
The New And Improved NTCC?

Thread #40 Some would contend that the NTCC is new and improved. You may ask why I say that? Mandatory minister conference attendance that has been mandated for decades is OVER. I'm sure everyone remembers that it used to be a mandatory requirement that NTCC ministers attend conference. Well it is over.

How many times in the last 3 years have you seen S. Mayers at conference? He is the pastor of the Atlanta Church. Aren't pastors required to attend conferences anymore? How many other pastors or ministers have you missed seeing at conference? I know of more who have repeatedly missed conferences. Some who actually have the money miss conferences deliberately. RWD would have considered them to be completely wrong or even a sinner had they missed conferences previously. Has God changed, or has RWD changed, or has Kekel and Kinson changed everything while in the process of still changing everything. Well I know God hasn't changed so the rest must be true. The problem is that RWD has always stated that he took his directives from God. Either that wasn't true or he has forsaken God's guidance. ONE OR THE OTHER.

Is the NTCC Improved? In some respects yes but at what cost? At the cost of every minister who has ever spent his last dollar, or quit his job, or deliberately place his bills on the back shelf, or failed to effectively take care of his own family just to make it to conference. It's a slap in the face to ALL NTCC ministers who have been required to attend conferences for decades.

What is the NTCC leadership doing about it? Nothing but turning a blind eye while allowing pastors like Mayers to miss conferences repeatedly. To all the NTCC ministers who have sacrificed to make conferences year after year; you've just been slapped in the face, now bend over.

Did men wear shorts at the last conference? There shouldn't be a problem with it because Kekel wrote that it is OK for men to wear shorts. Kekel wrote that his son wore shorts to play basketball and it was ok because they came to his knees. Kekel wrote: What is the difference between a man wearing shorts that come to his knees and a woman wearing a dress that comes to her knees? Once again; an improvement? Maybe so but at the cost of every NTCC man that was ever taught that wearing shorts was a SIN and immodest. Length was never specified you hypocrite. It was simply taught that they were wrong.

What about beards? Mike Kekel wrote this on his blog, and you can still find it written there by Mike Kekel himself. Mikes written statement reads as follows: "This is another policy that has been misconstrued. Ministers are taught in seminary that the bible says nothing at all about facial hair being wrong; therefore NTCC does not teach that it is wrong"

Jeff said...

Oh it's not taught in the NTCC that it is wrong for men to wear beards? Could have fooled me because I heard RWD in conference openly refer to men who wear beards as the quote; "TALIBAN", end of quote. Kekel, you are a sorry hypocrite and so is your father-in-law. Everyone thought it was so funny when RWD called men with beards the TALIBAN. I guess Jesus was the TALIBAN. The last time I checked, the TALIBAN was wrong. Ain't nothing been misconstrued Kekel!!! You guys are a bunch of double standard, hypocrites who make quote, policies, laws for years, and say it came from God, and then you change them and say they were never wrong to start with.



Anonymous said...


Kekel and his turncoat organization, NTCC is a gimmick, but a very rich money making gimmick. Kekel will MAKE it right for whatever was wrong to do in the past in YOUR life.

Shorts? Sure! Go ahead and wear them.

Mandatory Conference(s)? You can attend if you WANT to, no need for a stuggling preacher to break the BANK to drive half way across the country to Mexico, Missouri!!!

I was just thinking, I might just SHOW UP to one. If the conference is not mandatory, then I would assume that you do not have to be invited to attend (by invitation only) either!!!

The NTCC is not new and improved, they are trying to appeal for new membership as their base membership is eroding, thanks to blogs like this and Tracy's which exposed Davis and Kekel for the FRAUDS they are.

Jeff, think about this. What if you and your wife were invited out to NTCC for the first time TODAY. Would it appeal to you?

PDQ, how about it? Would you attend NTCC today knowing NOTHING about their twisted doctrine?

I have to be honest. I am looking for a church home now, and NTCC would give the appearance of that small church feel good religion.

Face it folks, we all got BURNED living under a different set of standards and values imposed by DAVIS. Now that Davis is loosing his grip, Kekel is playing it LOOSE to appeal.

If NTCC does not change, they will DIE, and Kekel realizes this. Davis even stated, and I heard it from his own mouth, when does compromise enter a church? He stated "Give it 30 years". We are past that now with NTCC.

The sad part it, NTCC preachers preached the truth but failed to live it, those that lived it were the "candlesticks" in an otherwise backwards organization.

