
Overcoming Post Traumatic NTCC Disorder By LaQueshia Jeffries

Thread #48 First admit that you have a problem.

Speaking from personal experience, after deciding to leave NTCC, my first instinct was to frantically look for churches that met the NTCC mold. I had maintained some ‘friendships’ with people still in the organization, and I did not want to appear unsaved in their eyes. So I knew I needed to find a new church quick. Many of the places I attended were either just as misinformed or manipulative as the NTCC. And the ones that weren't, I picked apart with my judgments and criticism.

It took me quite a while to get it in my head that I had left the organization for a reason. And the reason was that I had erred by continuing to attend even after the little angel on my shoulder screamed that I should get out of dodge. Yes, I had messed up, and I had to tell myself that it was okay to step back, take a breath, and admit a profound mistake. After that, the pressure to appease that NTCC voice in the back of my head began to relent.

Seek Help.

Although my family was happy to ‘have me back’, I still did not want to delve into all the lies, abuse, mischaracterizations, and hurt I felt about having attended the church. However, it is through sites like Fact Net and Jeff’s blog that allow one to decompress and move on. (Fasten your seatbelt, we’re about to plunge deep.)

Molestation is a terrible thing so I do not use this example lightly, but it is worthy of a comparison. For years I suppressed the memory of my own molestation and chose not to deal with it. Only God knows how that has affected my personal relationships and approach to life. After years of trying to move past NTCC and feeling guilty and nervous with every visit to my mother (since I always ran into members and former friends), it finally came to a head when I called Jeff. I had always wanted to believe that the leaders were just misguided and had no clue the damage they caused people. Even after Rev. Parr castigated me for withdrawing and attending fewer services, while pregnant, and after having lost my son’s twin, I was angry but chalked it up to his inexperience as a leader.

But I always knew in the back of my head that the Elders were intimately involved in every aspect of a given church, especially a servicemen’s work. Anyway, Jeff told me of the land transfer between the NTCC and Kekel, and I became sick to my stomach. I abruptly ended our call and cried my heart out. Some 3 years after leaving the organization, I finally realized they were completely wrong. NTCC was not the voice of God, but instead the brainchild of Davis. Talking to others and allowing yourself to grieve with quicken the much needed healing process. Suppressing your feelings will not.


Depending on how ‘zealous’ you were you may need to sign many “I’m sorry!” letters. I had to apologize to my mother for acting in a disrespectful and smug way to her. To my sisters, who sat with me after one of my miscarriages, (something no pastor ever did, since I miscarried a few days before conference), even though I told them they were sinners and barely maintained contact with them. Finally, I had to forgive myself for being a jerk and for being prideful and dumb, at the same time. During my time in NTCC I thought I was so superior to others, that I had the answers, when I truly did not. Forgiving oneself for ‘wasting time’ is one of the hardest things to do. But ultimately, the time is already gone, it cannot be retrieved.

Stop wishing and start living again. If you do not know how to begin, simply start by emulating someone who is happy, helpful, and honest. It will become easier over time to discern genuine and legit people. As a matter of fact, those few honest and lovely people you met in NTCC may have actually left by now. See if you can find them. The woman who invited me was always so sweet and forthright, even while in the org. She left approximately a year after I did. We are still great friends to this day.

Written By LaQueshia Jeffries and posted by Jeff Collins


Vic Johanson said...

Great post. Coming out of denial is critical to healing. Once we realize that our "failure" to measure up to the phony NTCC standards is manmade, we are free to move on. As long as we worry about what the folks we left behind in NTCC will think of us, we are still in bondage. They can't be pleased anyway; their well of condemnation will never run dry. They've bought into the leadership's false vision, and their belief system isn't subject to reason.

When I first posted a few years back on FACTnet, I made the conscious decision to use my real name and confront the bullies head on. It didn't take long for the likes of "The Whirlwind" to crawl out from under their rocks with their character assassinating guns blazing. But I no longer care what they think, and I don't live to please them anymore. It took quite some time to get to that place, but hopefully, with the help of blogs like this one, the process will be expedited for others.

