
Amen to that one. Boy that an understatement. It's a WHOLE lot better past time than sitting in some NTCC pimp building and listening to some non-educated blow-hard tell us how to spend our money and raise our kids while the Kekels simultaneously send their kid to a really expensive private academy and off to a Catholic college on our dime. The NTCC sucks.
Swedish knit! Man, I remember that stuff; it was like wearing steel wool. It was indestructible; you could sleep in it and it wouldn't show a wrinkle. I never knew it, but Swedish knit was the garb of choice for Mormon missionaries too. Well, with the white shirts and all we were always being mistaken for them; I guess the Swedish knit helped with that too. Of course you could buy them through the school, and I guarantee they got a cut.
Oops; forgot to sign the Swedish knit post.
Swedish knit...when we first went to Korea in 1997, I went to a tailor to get some suits made. All I had heard in Bible College was how great this material was, so I asked him to make me some from Swedish knit...he just laughed at me, and said that material was like 30 years old, and he didn't have any, nor knew where to get any. So, I have never had a Swedish knit suit.
I found one place online that sells Swedish knit suits, and it is western style.
If you really want one, head over to store.lds.org; apparently the Mormon missionaries can still get them. One guy said that after his stint was over he tried to burn one, but it just melted.
Good old fashioned butt whooping on Monday Night Football.
Here come the Pats, baby! Man, I thought the Texans were good! They're just like the Falcons, they fool everybody until the end of the season. It's time for another Superbowl for Tom Brady and company! I'm likin' what I'm seein' from my team. It's a Beautiful thing!!!
Don said "... the Patriots are very hard to beat in December."
Don, they're hard beat anytime!!!! I would so love to see a Peyton Manning and Tom Brady showdown in the conference Championship game. And, after tonight, it's lookin' like that might be what we'll see! Here's a good one for ya...Peyton gets MVP of the league and Brady get's another Superbowl Ring. That would be so cool.
Not so cool. Payton gets MVP and then the two Manning brothers go head to head in the Superbowl. If it came down to it, there are two teams I wouldn't mind seeing the Patriots beat the daylights out of in the Superbowl. The Chickenhawks and the Suckeneers.
I will admit, the Pats are looking strong but they looked strong before they met the Jets two years ago and the Giants last year so it ain't over till it's over. On any given day, any team can lose. All these teams have weaknesses. It's just a matter of figuring them out.
I take that back. I wouldn't watch a Chickenhawks - Patriots Superbowl so I definitely don't want to see it come down to that. That would mess up my whole season. I think I'd rather sit in a Graham service and listen to Kekel bloviate. Both events would make me nauseous. I would watch the Patriots play any other team than the Chickenhawks. I just couldn't stomach that one.
Jeff, Get ready, your worst nightmare might come to pass! Reason being, If the the "hawks" get in the post-season, which it looks like they will, they are going to be a toooouch team to contend with. Regardless, this post season is shaping up to be one of the best ever. Go Pats! and Hawks!
You would rather listen to Schmekel than go to a Pats/Hawks Superbowl? Really! Really!!!!! We gotta get you to the Doctor! In the words of Chris Carter "c-mon man!" ;0)
Down with the Pats and down with the Chickenhawks.
I could go to a Pats game against anyone in the NFL other than the Chickenhawks. Especially in the Superbowl. Hopefully my worst NFL nightmare doesn't come true.
Chickenhawks, Schmekel? Same same. It's called passion. You really like some teams, you kind of like others, you don't like others and you CAN'T STAND others and that's how I feel about the Chickenhawks.
You are all crazy nut cases talking about football like this. Don't you know there is not going to be any football in heaven? There can't be any football in heaven because football pants are lascivious. You are allowing the New England Patriots, and the New York Giants to sow seeds of discord among you. MDR, you are a sinner for going to football games, because people drink barley pop at football games. Chief, you are not right with God because you like more than 1 team and we all know that you can't serve 2 masters at 1 time. But fear not because Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos are getting ready to restore order to the NFL.
Okay , let me remove my cloak of self righteousness and come down to earth. Tom Brady on the Patriots look like they could not be beaten last night by any team. Denver still has a chance to get a first round bye, but I think it would be easier 4 Houston to lose 2 games to the Indianapolis Colts that would for New England to drop another game. Whoever ends up going to the AFC Championship game to play the Patriots is going to have their hands full.
1 thing we all agree on is that this season is shaping up to be a great 1. I am so looking forward to the playoffs. Is it a sin to bet? I'll wager you a Broncos Super Bowl hat to a New England or New York Giants hat. Who's ever team wins the Superbowl, the 2 losers have to chip in and buy the winner a Super Bowl hat for his team. If none of our teams go to the Superbowl nobody has to buy a hat. If you can find a scripture that says Thou shalt not bet, then all bets are off.
Take up an offering!
Don said " I'll wager you a Broncos Super Bowl hat to a New England or New York Giants hat"
Don, I'll take the bet! If your team goes and wins the big game, I'll buy you the Superbowl hat. If my team wins You buy me a team Hat, Jersey, coat, and banner!! Just kidding! If my team wins, you buy me the Superbowl hat! I love gambling!
If Jeff's team,the Giants, win the Superbowl we'll buy him a hat and then set it on fire!!!! I hate the Giants!
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