
The Floor Is Open

This is a time to get back to business.  The floor is open.  The New Testament Christian Church is as corrupt as ever.   Go Broncos.   



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1 NCO 2 Another said...

They probably had to sell their furniture a second time to get to conference so they could be scolded for not managing their money.

Vic Johanson said...

Anyone see the new NTCC production?:


Chief said...

A new thread will be coming up soon. Maybe tonight or tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

ntcc's ultimate gift shows just how far they have gone and how worldly (by their own standards) they have become.

now they are making movies
doing worldy dances and bodily movements in a play.

I wonder if this will be free to see or they may just sell it on a DVD for more money.
If they have 1000 members X 5.00 (cuz we love you and want to be a blessing) DVD price = 5000 dollars.

They may just go for 10.00 though and get an easy 10,000. None of which the actors will see.
Maybe Grant needs some new clothes or sumthin'

this is unbelieveable . I don't attend ntcc anymore (thank God ! ) but I can't believe how far they have gone.

They are doing everything they once preached against.

Maybe we all can get together and do a play called The Ultimate Hypocrisy. no, we'll make it a documentary instead.

Maybe make a video series of NTCC stories and not just a blog.... hmmmm.....

Anonymous said...


I just noticed they hypocrisy of their channel name.
NTCC Videos

Watching Videos once was a sin in ntcc, now it is not. WHY ?

Playing video games was once a sin and a waste of time as stated by your so-called preacher Rev. R.W. Davis. While he blasted and embarrased Bro. Wolfe about it in a service, he makes no mention about it concerning his grandson Grant Kekel. Get some balls and ask him yourself about it.
WHY did he not say anything to Grant about it ? Or to master twister Kekel ?

How come it is ok for Davis, Kekel, and others to start businesses for income in the future but it is not ok for others?
WHY is this ?

Why was going to secular school a waste of time and of Gods money yet now it is ok ?

What is the definition of hypocrite ? Is it not doing one thing while preaching another ?
You say it is a sin to watch movies, yet you watch movies when in private ?
What is Kekel and Kinsons definition of hypocrisy if not the biblical definition ?

Why do you members that were around when these things were absolute sins still continue to follow these people ? Just because they say something isn't a sin, you allow yourself to do it ? Just because they say something is a sin, you refrain ?
Is this how the Bible says we are to follow Jesus by following some word of man ?

You should seek out the truth. The Bible says the Spirit will lead and guide into all truth.

Ask God if the things on this blog are true or false. If you should stay or go. If you should blindly believe what they say or teach or not.
Unless you'd rather stay blind.
There is no harm in asking God to lead you unless you are afraid to do so. He will either confirm for you to stay or show you their lies and hypocrisies and lead you into the right way.

Chief said...

Anonymous said...

They are doing everything they once preached against.

Maybe we all can get together and do a play called The Ultimate Hypocrisy. no, we'll make it a documentary instead.

Chief said...

What gets me is that these NTCC preachers considered themselves saved. Now they could be, but they aren't according to previous NTCC standards. They know good and well they taught this stuff and now they are violating the very standards they taught. Davis is the biggest hypocrite of them all. How in the world can he consider himself saved? It ain't about salvation with the NTCC, it's about being a part of a group. They are like a fraternity. The NTCC only has one group of standards that differentiates them from a whole lot of other "Christian" churches. Women in dresses with old 20s style hair. That's it.

Are they ignorant enough to believe that makes them saved where others aren't? Here is the NTCC's scripture. "By grace are ye saved because you wear a dress and that because of yourself it's not a gift from God, it's because of works which the NTCC does boast".

How can they possibly believe they are any different than any other church? These guys are some seriously mixed up mislead people. Hey if you want to go to church 5 days a week and knock on doors and wear a dress and long hair that is great but that don't make you any more saved than any other Christian. Now you are just a hypocrite on top of it.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you, looking like a Christian does not make it so. Especially for women, looking dowdy, wearing dresses from the 80's and long hair, does not MAKE you a Christian. It does make you look odd, and let me tell you, you will be treated this way as well. You don't have to look odd to be a witness for God. Where in the bible does it say women need to look like my Grandmother. I was once this way, it was very hard for me. I always felt peculiar and when you look peculiar people treat you as such. You can be modest without being dowdy. What about the husbands of these women, do they really like how their wives have transformed themselves. Don't fool yourselves ladies, they don't like it either. They just put up with it. Sometimes, it is a case of finances, but you can still find more stylish clothing, even the thrift stores that are less dowdy. Dowdy doesn't mean Godly, Does Tanya Kekel and Mrs Davis dress dowdy, no, they actually do not, although Tanya needs to buy larger clothes now, her dresses are looking too tight these days. When I gained weight, I bought larger sizes, I am not trying to be mean, just saying the truth. Think about it ladies. Think hard.

