In a previous thread, Anonymous wrote:
"And no cats are not evil that was one mans dislike turned into a doctrine. That is crazy and it is not NTCC doctrine."
Jeff said...
I wanted to continue with this subject. Anon said that it is not NTCC doctrine. Well I say; that depends on what you consider "doctrine". Here are real dictionary definitions for the word "doctrine".
1. a particular principle, position, or policy taught or advocated, as of a religion or government: Catholic doctrines; the Monroe Doctrine.
2. something that is taught; teachings collectively: religious doctrine.
3. a body or system of teachings relating to a particular subject: the doctrine of the Catholic Church.
Jeff said...
The practice of hating and KILLING cats was "taught and advocated" by the NTCC hence fitting the dictionary definition of the word "doctrine". I can emphatically state that as fact while quantifying my stance.
One very respected and highly regarded NTCC pastor personally told me the he and other brothers would drown cats in a well of water. He laughed about this fact quite gleefully.
Another NTCC pastor who is still with the NTCC pastoring in Washington told me that he watched a brother drive his vehicle erratically in an attempt to run down, run over, and kill a cats who was "running" from the cars path. When the pastor told me this he also laughed with utter glee while showing an emotional display of much pleasure concerning the subject of "killing cats".
Yet another different NTCC pastor refused to allow his daughter over to my house to play with my daughter, (who was about the same age and who incidentally had come to my house to play on previous occasions) because we got my daughter a pet kitty cat. This pastor said that my wife and I didn't spiritually understand the nature of cats and his daughter could no longer come to play with our daughter until we got rid of the cat.
The NTCC pastor who would drown cats in a well of water told me that cats were evil and RWD taught that the cat was essentially kin to the snake because they both had slit pupils in their eyes which made them essentially evil animals dating all the way back to Eve being beguiled by the serpent in the garden of eden. Now I'm not making this stuff up.
Additionally it has been reported that an NTCC minister walked out his back door and began shooting at a cat in his back yard with a real gun and I have no reason to doubt this claim due to my personal experiences with cat hating NTCC preachers.
Yet another, different NTCC pastor preached against animal lovers as a whole, for almost an entire service, which I had the displeasure of sitting through. This guy absolutely went nuts on his tirade against animals and animal lovers. My wife and I never went back to his church which was the first NTCC church of two we visited in Atlanta Georgia.
So with all these different NTCC pastors sharing the same basic beliefs about cats I'm supposed to believe that it wasn't taught hence qualifying as a doctrine? You mean to tell me that I, Jeffrey Collins just circumstantially and by pure chance happened to come in contact with the only 3 or 4 cat hating NTCC pastors in the entire NTCC? You're kidding right?
NO, hating cats was common for pastors in the NTCC. That is the only logical explanation and the practice was CLEARLY TAUGHT.
The NTCC is FULL of a bunch of KOOKS, who are being misled by someone even KOOKIER, and Anonymous has been deceived into believing otherwise. How many weird, nutty, kooky NTCC TRUE stories do I and others have to write about before folks realize they are involved in a truly messed up organization absolutely FULL of brainwashed and mislead preachers. If you think I'm making up any of this cats stuff please call me and we can discuss the subject.
"And no cats are not evil that was one mans dislike turned into a doctrine. That is crazy and it is not NTCC doctrine."
Jeff said...
I wanted to continue with this subject. Anon said that it is not NTCC doctrine. Well I say; that depends on what you consider "doctrine". Here are real dictionary definitions for the word "doctrine".
1. a particular principle, position, or policy taught or advocated, as of a religion or government: Catholic doctrines; the Monroe Doctrine.
2. something that is taught; teachings collectively: religious doctrine.
3. a body or system of teachings relating to a particular subject: the doctrine of the Catholic Church.
Jeff said...
The practice of hating and KILLING cats was "taught and advocated" by the NTCC hence fitting the dictionary definition of the word "doctrine". I can emphatically state that as fact while quantifying my stance.