Ironically, many of the things they criticized in those who left in the past are practiced regularly now by the NTCC leadership, and are gradually trickling down to the lower echelons. At the rate they're going, maybe someone will run into Mike and Tanya at the next wine tasting (I'm sure he could afford to stock quite a cellar)!

Unknown said...

Its funny that you mention having to decide to use your real name. That is something that I struggled with. But what I post is my experience, and the truth as I know it.

As you said, I can not worry about what NTCCer's will think of me. Most of them believe I'm hellbound anyway.

I remember talking to a sister at a time when my husband and I only had one child. I thought the soul-winning activities were too much, especially for a military family. She said that hopefully we will get a civilian post by the time our son was older.

I remember thinking. If a schedule is good enough for cilivians, why wouldn't it be good enough for service members.

It's insane to think of the hoops we jumped through in an effort to please the leadership. One sister soulwon the entire time her husband was on R&R from Iraq. Soon a (newer to NTCC) sister's husband came home, and she did not soulwin or attend the midweek studies/service during her spouse's R&R. The (older in NTCC) sister was upset that the leadership did not bite into the (newer) sister's break. Rev. Bellamy said it was good for the second sister to take the time out for her husband.

Boy, that (older) sister was upset. She had used those two weeks of precious time with her husband to ride around and pick people up.

It's sad because the Sis that stayed home with her spouse is out now. But that (older) sister is still in.

Jeff said...

Vic wrote...

"As long as we worry about what the folks we left behind in NTCC will think of us, we are still in bondage. They can't be pleased anyway; their well of condemnation will never run dry."

Jeff said...

I realized years ago that you could not please the NTCC leadership. On more than one occasion Mayers told me that you can never do enough for God. What he was really saying is that you can never do enough for the NTCC. NTCC ministers also would regularly say that you can not out give God. What they were really saying is that you can never give enough money to satisfy the deep pockets of Kekel and RWD and the rest of his greedy ministers.

Pastor Mayers was quite upset when I left his NTCC church in Atlanta for the purpose of attending a different NTCC church. A few other NTCC ministers also knew that pastor Mayers was upset about my departure from his church. I listened to these NTCC ministers jokingly say that the reason Mayers was so upset was because of the tithe money that he lost as a result of my families departure from his church.

Even thought they were joking around I knew that was their true feelings concerning the matter. I'm sure that the loss of tithe and offering money would have been their biggest concern if someone left their church as well. I witnessed Ramirez go absolutely berserk on all his church members because he said we weren't giving enough money. It was quite a site to watch Ramirez go crazy over money in front of his whole church.

Mayers started taking up two offerings per service right before we left his church. I have seen an NTCC pastor tell of the amount that was taken up during the offering to show that we weren't giving what he felt to be enough.

Someone comes on this blog and says that we have a money hangup. It seems that NTCC ministers are the ones with the money hangup. I'm not the one who was always asking for extra money but the NTCC ministers certainly did plenty monetary solicitation.


Vic Johanson said...

When I was still in BS, Jim Johnson said "while you all have been in Sunday School each week, I've been downstairs counting the offering, and it hasn't been enough." So after taking up the offering, he counted the money right there, announced it wasn't enough, and proceeded to pass the plate--again!

I was such a sucker back then that I threw in a $20 bill the second time around, even though I didn't skimp the first time. I'm sure this little bit of theatre was devised by RW himself, since no one would have had the nerve to pull such a stunt on their own.

These moneygrubbing, greedy, parasitic preachers, making merchandise of the gospel and turning the Father's house into a den of thieves, are the exact type that Jesus drove from the temple.

Jeff said...

Vic wrote...

"These moneygrubbing, greedy, parasitic preachers, making merchandise of the gospel and turning the Father's house into a den of thieves, are the exact type that Jesus drove from the temple."

Jeff said...

That quote was indeed worthy of double posting. I like the truth.


NS said...

I remember our NTCC Pastor was relating a story about how another Rev. told him he couldnt stand this one brother who was a drummer. Then our Pastor at the time said they only kept him around for his tithe. I cant believe I thought that was funny story at the time.


Jeff said...

NS said...

"Then our Pastor at the time said they only kept him around for his tithe."

Jeff said...

Imagine that! You NTCC folks should be ashamed.


Casey Hayes said...