That is what initally appealed to me. A "Us verses Them" metality. That is how I can understand STEL. He is on the inside looking out, thinking everyone is out to get NTCC, when in actuality it is the other way around, we are on the outside warning others ABOUT NTCC.

Bro Johnson

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way,

Jesus did not change to get more converts.

He preached it like it was up to the moment of the cross.

NTCC changes to get converts. It is their last gasp attempt to preach a living Christ to a lost and dying world.

It was once commented by an NTCC preacher, "If the other churches were preaching the truth, we (NTCC)would not need to be here"

Church was here before NTCC, and it will be here AFTER NTCC.

I seriously doubt NTCC will be around much longer. I give them 5 years before they cave-in.

I retire in five years. let's see who retires first: Me or NTCC.

End Date: June 21, 2014

The Race is ON!!!!

By the way, the world is suppose to end 21 Dec 2012.

Bro Johnson

Anonymous said...

If NTCC is new and improved,

Then does that mean there will be more homosexual preachers??

Does that mean we do not have to pay tithe, just drop it off at the door?

Does that mean soul winning time will now be limited?

Does that mean that I can use a credit card to pay for Bible school?

Does that mean that NTCC will allow you to transfer their credits to other theological institutions?

Does that mean that NTCC will make you an honorary preacher if your a preacher in another organization like Pop Gaylord?

Does that mean I can wear pants in service now and talk to the sisters without fear of reprisal after service?

Imagine the possibilities!!!

Bro Johnson

Dawn said...

I watched the trailer to that movie '2012' last night. Looks awesome!!! Gonna go see it in November. :) I love end of the world type movies. My husband thinks most of them are really cheaply made. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, the world ends on my parents anniversary!

I remember a preacher once said that if a person were to correctly guess when the world ended, God would change the date...just to spite them!


double-D said...

No more mandatory Conference attendance? ok... here are more recommendations for a "New and improved NTCC".

1. No more slandering of people who have left. Maybe they still do love God. Maybe they're tired of hearing the constant rambling of dried-up screeching preachers who exhibit childish behaviors! In malice be children, in understanding be MEN.

2. No more claims of "first up before the throne" what blasphemy. That would have been the last straw if Bro Gaylord heard it in the 1970's. They would have taken RW out to the woodshed!

3. No more mangling of the Kings English. Just to be funny. How can a "Seminary" be so dumb?

4. No more dirty jokes. Hey even we think that stinks!

LTravis said...

doubleD said...
4. No more dirty jokes. Hey even we think that stinks!
Please explain this comment to me.
Thank you,

pdq said...

When I first heard this, my first thought was..."This will be good; now Ministers who want to leave (but haven't because they don't have the money) will be able to save up to leave."

God, and God’s people will win regardless of what NTCC does.

If NTCC keeps things the same, people will eventually leave because NTCC's 'policies' are too onerous.

If NTCC changes, people will leave because it shows God (or Pastor Davis) changed his mind...and who wants to serve a God (or Pastor) like that.

Either way, disillusionment abounds in NTCC (especially among the Ministers). God has won.

Yours In Him,

pdq ♪♫♫♪♪♫♫♪♪.♫..♫...♪....♪.....

pdq said...

LTravis said..."doubleD said...
4. No more dirty jokes. Hey even we think that stinks!
Please explain this comment to me.
Thank you,

Allow me to re-post something I posted on Tracy's blog way back when...

The reason why it is appropriate to bring up all these 'jokes' is they are part of NTCC's rich and diverse heritage. They prove Pastor Davis has never missed God, can't remember the last time he sinned, and all Pastor Davis does is by the Holy Ghost.

Racial jokes, jokes that demean women, double entendre, all types of 'cute' disparaging comments calculated to belittle a man in front of his family, friends, and fellow Ministers, any and all types of professional organized sports locker room talk…were more de rigueur in public in the recent past, but this does not mean they cannot be found.

If you have never had the pleasure of experiencing this endearing side of Pastor Davis, just finesse an invitation to the lodge at conference (especially if you can stay there), his Mansion, or spend time with him alone, or with only your wife, children (if any), and you present--she will also become a target as Pastor Davis needs a relevant audience to share the right mind the Holy Ghost gave him at initial conversion over 50 years ago (God does not change), e.g. minorities should be present for his racial jokes, women should be present for his double entendre/animal/fat jokes, your wife and kids preferably present while you are being publicly humiliated. The audience is always necessary so Pastor Davis gets immediate feedback, even if in the form of nervous laughter, red faces, stammering speech…even tears--or when he is with the general board, or other lesser notables (all things I have done many times), and you will be able to see the Pastor Davis some of us 'old timers' know and love.

