

Thread #58 The previous thread got so long that it started a second page. It's become too long to effectively read. Actually that probably happened about 150 posts back. It got hot an heavy quite rapidly so I let it continue, but it is time to start a new one. I see no need to title a new topic. Folks don't seem to have a problem finding things to post these days.

Who does this picture remind you of?



Anonymous said...

Keep watching.. I'm going to start two blogs.... Jeff Collins the real Story and Why People Leave should be interesting read.. the one is self explanitory.

The other is going to be about your lame excuses (not lame lives).

Anonymous said...

"The other is going to be about your lame excuses (not lame lives)."

Sounds like an interesting read. BTW why do NTCC-ers ask someone why they left? Are they taking an exit survey? Why is it when an exer tells them why they left it is reduced to "lame excuses" or spreading gossip?

Anonymous said...

Why do Exer's feel the need to have a Support group to talk about their experiences?

WHat is better talk about feelings or facts

Chief said...

Briggs said....

Sister your husband thinks your a dog that he can pull back at will... you better run before he yanks your chain again.

Jeff said...

Briggs said that this is how I feel about my wife. Briggs said this right after my wife responded to his lies about me and my wife. When Briggs becomes ineffective at coming after me, he then tries to use my wife as a tool to get at back at me. Briggs has charactorized himself as being totally low down and dirty.

You see what he has figured is that if he can discredit me, even if it means bringing my wife into it, than he has justified his stance concerning the NTCC.

He does this because if he can make me look bad, then he figures that this blog will loose effectiveness. Bring down the moderator and bring down the blog is his way of thinking.

That is real classy, Mr. Briggs to suggest that I think that my wife is a "dog".

I'm curious to see what other folks feel about this particular attack made by Briggs?


Anonymous said...

"Why do Exer's feel the need to have a Support group to talk about their experience."

exactly my point, when you tell an NTCC-er why you left you are shot down or called a liar. Got to talk about issues somewhere instead of whispering in(and out) of the pews of NTCC.

I answered your question, please pay me the same respect by answering mine.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an interesting read. BTW why do NTCC-ers ask someone why they left?

It would depend on the questioner wouldn't it? I can's speculate on anyones motives. I personally haven't run into any exers in person beside Bogus (who looked me up) and Crowel (who looked me up). In both cases I told them I don't want to know why they left and they agreed. They wanted to talk as friends and catch up on our lives. We did... that's that the end.

On here, I have asked people why they left, in part to find out if 1 they had a valid point that I might be able to help them with. 2 to see if they respond with sinserity or snobbery.

Does that answer it for your.

Anonymous said...

"Does that answer it for your."

yes it does thx

so do you feel like anyone on this site( or that you have pastored, heard about etc..)had a good reason to leave, slow their attendance, or not attend?

Anonymous said...

Yes I do

Anonymous said...

Do you think this is the venue for airing that information though?

Anonymous said...

I didn't ask for names or reasons. I am just trying to cut through all the frustration. I am not sure where else I could ask my questions.Is there such a venue?

Anonymous said...

That's what the second blog could be about.... truly moderated but this stuff that goes on here and factnet will not be allowed... period. Discussion, questions, etc. but NO Personal Attack of any kind

Anonymous said...

Until then, write me at activentcc@live.com (or net or org) whatever it is

Anonymous said...

Who is this person that is ANON,that is going to start a blog. Someone to trust with our feelings and why we left a cult! When they can not even post there name or a username.
Sounds a bit fishy to me!

We don't Need ANY EXCUSE OR A REASON TO leave ntcc. Wether you were giving any helping hand while in the CULT. It is A controlling,manuplative cult. Run by a family empire. That is out for the cash cow! Why are they changing(compromising). To become more Mainstream. Be like other churches. You know those churches where folks go to just get a pat on the back!!!

Unless a name is shared and we know the person starting this blog. It sounds bogus to me!


Chief said...

CM said...

Who is this person that is ANON,that is going to start a blog.

Jeff said...

Read the first comment in the blog. Do you think it might be safe to say it is someone who lives in Houston Tx?


Chief said...

Bro Johnson: Please do not make any reference to any of Briggs family members. Please leave Briggs alone. Contact Briggs by phone if you need to, because of course you have his phone number.

Briggs is taking all this blogging quite personal. Briggs has some sort of a self induced paranoid personality disorder. He verbally attacks others while interpreting any retaliatory verbal attacks toward him as a threat. Briggs instigates situations, and then claims to be a Martyr when the people that he instigated respond in like manner or unkindly toward him.

Please leave Briggs alone where this blog is concerned. Briggs is taking things quite personal. Briggs challenges folks regularly but he is mentally incapable of accepting any type of challenges from others.


