
The Reeds

Hey everyone: The Reeds have a blog that is open for posting. Their blog was not established for the same reason as this one and that, I totally understand and respect. Their blog is not about the NTCC. It's about the Reeds, the Lord, and what they are doing for the Lord. That is not to say the NTCC won't ever come up, but that is not why their blog still exists. I'm sure they'd appreciate some visitors and I'm also sure they'd appreciate knowing that the friendships they established over the last 25 years haven't vanished just because they've decided to attend a different church.

The Reeds didn't suggest or ask me to post this. With very few exceptions I work independently however if the Reeds asked me to take down this thread I'd have no problem doing so. My association with M. Reed is pretty much limited to the time that we both lived in the same serviceman's home back in 1985. We've talked since but certainly not often. Having said that, we definitely were good friends back in 1985 when we were both in the Military stationed together at Ft. Hood. I just thought that folks might be interested in going to visit their blog. Below is a link and I've placed a link on my sidebar as well.




Stuck In The Middle asked Jeff...

Are you a student? Have you pastored a church? How long have you been in?

Anonymous said...

So Jeff hasn't ever pastored a church in the Org. Yet, he's heard and seen enough with his own ears and eyes. He's been a witness to the acts that have been done in the name of the Lord. He's been a member of the church under various pastors. He's been a friend and confidant to many who've shared with him their horror stories. And.. he has integrity, he's never revealed things said to him in confidence.

I was a member for 32 yrs. I've seen, and heard a lot of stuff done in the name of the Lord. The gossiping of preachers and their wives. It would hurt many if I were to reveal the things said about them in private.

My brother in-law was taken off the board during one conference, because he didn't have the numbers in his church. Another preacher too, was taken off for the same reason, but he denies it was for that reason. Rev. Davis said the board members had to be examples to the other ministers. Yet... there are men on the board who’ve never had big churches. So what was he talking about? He would have had to remove Rev. Johnson, Rev. Olson and Rev. Difrancesco, Rev. Ashmore. John was shamed from the pulpit at another conference, it was said they didn't do a thing in Panama the first time they went!
I've heard and seen things done to my brother in-law and sister that will simply make you angry. Yet, behind closed doors my brother in-law weeps and my sister holds it in. But they just over look it and cry out to the Lord. Even if they did say something about it, what do you think will be said??? Yes, it would be brought out in public and said "they that love the law of the Lord nothing shall offend them. This verse doesn't give preachers the license to bully a child of God! John and Becky know the real deal. We've had talks before where I comforted them.

This going off the subject a little. But I want to show you how they work. Now.. my sister and I have no blood sister relationship at all. It's because Mike Kekel chose to reveal some private emails between him and my husband and Rev. Olson. My sister had no knowledge of this, it wasn't her business. Yet, he said the Holy Spirit led him to show them to her. He caused discord among the brethren, which is a violation of the by laws. If he's so in tune with the Holy Spirit, why didn't he listen to the Spirit telling him not to sow discord? Hmmm or was it the flesh saying thus saith Mike Kekel, blaming the Lord? So my sister automatically chooses the Org's side. John and Becky know the injustices that have taken place. It's just too late to do anything about it now. Their service is to the work of the Lord. Maybe too, their psychologically damaged. People love their abusers and begin to protect them after awhile... aah just remembered the name Stockholm Syndrome .

People may not leave but they sit in the pews with wounded spirits. Some don't feel worthy to be preachers, because that is how you're made to feel. The preacher in Graham brought in off the field. They're preached at by Rev. Davis "how long you gonna sit here" and other messages or comments made. Don't tell me it doesn't go on cause it does! There comes a time when you get tired of hearing about how you didn't do it right. When actually you did do what was taught.

Could it be that person is not in the place where the Lord wants them? Yet, the man who told Rev. Davis where God wanted him is blamed? He is shamed from the pulpit in front of church members and made out to be incompetent. In front of other preachers he's the example or Rev. Davis tells the group of ministers how bad of a preacher they are. This was done to my brother in-law.

My blood boils at the abuse my family has taken, and there are many preachers who have left because of things done and said to them like this! How long and how much does a person have to take before they wake up and see this relationship is abusive.I have never seen a church Org. that has been so abusive such as NTCC.

So for you to say preachers aren't run off by not having enough money or not having enough members in their church, YOU MISTER are living in a fantasy world! You also, have not experienced it yet. You want to hear that Rev. Davis said to ministers "leave". He won't say it face to face, but by the actions and in the messages it is done.

I also, don't agree with what you said "that if a man doesn't want to go somewhere their okay with it"? I've heard comments made about preachers not wanting to pastor here or there, they were over looked for other appointments. What planet are you on? You are drinking too much kool-aid my friend. Unless they have a new policy, or could it be from
the blogs that's cause them to change? I think not, because of how Rev. Reed was treated. But do you think they're going to ask forgiveness of all the people they've hurt throughout the years?