So don't despair, all of these types of apostolic utterances can still be heard to this day (God doesn't change) being declared in ‘Holy Spirit Power’ by the mouth and mind of Pastor Davis, given the right alignment of the planets (seasoning with a little Vic speak is always appropriate and profitable).

Yours In Him,

pdq ♪♫♫♪♪♫♫♪♪.♫..♫...♪....♪.....

LTravis said...

LTravis said...
The character you just described
reminds me of jabba the hut.

Jabba the Hutt's many flaws include vice, lust, greed, and gluttony.

Anonymous said...

The new and improved version of ntcc is that the people still "in"
can come and read this blog.
The improved version is when kekel will start selling tickets for the festivals going on around washington with a church discount.

LTravis said...

Mike Kekel told me that nothing has changed.

Vic Johanson said...

"The character you just described
reminds me of jabba the hut."

Judge for yourself:


The resemblance is more pronounced during his periodic phases of increased corpulence.

double-D said...

"That stinks" I meant telling dirty jokes is really bad, is it not? If you are "holiness"? I once saw him eat french fries with his fingers! at a restaurant! No one around dared say anything! I guess it was a tet of our obedience.

double-D said...

I should have not deleted it- so here's the gist of it--- 1973. Tillicum. Late night. Someone in bathroom. Evangelist in bedroom next to bath. Someone "going". The toilet roller rattles too loudly, too many sheets used. Next evening the revival message includes a big blast about wasting the Servicemen's home resources. (Words to the effect- "You need to learn how to wipe better"). Why would you "harp" on someone who gives hundreds of dollars to the home? Its just "crazy".

Anyway when I wipe now, I honestly can't help but think of that sermon about TP.

Anonymous said...

Is that why there is no toilet paper @ conference?


Jeff said...

Darwin, that was funny.


Anonymous said...

mck told L. travis that nothing has changed well how about eating pizza? If they, ntcc, has improved then they will eat pizza with their hands and not with a fork and knife!

Diana said...

In the New and Improved NTCC I would like to start a list of don't do's...Be careful when you say, “God told me…”

I want to share an incident that happened to me and my family not long before we decided that we were no longer going to attend NTCC. We had come back to the home church for reasons that I don’t wish to discuss, but in that time I began to notice how different things were in the home church.

My son had gone to talk to some of the teens after service while waiting for us to finish fellowshipping with other ministers and their wives. We went home as we normally did, only to get home and receive a phone call from Rev. R.W. Davis saying that he wanted to speak to Andrew. I said sure and handed him the phone. I heard some of the conversation from my son’s response and began to wonder what was up. Andrew hung up the phone and came up to me with this question. “Does God lie?” To which my immediate response was, “NO!” I asked him why he asked. His response to me has stuck with me to this day...He said, Mom, Rev. Davis said that God told him I said this and did that.” I said did you admit to it? He said No because I did not do it. I told him don’t ever admit to something that you did not do, even if someone says God told me.

I left this organization not long after this incident. Many might ask why you would leave after belonging to this organization for 25 years. My reply is simple…If you as a minister of God missed what God was really trying to tell you in something so small, how can I trust your judgment with my life? There is no way in Hell that you can tell me anything from this point on. The Shepherd is supposed to watch after the flock.

Anonymous said...

Great post, that man is a MONSTER!

how old was your son at this point?

to call and ask for your son, unless he was over 18 years of age and not discuss the event with the parents show's not only extreme immaturity but also a mind that is scheming wicked devices and trying to hide things

NTCC people, please watch out for your children, they deserve better than ntcc, put them first! Dad's your the shepherd over your flock, pay attention to your children's needs and watch out for them, especially from monsters who are trying to manipulate them


ps- i have nieces and nephews in the org. i truly care about this scenario, also im one of the overseers of sunday school at my church of 1500 know better than to address a child without the parent being present....that is insanity

Anonymous said...

I'm ever so glad that my child grew up away from the home church.
I can't imagine my child being in that environment.
It is sad of how you came to the conclusion that everything is just a big lie and that people are not what they say they are.
I've witness many times of how people lied about other people just to stay in the good graces of the board members.