
Take Care Of Your Family And Stop Being Stupid!!!!

You know Don and Ange, people think we are just mean spirited but they are missing the whole point. We are talking REAL LIFE, not some fairy tail. You believe in Christ and you don't live in some fairy tail land where you throw "RESPONSIBILITY" completely out the window and thats what too many NTCC people just don't get and unfortunately Robert Briggs (as nice of a guy as he was) didn't get it either. Is that mean spirited? Is telling the truth while trying to help folks so they don't make the same terrible mistakes being "mean spirited".   Sometimes the truth sucks and it seems cruel.

Take care of your LOVING family people. Paul talked about not being married so he could "completely focus" on the Gospel because listen to this; Paul knew if he was married and he had kids that he couldn't totally focus on the Gospel because he knew it was his Christian responsibility and his GOD GIVEN DUTY to place a considerable amount of focus on his family.

So Paul stayed single by choice but when you don't stay single by choice and you elect to have a family and Kids for crying out loud, you can't simply neglect them for the sake of the Gospel and certainly not for the sake of the stinking, greedy, control freak NTCC our you shouldn't have had a family in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Paul understood that, but NTCC people don't because they've been brainwashed by RWD and Kekel the conniving crooks.  

   And that is the problem with the NTCC and I hate it. The conniving NTCC leadership wants all your time and MONEY and they don't care if your family is neglected as long as you give them your time and MONEY for their greedy desires. You say, "how can you say that about RWD and Kekel".  Because if RWD and Kekel were real caring leaders, they would NOT allow a married man to pastor in the NTCC period, unless he showed proof that he has a life insurance policy for his family in the event that he dies.  You are REQUIRED to have life insurance if you are in the military, no ifs, ands, or buts because unlike the NTCC leadership, the  military doesn't just say that they care, they show that they care certainly in that regard.  The NTCC leadership doesn't show any genuine concern for all that but they do show a genuine concern for a bunch of mansions, RVs, fat cars, expensive and excessive schools for the Kekels are all at your expense????

Is that really what Christianity is all about?????? Is that what tithing was all about as it was mandated in the """OLD TESTAMENT""". HELL NO!!!!! It was never intended for those purposes even then and there is no mention of tithing being a mandate in the New Testament NOW. Don't you think that Paul, Peter, James or John would have made some mention of it being a mandate if it were a heaven or hell issue? Some NTCCer answer will ya?????

 You take care of your BIOLOGICAL family first because that is by far a greater responsibility (with no comparison) than lining the pockets of people like RWD, and Kekel. And all that was done so that someone like Grant can attend a Catholic College because make no mistake, Grant almost certainly wouldn't be there had he not attended Charles Wright Academy at the cost of approximately $20,000 per year (tithe payers cost) for four stinking years while he played football and basketball. He may have attended a local community college but he wouldn't be at a catholic college in St. Louis.  The Kekels and RWD pulled a fast one on you and it should be plain as the nose on your face.  The proof is the young man being at a CATHOLIC COLLEGE of all places.  He could have gone to any college.   He didn't have to go to the college of the "GREAT WHORE" as RWD taught for years.  They called the Catholic Church the "GREAT WHORE" or have you forgot?????  Have you forgot???? Would you send your kid off to be taught by the dog gone "GREAT WHORE" if that is what you believed????  I haven't lost my memory and I ain't no dummy and my memory is still quite active.

 You married NTCC people have it all wrong. Family first and stinking NTCC second because your biological family is your responsibility. If it were me the NTCC wouldn't even be second. They wouldn't be anywhere in my life because the crooked organization wouldn't even exist if I had my way. Now get some of that and I'm being real and that ain't being mean spirited.

He may have been a "good dude" but Robert Briggs was a "misguided good dude" when he put the stinking NTCC before his family for years. As a result he got caught in a trap that wouldn't let go because when he found out that his life was short, no insurance company would give him life insurance because he was already too sick and that is the truth because he told me and I felt bad for him and I don't want to see anyone else wind up in the same or similar situation.

Forget the stinking NTCC and make sure you take care of your family because that is what Paul would have done which is precisely why he chose not to have a family. So either be a monk or take care of your family and either way, you can still have faith in Christ. I'M OUT.



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Anonymous said...

Really? I thought that everything you did was for the Lord and isn't payment enough that you are able to go to the store and buy anything you want?
Isn't payment enough when you can send your son to the best of schools?
Isn't payment enough that you have a beautiful house and nice cars?
Isn't payment enough that you are able to go on vacations to hawaii?
While there are widows that are looking for jobs because they'll have to fend for themselves because their preacher husband left them without any life insurance because they put the work of the Lord first and their family second!

Anonymous said...

This makes me angry! tanya kekel the spoiled brat living large while mocking people who gave her that life and complaining about arranging a party!

Chief said...