I say to you, your ignoring the things that go on. The signs of various acts are plainly there, you just don't want to face the facts. Some say they would have left sooner, but it was the fear of not being able to make it without the Org. Which is a totally false lie,that was fed to us. People are serving God not trying to please a man. The burden that is released is so powerful and amazing you'll feel like your 100's of lbs. lighter. And... No, we've not turned our lives over to the devil, thank you very much. This is the bondage that keeps you there, weighted down with the thoughts of what will they think?

Speaking from the heart as one who's been there and done that!

Greetings to all, I'm still the same after all these years! It's you and me Jesus, we sure fooled them all! = )

Reposted by Jeff


All The Man Cares About

RWD is interested in keeping one type of person around his organization. Look at the guy to the left and there you have it. This explains why RWD has no problem getting rid of old timers. He likes young new fresh recruits which will say, "YES SIR" to his every whim. The most important thing to RWD is having the ability to control people. RWD expects you to allow him to talk to you any way he wants, direct you to do what ever he wants, and he expects you to follow his directives without question. This explains why so many old timers leave the NTCC. Once they get smart to his ways, they start to question RWD and he can't stand that and he won't allow it for long. He is insecure in that regard. It's a game that RWD plays. He will hit you with a directive that he knows you don't want to perform and he's already prepaired to deal with you in certain way when you don't.

He is either going to call you out directly to your face or he will blast you the first chance that he can get from behind the pulpit while you're sitting in the congregation. When RWD has decided that he no longer has use for you, he's already devised a multitude of ways to effectively run you off without actually telling you that you must leave his church. In doing so, he can save face while proudly proclaiming, "Brother or Sister so and so left the church because they no longer loved or wanted to serve God."

You see, RWD is a control monger freak!!! Being in control of people is more important to him than anything. You can be a dud but if you let RWD control you, RWD has no problem with you sticking around. You can commit adultery and RWD can let you have it but as long as you say, "YES SIR", RWD has no problem with you sticking around. You can beat children, leave your wife and find a new one, be a useless pastor (according to NTCC standards), get accused of committing every kind of abuse imaginable, run off church members one right after another and still hang around the NTCC as long as you say to RWD, "YES SIR".

The minute you don't agree with one of RWD's stupid directives is the minute that he'll figure out a way to put the screws to you. He'll wrench down the vice on you so tight that you won't be sticking around much longer if you are any kind of man or woman. I've said this in the last couple threads. He doesn't care about your soul one single bit. RWD is smart enough to know when he is driving someone away from his church, so if he really cared, he wouldn't do it, but he doesn't care!!! If he did care he'd back off you long enough for you to rethink the situation but that is not what he wants. He wants control and nothing less. He figures if he can dog you to your face or directly from across the pulpit and you still stick around, then he has you where he wants you; right under his thumb. What he is doing is what the NTCC calls an "obedience check", and Mayers used to brag about doing it to his wife.

When RWD doesn't think he needs or wants you around any longer, you are getting ready to get dogged, and if you can live with being dogged out, than RWD can live with you sticking around "HIS" organization. It's like RWD said in conference: "I was here first and if you don't like it there's the door". RWD doesn't care if you stay or go, but you better allow him to control you as long as you are in his presents. With the NTCC leadership, it's just a big psychological game. Deliberately say something stupid to someone and as soon as they get mad, tell them they need to "pray through" while making them out to be the bad guy. Mayers said that he would wake up his wife in the middle of the night around 3am just to see if she'd get up to fix him a cup of coffee. He called it an "obedience check". NTCC pastors would tell racist jokes around black people just to see if someone would get offended and then the pastor would say, "Whoso loveth the law of the Lord, nothing shall offend them".

It's just a big psychological game and RWD is the master who's taught his pastors every psychological trick in the book. These are cult tactics that cult leaders use to gain control of their people. The main objective of a cult leader is to BREAK YOUR WILL. BREAK YOUR WILL. BREAK YOUR WILL. That is what the NTCC is doing with all these stupid obedience checks. You will either let RWD break your will or RWD will run you off, plain and simple. He is a control freaky deak. He is the big freak nasty control freak. I know what I'm talking about and that is why he doesn't want women to work on a job and that is a whole different topic but it deals with the same thing. Control, control, control, freak, freak, freak. That is what the NTCS is all about. BREAK YOUR WILL. Wayne Cantrell called it a boot camp.



Not About Souls

Let me tell you how I know for sure that with RWD and the NTCC leadership, it's not about saving souls. Please read what I'm about write and consider my words. When Bro Bean brought his brother TB over to RWD's house, RWD may not have wanted company and I understand that. But when you are a Christian and your life is devoted to saving souls it's not about what you always want. You make sacrifices and deny yourself for the sake of others. So here is my logic.

