
Happy Memorial Day

Our Servicemen and Women have sacrificed greatly so that we can have the liberties we all now enjoy.   We have freedom in the United States.   I enjoy the freedom to live in my own house, take care my family the way I see fit, and look out for the best interests of my children.   My daughter will start college this year and become a full time college student just like Grant Kekel. Contrary to what the New Testament Christian Church teaches, women also have freedom in the United States.  They can vote and contrary to what RWD believes, they can share in intelligent discussions concerning elections.  Contrary to what the NTCC believes, Woman (with a capital W) are worth a whole lot more than to just cook, clean the house, raise the children, (if they are not brainwashed into not having them) and having sex.  The biblical evidence is Proverbs 31, the book and chapter that RWD absolutely can't stand unless of course it is being read by a brainwashed drone. Then RWD can make it mean anything he wants and they will believe him.  The (married Woman) in Proverbs 31 possessed the freedom to have a job and it was counted to her as righteousness and she was considered virtuous.  In the NTCC that is a novel concept. 

People have sacrificed and died so that all people in the United States can have freedom (to include women) and the NTCC leadership has done everything possible to steal those freedoms from their members. Examples:  Don't go here or else!  Don't go there or else!  Your children can't do this (even though Grant was allowed to) or else!  The only way you can serve God is our way!  It's our way or the highway!   Move "when" we tell you to move!  Stay when we tell you to stay!  Move "where" we tell you to move and if you don't like it there is the door!   Buy a house when we tell you to buy a house and sell your house when we tell you, so that you can move "when" and "where" we tell you to move.  Go to visit your family when we say it's ok, (which won't be very ofter)!  Date who we say you can date!  Visit who we give you permission to visit!  Have only the number of children at your kids birthday party that we allow!  Work the jobs that we say you can work and only work the hours that we say you can work!   If that causes you financial problems then you have the "freedom" to either walk out the door or stay with RWD's corporation, go broke, and in dept with credit problems.   

Listen people.  Take your freedom back by exercising the one freedom that the NTCC freely offers.  "If you don't like it here, there is the door."  Honor our Service Members by taking back the freedom that they sacrificed so greatly for you to have.  Take the freedom back that Jesus sacrificed so greatly for you to have.  Know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Happy Memorial Day.



«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 291 of 291
Anonymous said...

Rev. Hanson from Columbus OH has left as well

Don and Ange said...

Bro. Bellemy, we are glad that you made it out with your relationship with God and your family in tact. You probably don't realize it yet but you survived a cult experience like none other. You don't have to ask for God to forgive you or anyone else for saying anything that might have offended them. Your willingness to do so indicates that you are a humble man and you probably have very little to feel bad about. Now that you are out, enjoy your freedom and salvation. Don't let ntcc guilt rule your life.

I'm a nobody, but I've learned that there is a huge difference between ntcc guilt and God's conviction. I believe as you, do that there are people in the ntcc that love God, but when you allow for time and distance to clear your mind, you begin to see how wrong this whole thing is. People that love God in the ntcc are just like lawyers. Many people make a decision to practice law with the right intentions. They want to help folks and to make a difference. They later find out that to win a case you have to have to cross a line that you never intended to cross and you begin to misrepresent facts to win a case. The more you cross that line the more you forget where that line is and before you know it the line is gone and you find yourself living a lie.

This is exactly what happens in the ntcc. While you are in they use tactics to make you focus on things like eternity. You become so worried about the control mechanisms that are in place that you are engrossed with your own salvation and making it to heaven. They make you focus deep down inside on the extremes. "I am a part of something special" "no other church is like this one" "If I leave, I will surely go to hell" "If I disobey, I will spend eternity in the lake of fire". We find ourselves thinking that God is just waiting for us to mess up so He can judge us. It's not like that. God wants us to succeed and we don't have to walk on eggshells. It's not supposed to be that difficult or dreadful.

They plant these thoughts inside you and they make you critical of all others that claim Christianity. When you finally realize that you are not in a place where God wants you to be and you depart, the natural thing is to believe the lies that the ntcc has instilled in you. When you put distance between you and them, and you use the same scrutiny that they used on others to look at the facts of what is actually going on in the ntcc, you begin to realize that you really don't have to feel bad about anything you did. We were the ones that were used. We were manipulated by masters of deceit. I know that sounds harsh but its real. Jesus said, "Upon this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it". Jesus never acted like these leaders. He was with his disciples all the time and was not after money or hiding things from them. When you look at the church Jesus built, and the early church that was a model, and then you look at the ntcc, you find something that doesn't even closely resemble anything godly, or Christlike.