Anonymous said...

Bro Jeff,


Bro Johnson

Anonymous said...

Would this be a good time to ask PDQ how that study is coming along? (I feel like the paper boy in the 80's movie "Better Off Dead" trying to get his two dollars.)

NTCC Minister B.S., M.A.

Anonymous said...

New Topic:

Has anyone attempted to get an accredited ministorial license online? Is it possible to get credits for classes online?

I still want to attend a Bible College of some kind, would be good to have a theology degree prior to me getting out of the military.

Bro Johnson

NS said...

Bro. J
You can get a Theology degree online. Most colleges want you to have a Pastor's recommendation.

Don't let the online part fool you, some of the courses are very, very challenging!

Try Global University or Liberty University.


Anonymous said...

Global is an off-shoot of the Assemblies of God and Liberty University is Southern Baptist but appeals to a broader evangelical base.

Don't confuse an accredited degree with a ministerial license. One demonstrates the quality of your preparation the other authorizes service within a denomination or organization.

NTCC Minister B.S., M.A.

Anonymous said...

One last thing to Briggs. Or really any minister that thinks folks that have left ntcc are out to get you. Or we are going to blast through your doors. To shoot,beat you up,ect. the paranoia started by rw the master of being paranoid! If he could live and never see any of ya'll. I am sure he would be very happy! He wants the money ,not grief or drama. Why else did he say,take my advice or do not come asking for help. As if someone HAS To take ANYONE's advice. Just because they seek guidance!

Back to Briggs. We left ntcc to get away from the control,brainwashing,scripture twisting,marriage breakers. We got a life to live. And wasting time going after ntcc folks.


Anonymous said...

Jeff said:

Who does this picture remind you of?

Anonymous said:

One of the brothers before he left the NTCC.

Anonymous said...

NTCC Minister B.S., M.A.
What are your thoughts about the behavior of Briggs?

Anonymous said...


It appears that Rev. Briggs had good reason to ask the man from his church not to come back. It also seems that the man misrepresented the situation to Jeff. I'm not certain of Jeff's motives in his original phone call to Rev. Briggs but I can tell you as a pastor I would have taken serious offense if I was in Rev. Briggs situation.

I'm acquainted with Rev. Briggs and he has always seemed compassionate and sincere.

I don't think name calling like dodo or dork is very productive but neither do I think it to be very offensive. The NTCC detractors on this blog and similar ones have made very grievous accusations that can not be proven. That is far worse than using the word dork in the course of a dialogue.

If you have a story in which you witnessed an incident of abuse. By all means that's your experience...post it. But to make something out of nothing like the brother legally carrying a gun to church. That in my mind is non-sense. Have you ever been to the Houston area? The church probably needs a whole SWAT team!

I also didn't care for the fact that Jeff posted the mans name prior to man using it. Jeff could have said this is the Houston Pastor or some other identifier without putting his name in cyberspace.

Also, I think it was Rev. Briggs who posted the initials of a minister on this blog. In the context that he did it, it seemed he was trying to provoke a disclosure of an anonymous poster. That seemed to be the use of intimidation. That Rev. Briggs is wrong.

NTCC Minister B.S., M.A.

Chief said...

NTCC Minister made some valid points. NTCC Minister also didn't tell the whole story even though I don't think that was his intention.

NTCC Minister also wrote...

"It appears that Rev. Briggs had good reason to ask the man from his church not to come back. It also seems that the man misrepresented the situation to Jeff. I'm not certain of Jeff's motives in his original phone call to Rev. Briggs but I can tell you as a pastor I would have taken serious offense if I was in Rev. Briggs situation."

Jeff said...

As you will see by my response posted below I had previously stated that Mr. Briggs did give legitimate reasons for kicking the guy out of his church. The Man actually didn't misrepresent the situation to me though from what I could tell. The Man admitted and verified to me "SOME" of what Briggs accused the man of. NOTICE THAT I SAID """SOME""". I did not say all.

Briggs said that the man had charges against him that he had inappropriately touched children. Well the Man didn't admit to that at all, but if it was true, why didn't Briggs do any more than just kick the guy out of his church. For that matter, why didn't the NTCC do more?

Well I don't buy that "particular" accusation against the man. Some of Briggs accusations were true but Briggs didn't have proof of that particular accusation and therefor he shouldn't have included it. Most responsible folks in charge of any kind of event be it church event, or any other event, would have contacted the authorities and "IF" (notice I said "IF") there was credible "proof" the authorities would have taken action. Well that didn't happen as it relates to the inappropriate touching allegations, so therefor Mr. Briggs should have never included that allegation in his list. Dispute that logic!!!