One very respected and highly regarded NTCC pastor personally told me the he and other brothers would drown cats in a well of water. He laughed about this fact quite gleefully.
Another NTCC pastor who is still with the NTCC pastoring in Washington told me that he watched a brother drive his vehicle erratically in an attempt to run down, run over, and kill a cats who was "running" from the cars path. When the pastor told me this he also laughed with utter glee while showing an emotional display of much pleasure concerning the subject of "killing cats".
Yet another different NTCC pastor refused to allow his daughter over to my house to play with my daughter, (who was about the same age and who incidentally had come to my house to play on previous occasions) because we got my daughter a pet kitty cat. This pastor said that my wife and I didn't spiritually understand the nature of cats and his daughter could no longer come to play with our daughter until we got rid of the cat.
The NTCC pastor who would drown cats in a well of water told me that cats were evil and RWD taught that the cat was essentially kin to the snake because they both had slit pupils in their eyes which made them essentially evil animals dating all the way back to Eve being beguiled by the serpent in the garden of eden. Now I'm not making this stuff up.
Additionally it has been reported that an NTCC minister walked out his back door and began shooting at a cat in his back yard with a real gun and I have no reason to doubt this claim due to my personal experiences with cat hating NTCC preachers.
Yet another, different NTCC pastor preached against animal lovers as a whole, for almost an entire service, which I had the displeasure of sitting through. This guy absolutely went nuts on his tirade against animals and animal lovers. My wife and I never went back to his church which was the first NTCC church of two we visited in Atlanta Georgia.
So with all these different NTCC pastors sharing the same basic beliefs about cats I'm supposed to believe that it wasn't taught hence qualifying as a doctrine? You mean to tell me that I, Jeffrey Collins just circumstantially and by pure chance happened to come in contact with the only 3 or 4 cat hating NTCC pastors in the entire NTCC? You're kidding right?
NO, hating cats was common for pastors in the NTCC. That is the only logical explanation and the practice was CLEARLY TAUGHT.
The NTCC is FULL of a bunch of KOOKS, who are being misled by someone even KOOKIER, and Anonymous has been deceived into believing otherwise. How many weird, nutty, kooky NTCC TRUE stories do I and others have to write about before folks realize they are involved in a truly messed up organization absolutely FULL of brainwashed and mislead preachers. If you think I'm making up any of this cats stuff please call me and we can discuss the subject.
I can verify 100% that NTCC does teach that cats are "evil". My first pastor bragged about killing cats, and many others through the year spoke in gleeful terms about killing or wanting to kill cats. RW Davis and others reveled in hating cats, and taught it was acceptable to kill cats. Their attitude is very sadistic and ungodly.
Question for those of you IN ntcc:
Where exactly in the Bible does it say cats are evil?
That is no possible AXP. This is just another lie of the devil. Do you think?
RW DAVIS would get up behind the PULPIT. Time and time again. Say there is no good cat,just a dead cat. And EVERYONE would laugh! So that is laughing in AGREEEMENT. If yoiu don't agree you would not laugh at what was supposed to be a joke. But just another test of rw davi's loyalty test. While your in ntcc your always being watched,scruitized,spied on,conversations ease dropped on,other "brother or sisters" will rat you out at the drop of a hat!
If politics are not allowed to be shared behind the pulpit. Because of the POWER of PERSUASION! Then why would ANY other OPINION be allowed. Mike and RW are good at sharing there opinions.
I can remember Mike K. saying how his taste in furniture had evolved. Yes it has evolved to where he thinks his taste is better then anyone else's. His taste in cloths,vechile,guitars,coffee,his wife,ect. Are far superior then the peon ministers. Who of course can not afford to live the lifestyle like Mike does. Nor would some want to. Since he is WASTING GODS MONEY!