Don and Ange

Don and Ange said...

Oh, Sorry, that would be Bro. Bellamy ;o)

rb said...

Jeff and any who care, I understand shy you think i brought the other church up as a diversion but before God I was simply making small talk. I should have left the chump change statement off but I doubt that anything I can say in such a way will be received as it is intended because I am seen with skeptical eyes which I don't fault any for so forgive this trangression. I will stop trying to make small talk so that it keeps confusion down.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Barnes must be leaving the NTCC. I tried to call his numbers and both were out of service. Another one bites the dust. Does anyone know the particulars about Pastor Barnes leaving the NTCC? Reed is gone, Barnes is gone. Everyone who is anyone is leaving the NTCC.

Chief said...

Bro Bellamy wrote...

Jeff, I was not the pastor of the Baltimore church. I was the pastor of the church in Cleveland, Ohio. I have requested and been replaced as the pastor here in Cleveland. My wife and I have left NTCC and are looking for a new church. It was a hard decision, but I believe it was the right one. But as you know, I don't considered all of my time with NTCC as bad or wasted. I learned a lot, and there are some pastors that love God and have a love for people and like in other church organizations, there are those that do not.

I do not plan to post on this blog, but I will respond to any false accusations by NTCC or questions; if there are any. I doubt that will happen, I don't consider myself important to anyone except the Lord, myself, my wife, and my foster children.

The main reason, but not the only reason that I left was because of all the pressure to prove our salvation by works instead of being saved and kept by the grace and power of God.

They say too often that if you are saved...

You will attend all the services
You will go soul winning
You will pay tithe
You will give in the offering
You will build a church
You will conform to an outward standard of dress
You will put the church first
You will attend conference
You will obey those that have the rule over you
You will go to NTCC

Grace, love, mercy, and personal growth has been replaced by a bunch of do's and don'ts.

God is bigger than any one church organization.

In the short time that we have departed, we have seen how much we had depended on NTCC instead of God to tell us what was right and wrong. We see that many of the policies and rules were just man-made rather than God inspired.

I have forgiven them for any wrong that has taken place. And if I have wronged anyone I ask for your forgiveness. I know some may disagree with that statement, but I must be right with God. I know I have made mistakes as a Christian and Pastor.

As I said, I do not plan to post to this blog, but I am definitely NOT finding fault with you who do. I understand your reasons, but they are not my own. We all have to do what we believe God wants us to do. And in the end he will be the judge.

Bro. Bellamy

Jeff said...

I wanted to post this again. This kind of stuff needs more exposure. Thanks for your response Bro Bellamy. I'm confident you made the right move and I'm also confident that you'll see your life improving by leaps and bounds.

I wish you the best and sincerely,


Don and Ange said...

Not sure, we've heard rumors but nothing "official". But the ntcc is never up front about this stuff. I guarantee that there are many people in the ntcc that don't know either. All they see is dwindling numbers at conferences. Most likely, anon, if those numbers are disconnected, that's a pretty good sign that he is gone. I wonder how many years he had invested in the ntcc? I know it was at least 25, probably closer to 30. Sad the way people are treated in the ntcc.

Don and Ange

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said Pastor Barnes must be leaving the NTCC. I tried to call his numbers and both were out of service.

I heard he had left too, but had no way to confirm this. Also have heard Pastor Reeves in Portland, OR left.

Bless you, Rev. Bellamy, and your family. God is still God, maybe even more so now, as men's constraints are lifted and His grace shines even brighter.


Anonymous said...

the savannah, GA church ? anyone know?

Jeff said...

Anonymous said...

I tried to call his numbers and both were out of service.

Jeff said...

I tried those numbers also. They are no longer active phone numbers. That would probably be a good indication of his departure. NTCC pastors don't just cut off their telephones for no reason and I'm sure money wouldn't be an issue with Barnes.


Jeff said...

Bro Bellamy said...

We see that many of the policies and rules were just man-made rather than God inspired.

Jeff said...

I figured that out also. It's not like the Kekels ever followed the rules anyway. God, I mean RWD gave them a get out of jail free pass. The NTCC should change their name to New Testament Christian Mob. It's a family thing and if you ain't related to Kekel, Kinson, Ashmore, Defrancesco, Johnson, Olson or RWD you ain't in. L.D. Jones is just a hired hand. He wouldn't even be in his position if it weren't for the split. He got put their by default and the fact that RWD wanted a good yes man / token.

Jones should have been there from the start but Denis was RWD's token / strong arm at that time. It's not that Jones was any less qualified. He just wasn't RWD's man until he showed his unwavering loyalty "after" the split. Previously they had stepped all over Jones and I know this for a fact.