Leaving ntcc can be a very difficult decision for alot of people- for alot of reasons.

First, many of us gave a ton of years to ntcc (24 years in my case), and it is difficult to come to grips with the fact that we wasted it on an organization that really was using us, and didn't really care about us at all. Psychologically, it is hard to come to terms with that. It is hard to make yourself see the cold, hard truth about an organization you gave all your hard work, sacrifice, money, time, and soul to. It is a huge chunk of your life, and by leaving ntcc you are basically saying that you devoted your life to a cause that was NOT worthwhile. I left ntcc after 24 years, because I was completely disillusioned with the whole church, especially the leaders. Even as I began to realize that ntcc was not all it was cracked up to be, and that is had major flaws-- it still took me a few years to make the break, because I really didn't want to believe it was as bad as it really is. After you leave, you begin to look back on your time in ntcc and say, "WHAT was I thinking?? It's even worse than I realized it was". Especially when you start talking to other people who left and their horror stories match your horror stories. When your IN you think ntcc is OK and everyone who leaves is a sinner, but after you leave you feel like you've just been released from being a prisoner of war. Leaving ntcc is like having 1000 lbs off your back. You realize that you actually got your life back and that leaving was the best thing you could have done for you and your family.

Second, is the "trust factor". We TRUSTED the leaders of ntcc to be our spiritual guides, and to make decisions that were in our best interests. Because we trusted them we basically gave them our lives to with as they would. Was it smart? NO. But, we really thought they were men and women of God and would DO THE RIGHT THING....but they DIDN'T. They verbally and spiritually abused us, pushed us to give more money than we could afford to (to the harm of our family), worked us to death (when most of them hardly do any real soul-winning or picking people up), forced us to go to conferences we couldn't afford to (again, making it so you couldn't provide for your own family), and just basically USING us. When we were finally burned-out and really needed them to listen and help us-- they kicked us to the curb, said we weren't REALLY saved, and shunned us when we left. Then they wonder why people are bitter. When you totally trust a leadership figure (especially a spiritual leader) and then have that trust betrayed-- you have a right to be angry and bitter. But remember-- THEY failed, not YOU. You did your part, but they didn't do their part.

They are wolves in sheeps clothing, bad people mascarading as angels of light. They act like a cult, talk like a cult, and look like a cult. Who cares what they think of us now-- we're free from their evil clutches, and can now live the life you should have had in the first place.

Chief said...

And Jeff said...

"Casey, thats about the size of it."


Casey Hayes said...

One more thing I want to add, and this is a big one. That is the lie (or at least the false belief) that is drilled into your head-- that to leave ntcc is to leave GOD!! This is a totally bogus claim, but something that is so brainwashed into you, that even when you can't stand to be in ntcc anymore, you force yourself to stay because you don't want to lose God. Where is it written in the Bible that new testament christian cult is the only way to God?! I thought it said Jesus was the way.

You can NEVER leave ntcc on good terms. Every church BUT ntcc is suspect,in their eyes, and nobody measures up to their bogus standards. They like to publicly say that they aren't the ONLY church out there right with God, that there is another church SOMEWHERE-- it's just that... they've never seen it, and never heard about it. Maybe back in the 50's there was another church equal to ntcc, but, you know... that was just a rumor they heard....

Don't let any so-called preacher tell you that leaving ntcc is leaving God. Or even letting God down. Ntcc is messed up-- it's been documented hundreds of times-- so why stay in an abusive, messed up church? We always wonder why a woman would stay with an abusive husband/ boyfriend. The woman always says (with a black eye), "Well, he REALLY does love me!" Yeah right! So why do you folks stay with an abusive pastor and church? Because they love you and like to give you spiritual black-eyes? They're beating you up spiritually and emotionally because they love you? Come on-- WAKE UP!! Ntcc does NOT love you-- they only love your money.

So go ahead and leave ntcc. God will STILL be with you and God will bless you more abundantly.

Chief said...

Casey: I would ask you how your job is going but I know it can't possibly be going well because you left the NTCC.

Wait a minute; you already told me it's going fine? How could that be? Didn't you leave the NTCC?