So folks in ntcc,when you hear something shared over the pulpit that is NOT Biblical. Which is most of what they teach,NO JOKE! If you hear an opinion,hypothetical scenerios,ect. Can press Mute if you'd like. It is JUST there OPINION. And that is all it is. NONE of there opinions are given to them by God. We ALL make our own personal choice's! And Nobody's choices are superior then anyone else's!
Once they realize that,they can get off there high horse or for tanya her cushy Queen chair.
Oh and ladies Tanya is OUT working on a job outside the Home.(teaching is a job) So is she a ntcc keeper of the home?????
There is no "spiritual nature" of cats. Animals do not have souls, and therefore cannot be good or evil. I guess you could call them neutral. The snake was used by Satan. The snake, not having the agency of free will, did not have a say in whether or not his mouth was used for evil. So, how can cats, snakes, or any other animal be evil? God only created good. Snakes are good for the environment that God gave to us. So are cats. My cats keep our mouse and rat population in check. Further down the chain, the mice and rats eat the bugs that come in the house. Further down, bugs eat the bacteria that spawns all over the place. Even bacteria have their place in the world. So to preach so vehemently against a creature that God, in his very infinite wisdom, chose to create, is preaching against God himself, because you are saying that God was wrong to create that creature. Pitiful, really.
About Doctrine. God brought this to my attention. So many folks in ntcc think we should be silent and let God take care of problems. If there are problems then it is not something we should be doing. To EXPOSE them!
So we should sit back. And continue to let FALSE teachers prey on soliders,Marine's and Sailors. Folks away from Home for the first time,used to taking orders. Got a wallet full of money. Which most of them just blow it on junk! So Rw wants to get out and Recruit them out of the military and let them spend there money on ntcc. And put that money into HIS wallet!
There have been cults in the past. And folks did not stay silent about them either. By and by they were exposed for exactly what they are,A CULT!
I watched that recent cult in ntcc,where they took the kids away from ntcc. Looked at them,and thought how much alike they looked like in ntcc. The woman with there BLANK looks,looking LOST! Babies having babies.
Those of us that are not under the brainwashing fog. Where you think you have to take up for YOUR pastor and YOUR church. You will eventaully get out of that. And truly let God get a hold of your brain. That is what ntcc fears. They they lose money. If they cared about the souls.
When many of us have left. Not one of them ask WHY,what happened. NO,they fine with you leaving. In hopes you will stay silent like many have done in the past. But many of us know,want ntcc EXPOSED. So others can avoid the trap that we and ya'll have fallen into!
"I watched that recent cult in ntcc,where they took the kids away from ntcc. Looked at them,and thought how much alike they looked like in ntcc. The woman with there BLANK looks,looking LOST! Babies having babies."
hehe... you might want to edit your post - I think you're talking about that huge group of kids and underaged moms from the fundamentalist church of latter day saints? (FLDS) That really disgusted me by the way, especially the fact that they returned the vast majority of them to their homes, to continue being abused and raped.
Oh and ladies Tanya is OUT working on a job outside the Home.(teaching is a job) So is she a ntcc keeper of the home?????
April, is she working at Hooters?
Ha Ha!
Bro Johnson
yes,I did mean the recent cult that was on the news. And that it looked SOOOO much like ntcc. that was about the time the FOG was lifting from my brain,my heart. Concerning the control ntcc had on me. I do not think I ever believed the twisted false teachings they taught. But with Fear,control,manupliation. I fell in line like a Good Marine does. I was used to taking orders. So I started taking orders from Mike K. and Rw davis,and whatever was said to do. Wether now they want to cover it all up with. Oh,we didn't TELL you to do such and such. Fear and control,you don't NEED to tell anyone anything. You mentione it,the so called man of Gawd does it. So you jump and obey and do it!
Why do you see soo many military in ntcc. It is not that they have a calling to reach the military. No,we are very good at following there orders! Flee soliders,sailors,Marine's,airmen. Get away from ntcc churches or House of prayer EVIL! They are not there for your well being. It is to get you hooked in. Oh look,we got home cooked meals,we got a nice HOME you can come and get away from the barracks. HOOK you in,get your STUCK in the cult. And then you head of to there FARSE of a Bible school. And then you can't get out,or so you think!