Anonymous said...

Come on people, isn't is clear by now with so many leaving that something is wrong with this group? It doesn't take rocket science to figure out all these ministers and their families aren't "leaving God".

Chief said...

Ain't that the truth. It shouldn't be rocket science?


Anonymous said...

Edward B. said,

They say too often that if you are saved...

You will attend all the services
You will go soul winning
You will pay tithe
You will give in the offering
You will build a church
You will conform to an outward standard of dress
You will put the church first
You will attend conference
You will obey those that have the rule over you
You will go to NTCC

the greatest gift given to man reduced to this.

Anonymous said...

Looking for Rev. Dobosi...
hmm...another gone?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Looking for Rev. Dobosi...
hmm...another gone?

What city're they working in?

Debbie R. said...

Edward said, "Grace, love, mercy, and personal growth has been replaced by a bunch of do's and don'ts."

May the Lord bless you and your family, sir. You said it perfectly.

I believe God is giving many this same revelation of grace. When that happens, it's as though the light of God shines even brighter. You can see men's laws and commandments for what they truly are, wood, hay and stubble. When the idols of "works" are destroyed, the Cross truly stands alone, lifted up for all the world to see.

We made our decision to leave NTCC six months ago, and haven't regretted it for one second.

Vic Johanson said...

"We made our decision to leave NTCC six months ago, and haven't regretted it for one second."

So far I haven't met or heard of anyone who has.

Not one.

Chief said...

Great messages.

Thank you.


Jeff said...

Who is Rev. Dobosi? Was he a pastor? Do we know anything about Rev. Debosi? Freedom is good. Know the truth and the truth shall set you free.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Come on people, isn't is clear by now with so many leaving that something is wrong with this group? It doesn't take rocket science to figure out all these ministers and their families aren't "leaving God".

Kris said...
I have a theory... forgive me if anyone has already stated this, but I think that for Davis and Kekel anyone within their ranks can overnight become a sinner for doing the things they were doing all along while serving as a minister. As long as they "stay in the boat" they won't be called out for doing these things that are questionable or against "policy." Once they leave, if they don't leave quietly, then they can be considered "compromisers," etc.

I could just see what would happen if Kekel ever left. All of a sudden the compromising he did while in would be construed as signs that he was falling out. But as long as he doesn't leave, it's ok for him to continue.

The reason I say this is because there was someone that posts on here saying that the people that departed NTCC are of questionable character. Look at Kekel himself! Like I said, if he left, I am sure all of a sudden tons of NTCCers would be saying, "Ya, I could tell he was compromising when I went over his house and he stepped in the garage with a t-shirt with no shirt and a collar, or that they remember when he first started wearing a black leather jacket and jeans, or they would say, ya I remember when he even had a basketball court put in his backyard, and he wouldn't build his house on the campus.

Dawn said...

I was on the Org's website recently and noticed the church in Dallas Texas doesn't exist anymore. I wonder when that closed down.

Just out of curiousity several years ago I went to the church in Irving Texas, I went twice.
I believe there was a total of 7, maybe 8 people there both times.
That may have changed now, but one has to wonder how a church can survive like that.

Anonymous said...

that was supposed to be "a t-shirt with no shirt WITH a collar. I never saw him shirtless, but I did see him step into his garage with just a v-neck t-shirt on. I was surprised at that. After sitting in Olson's class where he said he probably wouldn't open the door to get a newspaper without putting A BELT ON I thought that was a little too relaxed for the standard we were being taught to follow!

Anonymous said...

one has to wonder how a church can survive like that.

Just ask MDR. It comes out of the under-pastor's pocket while he is working a job.

Most likely NONE of the support comes from the SENIOR pastor of ALL NTCC churches (RW Davis). He has faith to build mansions for himself, but not enough faith to fund his churches.

Anonymous said...

Remember that, NTCC pastors. You are not the senior pastors of the churches you "pastor." Kekel has stated it in Graham. Davis is the senior pastor of all NTCC churches.

Either what I am saying is true or Kekel is misinforming us.

When I was sitting in service in Hawaii, Davis or Kekel made a comment that they might come back if we invited them to come back. Of course this is all surface mumbo-jumbo. It is either false humility or he is trying to make the new converts think this is a normal church and the local pastor really has the authority vested in a pastor in the true Christian church- namely that he has the final word over what goes on in HIS congregation.