I don't know Casey; something just doesn't add up? How could anyone who has left the NTCC do alright like you and me and L. Travis and Vic and the other 20,000 people who have left the NTCC over the years? According to RWD and Kekel and many of the other crooked NTCC ministers, that can't be possible.

I will guarantee this. When you leave the NTCC you will find yourself very rapidly spending time and money taking care of your own family not Kekels.

1Tim 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

What good is your so called salvation anyway if you aren't taking care of, and providing for your own? You are absolutely and categorically wrong according to the Bible when you quit jobs, refuse to work on the weekend, and give more than you can afford to the NTCC while putting you family through undue stress because you have become essentially broke.

Here is one right out of the NTCC textbook. You aren't even saved when you do that. The Bible says you are "WORSE" than an infidel. When you provide for Kekels house and the NTCCs house but not your own, you are worse than an infidel.

The NTCC has you guys completely duped.

Jam 2:15 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, 2:16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?
2:17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

You can have faith that God will take care of your families needs but if you don't work when you can, and you foolishly give all your money to the NTCC it's not Gods fault that you are broke. The New Testament does not say anywhere to place the NTCCs weekend mandates over the well being of your family. If you have to work on Sat or Sun than you work or when you don't provide for your family you are still worse than an infidel. If you have a problem with that you better take it up with Paul not me. I didn't write the scripture and there are no disclaimers there.

Don't provide for your family and stand by just to watch Kekel get richer while you give yet even more money that you can't even afford to give in the first place? I will take an infidel who provides for his family over a broke NTCCer any day and God feels the same way according to the scripture.

Kekel is a greedy crook but according to the Bible he is better than any broke NTCCer who refuses to work because of the NTCCs schedule. Not providing for your family according to the Bible is about as bad as you can get!!!! All you have to do is look up the word infidel to understand what I am saying.

Well done Casey. I am happy for you. You are providing for your family so you are better than an infidel plus you and the infidel are better than an NTCCer who goes broke because they will only work during the hours that the NTCC says they can.

Here is one even better. An infidel car salesman who has money and provides for his family is better than a broke NTCCer who's kids are crying and who's wife goes without. Ha, ha. Women: You better go find a job if you are in that position. Your husband ain't saved anyway and if you are standing by watching your kids go without and you are no better. You better wake up NTCC folks.


Vic Johanson said...

Pour it out, Casey! There are many people in the org that know every word you say is true, but they can't break free for some of the reasons you've just cited.

I would like to add my encouragement to yours for them to taste and see for themselves what freedom from NTCC bondage is like. Fear of one kind or another is the only thing holding you back, loyal NTCC dupe. You're being used, and are reluctant to admit it because of shame. I was ashamed to have been so deluded by the whole setup for so long, and like Casey, long ("only" 16 years, in our case) hesitated to leave. But sooner or later you'll see through the veneer, and be shocked at how crass and impudent these stereotypical religious hucksters are. They seem to have no conscience when it comes to dealing with fellow human beings, created in the image of God. Look up any passage in the bible about the Pharisees and see how the shoe fits.

I've not encountered many charlatans more pompous and phony than the "apostle" in Graham. The farther one removes from RWD, the feebler the spell will become, until the illusion that he is any kind of "man of God" will appear undisguised as the absurdity that it is. Despite ill treatment at his hands, I tried my best to keep him in some esteem for a long time after we left, but his subsequent actions and the experiences of dozens of others steadily eroded my charitable opinion.

So jump in--the water's fine! The fears you have will prove unfounded and you will grow and progress spiritually after years of being stuck. You know you want to. And try not to mistake that still small voice for "lies of the Devil." Deliverance is at hand if you reject the fear.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing, i was chatting with my relative about the fire that the Davis family gone through and he mentioned that Kekel, fromt he pulpit mentioned that an ex-nttc'er had sent him a scathing email asking if he had personally given any money to the family. he responded by telling the congregation that he had already given money from his own pocket to the family and that he was not going to answer this person because it would be like answering "a fool according to his folly"
my relative went on to say that Kekel is so kind and generous and never would brag about it.

it's funny, becuase from my point of view thats exactly what he was doing, is telling everyone in his church how he is so generous in a back-handed, "oh, feel pity for me becuase im persecuted" way

i dont understand how my relative cant see past that pile of..'poop'

does anybody else have anymore insight into this? or did anyone hear what was actually said and care to elaborate on it?

i guess he already has his 'reward'

oh, get this, this is really funny- My relative asked me what i would do if when i die Kekel is standing at heaven's gate and asks why he should let me in!!!! LOL...i said, "i really don't think that is going to be an issue" : ))))

If Kekel is perchance at the gate i will a) be in the wrong place or b) have had the wrong God all along, and i know thats not going to happen


Chief said...