Join the club. That's why I've been moderating this blog for the last 3 years. For years I've been angry with the NTCC and to all those hypocritical fault finding selectively leaving out scriptures in the Bible NTCCers,

Eph 4:26 Be ye angry, and sin not

So the last time I checked the Bible, I can be angry all I want and still not sin. Just figured I'd throw that out there for all those folks who've been programed to say, "You need to get over being bitter". They call it bitter, I call it angry. Either way, I could care less what they think. I can be bitter, angry or whatever else you want to call it all I want!!!

A follower of old Double standard Davis or Conniving Kekel or Uptown Tanya doesn't have any better chance of making it to heaven than anyone else.

DS or GS said...

Hello all,

Senior Pastor Kekel wrote on his CEO Blog..."He began to obsess about what would happen to his wife if he died, would the church support her. No NTCC answer was given to such a foolish and unlearned question."

I am now even more glad NTCC stopped renewing my Ordained Ministers License in 2009, since this allowed me to follow my obsession, and take care for the future of my family...and yes my families future is now secure (and has been for many years now).

If you haven't left NTCC yet, do so now...You'll be glad you did (we are).


Chief said...

Greg quoted Kekel as writing verbatim...

"He began to obsess about what would happen to his wife if he died, would the church support her. No NTCC answer was given to such a foolish and unlearned question."

Chief said...

For those of you who don't understand what Kekel was saying, let me spell it out.

Greg Shunk clearly understood the precarious financial situation his wife would be in if something were to happen to him. So Greg began to ask the NTCC leadership about what would happen to his wife if he were to die; plain and simple. Well the NTCC wouldn't give him and answer. Greg simply wanted assurance that his wife would be taken care of if he died because the NTCCs system was hindering his ability to properly provide and prepare in the event of him having an untimely death. He was just being real and so am I and Robert Briggs found that out the hard way.

The response that Greg Shunk got from Mike Kekel is quoted above verbatim and I will quote again:

"He (referring to Greg Shunk) began to obsess about what would happen to his wife if he died, would the church support her. No NTCC answer was given to such a foolish and unlearned question."

Chief said...

So Mike you ASSHOLE; that is a foolish and unlearned question? Foolish and unlearned to inquire about what will happen to my wife in the event that I die? Foolish and unlearned for Greg to do the same? You run those NTCC ministers into the ground and bleed them of as much money as your sorry organization can suck out of them and they are supposed to have life insurance, health insurance, dental insurance, optical and the list goes on? If they stop giving even so much as one single dime to your sorry organization, then taking care of those financial obligations isn't a problem and Greg wouldn't have to ask such, (as you put it) foolish and unlearned questions you prick.

Well now Greg and I haven't been giving anything to your sorry organization and we don't have a problem making sure our wives are taken care of if we happen to die. It would have done Robert Briggs good to have asked you the same question years ago as well and it would do every person in your sorry organization good to stop giving your money sucking organization another penny and make sure their family is TOTALLY taken care of with all the niceties in life that they can possibly afford because you've sure made sure your family is spoiled rotten at everyone elses expense.

So readers; who was wrong, Greg or Mike? I would like to hear some folks take on this exact situation. Should Greg have been concerned about his Wife with a capital "W" if he happened to die, or should he have continued to line the pockets of the NTCC leadership like every other pastor does in the NTCC?

1 Tim 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

Consider that scripture before you answer. It doesn't say that if any provide not for his millionaire NTCC CEO or founder he is worse than an infidel. In fact it doesn't say anywhere in the New Testament that you are worse than an infidel if you don't pay tithe or give in the offering. Show me anywhere in the New Testament where it even suggests or implies such a thing? It talks about taking care of the poor, fatherless or widow or folks who are without but nowhere does it say that you should send your money off to a rich millionaire.

Anonymous said...

Let's face it, one set of standards for Davis, Kekel and his ilk, and another for the ministers and the members. Wish I had know about the double standard years ago, it would have saved me some VERY difficult years personally, so that I could "measure up" to the standards of a NTCC Christian woman. What a joke...

Anonymous said...

Actually, just like all the other taped messages such as "all Christians pay tithe and give in offering", "you can't beat God giving", "Lift up your hands unto the Lord our God", they should also be saying, "No, we won't support your family if you should die suddenly, don't you know that by now, GAWD told me, "take care of your own family, why should the NTCC take care of you" This too, should be standard service rhetoric, just saying.....

Anonymous said...

GS quote from MCK's blog:
"He began to obsess about what would happen to his wife if he died, would the church support her."
rock and a hard place! stay in and risk not being able to take care of your widow.leave and risk losing your spouse and children. risk someone else raising your children and marrying your spouse.
jeff, greg, mdr, what if your spouse dug in your heels and said "don't let the door hit you on your way out". my spouse gave me hell on earth. i do not propose not taking care of your family. however this is not like unjoining the boy scouts.

Don and Ange said...

You know you are in a cult when...

Very sad testimony.

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