
Someone Suggested The Need For A New Thread. Any Takers?

How about some suggestions for some new threads. If you are interested in having a topic revisited or starting a new topic please give your input. 


Anonymous said...

Clyde Box shared: During the Vietnam War, a certain nurse was the subject of much discussion. After a battle she would wander away from the medical camp onto the battlefield itself. Sometimes she would personally drag in a soldier who was in desperate need of medical attention. More than once she was reprimanded by the doctors. They told her she had no business on the battlefield. Not only that, she brought in Viet Cong soldiers along with the Americans. One day after a big battle an officer saw her on the battlefield amid all the suffering and dying and death. He began to rebuke her: "What are you doing on that battlefield?" She said without hesitation, "I’m looking for the wounded. That’s what I am here for."

And that is what we are here for...
This is coming from Devonshire's blog. Very ironic message to share. when who has made so many wounds in people's souls? That would be devonshire himself and many men and women like him. Do what ntcc commands him to do. Robotic,brainwashed fanatic. And that is not in a postive light to be a fanatic. Lunatic is more like it!

These men followed the ways of ntcc for many,many years. Now that Mike K. is taking over it. They know his ways are more popular. More main stream. Will bring in less kooks that will just follow orders. More life into the organization. They are thrilled. So much I nowe see Devonshire is now holding a Teen night at his church! Was NEVER encouraged. Folks would have been scared to even think it.
Church in WY had a kids day event for Easter and they were reported on back to Rw davis. They had flowers in there church. Again they were said that was a no-no. All those things are small in comparison to the COMROMISE going on inside ntcc these days.
kids play sports,Teen night,kids tossing the GANGSTER sign on FB picture's,girls wearing denium skirts(how penticostle like of them) Boys titling there baseball caps off to the side. Wanting to look and act like the WORLD!!
Letting women go to college. Why is that? Rw davis said that the man will provide. No need for LIFE INSURANCE. The man will provide. God will bless.

Makes my stomach sick. To think how we were MADE To live. And how they are trying to become mainstream. Though they will never achieve that. There money grumbling ways will always get in there way!

Not really a new topic. But was on that man's blog. Saw more compromise and just made me sick to my stomach. As they try to keep going on like nothing has happened. No changes have occured. And folks that don't want to cause wave's. Fall for it hook line and sinker. Because there brainwashed cult followers!


Ange said...

Hi Jeff.

This topic is not completely new, but several stories are out there regarding ntcc slum lords. I've e-mailed you my personal experience with the ntcc slum called the Little White House on their Graham campus. TTYL


Anonymous said...


WE have to save souls from eternal damnation!!

What Are we going to do?? Hand out condoms?? Where are the Teens coming from?? A Homeless Shelter? NTCC Members? What are they going o do? Watch NFL Football? You heard it from me first: the NEXT thing they have are SLEEPOVERS and Pajama parties. Even more of a reason for hormone endowed teenagers to LUST after each other with naughty urges!!!

Lets have a peel on tatto party, why don't we!! Lets talk about the pros and cons of safe sex, since your going to do it anyway, lets be SAFE about it!!!

This is so sorry and so unlike Devenshire to compromise. What he needs to do is focusing on saving souls from hell!!

He needs to call Davis, who at his advance age not only cannot remember the last time he sinned, cannot remember what he stated 10 years ago or what he stated to College bound students who wrote his every word.

Bro Johnson

Anonymous said...

The backlash from Mike K. bashed folks not in ntcc. And warning folks from having us Exers on there Facebook. Now the brainwashed followers are either not accepting or taking folks off. No question,no explanation. Following orders. And taking them off.
Imagin the hurt they are causing to folks. That have NEVER come on a blog to share there true story. Or the damage that has been to them by the hands of these false teachers.
They have moved on,as some want all of us to do. And they keep mum of there negative opinion of ntcc. But still there getting folks unsubbing them. Only because there not a member of ntcc. WHY? God is not just in ntcc,right? Words out of Mike K. mouth!!
So why take them off? And if you do,why no explanation to these folks!

Ntcc folks are the one's compromising. There the one's bringing Sin into there camp! I know some that have left ntcc live what some would consider more pure then those in ntcc right now!

A few weeks the next graduation of new brainwashed recruits will be spitted out in WA. Lets see what picture's get displayed this time. More worldy gangster signs being tossed! More goofy face's being displayed at such a solomen,serious affair!LoL
What was that song,take back from the enemys camp? Looks like ntcc has let the devil right in there front door. Oh that's right the devil stands at the front door as he greets everyone as they come in.

Vic Johanson said...

"The backlash from Mike K. bashed folks not in ntcc. And warning folks from having us Exers on there Facebook. Now the brainwashed followers are either not accepting or taking folks off. No question,no explanation. Following orders. And taking them off."

John St. Clair's own mom unfriended him on Facebook. Is that overboard, or what?

Angela said...

John St. Clair's own mom unfriended him on Facebook. Is that overboard, or what?--Vic

And they say it's not a cult. Get real. Cults isolate members and control what information members have access to in order to control the members. Cult.