This is smoke and mirrors. The local pastor seemed to naively think Davis was serious. He took the pulpit and said the invitation is open, Sir. The two of them- Kekel and Davis- didn't flinch. There was an uncomfortable stillness in the two of them. I didn't even see a nod of either head acknowledging what he had said. There was no expression of thankfulness that he would so warmly invite them back. Why? Because it is Davis' church. He doesn't REALLY need approval to do anything in ANYONE'S church, coz it's not your church, NTCC pastors! It's all his!!

Anonymous said...

Rev. Dobosi is/ was the pastor of the church in Ft. Drumm, NY. It is a serviceman's outreach. Not sure if they have a serviceman's home, but I know they had a nice church with a fellowship hall. I have been there a few times. I am from upstate NY.

Jeff said...

I'm from upstate NY as well. I grew up around the Albany area. Where are you from Bro?

Thanks for the response. It doesn't appear that he is at Ft. Drum any longer. I don't know anything about him.


Anonymous said...

Rev Dobosi is back in Graham last I heard.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Rev Dobosi is back in Graham last I heard.

When was that?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Rev Dobosi is back in Graham last I heard.

Who said he was in Graham?

Anonymous said...

No kidding? Wow! I lived in Minoa which is part of the school system of East Syracuse (hence the school name East Syracuse-Minoa). So you are a over near the NY/ Massachusetts border. I was a little more central. I only lived there from 10th grade up until I graduated and went to LeMoyne College for one year and then left for the Marine Corps. I actually lived in Virginia and Massachusetts growing up as a kid. NY is too cold for me!

Anonymous said...

Who is Rev. Hanson? I remember the name, but does anyone know what he looked like? Was he in for a long time? Is he one of the veterans?

Anonymous said...

The church locator says J. D. Carter is pastoring in Felts Mills near Watertown, Ny. Isn't that Ft. Drum?

Anonymous said...

Yes... Felts Mills is where Dobosi was pastoring. Same church.

Anonymous said...

J.D. Carter is probably the black brother Carter (known by one brother as "Kekel's son") or the other white brother Carter. Both were in school around the same time as me. I can't remember which one was JEFF Carter (the white one or the black one). I am pretty sure neither of them has any pastoral experience. I am pretty sure that Jeff was the black brother who was a lay pastor in Graham and was Kekel's right-hand man leading weed-pulling crews, etc. at the Kekel estate.

Anonymous said...

The other Carter is an extremely soft-spoken brother. I think the white Carter's first name was Don, so I think it is probably Kekel's servant.

Vic Johanson said...

"I was on the Org's website recently and noticed the church in Dallas Texas doesn't exist anymore. I wonder when that closed down."

I hope that means that John Sutter has escaped. We were in the Army together, and lived in the same dorm with Mike Kekel and Phil Kinson. Sutter is a really great guy and I'll certainly rejoice if he's busted out.

Anonymous said...

Rev Hanson was a helper in Columbus OH

Anonymous said...

NTCC lists Dallas as Mesquite it shows the Sutters as being there.

Anonymous said...

Dobosi was not in Graham conference in April.

Rev. Dorsey also seems to be MIA. Anybody know what happened to him?

Anonymous said...

Jeff said...

I tried those numbers also. They are no longer active phone numbers. That would probably be a good indication of his departure. NTCC pastors don't just cut off their telephones for no reason and I'm sure money wouldn't be an issue with Barnes.

I don't think he left. That girl blasted him on this blog and on insiderpages and posted his phone number and address. I tried calling the number she posted and it didn't work. I figure as soon as that comment went on Insider Pages he probably got a few calls from some exers and dc'd it and got a new one.

Anonymous said...

This is an excerpt from her comment on the Graham NTCC Insiders Page:

As we were leaving I left them with this comment. This is not a church, this is a cult and Im going to put you on blast!
New Testament Christian Church located at the corner of TV Road and 5005 Barrier Place
Jackson, MS 39204 (601) 372-6137 Pastor L. C. Barnes

So, it's no wonder when you call his number it doesn't work. As I recall there is also a page on Insiders Page specifically for his church and her comment is there as well along with his phone number.

Anonymous said...

You make a good point Kris!!

Dawn said...

Thanks for the correction anon. I guess I was so used to seeing 'Dallas' there all the time, I didn't think anything of Mesquite.
My mistake.

Jeff said...

I lived outside Albany virtually my whole childhood life other than a period of time when I was an infant. At that time I lived in Manhattan. I used to Ski in Massachusetts weekly and I also skied in Vermont. Of course I also skied in upstate NY. It's a beautiful area. As beautiful as any I've seen in the entire U.S. I've lived all over the U.S. so that statement comes from experience. Autumn is absolutely gorgeous in upstate NY.