AMEN VIC!!!! Preach Brother. PRAISE GOD!!!! That was the best church service that I've sat through for a good long while. No sarcasm what so ever! I am going to patronize Vic briefly. The NTCC lost a good one when he left and he has my utmost respect.

Jeffrey Collins

Anonymous said...

oh, get this, this is really funny- My relative asked me what i would do if when i die Kekel is standing at heaven's gate and asks why he should let me in!!!! LOL...i said, "i really don't think that is going to be an issue" : ))))

If Kekel is perchance at the gate i will a) be in the wrong place or b) have had the wrong God all along, and i know thats not going to happen

this needed to be repeated! Hilarious! Yes,we would be in the wrong place if I see Mk,or rw!


Anonymous said...

its a funny thing, but i must say this:

Kekel does really seem like a nice, personable, likeable, talented guy....but, the Bible is very clear- the Hottest spot in Hell and the darkest place in Outer darkness is reserved for those false teachers who use the Gospel for their own gain..i dont say this to condemn the man, just to point out a Biblical reality. NTCC'er, put God's word above human personality and realize who you are dealing with.

To contrast:
I met RW once and could not stand the man, he reaked of arrogance and pride and totally disgusted me from the moment i laid eyes on him. i really don't see how anyone ever liked that man, in fact, it surprises me that nobody ever killed him in all honesty
i think he has some of those demon spirits that are like frog's that John speaks of in Revelation

on another note:
i heard something outrageous the other day-
the false teacher, Creflo Dollar, is being sued for using another person's idea to send "short, Bible text messages" at a cost of $4.99 per month.
The lawyer said that the estimated income from these texte messages is $50 MILLION A YEAR

there is a lot of money is false Christianity!!! and i can see why Kekel is modernizing his venture, he is going to make the big bucks!!


Anonymous said...

Bible scholar t said...

"the Bible is very clear- the Hottest spot in Hell and the darkest place in Outer darkness is reserved for those false teachers who use the Gospel for their own gain"

the Bible is very clear? where? this type of cliche is used by the religious world a lot and there is never any scripture given. this is one thing that turns me away from religion.

Anonymous said...

try reading Jude and 2Peter and you will understand


Anonymous said...

are you a false teacher and feeling a little offended?


Anonymous said...

with all due respect to everyone reading, i don't mean to sound as if i am posing as a 'Bible scholar', but i do expect that the majority of the people who read this blog are either Bible school attendees or ordained minister's and would have a decent grasp of the basic's of the Bible.
I really don't have the time nor do i feel that this is the proper place to go into detail on Bible doctrines and use scripture references.

If i have offended anyone please forgive me and realize that i dont think i am 'better than thou' or any such thing. Just trying to expose the truth!!


Jeff said...

I understand t. I don't often post scripture either. I guess sometimes it's necessary. It can clear up confusion.


Diana said...

T, I like reading your posts. The last post about Kekel being at the pearly gates really made me laugh. I don't think that Kekel nor any of us will be there to greet anyone, but I do know that one day we will have to stand and give account to one that holds all records for everything that we have ever said or done on this earth.

LaQueshia, I too was like you. I was afraid to post my real name, but I now see how crazy that was to be fearful of what man can do to me. Rather I should fear what God will do. I had to admit that there was a serious problem when I left this org. So many man made ideas had been pounded into my mind. All the while I questioned many of the things I saw that were contrary to what was being preached.

It never ceases to amaze me how so much has changed, and continues to change.

Anonymous said...

oh, get this, this is really funny- My relative asked me what i would do if when i die Kekel is standing at heaven's gate and asks why he should let me in!!!! LOL...i said, "i really don't think that is going to be an issue" : ))))

If I saw Kekel at Heaven's Gate. I would point to the exit and state "There's the door, don't let it hit you on the way OUT!!!"