Anonymous said...

We were all taught in Bible Seminary that The New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc, and formerly The New Testament Church of God, Inc. were started by God, operated by God, and wholly belonged to God. That they were a Theocracy, and are God’s business’ on earth.

Most Corporations, companies, businesses, sports teams, etc, when there is a sexual scandal, when the team constantly looses, or the corporation looses accounts, the board members, or account executives are FIRED, and replaced. Beginning with the COB, CEO, CFO, and President, look at Penn State, and multitudes of corporations around the world.

But NOT in God’s corporation! In God’s Corporation, when someone looses money for the corporation, [tithing accounts], decreases their numbers, [by running faithful people off] or when someone commits adultery, [by visiting a prostitute] they are promoted! They are made an example of a Christ followers life! They are given a salary, an expense account, a house, and an auto mobile, maybe even a 401k! What a Great God He is!
Does God really want loosers, to remain loosers, inept, corrupt, and dysfunctional? Does He really want people to fail Him, enrich themselves, and cause the World to Mock Him!

God is not in the business of destroying people, because they do not accept everything that He commanded, or teaches. If someone questions God, or expects an explanation for something He does, or doesn’t do, God does not rebuke that person or try to humiliate him or her publicly, or throw them out of His Church. He often reveals the answer in some circumstance that is humanly impossible to arrange, therefore we know that it came from Him.

God is in the business of building His Church, and advancing His Army. He doesn't need castles, or kings, or Cadillacs, He simply looks for humble hearts, and contrite spirits, in which He may do His mighty work through those the world despises.

SG said...

As I was going online today, a news article caught my attention. How close it sounds like ntcc preachers. Longer I am away from it, more It looks cultish.
(they ask, 'Do you accept ...... as God's mouthpiece and your prophet,' and if you believe he can rule in all the affairs of your life,")(and so much secrecy.")
This was written of the Mormon cult.

Anonymous said...

is your church a cult ?


Anonymous said...

The New Testament Christian Church is a cult. The founder and the pastors do their very best to control every aspect of their members lives.

Anonymous said...

someone should do an article on hop

Don and Ange said...

HOP is discussed at length on F.A.C.T.net. Just Google HOP and NTCC and look for links on F.A.C.T.net.

Jeff discussed HOP's split from NTCC on this Blog Article link:

The Split, Ron Denis, And A Bunch Of Morally Weak NTCC Ministers

To truly understand HOP, study the old NTCC under the thumb of Rodger Davis with all the rules he called "holiness". They were just control mechanisms and HOP exploits rules and people in the same way.

It may be a while before actual HOP members wake up to the trap they are in. Some who left NTCC for HOP realized they had jumped out of the oven into the frying pan; but those whom I've met that left HOP are still reluctant to talk about their experiences. The fear mechanisms that are pounded into these groups' members are real. It takes God and time for the shackles to fall off. In the mean time, keep reading so you will understand their pre-programmed responses and defenses. Mind control is real and effective. Governments study and employ it. These church con-artists are no different. But educating yourself will help you deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Even though the last post was December MDR if you read this please write me at kindredaustin@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Can anyone here help me? After my nephew served in Iraq and was mustering out of the military, the NTCC recruited him immediately. He moved to Washington to attend their "college" to become a minister.

Two weeks ago, we received a phone call from Tany Kekel stating she was his teacher and requesting power of attorney to get his vehicle out of impound to "save him the impound fees".

Apparently he "had not attended classes since December and they let him stay in the dorm. They asked him to leave and the police found him on the side of the road in his car, with all of his belongings that night and unresponsive".

Has this happened to anyone else? I know we will have to get him "de-programmed" if we are able to get him out of the psychiatric hospital he is now in.

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