Well that is cool Bro. I went to see my Mom last summer. She still lives in upstate NY not too far from Canada.


Jeff said...

You may very well be right Kris. It is a little odd that both numbers are disconnected. Who knows. The NTCC is real sneaky about this kind of stuff. Barnes may not have wanted his numbers posted anywhere. There ain't no telling.

Sooner or later the truth will come out. With the NTCC, that often takes years and decades. They are a very secretive and sneaky group. You never know what those folks are up to because they have so much to hide. There is always an angle with everything they do. Ulterior motives often exist.


Jeff said...

Jeff wrote...

I tried those numbers also. They are no longer active phone numbers. That would probably be a good indication of his departure. NTCC pastors don't just cut off their telephones for no reason and I'm sure money wouldn't be an issue with Barnes.

Jeff responded to his own message...

Who knows? My guess could have been dead wrong on this one. Kris is right. That scandal with him verbally jumping all over that lady could very well have resulted in him changing all his numbers. You never know with the NTCC. We'll see. Time tells everything.


Don and Ange said...

I'm glad people are wising up and leaving. My theory is that rwd is getting senile in his old age. He goes around to different works and sticks his finger in faithful ministers faces and jacks them up. When he does that to someone that has been faithfully giving their lives to him and the organization, they get to thinking deeply about what they have been involved with. Everyone has their limitations. Even though he's "retired", he still can not be controlled by the board or anyone.

He probably has a form of paranoia that many people get when they are old. They feel that nobody respects them any more and they have to over emphasize their own importance. I think what rwd did to the Reeds is not an isolated incident. He probably does that just about anywhere he visits. Who's gonna stop him?

Don and Ange

Don and Ange said...

Don and Ange said:

"My theory is that rwd is getting senile in his old age. He goes around to different works and sticks his finger in faithful ministers faces and jacks them up."

Ange made this statement to me:

"What do you mean? That's how r-dub has always behaved"

Don said:

Yep, but I think he's getting worse.

I Can't remember the last time I sinned said...

I did a google images search on "I can't remember the last time I sinned" and this is what came up. Click the above link.

Anonymous said...

WOW. He really has hit the big time now.

Don and Ange said...

Jeff said,

"I used to Ski in Massachusetts weekly and I also skied in Vermont."

Don said,

Did you ever make it to Stowe? I used to live there. People would come from all over New England to ski there. Never done much skiing myself which is really weird being raised in the mountains of Colorado and living in Stowe. It's a beautiful area, especially in the fall.

I used to work in upstate NY and also in parts of MA and NH. Drove truck out there, quite treacherous in the winter. Moved away because it was just too cold. The day I moved it was minus 15 degrees with 30 MPH winds. Quite frigid.

Anonymous said...

I lived at Ft. Drum and Palermo/Mexico NY. The Ntcc church up there was nice and the Dobosis were welcoming, but I did not get to interact with them very much. One of my kids were born in Syracuse.

It is quite a culture shock if you are from the south. I enjoyed the apples and the green spring there. The winter hardly tolerable though and the area is economically depressed. People are friendly though, but I was glads to head back south!


Anonymous said...

TB might want to tell his brother that Rev Hanson left Columbus, Ohio.

Vic Johanson said...

"Rev. Dorsey also seems to be MIA. Anybody know what happened to him?"

Last I heard he was in Akron, Ohio.

Edward said...

The Dorsey's left NTCC over 2 years ago.

Bro. Bellamy

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You make a good point Kris!!

Kris said...
(In my best Elvis voice) Thank you... Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

I remember one year we went skiing somewhere in upstate NY. It was my first time so I was taking it slow going down those slopes. There was another guy we called Nevin. He said it was his first time, too. I worked my way up a more advanced slope, but was very cautious. I did that jump and turn to the side thing like your using your brakes the whole way down I think, then I biffed. While I was laying there, here comes Nevin just flyin' past me like a pro- just full on going straight down this mountain really fast! Later on, I asked him, Nevin, I thought this was your first time. He said it was. But I said, you were going down that mountain side like a pro. He answered, I didn't know how to stop. I thought that was so funny.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, NS. I remember walking along the campus at LeMoyne College and it was so cold it HURT! I don't like the cold and much more prefer tropical climates to antarctic type climates. I don't have fur so I figure I was not made for those places.

Anonymous said...

Greg Shunk,
Just a few days ago I said that you and Deborah were busy. I should say I appreciate your work that you do on your blog. I have found it to be a useful blog for me. I have used it from time to time to check in to see if there are any new posts, but I usually peruse the links on the side whenever I go there. I use it when I want to see Ashemore's blog because it doesn't seem to be findable on search queries.

