I received a phone call last night that I returned late this morning from an individual who lives near Graham Washington and is currently attending services with with NTCC and has been for quite a few years. What this person told me is really nothing new but it was nevertheless good to get it straight from yet another credible source.
This person was in conference when RWD paraded a minister who I believe was Devonshire in front of the entire congregation to flaunt his (available for a wife status). The individual who called me had remained alarmed for quite some time about the incident. This person thought that the escapade was totally inappropriate especially being that everyone knew the mans wife. This person also told me of additional occurrence that took place during a conference in Washington within approximately the last year when Kekel declared that it has never been a problem for an NTCC member to attend secular colleges or universities as long as the school didn't interfere with someones service to the Lord.
That is an outright lie for Kekel to make such a statement. Kekel is an outright liar and a crook. Anyone who might have even considered sending their child to a secular college would have been labeled as someone who didn't have their family in subjection and therefor wasn't qualified to lead a church if they couldn't lead their children to the NTCCs school of rules. I've heard that kind of stuff over and over again while attending NTCC services. It was also taught that if a person was soul winning, visiting people, having a full schedule of church services, praying and studying their bible, they wouldn't have time to attend a quote, "worldly secular college" and if they didn't understand that they needed to "get saved". It was taught by the NTCC leadership consisting of RWD, his overseers and his pastors that in the grand scheme of Gods eternal, spiritual agenda, (a worldly secular college) would be of virtually little or no "eternal" benefit what so ever. My recollection isn't vague but quite accurate and once again Kekel is deceitful.
The person I talked to also said that Kekel spoke of it never being a problem for people in the NTCC to be involved with organized sports and that from his chair next to the pulpit RWD piped in with, "quit saying Davis said". Apparently Kekel brought up the subject because people (rightfully so) had been complaining about Kekel's kid playing in all these high school sports while wearing shorts and tight football pants when they knew that RWD had verbally forbidden such conduct for years and years. So because people had been saying that they remembered RWD verbally stating his opposition to such sports participation, RWD decided to pipe in with "quit saying that Davis said". We all know that Davis and his pastors taught that sports participation and secular colleges were a waste of a Christians time and they would better serve God if they went, "soul winning", or went "visiting new potential converts", or went to "yet another church service", or "went into the ministry as a FULL TIME pastor" having previously attended the NTCCs school of rules otherwise know as the Bible college. Folks who didn't agreed with this stance heard over the pulpit that they "needed to get saved".
We all know these things were taught by RWD and his pastors and overseers and it is flat out INSULTING and INFURIATING for Kekel to suggest otherwise as though we all have poor recollection and memory or that we are all simply stupid while not possessing the mental capacity to read between the lines. I've concluded that all NTCC ministers (who sat through that conference and decided to stay with the NTCC) are inherently crooked because they must be after having listened to all that garbage while knowing it is was an outright lie.
Words can not express the degree of disdain that many of us now have for the NTCC leadership as a result of their deceitful, disingenuous and untruthful conduct. Kekel and RWD and Olson are outright liars and can in no wise be considered what the Bible refers to as "CHRISTIANS". Many, many people who heard this stuff preached, and who sat through NTCC services are my witnesses, and God himself is my witness for he knows what RWD and his pastors previously taught for decades. I stand behind this blog and boldly stand against the NTCC leaderships hypocrisy and I will gladly talk to anyone who contests my statements or anyone who also wants to discuss the NTCCs deceitful leadership.