RWD is a smart guy and I don't dispute that. He reads people and he often knows what makes people tick. RWD knew that if he gave Bro Bean's brother anything but a warm hearted, sincere welcome, (even though RWD didn't want someone coming over to his house) it could have an impact on TB's decision to have anything else to do with the NTCC. Then, in addition to that guaranteed fact, RWD is smart enough to know that when he sent someone to Bro Bean to notify him that he was wrong for going to RWD house, that TB would never have anything to do with the NTCC. You don't give a guy the cold shoulder and expect him to come back to your church and RWD knows that good and well. So why didn't RWD just suck it up, invite the guy in for coffee and cookies, make him feel at home, and never say a word to Bro Bean about coming to his house uninvited?

Because with RWD, it's not about souls. RWD simply didn't care if the mans brother ever came back to the NTCC and that is the reason he didn't even think twice about acting that way. The only thing that RWD cared about was not being bothered while making sure that it didn't happen again!!! All RWD is worried about is his privacy, the control he has over others, and making sure that the NTCC continues to bring in at least enough money to take care of his investments within the corporation. He doesn't have the time or patience for people to come over to his house unannounced, period. If you don't want people to come over to your house, move farther away from your cult compound and in the process forget about being a pastor/Christian leader. You are in the wrong field. Rename it the New Testament Christian Real-Estate Corporation. Take church out of the equation. RWD is a jerk. For years RWD has taught that every single solitary thing you do can affect souls but he doesn't even attempt to practice that himself when it counts. He'll run you away from his church in a heart beat before you even start coming.

How can anyone dispute what I just wrote? There could be nothing more logical in this world. If your church is the last hope for mankind, (which the NTCC has constantly maintained) and you care about souls, the last thing you would do is give a brand new guest the cold shoulder and that is exactly what RWD did to TB. RWD doesn't care about souls, he cares about control. He already has money so that is not as important to him as it is to have control over people.


RWD is that kind of guy and I'll guarantee it without doubt. I don't agree with it but I understand it and this is why? Because I used to work for a 3 Star General and everywhere we went people figuratively bowed down to that dude and because I was his enlisted escort / Aide, I got much of the same treatment. Everywhere we went people laid the red carpet out for us and because I was his right hand man, I got much of the same treatment. When people saw me they knew he wasn't far behind and I got treated like a King and I'm not kidding. The difference between me and RWD is that I didn't misuse my authority and RWD does constantly. I didn't treat people like they were beneath me and RWD does constantly. You think I didn't have authority? Out of over 17,000 people in Second Infantry Division, (not because of my rank but because of my position) I was one of the most powerful people in the entire Division. Full Colonels and General Officers treated me with MUCH respect because of who I worked for. If I told a Brigade Commander that the General wanted something to happen it was like it was coming directly from the General himself because people knew that I was his assistant. No one messed with me so I fully understand what it's like to have some SERIOUS Authority.

Well RWD has authority and he is a control freak and a bully and I know what I'm talking about. He doesn't care about souls. Listen to what I'm saying people. He cares about POWER, AUTHORITY, and CONTROL. These three and the greatest of these is none of them for a Christian servant. You can't understand others until you've walked in their shoes and where POWER, AUTHORITY and CONTROL is concerned I've walked in RWD's shoes. For the brief period of time that I had it (which was one year), I didn't let it get to my head. I'm currently working in a high level management position and I treat everyone with respect regardless of their position. And guess what, everyone I work with treats me the same way from the lowest to the highest. That is how you earn respect. Not by barking out orders. RWD is a control freak bully leader who is a good business man and that is all he is. I know guys like him because I work around one and no one respects him, they fear him. God help me to never become that kind of leader.

That is why I said I'd spit on RWD's front door step. My previous vulgar display of words was a deliberate show of disrespect toward RWD as a result of his disregard for Bro. Bean's family.



The Failure Of So Many NTCC Men

Toward the end of the previous thread I stated some reasons why I wouldn't want my daughter to marry an NTCC man. I also stated how important it is for my daughter to be able to provide for herself. Let me recap. Too many NTCC men drive old broke down vehicles and wind up getting stranded on the side of the road. I know it can happen to anyone, but in the NTCC it happens far to often and I've witnessed it myself. Why does this occur as often as it does? In the NTCC women constantly talk about shopping at various thrift and second hand clothing stores. Why is this practice so abnormally prevalent in the NTCC? Why is it so common for NTCC people to live so far below the nations poverty level? I'll tell you why.