Jeff said...

That is funny!


Anonymous said...

Wow and wow.
I'm glad that there are people that are out there with the guts to come out and share their stories. My hat is off to you ladies!
Diana, maybe you can come and share your testimony too?

Diana said...

Sure Anon...

Where is your church? I would be glad to come and share my testimony!

Diana said...

Anon? You can always call me also, my number is posted. Or are you afraid to reveal yourself? ;)

Anonymous said...

I was talking about coming in this blog and writing about how you were involved in ntcc like LaQueshia did.

Diana said...

Most people on this blog know my testimony. I would like to see you share yours, since we don't know who you are. I really don't understand why you would not want anyone to know who you are.

Vic Johanson said...

"I would like to say that Pastor Davis would have to be an excellent con man..."

Haven't you been paying attention? We've been saying that all along. A two-bit grifter wouldn't have been able to pull off such an NTCC-scale scam. He's a master manipulator.

Chief said...

Anonymous said...

"I was talking about coming in this blog and writing about how you were involved in ntcc like LaQueshia did."

Jeff said...

Diana has shared plenty of her NTCC experiences. You see anonymous; when anyone comes on any of these blogs without posting their identity it always raises questions and rightfully so. Questions such as: "what are their motives?", "why aren't they posting their experiences?", "who is this person anyway and what are they really trying to accomplish?"

Anonymous; you may have very legitimate intentions however we have no idea who you are so that is hard to determine. Posting a story of your own and or your identity would alleviate any mistrust. Surely you understand Anonymous.


Diana said...

Thank you Jeff! Very well put.

Chief said...

Pastor Davis is an excellent con man.


Anonymous said...

"One sister soulwon the entire time her husband was on R&R from Iraq. Soon a (newer to NTCC) sister's husband came home, and she did not soulwin or attend the midweek studies/service during her spouse's R&R. The (older in NTCC) sister was upset that the leadership did not bite into the (newer) sister's break. Rev. Bellamy said it was good for the second sister to take the time out for her husband."

Yet another prime time example of Bellamy not ready to take on the Mantle of Pastoralship.

He is so immature. He did not want to run the younger sister off, so he gave her preferential treatment.

If I was the brother to that older sister, I would have told the sister: "Pick one, because you cannot be married to both. Me - or the Church".

What if that brother went to Iraq and got killed? Way to go, Bellamy.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if i am following this correctly, Bellamy saying the 2nd sister should take the time off is a very GOOD thing in my opinion, but maybe i am reading this wrong..


Unknown said...

No one said anything when the first sis hustled all week for the church even though her man was home. but when the second sister did, the first sister was peeved and wanted the pastor to say something. He just said it was good for her to spend time with her man. So the first was pissed that no one had intervened to tell her to get her behind home with her husband. hope that clears it up.

Anonymous said...

I was would be pissed as well. My man is home from protecting our country. Got time to spend with him. Until he leave's again. Not knowing if he will even come back alive or in a body bag!
How insenstive was Bellmany. Wow,what love he showed for that sister. And then try and drive strife between two sister's in the Lord! How petty this so called minister really is.
Most ntcc minister's are immature and really never mature. Since they stop living a life. But living how ntcc wants them to live. So there maturity level never mature's!
Could be a reason why they never question THE MAN!

Anonymous said...

La Q,
I know the older sister you are talking about. Yes we can blame the pastor for not telling her to take off,but doesn't she know the word of God. The Bible requires her to be there for her husband first not NTCC.

she should have had sense enough to be with her husband.

just like the pastor says you can't blame the devil for everything, you cant blame ntcc for everything either!

Michaela S.

Anonymous said...

many folks see there ntcc minister as there leader,pastor,Gods man. So they do what he says. to stay right with God. He tells her,keep soul-winning lost souls. Your husband is saved. We need to reach the unlost. Sound familiar. I can even remember rw saying. Not to worry about our family as much as inviting strangers to Church!
The junk that ntcc spews.We believed them,swallowed it with no questions!

Which is why so many folks that have left ntcc do not trust clery at all!

