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Someone posted...
Chief, I was thinking about how the org, goes about trying to make converts? I remember going to a conference and much was said about this new method that "they" found out, was the most successful in bringing "people to God" which was door knocking. I remember mck was the one who oversaw this event and gave instructions on how to do it. They even gave each of the ministers a booklet that explained all kinds of things like having cards made for each of the people that would visit, I mean, it was really involved. Now I look back at this, and I think this was a way for the printing shop to make money, because just a few years back, rwd, had been asking for pledges for the printing shop, and encouraging the pastors to order church cards from the org. and all kinds of stuff that the printing shop had.
The "door knocking" method that mck taught that conference, involved making visitation cards, sending letters of welcome, soul-winning booklets, pamphlets, some people even ordered their own cards from the printing shop with their name and phone number on them, so as to look more professional, and these people were looked at as really being dedicated to the work of God!
Now that all is said and done, I really didn't see churches really exploding in attendance, because they implemented this so called "God's method" I remember people being chastised from the pulpit for not going "all the way" in doing what mck taught in that conference. I remember rwd saying that the method they taught was the real way of soul-winning and if you didn't do it the way they told you then you were a rebel and God was not going to bless you, and that is why you didn't have any people in the church, because God doesn't bless disobedience!
Maybe some of the pastors out there can come and put their 2 cents worth here, on how they are really bringing people out by the throngs by doing it God's way!
Great topic and post, written by someone with a good recollection.
Chief wrote...
I remember this event vividly as I was also at that conference. I also remember RWD saying that if any pastor thought he had a better method for soul-winning, and that pastor could prove his method with significant numbers of personnel in church, then RWD himself would visit the church, verify the effectiveness of the pastors program and implement it. RWD also prefaced the whole introduction of MCK's program by saying that MCK was a proven leader, and MCK's soul-winning program was a proven method, and every pastor needed to implement Kekel's program without exception. Then we went back to Atlanta and Mayers took the program to whole new level making it more tedious than the one that Kekel introduced in the first place. Mayers insisted that we write out two copies of our soul-winning reports by hand vs using the computer, which was a bunch of garbage. I'm disgusted that I even adhered to Mayers mandates for one second. I should have told him to go take a long walk off a short pier. Thank God my family and I didn't stay at that church very long after all that garbage was implemented. It was slavery and bondage, no more, no less. It was like living under the law while answering to a control monger. Grace had been thrown out the door.