The NTCC leadership places all kinds of employment restrictions upon anyone who is either a minister or anyone who aspires to become a minister. Ministers and aspiring minister are only allowed to work certain jobs. They are ordered to work only certain hours of the day and certain days of the week. Following such mandates often results in them forfeiting the possibility of landing the best jobs available. They are brainwashed into believing that is the only way a Christian man should live for God. In the process these NTCC guys are taught by the example of their peers, to believe that it's "NORMAL" for them to live far below the poverty level. The end result is that many of them struggle financially for years and years. They drive old broke down cars and shop at second hand clothing stores and that becomes the norm but I'll guarantee that is not the norm for RWD. The NTCC system is exactly what creates this and people should want their daughters to marry into that mess? My daughter has more important things to talk about other than second hand shopping hot spots.

One day I remember Oberhauser's wife telling me that she really hoped that her husband could buy her a digital camera sometime in the near future. During that time her husband was having all kinds of vehicle problems with the one vehicle that they owned. Her statement about the camera stuck with me. You mean they were that broke? A digital camera? I felt so bad for her that I talked to my wife and considered buying her a digital camera. Well I'm glad I didn't. I didn't put them in that situation and neither did God. The NTCC leadership did and they took the bait hook line and sinker. You are one seriously broke man and woman if you can't even get a measly little digital camera and you are shopping for second hand clothing driving an old beat up van? I don't want my daughter to have any part of that whole situation and the last thing she needs is some old broke dude to have her stranded on the side of the road in some second clothes and who can't even buy her a stinkin digital camera of all things.

We ain't rich but my wife lives like Queen in comparison. She has more than one digital camera to choose from. When my wife wants something, either I buy it or she does, PERIOD. If I want something I buy it, obviously within reason because we ain't millionaires. I like a few things. nice guns, nice tools, and computers and I have a real nice collection of each. I also like a good chain saw. In fact I bought a brand new gun Saturday and why? Because I stopped letting the NTCC tell me when I could work and what jobs I could take. L.D. Jones tried to tell me that mess one night in Columbus because I sold new Toyotas. I'll guarantee that I treated my customers more fairly than most of these NTCC pastors have treated their church members, so who is the crook? I "CONSTANTLY" run into people who I sold cars and I'll guarantee if you were to talk to them in my absence, they'd have nothing but good things to say about me. I had a family drive two hours from out of town driving past one Toyota dealership right after another so the Son, Father, and Grandfather all on separate occasions could buy 3 brand new cars from me. Why? Because I proved to them they could trust me!!! That is a good feeling folks and that is the kind of reputation I have across about 10 counties. And I was supposed to quit that job because L.D. Jones said so? Who would you rather buy a car from? A good dude who cares about folks or a crook? Yes the car business has crooks and so is the NTCC so whats the difference? Jones wanted me to quit the car business but I didn't see him quiting the NTCC? Well, while Oberhauser was so broke that he couldn't pay attention I was selling a brand new van to one of his church members and he got the best deal that I could possibly get the dealership to give. So Oberhauser was living off of $150 a week because that is all a crook living in a mansion would pay him, while I was doing my best to save his church member thousands of dollars. Who's the crook Jones?

My daughter has been accepted into one of the best colleges in the nation and she is not going to be left high and dry by some NTCC dude who thinks he is worth no more than $150 a week. If she finds a good prosperous man to take care of her that is fine but if he leaves her like I've seen happen in the NTCC, she is going to have the skills and degree needed to take care of herself and she ain't going to have to worry about whether or not she can get a digital camera. In fact, if she wanted a digital camera tomorrow I'd go out and buy her a nice Canon just to prove a point. Y'all can let the NTCC suck up all your opportunities and money if you want to but I'm not the one. Those days are over and here is the funny part. I don't want my daughter to live in poverty and RWD won't let Tanya live like that either. That is why she is teaching at the NTCS and your wife isn't. Many of you will let your wives and daughters ride around in an old broke down car, in second hand clothing but me and RWD have a better plan for ours. You better believe that Grant won't be riding around like that either. He is going to a secular college and it ain't the NTCS, and that's what makes my family and the Kekels a whole lot smarter than many of you. Mike Kekel and I don't buy off on that NTCC mess, and that is why our children will be attending a good secular college that gives out real degrees which result in good jobs. Oh I'm wrong about Mike? Is his kid going to the NTCS? I rest my case. Mike didn't have to send him off to college? He could have joined the Army and gone off to war like your kids and he could have stayed in a serviceman's home. Oh he doesn't want to serve God? Mike didn't have to send him to college, HE WANTED TO!!!!!!!!

My wifes digital camera is getting old, she might need a new one. She can't get a digital camera? That is what I call the "hoodwink" and poverty level thinking. These folks should say, "wait a minute, you mean I can't even afford a digital camera?" Something is wrong with this picture. The Kekels are living in a museum and I'm only getting $150 a week to pastor a serviceman's home and I can't even buy my wife a digital camera? How blind.