So best thing to do. If your in the military and checking this "church" out. I am looking out for your well being. I care for my fellow Military members. As a Marine Veteran myself. I don't want another gullable,first time away from home person. To get SUCKED into there FAKE love trap!
"April, is she working at Hooters?
Ha Ha!"
Bro Johnson
I'm glad for this thread- did you know that cat-abuse is a psychological sign of people-abuse! wow! shocking but true! The 2 cats and 1 dog I have are here only because they were not wanted by someone else! (I know they-NTCC- thinks cats were worshiped in Egypt!) But think, prior to that God made them as man's companions...
I think to see how he (hummanity) would care for people... so NTCC.. your inner nakedness is showing in ways you'll never know... you say you are rich and have need of nothing? You don't know you are naked, blind, poor! (Rev 3:17)
Poor NTCC, there is a revelation that they will never have! There are many... hmm.. let me think of one... how about compassion on those who can not repay! hmm... how about submission to each other? hmm.. how about washing the saints feet...?
I was over at Rich Keener's house after church one night for fellowship when he snatched up a pistol and blasted several shots out the back door. Turns out there was a cat in the yard that he was attempting to righteously exterminate.
Phil Kinson related with great relish how he observed three pitbulls in a yard near the Tillicum servicemen's home as they cornered a cat and tore it to pieces. He seemed to really get his rocks off on this gruesome and sickening spectacle.
NTCC's objection to cats is puzzling, given that Jesus himself is referred to as the Lion of the tribe of Judah in the bible. But the bible has never hindered the NTCC 'leadership' from pursuing their own agenda.
vic, both those tales of keener and kinson are alarming. Hope keener didn't have any neighbors close by while he was blasting at cats. And it is sick to take pleasure in the suffering of any creature. Sick. Thanks for the post Vic.
keener stuck out soo much. Redneck. Lived in a single wide trailor in Washington when we were there. Not the well manacured look ntcc likes to have there ministers look. the slicked hair,polished look. Why olson is always teaching on appearance in his classes.
Surprising he even sticks around!
Vic wrote...
Phil Kinson related with great relish how he observed three pitbulls in a yard near the Tillicum servicemen's home as they cornered a cat and tore it to pieces.
Jeff wrote...
There is a unique trend that is reoccurring with these NTCC pastors as they tell their tales of cat torture. They become overly excited with joy and gleefulness, as they conduct themselves like mad scientists.
When the NTCC pastor told me about the brother attempting to run over the cat with his automobile, the pastor got all excited as though he was having some sort of erotic experience. I'm not exaggerating. The other NTCC pastor who told me about drowning cats in a well of water began to laugh hysterically as though he was filled with utter joy and pleasure.
Now you Vic are saying that Phil Kinson essentially conducted himself in the same or similar manner as he spoke of the gruesome death of a Feline?
Vic, I say this with all sincerity and sober-mindedness; these guys really have become quite deranged and sick in the head. It's not a normal emotion for a grown man to get overwhelmed with joy and gleefulness regarding the gruesome death of a poor, innocent animal, the likes of which are in many cases quite friendly i.e. cats. These guys are flat out mentally sick and this type of mental deranged condition is clearly nurtured by the NTCC leadership. The NTCC breeds and fosters the development of this type of psychological disorder.
Many people may read this thread and think little of it however it is a true eye opening testament to the character of entirely too many NTCC pastors. Guys such as these are more appropriately suited for attendance in a nut house rather than attendance in a church building.
Come on folks, is it not sick for an individual to go running around killing cats while getting joy from such conduct or am I over reacting? Is this normal conduct?
I know this has nothing to do with evil kittys, (well maybe) but...