Unknown said...

I want to be clear. The only thing I think Rev. Bellamy was guilty of in this instance was taking the opportunity to tell everyone to use their own mind, and follow their hearts.

The older sister knew she should have been home, but SHE decided to put 'earning' brownie points ahead of family time.

At some point we all did really dumb things in the org. That's a fact, and its why we come here to share and vent.

Concerned Minister actually reminds me a little of Bellamy. Apparently kind, but not willing to dig too deep, otherwise he would have to confront the hyprocrisy, too.

What can I say? Some its takes 2 yrs, some 6 and some 20. But he was not a mean-spirited man at all. i believe that is why he was jet-packed to Germany suddenly. he did not have it in him to brow beat us, so he had to go. Just my honest opinion.

(Sorry in advance, I'm pretty sure my spelling and gramar is off :-) )

Unknown said...


Rev. Bellamy was guilty of NOT telling us to forget the rules, and just follow what we knew was right and common sense.

(That's what I meant to say)

Anonymous said...

At some point we all did really dumb things in the org. That's a fact, and its why we come here to share and vent.

What you have said has really trivlized what we all lived through. Some had sexual abuse from the MAN,there marriage's ruined,financial ruin. And to say we come on here to vent for doing dumb stuff and not thinking for ourselve's. You really need to go on ntccXposed.com read how easy it is for folks to get caught up in a CULT. And do what the Cult leader wants you to do. To please the so called man of God.


Anonymous said...

guys, concerned minister is obviously on the payroll...let him go..


Unknown said...


It was not my intention to trivilize anything. However, Rev. Bellamy was an extreme light-weight in comparison to other pastors in the org. I think that deseves to be noted.

Yes, NTCC is a cult. I am not downplaying that. Which is why I posted this blog. But I know there were countless times when I knew this was insane and I should go. But I chose to stay.

I am sorry for the people who were terribly abused (sexually or mentally). I left without that happening to me. But I do believe it was possible within this org.

Hope that clears it up.

Jeff said...

Hey LaQueshia. Just wanted to say hi. I trust everything is fine for you and yours. Take care. Oh, thanks for the thread. I thought it was very good info.


Anonymous said...

"I want to be clear. The only thing I think Rev. Bellamy was guilty of in this instance was taking the opportunity to tell everyone to use their own mind, and follow their hearts

LaQueshia, I finally remember who you are!! I had expounded on your name for months, and it finally hit me while I am pulling Night Duty at my duty station. For some reason I could not picture your face, but I believe I remember who you are (by your face).

I would also like to add a comment. If Bellamy emplored folks to "follow their hearts" and "use their minds", then NTCC should have already disfellowshiped him.

NTCC pastors who follow the DAVIS MODEL are not allowed to use their minds freely. They follow the DAVIS DOCTRINE of lies, deciept, and plunder. Follow your hearts does not bode well to the DAVIS DOCTRINE. More like "Follow The Money"

Just some food for thought!!

Bro Johnson

Anonymous said...

By the way,

Do you all think NTCC frowned / frowns on Inter-Racial Relationships and marriages??

It used to be once upon a time if a white brother married a black sister then both could not attend Bible College. I understand know the rules have changed??


Unknown said...

Hi, right back at you Jeff, your home is gorgegous!


LOL, I can't believe it took you so long. Then again, I do look different. I was only 19 when I started at NTCC. And we only had one son.

I can't say definitively it interacial discrimination took place, as I came in 2002. It is was true then, it can't be now since Sally Parr is Asian, and Rev. Parr was white. Then again, some consider Asians and Hispanics to be white, also. I have not seen a black and non-black couple at conference before, though. Oh wait, Kuma and Edwin Ramos are black and Dominican. But you, I don't know, because Dominicans are almost considered black, too.

To sum it all up, I have no idea!

Vic Johanson said...

"Do you all think NTCC frowned / frowns on Inter-Racial Relationships and marriages??"

Miscegenation, while not prohibited outright, was strongly discouraged at one time on the ostensible basis that such unions would render ministry ineffective. Mixed couples were not permitted in the BS early on, and it was preached that to marry outside our races meant that we despised the call of God and were putting ourselves on the shelf.