Secondly this is a "FREE" nation and I can call any listed phone number I want and if Mr. Briggs didn't want me to call or if Mr. Briggs didn't want to talk, Mr. Briggs could have told me that when he picked up the phone and he could have told me not to call back and I wouldn't have. "EVER"!!! Well that also didn't happen. Mr. Briggs entertained my conversation and I his, until Mr. Briggs started talking down to me and calling me names, while trying to control me and the conversation and I exercised my "free" right to hang up on the guy.

NTCC Minister said that it seems that the man in question misrepresented the situation. I would say that it "seems" that Mr. Briggs misrepresented the situation because of the evidence that I posted above. I know for a fact that the guy left town on own accord so therefor he wasn't under arrest and if he wasn't under arrest, then these so called charges should have never been mentioned by Mr. Briggs.

This is what I had previously posted two threads back.

"Look Briggs, I can't help it that you are too cheap to get a dedicated phone number that is strictly used for your church. The NTCC official website where I got your phone number from didn't say it was to your house. The phone number that I called is listed under quote, "Church Information", end of quote. What part of that Mr. Briggs would imply that it was your home number? No part thank you. I don't want people calling my "house number" so consequently I am smart enough not to post it. The only number posted is my cell phone. Don't blame me for your lack of proper preparation and your cheapness.

You also stated that I initiated our conversation to quote "harass you". Not true and you know it. I asked you point blank why you kicked one of your church members out of your church and I was interested in hearing your side of the story because there are always two sides of any story. You later gave legitimate reasons for kicking the guy out and I don't dispute that, however you prefaced your reasons by immediately calling the guy a "reprobate" and that is exactly where you and I got off on the wrong foot."

Continued below...

Chief said...

Jeff also said...

NTCC Minister also said that he wasn't sure of my motives for the original phone call. Well I had already stated my motives for the original phone call and I posted it and I told Briggs of my motives when he picked up the phone. I was interested in hearing his side of the story as to why he kicked the guy out of his church. I know there are always two sides to any story. What is hard to figure out about that? Once again if Briggs didn't want to talk he could have ended the conversation but he didn't. That is not my fault. If he didn't think it was my business, he shouldn't have answered me.

End of post.


Nella Shara said...

"Don't confuse an accredited degree with a ministerial license"


Correct that's why I told the Bro to have a Pastor's endorsement.

The Pastor(or org)can determine whether or not you can get a license. You usually have to be a member of that church for a year to be licensed. Most likely you have to do an internship.

Granted they are Assemblies and Baptist, but there is good meat. They are not full of compromise as some would propose...you need to go there before you pass the gavel of judgment. Bro. J you seem like you read your Bible, so if a Professor starts going off on a tangent you can put in your 2 cents.

Healthy debate is encouraged on the message boards. Some of the students range from missionaries boots on the ground on a mission to happy housewives that want to be enriched in the word.


Never Harm said...

Rev. Briggs didn't state in his original posting that the brother who was armed was a police officer. I think an officer should be able to carry at all times, but he just said a brother was bringing a gun. He should have made that clear from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Nella Sharra,

I always enjoy your unique perspective on anything and everything. Your fun to be around, Keep on the Firing Line!

Bro Johnson

Chief said...

On this occasion I have to take up for Briggs. It won't happen very often. I'm the one who started the post referencing an armed brother in his church, not Briggs. Yes Briggs didn't originally clear it up and he is a deceptive guy, but it still wasn't his responsibility to clear up something that was unclear do to no fault of his own. He was not the one who started the post. If you read back through the thread I am actually the one who cleared things up when I fully realized that the Brother was in fact a law enforcement official.

Even though Briggs doesn't think so, I do desire accurate information and I have been known to correct myself. I don't like making a practice of that because these manipulative NTCC guys always want to highlight my errors in order to discredit me.

I don't care for Mr. Briggs but right is right and I don't consider Briggs wrong in that respect where the armed Brother is concerned. Maybe a little over paranoid but not wrong.

I appreciate your input.

Anonymous said...


You asked what the picture of the bear reminded us of. It reminds me of our time in ntcc. We were fenced in (mentally), but if you would have asked us we would have denied it, and said we could leave anytime. But our mental fence wouldn't allow us to. That is the power of a cult.... to keep you trapped through fear, guilt and manipulation.

Chief said...

Anon said...

It reminds me of our time in ntcc. We were fenced in (mentally)

Jeff said...

Thats pretty good. I had never thought of that. We were kind of trapped for sure. It's not easy to break away when you've invested the kind of time that may of us did.


Anonymous said...

I thought I was looking at Rev Davis inside his compound!!!