An anonymous source says a married man forced R.W. Davis into a church and onto his knees at gunpoint telling him, "You better pray." A second (name withheld) source confirms the allegations of R. W. Davis's adultery. Still others allege Davis is guilty of molesting young women. (I'd love for them to come forward and eXpose him now that they are adults and can fend for themselves!)
Repeatedly in his tenure as leader of the New Testament Christian Church, Davis blasted Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormons, for being a womanizer. The point was made that since Smith was a womanizer, nobody should listen to what he claimed to be messages from God since the man's life did not back up his claims to be Godly.
Now would be a good time for Davis disciples to take that same principle and apply it to Davis and his disciples/'leaders'. Their lives do not back up their claims to be "men of God" so they should not be listened to.
Not one more service or class should be attended. Not one more dollar should go to their real estate expansion corporation (one source details close to 500 real estate properties). And most importantly not one more soul should trust these men with anything of value such as their souls or private business.
Speaking of private business, I fully anticipate a retalliatory strike from the NTCC in a damage control attempt to discredit me. That is what happened last time I eXposed some of their dirty laundry. No matter. I'll help them out here:
My late, ex husband may or may not have told certain people in the NTCC certain things about me which may or may not have been true. I know what is true and so does God. 'Nough said about that.
So to recap the focus of this comment,
And just think about all the marriages he and his 2nd wife Verna broke up over this very issue and how many adulterers and adulteresses they created by encouraging people to divorce for non-scriptural reasons and then to remarry.
Guilty people love company. They want you to commit the sin they are guilty of so it can ease (or sear) their consciences...
You may want to examine your relationship and put a thing or two on the altar. And you may want to take a real hard look at your 'leaders' and how they conduct themselves, freely condemning souls to hell for far smaller sins than the ones they themselves have committed.
Just a thought or two.
I'm sure we'll be seeing Mikey Kekel fire up his damage control smog blog some more. He only writes on it when public pressure eXposes his group's sinful ways. Check the dates for yourself.
It's a dead blog until he feels the need to do damage control.
Notice the focus of his blog as evidenced by the URL address line.
I consider it an honor to be attacked by this smear mongerer. It shows my truths are taking a toll.
person. 5 Whoso privily slandereth his neighbour, him will I cut off: him that hath an high look and a proud heart will not I suffer."
Angie,we are both being Slandered against. Mike Is the King of Slander!
You said it, April. No worries. God sees and hears it all. Ange
Jeff, you and Double D are right on the money about the psychology of people who abuse animals ... history proves animal abusers generally become people abusers. And your further notes on people taking so much pleasure in an innocent animal's suffering are also right on the money. It is sick. If you have eever read All god's Creatures, Great and Small (James Herriot?) the author touches on the same theme by illustrating a teacher who reproves a boy for ripping the wings off of flies. I know their gross' but you don't torture them. Just like Jesus. He 'suffered' or allowed the legion of demons to enter the herd of swine, not tormenting them before their time as they fearfully enquired of Him. Torture of anything is sick and wrong "period".
r.w. davis is guilty of adultery. And his second wife verna is an adulteress.
I always wondered why davis made such a big deal about 'dad' george keener not being married, saying,
"When are you gonna get your OWN wife?"
At the thime I got the impression that 'dad' was sitting there laughing up his sleeve saying,
"What for? I already had YOURS!"
Just an impression?
Anonymous said...
"r.w. davis is guilty of adultery. And his second wife verna is an adulteress"
Guess now we know why it was such a big deal?
Everything davis does he has a reason for. Reading Deb's blog about St. Louis 1978 let me know why davis 'preaches' against going into someone else's cabinets. If he's holding that grudge from 1978 when Deb's Mom looked in gesang's cabinets to see if she could help out by fixing something to eat, well, davis has a reason for everything he says and does. And the reason is always a bad or nasty one...
Makes you wonder what he's really saying to george 'dad' keener about getting a wife of his OWN...
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