Thank you for your hard work on your blog. What I really meant was I guess the momentum didn't really build as much on that blog because there was a time when I think many of us were waiting for more from Deborah's recollections, and I think there was a long gap at times, but this was understandable seeing that you were both trying to get situated in your new lives. It's not easy to re-hash old memories that you just want to forget and move on from, and maybe it's not best for all people to do that, but I think it would help a lot of us to know more about the Old New Testament Christian Church. The story of how they recruited the girls was pretty bad, telling them they could come back to their home towns after they graduated, and then once they got there telling them they could never go back.

Vic Johanson said...

"I don't like the cold and much more prefer tropical climates to antarctic type climates. I don't have fur so I figure I was not made for those places."

Well, I'm of Scandinavian extraction, and was miserable growing up in Florida. Alaska suits me just fine. You can always put more clothes on if you're cold, but you can only take so much off in the heat (and even if you took them all off, you still might be sweating).

Plus, the cold keeps the sloths away.

Anonymous said...

Jeff, any word on the new thread?

Jeff said...

Don and Ange asked...

Did you ever make it to Stowe

Jeff said...

I most certainly did. One time. Of course it was great skiing. I liked Mount Snow in VT and Gore Mountain in NY the best.


Jeff said...

Anonymous said...

Jeff, any word on the new thread?

Jeff said...

I will start a new thread probably tonight. The last time I checked I hadn't got a message back from my associate yet.


Jeff said...

Edward said...

The Dorsey's left NTCC over 2 years ago.

Jeff said...

I would appear that people who have been around for a while are getting wise to the ways of the Davis clan. One by one they are leaving. It's good news. The NTCC has wrecked too many lives. Fortunately sometimes you can repair a wreck. The problem is, it's never the same as before the accident. Many who've gotten involved with the NTCC learn that they were part of a huge accident.

It's kin to a "hit and run". You don't figure it out till you finally walk out and take a look at your car, only to realize how messed up it is.


Anonymous said...

Jeff do you take your family skiing up there?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who is running the servicemens home in Hawaii?

Anonymous said...

Didn't the Dorsey's replace the Pelfrey's down in Virginia and then went up to Akron for awhile? I thought people on FactNet said that he was a real Grade-A RWD wannabe too?

Anonymous said...

"Does anyone know who is running the servicemens home in Hawaii?"

Their site says Malsingh...

Anonymous said...

"Their site says Malsingh."

Their site is often out of date. Does anyone know for sure who is running the servicemens home in Hawaii?

Vic Johanson said...

"Didn't the Dorsey's replace the Pelfrey's down in Virginia and then went up to Akron for awhile? I thought people on FactNet said that he was a real Grade-A RWD wannabe too?"

I was in the Army with Steaven Dorsie, we went to BS together in St. Louis, worked for the same employer, and he and Lyly were our "helpers" here in Fairbanks back in the '80s. I liked him (well, some aspects of him, anyway), but he definitely suffered from complete cluelessness in dealing with people, and accounts have surfaced indicating he was one of NTCC's worst abusers once he became a pastor himself.

RW treated him like absolute crap, but he still sucked up, and RW was happy to continue taking his money. He was such an NTCC diehard that I'm kind of surprised he left, actually. The Pelfreys did elaborate on many of his antics, which they became aware of after replacing him in Newport News, and the accounts sounded consistent with his personality, which, like RW's, seems to conform to descriptions of narcissistic personality disorder. It appears he routinely mistreated members of his congregation, but, knowing him, I doubt if he had any inkling, and the Pelfreys testified that he and Lyly believed his members regarded them with affection. If anything, they may have been suffering from some variant of the Stockholm syndrome, where captives come to relate and become attached to their captors.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Their site is often out of date. Does anyone know for sure who is running the servicemens home in Hawaii?

Kris said...

I just attended one of their services recently (like maybe a month or so ago). I paid Rev. Malsingh a surprise visit to the Wahiawa, HI Church. He was preaching a version of Rev. Ashemore's doctrine from his blog minus the charismatic part. Malsingh has been there for maybe 6 or 7 years now. He is due for a rotation, but he keeps getting to extend. Unless he has left in the last month or so, I am pretty sure he is still there.

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is if they have started the serviceman's work that Davis kept purporting to be starting at Kaneohe Bay, HI. He mentioned it once to me, but I showed no interest in partaking in another serviceman's exploitation effort. My face was already set to leave NTCC. But I think he mentioned it once again after I left. I think they would like to keep it top secret if they do it, because I am still in Hawaii.

