Well let me clarify. God made a mistake according to the NTCC's teachings. RWD and his yes men would be much better off if Proverbs Chapter 31 didn't even exist and I will prove my statement with examples below.
Proverbs 31:10-27 10: Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. 11: The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. 12: She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. 13: She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.14: She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar. 15: She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. 16: She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. 17: She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms. 18: She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night. 19: She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. 20: She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. 21: She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet. 22: She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple. 23: Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land. 24: She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant. 25: Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. 26: She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. 27: She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
Now we will look at some of these scriptures and compare them to the NTCCs teachings and better yet, compare them to the NTCCs proven example.
Look at verse 11. Tell me of one NTCC husband who trusts in his wife so, that he would have no need of spoil? NTCC husbands don't allow their wives to make any "real" decisions or do anything else for that matter that actually contributes to the families monitory livelihood other than sort through coupons. NTCC wives aren't allowed make any real contributions so what would the husband be trusting in that he would have no need of spoil?
Look at verse 14. She doesn't bring anything from "afar" because her NTCC husband wouldn't hardly let her leave town without him even if we didn't have local grocery stores. NTCC husbands generally don't allow their woman to go anywhere far away without the two being together. As a couple they don't even go far away very often, other than conference. NTCC women can forget about going "afar" and certainly not to make any contribution for the needs of the family.
Verse 16. What NTCC woman buys anything other than groceries and clothing? We are not talking about Tanya Kekel. The NTCC absolutely doesn't promote women buying anything that would even remotely equate to land or property. No NTCC women are going to be allowed to buy a "field" because NTCC men are taught that the women are incapable and it is not their place to make decisions such as that. Show me one NTCC married woman who has ever been "allowed" to even suggest that a house or land be purchased for the purpose of bringing revenue to the family? Throw Proverbs 31:16 in the trash NTCC because you are definitely not using that scripture and you totally teach the contrary. You don't "trust" woman enough to buy land hence my claim that you don't advocate the use of verse 11 with the word "trust".
Verse 17. Strengtheneth her arms? How do you strengtheneth your arms whey you spend the majority of time around the house? They wouldn't need to focus so much of their attention and place nearly as much emphases on all these workout plans, and all these different diets, and all these different exercises if they just worked instead of just hanging around the house as much as the NTCC requires! It's the NTCC who puts so many restrictions on women because half of these women had careers before they entered the NTCC. I've heard it said in the NTCC that women are for cooking, cleaning and having sex. Oh did I say that? RWD couldn't possibly see women as being only good for those three uses or could he? So much for Proverbs 31.
Verse 18. "Her" merchandise? You've got to be kidding me. What merchandise do NTCC woman have? Other than Tanya Kekel NTCC women don't lay claim to much of anything. Most NTCC women don't even have their "OWN" car. My wife has her own car and she needs it to get back and forth to the school where she teaches the children. She also has a new car because my families safety is extremely important to me and many of the newer cars are "way" safer than the old ones because many have side curtain airbags, vehicle stability control, side impact door beams, crumple zones and active headrests that reduce or eliminate the chances of whiplash. My wifes new car received the highest test ratings in all categories and buddy you best believe that my families safety is of the utmost importance to me. The fact that they are far safer has been proven, and you can find the data if you read the crash test reports online published by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. My wife is not just some second class citizen in our family and she should have her own car rather than be in a position to only use mine when I'm not.
Verse 20. Give to the poor? You've got to be kidding me again. NTCC women aren't allowed to make such decisions as giving anything to the poor and incidentally the NTCC doesn't even advocate giving to the poor. They give to the rich and namely the Kekel family or have you forgot the 39acres, the fat house, the huge guitar collection, Grant's expensive education and on and on and on. The NTCC doesn't hardly give squat to the poor and if they did the "women" wouldn't have anything to do with it. Throw verse 20 out the door because according to the NTCC, God got that one totally wrong.
Verse 21. All her household clothed with scarlet? Please, they are all clothed with bargain store, value village, second hand clothing because the NTCC won't let her work and help like Proverbs 31 teaches. I've seen too many NTCC folks living way below the poverty level and doing all this cloth swapping and value village shopping. Unfortunately I know what I'm talking about. My wife and I recently bought our son and daughter the best running shoes that we could find which fit them correctly. The shoes were anything but cheap and that is only the case because we are no longer guilt tripped out of working when work is available. My wife has a bachelors degree that "was" going completely to waste while we were in the NTCC. I'm no longer interested in hearing that the only way I should ever accumulate money is to bleed my future church members after I've sent about 50% to Graham Washington or stuck it in some escrow account that I have no control over.
Verse 23. The NTCC husband certainly isn't known because of his wife because women are considered nobodies in the NTCC. What NTCC husband is known because of his wife in the NTCC? NONE!!! Women are know because of their husbands in the NTCC as long as their husband is a yes man or related to RWD, Olson or Johnson. Throw verse 23 in the trash because God got it all wrong.
VERSE 24. Here is the big one which is why I made it red and all caps. NTCC women ain't selling jack or trading with any merchants because the NTCC has taught for years that "women" can't have a job. Trading and selling and "DELIVERING" is the same as having a job the last time I checked. God you should have stopped at chapter 30. The NTCC teaches that you had it all wrong when you decided to go ahead with chapter 31. Bad God. You need to see RWD immediately and explain to him how it is that you think a woman can even be considered virtuous if she has a job like you talked about in verse 24. Respectfully, God knows.
Verse 26. Openeth her mouth with wisdom? The NTCC doesn't think so. Maybe if her name is Tanya Kekel because there aren't too many other NTCC woman who's opinion even matters or is considered. NTCC woman, go to RWD and see if he lets you teach in the school of rules along with Tanya? If he won't, see if he will let you trade, sell and deliver anything and see if he even thinks it's your place to do so? Tell him he should at least listen to your opinion because the Bible says in Proverbs 31 that a virtuous woman has wisdom. See where that gets you? What you are not a virtuous woman? Do you have no self esteem? Has the NTCC broken your will? Is Tanya considered the only virtuous women in the NTCC who can work and has wisdom? These are valid questions.
I've written some of this to show some obvious sarcasm toward the NTCC but I've written none of it as a mere joke. My statements are so true it's sickening. NTCC Women: You can either consider what I've written and do something about it, or remain a door mat for your narcissistic husbands and RWD. Either God was right with Proverbs chapter 31 and the NTCC has it totally wrong or visa verse but you can't have it both ways. I will go with Proverbs chapter 31 so women; let the selling, trading, and distributing begin and start to realize that you are worth more and meant for more than just cooking, cleaning, and having SEX. If you NTCC women believe that you were created for no other purpose than to cook, clean and have sex then just continue to get on the list to clean Mike Kekel's house and do his dirty laundry. Make sure you fold his underwear real good. I'm being so blunt in an attempt to get some folks attention, because women are throughly held back in the NTCC. NTCC women aren't even given the option of meeting Gods qualifications of what the Bible calls "virtuous". The NTCC has placed too many restrictions on their women, so throw Proverbs 31 out the door, because it doesn't apply in the NTCC.
Jeff Collins