Does anyone know if anyone is coming or has come to "reach" the Marines at Kaneohe Marine Corps Base, Hawaii?

Anonymous said...

Or I should say, I seriously wanted to leave at that point. I didn't make my decision 'til later.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kris for answering the question about HI.

Chief said...

Anonymous asked...

Their site is often out of date. Does anyone know for sure who is running the servicemens home in Hawaii?

Jeff said...

Why do you ask?

Anonymous said...

I think that after the Dorsie's leaving VA and then trying to start a work in Akron, Ohio and were renting a church building. Maybe because of his pride he couldn't face RWD/Kekel and those that he previously castigated because they were not leader quality and caliber like he had been. No doubt he realized it didn't matter what he did to try to win their acceptance, he would never be looked at as their equal. Maybe he can wake up, get the NTCC foggin' out of his noggin' and move on with his life.

Vic Johanson said...

Here's an interesting Dorsie tale: when he got sent to Fairbanks, RW called me in advance and told me "Dorsie is a knothead. You need to make sure he knows that you are the pastor." Well, I already knew Dorsie was a knothead, but I had no beef with him; he was my friend. So he came up here, had a very difficult struggle to get by, and stayed about a year. After he left, I got sort of convicted that I should have done more to help him out while he was here (it was really false guilt, because I wasn't in much of a position to do anything for him, but nevertheless I felt bad). So the next time I saw him, in conference at Holly Hills, I approached him and apologized. He acted distant, and said "That's OK, pastor sent me up there to straighten you out anyway."

At first I figured he was just lashing out at me, but the more I thought about it, the more plausible it sounded that RW would do such a thing--tell us both that we were supposed to be straightening each other out and stand back and laugh at the outcome. He's sick enough to do it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone with some insight can talk more about the NTCC pastors and their "workers" in civilian and Servicemen's Home churches. They would be the equivalent of an associate pastor in other churches. Most NTCC pastors seem to look down on these people, some with families, that have come to try to help them and their churches. They keep their distance and you would hear all too often that someone was "just a worker" as they assign them to do whatever menial task or demeaning chore or activity in the church. I also wonder how many have seen how pastor's wives would treat the worker's wives.

Jeff said...

Vic wrote....

Dorsie said, That's OK, pastor sent me up there to straighten you out anyway.

Jeff said...

I'd bet my last dollar that RWD did tell Dorsie to do that. RWD is a manipulator. He is down right dirty. And Dorsie was lashing out. He was being nasty. You know the more I think about it, the less respect I have for these NTCC guys. Dorsie was a jerk. RWD is a jerk. Kekel is a jerk. So many of these NTCC guys are inconsiderate, unfriendly, nasty, bad attitude jerks. They don't even remotely act like loving Christians. So many of these guys are no good and what Dorsie said to Vic was a perfect example.

Here's the problem. We felt like it was our Christian obligation to get along with these guys and often times associate with them when we really didn't want to. Well it's not. We are not obligated to communicate with a jerk. Jesus didn't!!! He let the Pharisees have it and then he left them. Walked away and didn't deal with them.

I won't deal with a jerk, judgmental NTCCer. I don't have to get along with them. I don't have to deal with them no more than Jesus had to deal with the Pharisees. I've got one thing to give to a judgmental, jerk NTCCer. The same thing that Jesus had for the Pharisees. A piece of my mind and a goodbye.


Anonymous said...

Vic said, "At first I figured he was just lashing out at me, but the more I thought about it, the more plausible it sounded that RW would do such a thing--tell us both that we were supposed to be straightening each other out and stand back and laugh at the outcome. He's sick enough to do it."

Davis is a master at this.

Anonymous said...

Jeff said, "RWD is a jerk. Kekel is a jerk. So many of these NTCC guys are inconsiderate, unfriendly, nasty, bad attitude jerks. They don't even remotely act like loving Christians."

You expect that treatment at times from bosses in the secular world and many bosses act more like Christians than these so called Christian leaders act toward the flock of God.

Anonymous said...

Reverand Bellamy wrote,

"My wife and I have left NTCC and are looking for a new church. It was a hard decision, but I believe it was the right one"

Sir, I pray you will find peace and freedom which comes when one leaves the org.

It is never easy, I pray God will send you to folks who need a preacher. How beautiful are the feet of those that preach the gospel. How can they hear without a preacher?

If you recall in the Bible Nathan the Prophet was used by God, yet there is no Book of Nathan in the Bible.

Stay encouraged in the Lord Brother! God will make a way.

I have the upmost respect for you and your wife.

Bro Johnson

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy I found this website! I thought I was alone here in America. I came from Brazil last year to get married a man that is a member of the NTCC. I came from a total different church. I didn't know all the absurd things this church preaches before I came. I tried to adapt to the church but I felt myself so miserable, so private of a lot of things. When I go to NTCC I don't feel joy, I feel like I'm carring a heavy bag on my back. The preaching is so superficial, the friendship are superficial. Everybody acts like everything is perfect. The church doesn't have a vision of the world, what's going on. Everybody leaves inside a small box. I thought that was the american christian culture, but I know it's not. I watch some preaching in youtube from others churches and the difference is so huge, the word is so alive!
I feel so sad my husband is most like a robot serving this church. Those people blinded him, he can't see the true even when I tried to show him in the Bible. I was getting crazy there, so many privations, so many laws created by man. Sometimes I still go there, just to please my husband, but it's a sacrifice for me. They teach weird things just with their words, thew rarely open the Bible and show how they came up with such ideas. Me, my mom and my husband's family are praying God opens my husband eyes and he leaves this superficial church.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy I found this website! I thought I was alone here in America. I came from Brazil last year to get married a man that is a member of the NTCC. I came from a total different church. I didn't know all the absurd things this church preaches before I came. I tried to adapt to the church but I felt myself so miserable, so private of a lot of things. When I go to NTCC I don't feel joy, I feel like I'm carring a heavy bag on my back. The preaching is so superficial, the friendship are superficial. Everybody acts like everything is perfect. The church doesn't have a vision of the world, what's going on. Everybody leaves inside a small box. I thought that was the american christian culture, but I know it's not. I watch some preaching in youtube from others churches and the difference is so huge, the word is so alive!
I feel so sad my husband is most like a robot serving this church. Those people blinded him, he can't see the true even when I tried to show him in the Bible. I was getting crazy there, so many privations, so many laws created by man. Sometimes I still go there, just to please my husband, but it's a sacrifice for me. They teach weird things just with their words, thew rarely open the Bible and show how they came up with such ideas. Me, my mom and my husband's family are praying God opens my husband eyes and he leaves this superficial church.

Don and Ange said...

Anon from Brazil,

You are not alone! You are the reason these blogs exist. We're glad too you found this blog.

Anonymous said...

Anon from Brazil,

I have been praying for the last 5 years that my husbands eyes would be opened and it has finally happened. I pray it doesn't take that long for you.

Just trust God and keep your own relationship with Jesus growing. Try as much as possible to keep some kind of life outside of NTCC. I was blessed to always be around family. I know others are not so lucky. It isn't easy but, with GOd you will be able to endure.

God Bless you

Anonymous said...

Anonymous from Brazil,
Voce fala portugues? Gosto falar com voce de NTCC. Pirdao, porque aminha portugues no esta muita boa. Voce esta correcta. Elles nao prega a palabra do Deus correcta. Voce tinha muito amigos y amigas aqui. Por favor escribe mais aqui.

I'm sorry, my brazilian portuguese is not very good. It has been a while since I have had much practice in the language. But my desire is to go there one day and preach the Gospel. As I said you have many friends here. I hope you can benefit from this blog as many others have.

Anonymous said...

By the way, Anonomyous from Brazil...
You should click on the title at the top of this page in blue letters. "New Testamenet Christian Church, The Real Story" Then go to the first post and leave a comment there. That is the latest thread. The one with the picture of the scary lady.

Don and Ange said...

Wow. Anonymous said to the Anonymous from Brazil:

"I have been praying for the last 5 years that my husbands eyes would be opened and it has finally happened. I pray it doesn't take that long for you.

Just trust God and keep your own relationship with Jesus growing. Try as much as possible to keep some kind of life outside of NTCC. I was blessed to always be around family. I know others are not so lucky. It isn't easy but, with GOd you will be able to endure."

That was such good advice. Our hearts break for everyone still in the ntcc trap. This gives us so much hope. Really good advice here!!

Anonymous said...

I am anonymous for now for a reason. But to answer some of your questions and to set at liberty your thoughts. YES, it is true that Pastor Barnes has left ntcc, effective 4th April 2011. Furthermore, he's doing well and still preaching the gospel to hungry & thirsty souls. Pastor Barnes is one of the greatest friends and confidants I've ever known. Pat even mentioned that he was one of the greatest ministers of the gospel and I totally agree. I make this statement with the uttmost honesty and integrity. I must remain anon for now, but not always. Also, for the record, Rev. Ivory is gone.

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